Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 235 Container Fortress

Chapter 235 Container Fortress

The task was completed, and the chief engineer began to introduce the situation of the A1 laboratory. Lin Wu and the others had already understood the general situation.According to the chief engineer, Fortress has admitted that the zombie virus cannot be completely eliminated in a short period of time, so it is preparing to launch the Noah's Ark plan to send healthy humans to alien planets.

The fortress company that is currently isolating the safe zone has cooperated with the officials of the safe zone and has compiled a list of immigrants.The thing to do now is to extract as much serum as possible before the safe zone is occupied by the virus.In addition, the DNA preservation work of various animals and plants is also proceeding in an orderly manner.This plan has shown that humans have surrendered to the zombie virus.

Maya asked the chief engineer: "Where is the source of the virus?"

The chief engineer replied: "Maybe you can get the answer in the A2 and A3 laboratories."

The secret task is completed, the completion rate is 30%, and a blue treasure box is obtained.Maya opened the treasure chest without any ink marks and got an outpost card.With Lin Wu's amazed and admiring eyes, Maya drifted away. Although her face was calm, she was happy in her heart.It feels really cool to install 13.

The two returned from the original road, returned to the parking lot of the Houtian office building, reached the second floor through the stairs, turned to the parking apron on the second floor of the tomorrow office building, and finally reached the sewer entrance of No. 99 through the overpass.While walking on the overpass, Lin Wu stopped: "I was flashed."


Lin Wu took a step back and looked to the side. Sure enough, there was a reflection of the sun shining on his eyes. Lin Wu lowered his head and looked up at the Silent Man: "About 100 meters away, there is a piece of metal."

"A piece of metal?" Maya pushed Lin Wu's gun away with her body to check, and at the same time felt that her behavior was funny, she would not be so rough in daily life.After seeing it clearly, Maya confirmed that it was silver-white metal, but it was definitely not a piece of metal, more like the body of a car.Just because of the docking position, only a small part can be seen.Maya said, "Car."

"What car?" Lin Wu put the silent man on Maya's shoulder.

Maya observed for a while: "I don't know, but I know there are a lot of zombies nearby."

Lin Wu said: "It's too early to go back now."

Maya: "Go and see."

The two hit it off immediately, Lin Wu sneaked in to assassinate, Maya shot her crossbow repeatedly, and when she met a giant, she walked around carefully, trying not to provoke Kuangmeng as much as possible.The concentration of zombies on the road was much lower, and the two arrived near the silver metal along the road.

It was a car, a car covered in a jacket with a tear in the jacket so it could reflect the sun.Lin Wu tore off the car jacket, and Lin Ma let out an exclamation at the same time.

This is a brand new two-seater silver-white convertible sports car, and it is also the first luxury car they have seen after entering the game.Not only the body, but even the contours shine with the light of technology.Maya touched and tapped the body, and found that the material of the body was not plastic or ordinary metal, but a high-tech alloy material.

Without saying anything, the two got into the car immediately, but the driver Maya didn't start the car: "I need a key."

Lin Wu remembered: "The key, the road star?"

Maya clapped her hands, yes, the road star.During the winter, the two went on an expedition to Zuoxian County and got a lot of information from special zombies.Among them are clues to Shuixi Middle School and a car key.This is extremely rare and most working vehicles have the key found near the vehicle or do not require a key.For better cars, the keys can also be found on zombies near the car.The Highway Star car key is found in Shuidong, Zuoxian County, and the Highway Star is in Shuixi.

Maya read the vehicle information: "Highway Star, carrying two people, 6 compartments in the trunk. The top speed is 400 kilometers per hour, and the acceleration to 3.2 kilometers is [-] seconds. The system prompts, um! It probably means that the so-called Highway Star is more suitable for roads. "

Lin Wu got out of the car: "Go, take the keys."

Lin Ma ran into the base in a hurry and went to the warehouse to look for things.When Shitou saw the two of them, he took the teapot and said, "Ending work so early? Go chop some wood."

Lin Ma and the two ran away sharply, Shi Shi yelled at his back, and of course it was Lin Wu who scolded.

No need to insert the key, sit in the driving seat, the car will unlock after sensing the key.Maya started the vehicle, and the dull sound of the engine contained power, as if a giant was taking a deep breath and brewing the most powerful move.Let go of the electronic handbrake, lightly tap the accelerator, the tachometer jumps immediately, and the vehicle rushes out.

"Wow." The two exclaimed together.

The vehicle turned onto the road, and a roadside zombie ran, preparing to pounce on the hood.Maya stepped on the accelerator, and the Highway Star flew out like a sharp arrow. The zombie didn't catch the hood, didn't even touch the vehicle, and fell directly on the road, taking a breath of fresh car exhaust by the way.

Maya saw the wretched appearance of the zombies in the rearview mirror and said excitedly: "As long as you are fast enough, you can pass unimpeded."

This sentence is not a joke.Highway Star has excellent controllability. Maya treats all the zombies on the road as immovable obstacles. She flicks the steering wheel with both hands, and the vehicle keeps swinging left and right, accelerating and decelerating.

As soon as the giant turned around, a gust of wind blew past it. When it turned around, it found that there was nothing behind it.Turning back again, only a pair of car taillights can be seen.

"Slow down...Sister, slow down." Lin Wu grabbed the handrail firmly. He knew the car was fast, but he didn't expect Maya to have a childish side.Can't you keep your composure?
Maya glanced at Lin Wu and turned left to pass the zombies. The speed dropped a bit, but she switched to driving with one hand, using one hand to rub the steering wheel to create sparks.The other hand pressed the headset: "Maya calls base."

Hearing Maya's call, Shi Shi ran over to answer it: "The base has received it, please tell me."

Maya said: "West parking lot in one minute."

"Understood." Stone immediately greeted the base personnel to take their weapons and go to the west parking lot.Everyone saw a silver car galloping towards it, and the visual speed was around [-] per hour.The zombies who were alarmed by the passing of the vehicle did not react at all, and some of the zombies even had no time to make a chasing movement.

The vehicle rushed into the parking lot, braked, and drifted. Maya sent the Highway Star to the parking space while turning the Highway Star around.

Everyone who watched this scene was dumbfounded, Su Shi whispered: "Is Maya so wild?"

Shitou replied: "I have always emphasized that I am a gentleman, but no one has ever believed me. Everyone thinks that I am old-fashioned, which is called preconceived."

Su Shi: "Let's talk privately, you don't need to give yourself any extra money."

Shitou sighed: "If you are wild for a day, the world will know it, but for a gentleman, no one will know it for ten thousand years."

Shitou stepped forward with everyone. Everyone was amazed at Maya's driving skills, but after seeing the car, they threw Maya aside.This car is not inferior to the cars on Blue Star in terms of exterior design, interior decoration, or overall materials.

Xiaodao jumped into the driver's seat impatiently, shouting: "Key, Sister Maya, key."

Maya pointed: "Warehouse."

Xiaodao was reluctant to leave, and glanced at Xuedan, Xuedan immediately accelerated 50 meters to the warehouse to get the car keys, and then returned to Xiaodao at a [-]-meter sprint speed.Xiaodao started the vehicle, and the sound of the engine aroused everyone's admiration. As soon as Xiaodao stepped on the accelerator, the vehicle flew out.


Seeing that he was about to hit a log, Xiaodao firmly stepped on the brakes and stopped at the last moment.With lingering fear in her heart, she turned her head and said to the people who were chasing up: "The accelerator is so sensitive."

Shi Shi slapped the knife on the back of the head like hitting a child: "Come down."

Xiao Dao pouted and got out of the car, unwilling to trade the car keys, Shi Shi slowly got into the car, reversed the car, and rode away.To say that an old driver is still an old driver, compared with the wild Mayan driving style, the vehicle can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai in the hands of stones.His driving speed is only faster than Maya's.

While turning in circles on the surrounding roads, avoiding obstacles and zombies with ease, everyone found that the brake lights of the vehicles were basically not on. After 10 minutes, the vehicle returned to the parking lot without drifting, just turning around and reversing into the garage honestly.Since the stone entered the base after leaving the base, after the vehicle was turned off, the car key flew back to the warehouse.

Shitou got off the driver's seat and nodded: "It's okay."

"It's okay?" Lin Wu squinted: "Then why are your feet shaking?"

"Hmph." Shi Shi, whose adrenaline hadn't completely faded, ignored Lin Wu and walked away slowly, pretending.As for the coolness in my heart, it belongs to me completely.

After seeing the stone racing car, no one, including Shanna, dared to get in the car again, and they all felt that they could not drive the road star.It would be a great sin if such a beautiful car was hit or scratched by oneself.

Peanut said on the side: "If it is modified and upgraded, I don't know what the condition of the car will be."

The voice of the stone came from not far away: "No need to change it, it's already very good. The only drawback is that the fuel consumption is a bit high, 20 liters per 5 kilometers." A gasoline unit can be exchanged for a barrel of gasoline, and a barrel of gasoline is 17 liters.The modified Bawang has a fuel consumption of 25 liters per [-] kilometers.The fuel consumption of the armored truck captured last time was only [-] liters per [-] kilometers. Obviously, the fuel consumption of sports cars is quite high.

Because it is in a safe area, because the key is left for more than 1 minute, the Highway Star automatically starts the system, and the retractable hood is covered to prevent water from entering in rainy days.With the hood on, the road star looks more linear as a whole.

The biggest disadvantage of Highway Star is that there are only two people.

Maya's enthusiasm did not fade. She chatted with Shana Shitou for a few words, took the car keys and asked Lin Wu to get in the car.The car is on Route 99, ready to investigate the backup base. The density of zombies on Route 99 was lower than that in Beishang Town, which gave Maya a chance to go wild.However, Maya is still a very calm person, always controlling the safe speed and not forgetting her mission.Soon the two reached the best observation point.

Lin Wu was near a ramp, flew the drone, and quickly found a backup base four kilometers away.

This is a world of containers. Countless containers are piled up on the 'outside' to build a fortress covering an area of ​​more than [-] square meters.

The fortress is located on a small peninsula at the junction of the river and the sea, facing the Zuoxian River with an average depth of 4 meters in the east, the sea in the northwest, and only one road connecting to the land in the south.This is a river embankment road, which has been artificially raised, and even high tide sea water cannot submerge it.The whole fort has been artificially raised, and the bottom is level with the embankment road.

The fortress is a square formed by four layers of containers. The outer walls are containers and there are two container outer walls.Judging from the damaged container on the outermost perimeter, it was full of steel objects.

Most of the container doors on the inner wall of the two walls of the fortress are open, and the inside is empty. In it, it can shelter from the rain, and even small lattice facilities can be built?Lin Wu couldn't be sure.

The drone circled the fortress from top to bottom several times. After collecting enough information to obtain some system information, Lin Wu thought: "Container fortress base, a large base, 18 small grids and two large grids."

Lin Wu explained what he saw and saw in all the details.Maya drew a picture of the container according to what Lin Wu said. After Lin Wu confirmed that it was almost the same, Maya asserted: "This is the ultimate fortress. At least outside the future city, this is a base with the strongest defense capabilities. Occupy What are the conditions?"

Lin Wu said: "Condition 20: At least one member with [-] stars, oops, isn't it just me?"

Maya was a little surprised: "You have 20 agile stars?"

Lin Wu waved his hand, not worth mentioning, and continued: "Condition 4: At least [-] members."

Maya: "Oh? This large base has relatively low requirements for the number of people."

Lin Wu: "Condition 20: Occupy the five basic materials with a cost of 20 units. 20 each. After occupation, put the materials into the warehouse, consume 50 units of materials each, and open the container fortress base mode. Consume [-] materials each, Open the expansion mode of the container fortress base."

Maya said pleasantly: "This is an upgradeable base." The big base is different.As a soldier, she especially likes such a fortress-type base.Originally, I thought that there were only two large grids in the base, but when I heard that it could be expanded, I was overjoyed immediately.

Lin Wu: "The container fortress base was established by the fortress company to deal with the zombie virus crisis, so the last condition is to consume 1000 honor points."

"This is difficult." At present, the sawmill base has obtained 250 honor points for completing the Selu mission, but there are only 250 honor points.The weather station base gets 100 honor points for destroying the NPC alliance base.

Lin Wu said: "There are two more good news. The first news is that you can go down the ramp where I am, and you can reach the Dock Road. Go forward for two kilometers on the Dock Road and turn left for 100 meters to reach the container fortress. There are no zombies on the road. many."

Maya nodded. It was only a short distance from the sawmill to Route 99. There were few zombies on Route 99, so the convoy could reach the fortress safely.

Lin Wu continued: "The second piece of good news is that Pier Road turns right, and the road sign indicates that this place is 5 kilometers away from Beicheng. On the left side of the road is a large warehouse, and on the right side is a living area, with bars, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, etc. "

Maya said: "It's not surprising that the pier has these supporting facilities. What's the bad news?"

Lin Wu asked: "Why must there be bad news?"

Maya said, "Because I understand you."

Lin Wu giggled and said, "There are a lot of zombies, and there are waves of corpses everywhere. The most terrible thing is that the container fortress has a heart of blood."

Maya didn't change her face, and said: "We need a lot of bullets." We need 20 units of ammunition, and we need enough ammunition to destroy Blood Heart.Now the most scarce thing in the shadow base is bullets.There are still some pistol bullets, but it is unrealistic to rely on pistols to destroy Blood Heart.

Shadow destroyed the first Bloodheart, relying on a large number of looted pipe bombs.In a fight with Blood Heart, if the player cannot eliminate Blood Heart in a short time, the player will inevitably be wiped out by a steady stream of blood zombies sent by Blood Heart.

Lin Wu added a piece of bad news: "There are a lot of zombies in the container fortress, and there are at least three Big Macs."

Maya pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that there is only one way to take down the container fortress."

"any solution?"

(End of this chapter)

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