Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 237 Hostile

Chapter 237 Hostile
Lin Wu listened to the bad news from Maya, the god of decline, and interrupted the treatment impatiently to reach the hinterland.After his careful search, he found two AK rifles and 50 rounds of 7.62mm bullets from a hidden secret door. Maya could only be silent about this, accepting Lin Wu's naive show off.

"Guns, one gun, two guns. Bullets, one bullet, two bullets... Good luck is temporary, cleverness is forever, and handsomeness is eternal." Lin Wu raised his right palm, Xiao Wai jumped up Complete the high five with the right foreleg and Lin Wu.

That's right, being able to find the secret door and the weapon is all thanks to Xiao Wai.But Xiao Wai dared to be dissatisfied with Lin Wu's behavior of accepting credit.

In order to avoid further escalation of the conflict, Maya carried the nightmare to the hinterland of the shelter to install a locator.This is how Maya measured the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.It is impossible for Lin Wu to drag the nightmare to the hinterland, after all, this work is tiring.Of course, it is not ruled out to let Xiao Wai drag it.

Shortly after the three and a dog left the parking lot, a missile blew up the shelter.At the same time, the three members of the weather station received a system notification: the base of the weather station was listed as an alliance hostile force.The system explains that after being listed as a hostile force by the alliance, the alliance NPC will sneak attack members of the weather station base and attack the weather station base from time to time.Unlike zombie siege, the system will not give early warning, nor can it know the scale and means of the opponent's attack.The only way to disarm the hostility is time.

Everyone ignored Nightmare's life and death, and Nightmare himself didn't cherish his own life, but Nightmare, who had interrupted his treatment, returned to the Shadow Base with a sigh of relief and lived in a high-end ward.Poor Cui Yu stayed up all night working in the infirmary to repair her two legs.

The third goal, Green House Villa.

At eight o'clock the next morning, three people and one dog set off. At one o'clock in the afternoon, two half-men and one dog returned to the base. Nightmare, whose left hand was broken, was sent to the infirmary again.In this battle, two rifles, three pistols and some bullets were obtained.At the same time, the base’s first pair of fish skin shoes was successfully produced.

When they were fighting in the nightmare, the base started fishing early in the morning. Why did they think of using fish skin as soles?This was due to Lin Wu, who thought that they couldn't catch any animals with skins except fish.At the same time, Lin Wu asked a question, is fish skin considered animal skin?This is the question that brings us all into the ditch.

Fishskin leather boots, light weight, extremely low durability, with an additional BUFF: one star for agility.

Maker Shana put on her leather boots and ran happily for 20 meters. The leather boots made of fabric and fish skin were declared scrapped.Lin Wu set himself on fire, and everyone looked at the only hunter in the base.Lin Wu laughed and left.

Seeing that the Maya group has achieved remarkable results, Shana also took people to the mall to do some shopping.Lin Wu originally wanted to roll around and take a rest, but he didn't expect the NPC businessman to visit the shop, so he beat and killed again.Cuiyu made painkillers and exchanged all the resource packs in the merchant's hands.This time, instead of selling skill books, the merchant sells dog food.

After buying ten catties of dog food with two units in a pleasant surprise, Lin Wu found that it was useless, and Xiao Wai, who ate dog food, was neither handsome nor tall, so the evil came out of his guts. When he left, he killed the businessman.It's a pity that Shuguang can't lie, Lin Wu didn't find anything from the merchant.


Each time an alliance shelter is destroyed, the base will receive 100 points of honor.The condition is naturally that Maya from the sawmill base is the leader and cannot be too far away from the team.The Shadow Base currently has 450 honor points.At the same time, Nightmare also made a lot of money.

It was already [-] o'clock in the evening when the left hand was cured, and the nightmare came out of the ward. She didn't care about Lin Wu's unfriendly behavior towards her in the recent battle, but she was thinking about how to open her mouth to make Lin Wu and Maya jump into the battle quickly. During a battle.

As a member of the base, Da Shuang knows that the base is currently deceiving nightmares, and she is very entangled in this.On the one hand, it is the nightmare that helped him, and on the other hand, it is the core interests of the base.If Nightmare knows that the Shadow Base urgently needs honor points, it will inevitably lead to Nightmare leading the negotiations, trying to get more benefits from the Shadow Base.

Stone certainly knew about the relationship between Da Shuang and Nightmare, so he didn't take it seriously.If Dashuang sells the base without hesitation, he will fire Dashuang.The core of the problem is hesitation, as long as you hesitate, you have something to offer.At Shitou's request, Shana went to the sentry to chat with Da Shuang.Da Shuang, who is Shanna's opponent who is familiar with psychology, quickly explained to Shana her inner entanglement.

Shanna told Dashuang: "If you don't explain to Nightmare, Nightmare may die. If you explain to Nightmare, members of our base may die in the next mission. In view of Nightmare's identity, I think if people must die, she He is a very suitable candidate.”

This makes sense.Da Shuang pondered, if he explained the situation to Nightmare, and Nightmare was likely to threaten Shadow to provide more direct help, then Shadow members would naturally be more dangerous.

Beneath the sentry post, Nightmare and Maya are talking.Nightmare told Maya that according to the information she had learned, during the event of free base replacement for players at the end of spring, Bastion agents should also have exclusive missions.Nightmare is now firmly seated as the number one Fortress agent. She thinks that she is very likely to become everyone's target, so she hopes to speed up her actions and get more points for herself.

Maya is not good at acting, so she said according to the lines she had planned: "I'm fine, but Lin Wu is hard to say. However, as long as there are spoils of war, he seems to enjoy it. By the way, don't hate him, he is also thinking about the mission."

Nightmare shook his head: "What is my identity? How can I argue with a brat. This is our new goal: the freezing plant. The freezing plant covers an area of ​​5 square meters. I only have a basic layout map, and I don't know the NPC weapons and locations. 8-[-] armed personnel."

Maya greeted: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wu held a cup of latte coffee in his hand: "Here he comes."

Lin Wu walked to the east side of the backyard. Just as Maya was about to speak, the cup in Lin Wu's hand suddenly shattered. The nightmare on his side felt like he had been hit hard. He took two steps back and looked down at his chest, only to see blood pouring out.

Da Shuang, who was on the sentry post on the east side, could see clearly, and said in horror, "Nightmare, you have a big hole in your back."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nightmare fell backwards without saying a word and turned into a corpse.

Maya reacted the fastest, and was killed in a single shot at the ally base in the state of full blood in the nightmare state. This is definitely not something that players can do.That can only be NPC seeking revenge.Thinking of the alliance listing the weather station base as a hostile force, Maya hugged Lin Wu with both hands and threw him to the ground, while shouting: "Shana, get down."

When Maya and Lin Wu fell to the ground, Maya received a system message: Invalid attack.After a little understanding, Maya understood the meaning of this message: she was hit by a bullet.However, since he is not a member of the NPC hostile base, the NPC will not cause damage to him.

Shana's combat awareness was much weaker, she looked down from the sentry tower: "Are you guys wrestling?"

Maya said urgently: "Get down."

"Huh?" Shana subconsciously looked sideways into the distance, and a bullet flew from behind her, hitting her shoulder.The big eyes that were close at hand watched Shana's arms and body separate.At this time, she didn't know where she got the courage to immediately press Shana under her body.

Maya greeted: "Xiaodao, Xuedan, you all come here, protect Lin Wu to the factory building, and protect Shana to the ward. We are fine, and the members of the weather station are fine."

Inexplicably, everyone followed Maya's instructions and hurriedly sent Lin Wu and Shana to the designated place.Peanut went up to the west tower, and together with Da Shuang, began to search for the location of the sniper.But Lin Wu and Shana didn't show up, and the opponent's snipers didn't shoot.In addition, no one heard the gunshots, indicating that the snipers were far away and could not find each other at night.

Lin Wu only brought the Silent One with him, and he only had a range of more than [-] meters.Because the Timberwolves are too heavy, they lie in the base warehouse of the weather station most of the time. Only members of the base can take items from the warehouse.Therefore, even if Lin Wu knew the location of the sniper, there was no way for Lin Wu to eliminate the sniper.

Can other players attack alliance NPC snipers?I don't know, because Maya requires everyone not to take the initiative to attack.After all, there are too many people in the shadow base. If they become enemies with the alliance, a random wave of sneak attacks will kill many people.Perhaps this is the price of earning Bastion honor.Today I kill you, tomorrow you kill me, there is reincarnation in the law of heaven, who will the sky bypass.


The sentry searched, the team probed, and the drone hovered for an hour, but no sniper was found.At this time, Lin Wu and Shana received a system message, which roughly means: As time goes by, the alliance and the weather station base are no longer hostile.

After receiving the news, Lin Wu bravely stepped out, but he was not attacked.After Maya's analysis, members of the weather station killed too many people, including not only armed NPCs, but also ordinary NPCs, which led to the hostility of the alliance.The solution is the same as the ancient online game name elimination, which can only be patiently waiting to let the notoriety decrease with the passage of time.

Lin Wu complained about this: "The captain is her, why is the captain okay, and I, a wage earner, will be hunted down?"

Little White Rabbit: "The leader asked you to maintain order. If you beat someone to death to maintain order, of course you will be investigated for legal responsibility."

Lin Wu: "It's a nightmare to kill people." I didn't kill many.

Little White Rabbit: "Every time an NPC is killed, the corresponding hidden parameters will be increased. Once the critical point is reached, the NPCs with a team will retaliate. The retaliation includes you, but is not limited to the members of your base. The specific requirements are See how the NPCs think about it. Let me remind you that you have killed the NPC who issued the mission, and you have killed the NPC businessman. Yesterday you lit a fire and smoked many NPCs to death."

Lin Wu: "I'm only in charge of ignition, and the tires were removed by captain Maya." In order to win the lawsuit, Lin Wu resolutely sold Maya.

Little White Rabbit: "Tires will not cause damage to NPCs, but burning tires will cause damage to NPCs. The death of all NPCs in the shelter is directly related to you."

Maya said, "Lin Wu, ask it, how did you calculate it?"

Lin Wu asked, and the little white rabbit replied: "The higher the parameter, the faster the decrease, and the lower the parameter, the slower the decrease. The fewer people killed, the higher the parameter obtained by killing NPC. The more people killed, the higher the parameter obtained by killing NPC." The parameters are low. Other details are left to the players to explore."

Lin Wu repeated it, Maya nodded, and explained: "You kill 100 people, you get 1000 parameters, and reduce the parameters by 10 points every second. If you only kill 10 people, you get 200 parameters, and reduce the parameters every second 1 point."

Da Shuang was puzzled, and asked Shana beside her, "They are so strange." First, Lin Wu spoke to the air, and then Maya spoke to Lin Wu who was talking to himself.

Shana: "Lin Wu is complaining."

Da Shuang asked: "Are you complaining that the alliance does not respect martial arts?"

Shanna replied: "No, from what I understand, he should have complained about why the thugs attacked him and not Maya."

Big Shuang: "This, this is not very good, is it?"

"Nothing wrong. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy."

Big Shuang understands a little bit: "Good person card."


"When a girl can say that a boy is a good person, it probably means that the boy likes girls and the girls don't like boys."

Shanna asked, "Where did you hear these theories?"

The big hands spread their hands: "It's all like this."

Shana explained patiently: "I mean Lin Wu is a very good friend."

While they were chatting, the little white rabbit got out, and the stone told everyone to rest, and asked Lin Wu to take a day off tomorrow, firstly, to wait for the nightmare to revive before making plans, and secondly, to wash away some parameters.Stone negotiated with Maya in private, letting Nightmare occupy the nearby fire station and open a base by himself.In the future, nightmares will kill people.

Maya thinks the cost is too high, and the base will be scrapped once Nightmare dies.The construction costs get nothing back.There are still 50 days until summer, and only 550 honor points are missing, so the speed of attacking the alliance shelter can be appropriately slowed down.


At 24 a.m. the next day, Suguang Broadcasting: Regarding the doubts raised by many players about the rule of unlimited bullets in the base, we hereby vote. The voting time is [-] hours.If more than half of the players agree to cancel the unlimited bullet rule, the unlimited bullet rule will be canceled when summer comes.As compensation, the base workshop will be able to use cheap materials to make homemade ammunition kits.

Dawn: Although this change has no effect on players who leave the hardcore mode before the arrival of summer, the cancellation of the infinite bullet rule will greatly increase the difficulty of surviving in the hardcore mode.Therefore, I hope that the majority of players will not agree to cancel the unlimited bullet rule in the spirit of sacrifice.In this way, hardcore players will get more and higher points, and they will be able to allocate more resources after arriving on Earth.

After the broadcast ended, Lian Maya couldn't help but join in the slander and swear at Dawn.If only the first segment was broadcast, the vast majority of people would not vote to remove the unlimited bullets rule.But the second broadcast changed that.The broadcast reminds all players that there are only so many earth cakes that have been prepared. Those with higher points will get more, and those with fewer points will naturally get less.

Conclusion: Players who leave Hardcore mode will not be able to earn points.The longer the hardcore players survive, the less cake the non-hardcore players have.

According to the market chat, 70% of the players in Zuo County decided to leave the hardcore mode before summer, and go to the non-hardcore mode with the existing points to enjoy the happiness brought by the game.Half of the remaining 30% of the players are not determined, the base has no overall plan, and they are full of uncertainty about the future.

Although the infinite bullets were canceled, Suguang did not mention the cancellation of the siege rules, which is definitely bad news for hardcore players.In the future, ammunition packs can only be made in the production room, and then converted into various types of bullets.The bullets consumed for a five-star siege are not a small number.No matter how brave the players are, they still have to use guns when facing the Big Mac.

However, Grand Commander Stone has his own opinion: "This game is only a little interesting until now."

(End of this chapter)

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