Chapter 236
Maya said: "The only way is to occupy the fort before the summer begins. Use heavy artillery bombardment, use all the ammunition reserves and fight to the death. If you attack after the summer, even if the heavy artillery cannot raze the container fort to the ground, it will seriously damage it. Fortress defense." Before summer, fences are invulnerable, items refresh, and food has no expiration date.All of this becomes completely different after entering the hardcore mode in the summer.

Lin Wu reminded: "There are only more than 50 days. We not only lack honor, but also lack ammunition."

Maya said: "Nightmare has a map of the location of the alliance rebel shelter. One shelter has 100 points, and 10 shelters are enough. Guns and ammunition can be found in the shelter, and the guns can be exchanged for ammunition packs in the market."

Seeing Maya's resolute attitude, Lin Wu continued to remind: "We spent a lot of resources on the sawmill base. Two outpost cards, one research card, and one universal card."

Maya said: "Divide into two teams. The snow egg has sound insulation technology, and together with the sentry, it can suppress the threat value of the sawmill. The alliance mission lasts for 10 minutes. Through kilometers 99, using the Highway Star and the drone, we can complete it in 10 Complete this task within minutes.”

Only then did Lin Wu understand Maya's meaning: "You mean to rebuild a sub-base here?" The sawmill has fewer than 5 people, and the base is automatically disbanded.The container fortress occupation requirement is 4 people, less than [-] people will be automatically disbanded.


Lin Wu asked: "But what is the significance of this sub-base?"

Maya replied: "The last fortress, a retreat from the sawmill base. You can think about it, during non-siege periods, the base will also be attacked by a small number of lost zombies. Fortunately, the fence is invincible, and the zombies can only walk four Once the door reaches the hardcore mode, we don’t have enough resources for daily repairs. Su Shi proposed to use logs to make wooden fences, which is to use the current mechanism of logs to be refreshed to solve the temporary need. "

Maya concluded: "We can survive in the sawmill, but no one knows how long we can survive in the sawmill. Rather than letting the game control our destiny, we should let ourselves control our destiny."

Lin Wu took Maya's words: "But the container fortress must be taken down before summer."

Maya nodded: "Yes, are there any power facilities nearby?"

Lin Wu replied: "Yes, the sea is on the left side of the pier road, and there is a substation and four transmission towers on the right side."

"Perfect." Maya seemed to be saying to herself: "We have one outpost card left. Five people are stationed at the container fortress, not to mention the nightmare, and the other six people stay at the sawmill base. In this way, the saw can be dismantled A barracks in the wood mill. Use Highway 5 to continuously deliver the sawmill’s materials to the container fortress. When the sawmill must retreat, all personnel will be transferred to the container fortress.”

Because the sawmill has enough grids, the living conditions are very good, but the defense conditions are indeed relatively poor. It is not difficult for 11 people to resist a 6-star siege. At most one person will be injured and some buildings will be destroyed.Because the field workers of this base have to go out to discuss life, the base needs a steady stream of material supplies.Once a 6-star siege occurs when too many people go out and cannot return in time, the sawmill may face disaster.

Maya is most worried that after summer, not only food has a shelf life, but even materials may have a shelf life.The original iron became scrap iron, and the original cloth became rags.Players cannot carry out mass production, and survival resources will only become less and less.

According to Maya's thinking, it's okay to move in half a year.However, the hard-hearted persecution plan of the container fortress must be advanced before the arrival of summer.

Maya: "Go back."

"A meeting?" Hearing this word gave me a headache.

Maya: "Yeah. Let's go."


Stone took a lot of effort to lure everyone to the meeting. Faced with people who were dying of pain, the three commanders exchanged ideas on the issue of container fortresses.

Xuedan and Xiaodao lay face to face on the conference table. They used their index and middle fingers to pretend to be little people communicating on the table.

Lin Wu let Xiaowai lie on his knees with all four feet in the air, and he played the piano on Xiaowai's belly. He used this to protest the meeting: playing the piano indiscriminately.

Ma Hun has many things on his mind. In recent days, Ma Hun has been in a bad mood. The reason is that after the medical reform, the life bar has become useless, which makes the blood cow with more than 200 life points depressed.

Peanut is practicing playing mahjong. He is very interested in Da Shuang's technique of drawing cards with only his fingers without looking at the cards.

Cuiyu peels walnuts and raw walnuts.In order to eat such a little pulp, Cuiyu has to peel off the film outside the pulp.But compared to eating walnuts, she prefers the process of peeling the film.

Only Da Shuang, a good student, sat upright and listened to the content of the meeting carefully.

Finally, the nightmare, she never got the meeting invitation, and now she is sleeping alone at the base of the weather station.

Maya explained the situation clearly. The only way to take down the container fortress is to cover it with heavy artillery firepower and mass-produce bombs.Therefore, the container fortress must be taken down before summer comes. After summer, even if the container fortress can be taken down, the place cannot be called a fortress.

Meeting content: How to earn 1000 honor points? Can Highway Star and drones travel back and forth between two bases within 10 minutes and successfully establish alliances?The latter problem is not a big problem after calculation, but 1000 points of honor is not that simple and requires nightmare cooperation.

Although Shadow has needs, he cannot ask Nightmare for help.

Shitou went to the weather station to meet Nightmare and told Nightmare that recently some members within Shadow had objections to outsiders staying in the base.Therefore, he asked Nightmare to hurry up if he wanted to do a mission, and leave the Shadow Base if he didn't do a mission.Nightmare expressed understanding and explained that he hoped to dig out all alliance shelters in Zuo County as much as possible.

Stone is in a dilemma. After all, this is a very dangerous task, and you need to pay more.Nightmare guarantees that she will definitely cooperate with the shadow search work, and she only needs points.If Shadow can cooperate to take down multiple shelters, she is willing to donate 20% of the points she gets to Shadow.Of course, Shadow doesn't want her points, but Nightmare can use 20% of her points to buy weapons and bullets from the fortress and give them to Shadow.

There is a story in ancient times. A doctor was resting in a pavilion. Also resting in the pavilion was a mother and her son who were on their way.The mother and son seemed very tired and took a nap in the pavilion.At this time, a poisonous snake appeared next to the child.

In the first case, the doctor immediately spoke out, and the mother and son were alarmed and fled, leaving everyone in peace.

In the second case, the doctor immediately made a noise, the mother and son were alarmed and fled, and the child was bitten. The mother and son may blame the doctor for alarming the venomous snake, which caused the child to be bitten.

In the third situation, the doctor catches the snake with his hands, and when he catches the snake, the mother and child are startled, and everyone lives in peace.

In the fourth case, the doctor catches the snake and is bitten by the snake, and needs medical expenses. The mother and son may think that it has nothing to do with them, and the doctor thinks it is unlucky.

In the last case, I saw the child being bitten, and then told the mother that the child could be saved by cutting off the child's feet for only 10 taels of silver for medicine.The mother loved her son so much that she could only agree. In the end, with the doctor's full treatment, the child was cured at a cost of only 5 taels of silver and no need to chop off the child's feet.So the mother regarded Lang Zhong as a savior, and admired Lang Zhong's integrity.The doctor secretly earned 3 taels of silver and won the title of the reincarnated Hua Tuo.

Although Nightmare has rich combat experience, he lacks interpersonal experience.Stone casually handles the nightmare to death.

However, Stone objected to Lin Ma going on a mission together, because the risk of attacking the alliance shelter was extremely high, and the two had to be separated.In the end, Maya convinced Stone that Maya will participate in the battle as a sniper, and Lin Wu and Nightmare will be responsible for sneaking and infiltrating.

Target shelter: Auto detailing shop, six kilometers from the sawmill.The beauty shop is located in an underground parking lot. The parking lot has been converted into a shelter by the alliance. It is estimated that there will be 4-7 armed personnel and several NPCs.


In this battle, the feature of the alliance NPC is no longer a dark whistle sniper, but transformed into two heavy machine guns.The auto detailing shop is built like a fortress with only one entrance.The corridor is 5 meters wide and 15 meters long.At the end of the corridor are two small bunkers built with concrete and sandbags.Inside each of the two small bunkers is a heavy machine gun that fires .50 rounds at a rate of 450 rounds per minute.

For players without heavy weapons, this is Jedi.Suguang once again had a little conscience. In order to allow players to die with peace of mind, an entrance and exit door was set up in the underground parking lot to ensure that players would not be disturbed by zombies when fighting NPCs.And in order to increase the player's confidence, a bunker is arranged for the player on the opposite side of the corridor, 30 meters away from the bunker.Players are encouraged to use cover and heavy machine guns to die.

There was only one face-to-face encounter, and Nightmare's left leg was broken and fell to the ground. Fortunately, there was a low bunker where he fell.Lin Wu, who had already entered the concrete tunnel bunker, threw a smoke bomb, Maya dragged Nightmare into the tunnel bunker, and Nightmare contacted Cuihua to enter the remote treatment state.

Like the scene in the movie, Lin Wu holds the Nightmare shoe against the gun and lifts it upwards. Just as the shoe is out of the cover, there is a burst of gunfire from the opposite side. Not to mention the shoe is blown away, it is saturated during the flight, and its remaining area is insufficient when it lands 30%.

Nightmare: "My shoes."

Lin Wu leaned against the bunker, glanced at the left leg where the nightmare did not exist, and said, "It's all like this, what shoes do you need?"

Nightmare shook her head and didn't want to quarrel with this person, Maya said: "There is no way to fight, it is impossible to rush in."

Lin Wu said: "The smoke bomb gave me a little inspiration."

"What?" Maya said, "We only have one smoke bomb left."

Lin Wu said: "No, we smoke them to death. There is only one entrance and exit. If the design meets the needs of survival, air flow is required."

Maya understood instantly: "The smoke will be inhaled into the tunnel."

Lin Wu added: "This is a parking lot with many scrapped cars."

Just do what you said, let Xiao Wai nest in the bunker, Lin Wu and Maya left the bunker and started to peel the tires.This job is different from demolition, it is a technical job, and you must have the basic knowledge of pulling tires, while demolition only needs to be smashed with a crowbar.So Lin Wu stood guard on the sidelines, and Maya did the physical work.Maya has become accustomed to Lin Wu's work attitude of fishing. Fortunately, the work is not difficult, and she collected a bunch of tires in just 20 minutes.

The tires were set on fire, and the foul-smelling smoke immediately rose.The two added tires to the fire on the left side of the corridor, and the smoke was sucked into the corridor as soon as it drifted across the corridor.After the fire was burning, Lin Ma pushed the burning tires into the tunnel, and then added the tires to the fire, and heard the NPC coughing after a while.

But there was something unusual about the coughing sound.With an idea, Lin Wu returned to the bunker in the tunnel, and regardless of Nightmare's inquiry, he picked up Nightmare and raised his right leg, and Nightmare's right leg was interrupted.Lin Wu threw Nightmare on the ground and went back to Maya to report the bad news: "Sentinels have gas masks, which can poison ordinary NPCs hiding in shelters. In addition, Sentinels have good vision and can clearly see Nightmare." Right leg."

"Unlikely." Maya said: "Theoretically speaking, with such a thick smoke, there is no reason for the shooter to see nightmares. We may have made a mistake, and the two heavy machine guns may not be directly controlled by humans."

After saying that, Maya started to look up, called Lin Wu, and asked Lin Wu to step on her shoulders.Lin Wu took the Silencer and dug a few times at something on the ceiling, and a small object fell down.Maya picked it up and saw that it was a camera the size of a finger.

Maya held the camera in her hand and said: "The sentry controls the heavy machine gun through surveillance images. Although the direct image is blocked by black smoke, he can still monitor our every move through the surveillance cameras arranged in the parking lot. In addition, I don't think the other party has a gas mask. It’s just because his position is relatively independent, and he doesn’t inhale much poisonous smoke, which doesn’t affect his control ability.”

After finding the problem, the two began to search for and dismantle the cameras. During this search, they found 20 cameras.Lin Wu went back to pick up Nightmare and greeted the sentry in a friendly manner with Nightmare's left hand. This time Nightmare was not attacked again.

The nightmare is too lazy to resist, and there is no resentment in the eyes, and the overall look is unlovable, so you can do whatever you want.

Lin Wu didn't overly trouble the nightmare, after all, his strength was limited and he couldn't hold the nightmare all the time.After summing up with Maya, Lin Wu entered a stealth state, put on a mask, bent down and followed the black smoke towards the bunker.After walking a few steps, Lin Wu retreated back. Since he didn't have a gas mask, he became dizzy after taking a few breaths of black air, and the sky filled with little stars were flying in front of his eyes.

How to do it?

When Maya was helpless, Lin Wu took out a large plastic bag to pour the wind, then put it on his head and tied it tightly, and re-entered the corridor.After a while, Maya heard Lin Wu's voice: "The sentinel is dead, put out the fire or move it away."

Is this too much to ask?Maya looked at the eight burning tires and couldn't think of a way to move the fire and extinguish it.But Maya also had an idea: "Contact Cuiyu and enter the healing state."

Lin Wu contacted Cuiyu, then sat on the ground, inhaling poisonous gas while healed.In fact, when he entered the control room, the sentinel and two armed NPCs had already died, and he regretted losing the opportunity to touch the corpse.

Suddenly, the back door of the control room was pushed open, and an NPC woman covering her mouth and nose pushed the door in and met Lin Wu's eyes.Lin Wu did not hesitate to kill the woman with one shot, crawled to the woman's body and started touching the body. No matter how small the fly was, it was still flesh.

No guns, no bullets, but there is a skill book: shoemaking.Prerequisite skills are tailoring and clothing making.After learning how to make shoes, you can use animal leather and other materials to make shoes.It's cheap for my cousin, Lin Wu put away the skill book and continued to heal.

Half an hour later, Maya arrived at the outpost control room. She asked Lin Wu to rest where he was while she went deep into the hinterland.Soon bad news came from Maya. All NPCs had died long ago and there were no corpses to loot.The good news is that there are plenty of supplies at the shelter, but no matter how many supplies there are, each person can only take one supply kit.The worse news is that the two heavy machine guns have been damaged beyond repair and can only be dismantled into high-grade parts.

(End of this chapter)

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