Chapter 238

Lin Wu and the others despised Shi Shi's act of pretending to be 13 with their eyes.Stone pretended not to see it, and said to everyone: "The hardcore mode will test a team's coordination, discipline and resource allocation. In order not to increase the threat, everyone should not shout in daily life. In order to survive, everyone needs to work harder As a management, there are not many resources to deploy. We have been too comfortable in the past few months, and the only reason is that the ammunition is sufficient."

Shitou said: "I suggest recruiting another doctor. First of all, Cuiyu is too tired, and she also needs to rest. Secondly, we need biochemical experts to deal with the infection. Judging from my villain's heart, various diseases will break out in full, and we need A doctor who specializes in treating infections and treating illnesses.”

Maya agreed and said, "I'll talk to someone when I go to the market tomorrow."

Shanna volunteered: "I'll take care of this." Don't leave it to Maya to find someone to talk to.

Stone: "Okay. Others listen to me, there is nothing to be nervous about. If even our shadow base can't survive, then few bases can survive. I'm here to say something, everyone here is family, we won't Abandoning any family members, hope we can go to the end together."

Everyone clapped and blew the whistle and raised the dog’s butt.

Disbanded, Shitou grabbed the two commanders: "We need to release the automatic turret of the research institute as soon as possible. Although the rate of fire is slow, the bullets of the automatic turret are free."

Shana whispered: "Tomorrow I will recruit a group of people in the name of recruiting interns? If we demolish a sentry tower and build a military camp, there will be 3 beds in 18 military camps. The research speed can be increased a lot."

Maya said: "This is not good. How can we drive people away in the future? From the current point of view, Shadow is not bad. There are forest wolves to deal with Big Mac. Xiaodao, Lin Wu and I can all fight fiercely. It is inevitable that we will get injured, so Recruiting a qualified doctor is most important.”

Shitou nodded: "Medical skills are the same, what matters is the character of this person."

Shana said: "Leave it to me."

Shitou explained: "Don't recruit doctors who have family members, because they will not dare to go out."

Shana led a team to demolish the mall, and Lin Wu, who was on vacation, was assigned to cut logs.Two hours later, when Shitou arrived at the parking lot, he immediately felt smoke coming from all his orifices. While cutting the logs with a small crooked saw, he also played music: Pull the girl, pull the girl... If you are tired, take a rest. "They collapsed together with Xiao Wai, seemingly exhausted from doing heavy work.

One person and one dog lay on their backs looking at the white clouds and blue sky, and then Lin Wu saw the ugly face of the stone, so he took out the dagger with his left hand, and without moving his head, he poked at the log with his wrist: "Hello, boss."

Stone asked kindly, "How much wood have you cut?"

Lin Wu said modestly: "Not much."

Stone: "How much is not much?"

Lin Wu: "Go to the warehouse and count by yourself. There are already wood deducted from the wood counted yesterday, which is the wood I cut."

Shitou leisurely sat down on the log and said, "I heard that Shana calls her cousin."

"Huh?" What do you want to say?
"Everyone is curious about what Maya is called." Shitou said in Lin Wu's ear, Lin Wu jumped up immediately, Shitou smiled and said: "If you are sophistry, I can ask everyone to ask you to try it once to see if I am right."

Lin Wu kicked down the stone, took out the machete, rolled up his sleeves and started chopping logs: "Go away, don't delay my work."

Shitou patted his clothes and raised his thumb: "You have a sense, kid. Don't worry, I won't break up your field team."

Lin Wu threw the knife and continued to lie down and play dead.Yes, I'm afraid of you.

Lin Wuzhi's rascal was beyond Shitou's expectation, and Shitou smoked again, kicked Lin Wu and left, blowing his nose out all the way.

Lin Wu said: "It's boring to be on vacation, but I don't want to work. Do you have any programs?" Looking sideways at Xiaowai.

Xiaowai lay on the log and made a whining sound. He probably didn't even know what he said.

Lin Wu cheered up: "You're right, let's hunt mice."

One person and one dog happily ran to the base of the weather station for sentry. Lin Wu set up the Silencer. Although there were no mice, zombies were everywhere.Lin Wu started his life of sniping with a bolt-type rifle again. Back then, he could play with a gun for a few days by himself.But after all, he was thinking about the past, and Lin Wu was a little tired after playing for less than 10 minutes today.

Have a holiday?This is not a holiday, this is torture.Lin Wu went to the warehouse to get the system map, brought a pot of tea to the sentry post, looked at the map for a while, and asked Xiaowai: "Shuixi Middle School is not far away, should we go and have a look? No? It makes sense, it's too dangerous. Dog Do you want to go to the grain store?"

Xiao Wai nodded immediately, and Lin Wu said: "Not going, then where do you want to go? You don't want to go out either? Well, then I will forcefully stay."

Blue sky, white clouds, breeze, the world is quiet.


Time also passed quietly.The voting results on the second day were no surprises. 65% of the players agreed to cancel the base unlimited bullets after the summer, and 15% of the players abstained.This decision led to a lot of people making up their minds to leave the hardcore mode.In view of this result, Stone asked Shana, who was preparing to recruit doctors at the market on the same day, to suspend work because he wanted the bullets to fly for a while.

Over the next two weeks, the Linmao trio attacked Alliance shelters one after another.Maya used artillery, nightmare equipment and Lin Wu's skills to successfully command all the shelter battles. The Shadow Base successfully got 1000 honor points and harvested a lot of weapons and ammunition.

Then Shitou stopped the attack plan. The reason was naturally that the honor points were enough and there was no need for the two of them to take risks.On the bright side, Stone told Nightmare that the location of the remaining alliance shelter is too far from the sawmill base, and the risk of attack is greatly increased. As the commander of the base, he has ordered Maya to stop the attack.

Nightmare expressed his gratitude to Shadow for his help over the past three weeks, and used the 20% points he promised to buy 20 kilograms of F4 explosives for Shadow, and also gave Shadow an additional advanced skill book: Infrastructure.One building material and one gasoline material are added to the base every day.The first reason why Nightmare is so generous is that she has indeed made enough money, and the second reason is that she hopes to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Shadow.

The departure of the nightmare also left a problem for the shadows, they simply couldn't get anyone to learn this skill.After a brief meeting, it was decided to buy a reset skill book, and Dashuang would come to learn the basics. .

In fact, the nightmare was not completely telling the truth. In addition to gaining points for each shelter she captured, she could also receive at least a rifle and dozens of bullets as rewards, and she could exchange the rifle for bullets.However, to prevent some bad guys from inquiring about the safe house where weapons, ammunition and equipment were stored, she did not tell anyone.

The market is open again, Xiao Wai is the focus of the audience.

In the shadow trading area of ​​the market square, Lin Wu sat drinking tea with a homemade shadow flag beside him. Xiao Wai hugged the flagpole and shook it desperately, attracting a large number of players to stop.

Shadow always brings surprises to everyone, and a large number of rifles, pistols and submachine guns make players amazed.But after canceling the unlimited bullets in the summer, the price of weapons plummeted, and the price of bullets soared all the way.However, if you want to play well in non-hardcore mode, weapons are still necessary.

Shadow needs ammunition resource packs and various bullets to prepare for the tough hardcore mode of more than a year in the future.Shanna reaches out to several doctor candidates to recruit one of them at the next fair.However, no one knew who leaked the news, there were countless players who came to Shadow to apply for a doctor, which made Shana tired of coping.


Lin Wu wore sunglasses and lay slumped on the chair. He didn't open his eyes when he heard the sound and pointed forward.A female voice came: "Hi, Lin Wu."

Listening to the voice, Lin Wu took off his sunglasses and looked, only to see Rizhao and Xingguang standing in front of him. Lin Wu didn't realize it for a while: "You guys are too tall to be beaten."

Rizhao immediately wanted to fight Lin Wu, but Xingguang stopped him. Not only did she not feel offended, but she was amused: "You are still so humorous."

After confirming their identities, Lin Wu stood up and asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Xingguang replied: "Dead, I arrived in Nanxia Town yesterday." During the chat, they learned that they died in the six-star siege, and the entire base was destroyed by zombies.The reason for all this was that the field team was trapped and could not return to the base in time. The defenders were only four people including Rizhao and Xingguang. Most of the weapons were taken away by the field team. They only had an assault rifle and a few A small pistol.

During the battle of defending the city, the two were reluctant to let go. They both hoped that the other would break through, so that they wasted time. In the end, they were surrounded by zombies.

Xingguang looked at the busy job application site and asked, "Is your base still short of people?"

Lin Wu replied: "It's full."

While talking, Shitou came over, and Lin Wu greeted Shitou: "This is our commander-in-chief, commander-in-chief, is our base full?"

The scene that shocked Lin Wu's jaw appeared. Xingguang and Rizhao were very surprised when they saw the stone. They immediately stood up straight and respectfully said, "Hello, Uncle."

"Starlight, sunshine?" Shitou also joined the surprised team: "Why are you here?"

What followed was a small exchange of pleasantries, and it was only then that Lin Wu knew that the old man Shitou was once the son-in-law of the second-in-command of the fortress.There is a hole in the brain, right?Divorce for what?Is it bad to eat soft rice?And from the attitudes of Rizhao and Xingguang towards Shishi, it can be seen that Shishi has a high prestige in their circle.

Lin Wu came closer to Maya: "The old guy is so awesome, why haven't you seen him in the media?"

Maya replied: "He is a strong man behind the scenes." Seeing that Shi Shi's identity was exposed, Maya explained some things about Shi Shi to Lin Wu.

Shortly after Shi Shi stalked the school girl Po Shi, an unexpected event happened: someone came looking for relatives.The goal of looking for relatives is to break the stone.The story in the story: Poshi is an illegitimate daughter, and Poshi's father is a strict wife. After Poshi's father sent Poshi to the public raising system, he has been paying attention to Poshi's growth with his own energy and means.After Po Shi's father's wife died in an accident, Po Shi's father immediately went to pick up Po Shi.

Stone's experience is very legendary.He passed five trials and killed six generals, stood still in the face of disdain, resigned himself to gossip, and even withstood the temptation of money and threats to his life, and finally married Po Shi, entered the circle of directors of the fortress, and became a fortress company Ombudsman.On the other hand, Stone is also running his own business. Without using the resources of the fortress, his business is very successful and has been recognized by the family.During the same period, as an inspector, he helped his father-in-law catch moths from the two children of the Fortress. As a result, his father-in-law's family became the second-in-command of the Fortress Company, and Stone became one of the best young talents in the family.

Just when everyone was optimistic about Tou Shi and thought that Tou Tou would have a bright future, Tou Tou chose to divorce Po Shi.Shi Shi, who had left home, was chosen to be an immigrant shortly after his divorce, and then he embarked on a journey to immigrate to the earth.

Lin Wu's eyes changed when he saw Shitou: "This old man really has a story. Why did they divorce?"

Maya: "Let me state first: Pa Shi is a very good person. Shi Shi believes that there are various disadvantages in the fortress family system. He often chats with Pa Shi about his views and even points out some problems of his family and his father-in-law. Once Po Shi Shi said this: What vision do you have? You can succeed because you stand on the shoulders of giants, not because you are a giant."

Of course, Poshi's friend Maya was also there, and she intuitively felt that it was inappropriate for Poshi to say this sentence. Maybe Poshi didn't take it back because he didn't want to lose face in front of his friends, or for other reasons, and the two sides were a little unhappy.The real trigger is that soon after, Shitou suggested to his father-in-law to reform the family, which roughly means to let all family members enter the same starting line, and the outstanding members will rise, and their family status and access to resources will also rise.Stone believes that a family is not a country, and all resources should not be allocated to everyone fairly.

Originally, no matter right or wrong, if everyone could take Shitou's proposal peacefully, there would be no problem.However, the family has a large number of members. If Stone's proposal is followed, [-]% of them will return to ordinary life and will no longer be able to enjoy high-quality education and living conditions.Therefore, in the following period of time, many people in the family were quite dissatisfied with Shishi, and this emotion was passed on to Poshi.Po Shiben has no intention of fighting for the world, she only hopes for a happy family, so she doesn't understand Shi Shi's behavior of looking for trouble.

The two sides argued about this matter. Shi Shi took the long-term development of the family as the goal and stood at the height of interests, and the angry Po Shi said some hurtful words again.It probably means that your current status is given by the family, so what qualifications do you have to give pointers to the family rules?You can live your life as a rich man with peace of mind, and don't think too much about the family, after all, you are an outsider of the family.

Although there is nothing wrong with the words, it will cause tons of damage to the stone heart.After returning home from a business trip, Shi Shi formally filed for divorce, and Po Shi agreed angrily.Unexpectedly, the development of the situation was out of control. One week after the divorce, Shi Shi was drawn by Shuguang to become an immigrant.The family didn't know about it until the last day when they left Blue Star. Shito invited Poshi to dinner, and the two confessed their hearts to each other, and the relationship between husband and wife was truly ended in a friendly atmosphere.

After Poshi returned home, he contacted his friend Maya who was also drawn to emigrate. Stone and Maya communicated and agreed on a time to enter the spaceship at the same time.Because of this, both Stone and Maya were assigned to Beishang Town.Ordinary people are not aware of this rule, such as starlight and sunshine, they all know it, even if they cannot be sure, there is no better way.Even if they can't cheat, the children of wealthy families always have more choices than ordinary people.

Stone is well known in the Fortress family.When Rizhao graduated from university for an internship, he worked as an assistant to Shi Shi, the inspector, and worked with Shi Shi for about a year.During this period, Xingguang often met with the stone, and the more contact he had, the more Rizhao respected the stone.In Rizhao's view, Stone is likely to become one of the people who hold the main power of Fortress in the future.

Shitou waved and called Maya aside. The two came back after discussing for a while. Shitou said to Rizhao and Xingguang: "We have a sub-base called the Weather Station Base, and you and your wife will stay there temporarily. The sub-base and the main base are almost the same. Being next to each other, there is no problem in terms of safety.”

Lin Wu reminded: "There are not enough beds."

Shitou said: "You and Shanna go back to the main base."

(End of this chapter)

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