Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 244 Farewell

Chapter 244 Farewell
It was six o'clock in the evening when we returned to the base. Everyone took a rest. Some people used the communication system opened by Dawn to catch up with friends.Da Shuang learned that his sister Er Shuang had decided to quit the hardcore mode, and Er Shuang encouraged Da Shuang to gain a foothold in the shadows.Xingguang and Rizhao had a multi-party call with Huang Mao and Huo Wu, and the call lasted for 40 minutes.

After the call ended, Rizhao and Xingguang went to the parking lot to talk.After finishing, Xingguang went directly to Shi Shi: "Uncle, I want to stay in Shadow and become a doctor."

Shitou was stunned at first. He and Lin Wu had the same thought at this time: "The Shadow Base is not mine, and it cannot recruit so many people. Besides, I don't want to give Lin Wu an ex-girlfriend and her ex-girlfriend's husband to disgust him." It's not worth it no matter what you think about recruiting a few losers to make you lose your reputation.

Xingguang said: "Uncle, Huang Mao is Huo Wu's husband in name only. I mean I am the only one left. We have already discussed that the three of them will leave the hardcore system."

Shitou frowned and thought for a long time: "Don't say nice things now. Later, they will sell you out with a few sweet words. You are happy to be fooled, but there is a doctor gap in my shadow."

Starlight: "We just got divorced and he left at night."

Shitou was startled and asked, "How did your story develop to this point?"

Xingguang thought for a while and replied: "Choose, choose, express one's will."

Shitou nodded: "A little farewell is better than a wedding."

Xingguang added: "What will change will always change. If you want to change, change early. I believe that when we get to the earth, the moment we meet again, we will all find the answer." Without Shana, and Shi Na, the virtual marriage has just begun. Challenge, how can we grow old in the next 150 years of our lives?It's not that Starlight cannot accept inferior products, it just cannot accept inferior products that are shoddy.Some things can be forced for a while, but cannot be forced for a lifetime. He needs to pursue his own heart to give the final answer.

Seeing Xingguang, Shitou had completely figured it out and said, "Okay, I agree."

Xingguang: "Don't you add something? What if you go back on your word?"

Shitou said: "This sacrifice is worth it." Subtext: You are a talented person, and there may be further cooperation on Earth in the future.If this incident can prove that you are or are not a person who talks nonsense, then the price is worth it.

"Thank you."

Shitou asked: "Where is Rizhao?"

"He's saying goodbye to everyone and I think he needs some time."

Shitou said: "Including Shana."

Starlight nodded: "Yes."

Shitou: "If you feel heartbroken, you can go to the substation and be alone for a while."

Starlight: "Thank you."

Shitou said: "Let Lin Wu send you there." There is a non-safety zone of more than ten meters between the shadow and the substation.


Rizhao said to everyone: "Thank you for taking care of me during this period. Please also help me take care of Xingguang. If she does anything wrong, please bear with me."

Lin Wu asked: "Can you fly?"

Rizhao said: "I commit suicide."

Xiaodao then asked: "Won't you come back if you commit suicide?"

Rizhao: "I have divorced Xingguang."

"Wow..." Everyone exclaimed.

Rizhao hurriedly explained: "Xingguang hopes to stay in the hardcore mode, and my sister and I decided to leave the hardcore mode. In order to ensure her chance of survival, I divorced her."

Ma Hun said: "Then you don't have to rush to commit suicide."

Lin Wu: "Yes, we also need consumables."

Rizhao said: "Lin Wu, I don't want to quarrel today."

Lin Wu: "Because you can't quarrel with me, and you can't beat me, hahahaha."

Maya couldn't bear it anymore and knocked Lin Wu on the head from behind.Lin Wu turned around and glared, noticing that there was blame in Maya's eyes. Being as shrewd as a ghost, he immediately thought that there must be a deeper reason for Rizhao's divorce and suicide.Could it be that when they saw their old boss Shitou again, they found that they still loved each other deeply in their hearts?After Xingguang found out, he divorced in anger. Rizhao felt that he was sorry for Xingguang, so he died to apologize.

Why stone?The first reason is that the stone did not show up.The second reason is that if Rizhao and Xingguang say, I fell in love with someone else, Xingguang will of course be very angry.Excuse me, Rizhao left Xingguang because of Shana, or Rizhao left Xingguang for the stone. Which situation would make Xingguang more angry?
Of course it's just a guess.Lin Wu was self-aware of the fickle and illogical nature of feelings.Anyway, I can't guess it, so why not bully Rizhao and Shitou to make myself happier.

Rizhao made one last request: "Who can give me a ride?"

Lin Wu said, "Isn't this good?" He was about to make a move.

Rizhao replied calmly: "It doesn't matter."

Lin Wu said: "You are an ally, and you will not be accidentally injured by your allies in the safe zone."

Rizhao: "Go outside the safe zone."

Lin Wu wondered: "Players PK, start with two bullets."

Xiao Dao reminded: "You can use weapons." Two backstabs were enough to call it a day.

Lin Wu was awakened: "Wait for me." He trotted to the warehouse and quickly ran back with a rubber stick.My brother had to agree to his request, but he couldn't be cruel, so he could only do it slowly.It would be best to beat the brother until he dies of his injuries and let the God of Death take him away.This way my conscience will feel better.

Rizhao was really in a low mood today. Seeing Lin Wu's state, he just sighed helplessly and looked at Maya: "Sorry to trouble you."

"Please." Maya motioned to Rizhao to step forward and drew out the Tang Dao, like a prisoner being escorted to the execution ground.Everyone followed to the edge of the safe zone. Rizhao turned around and wanted to say something, but unexpectedly Maya, the hard worker, had already slashed. Three swords flashed by. Rizhao was beheaded directly, and his head and body fell to the ground.The system performed mosaic processing on the wound and prevented blood from splattering, resulting in the scene not looking bloody, but particularly weird.

In this way, they came as a couple and left alone.I think they will have grown a lot when they meet again.This is also the longest time they have been separated since elementary school.The last time was only a week.Can they stick to their beliefs and keep their promises, or can they take on a new look and pursue themselves?I believe time will give them the answer.

Regardless, it's their choice.

As a result, Shadow gained a reliable doctor and a quasi-deputy commander in charge of internal affairs.

And Lin Wu suddenly had a strange idea: When I dumped your sister, you dumped your wife to me in anger, were you deliberately trying to harm me?


In the last five days of spring, Shadow, who had been stocking up on supplies as much as possible, was finally going to attack the container fortress.

Unlike the meeting held by Shitou, Maya called for a meeting at the command post, and everyone came.Maya began to explain the battle plan in detail, and everyone listened very carefully.They know that, like capturing the church on the top of the mountain, this is another critical moment for the fortune of the Shadow Gambling Foundation.

The first step of the plan: the convoy arrives at Pier Road and cleans up the zombies on the roadside.

Step [-]: Lin Wu, Ma Hun and Xiao Dao used rubber ducks to transport the bomb by sea to the west of the container. Lin Wu relied on agility to climb up and reach the top of the container.Pull the knife to the top of the container via the rope.Ma Hun pushed the rubber duck back, carrying a new batch of bombs and incendiary bombs.After delivering the goods, they met Lin Wu and Xiao Dao who were retreating under the container.

Step 18: Lin Wu installed 3 bombs in the container fortress according to the drawings.Each bomb uses a pipe bomb as a tube mine. The main body is 4 kilograms of F5. In addition, it also has an electronic timer and a magnet.Each bomb weighs approximately [-] kilograms.During Lin Wu's work, Xiaodao, the archer, would protect and cover Lin Wu as much as possible.If necessary, she will activate the alarm clock on her body and pull away the disturbed zombies.

A pocket knife is not very suitable for this position.However, the crossbowman Maya must sit in charge of the army, communicate with Lin Wu at all times, and prepare plans.Only Xiao Dao’s bow skill has system skill bonus.

Step [-]: Light the smoke grenade and call for artillery fire.Lin Wu and the others evacuated. Lin Wu and Xiao Dao jumped directly into the sea. Ma Hun was responsible for using rubber ducks to pull them back who might be injured.

Step [-]: Shana lit the smoke bomb at the three-way intersection and called for artillery again to interrupt the zombie reinforcements to the container fortress.During this period, the team was divided into two teams. One team used incendiary bombs to attack the reinforced zombies, and the other team broke into the container fortress through the rope left by Lin Wu.

Due to the limitation of honor value, the rules for capturing Container Fortress are slightly different from other bases.Only the base has honor points, so the stone must be responsible for capturing the container fortress.This occupation is only half the process. To complete the entire occupation, 20 units of five basic materials must be stored in the warehouse.This work will be done by Maya.After completing these two tasks, the Mayan team must be greater than or equal to four people to truly occupy the container fortress.

The reason why it is so troublesome is that the system kindly reminds players that they need to have strong strength before considering occupying the container fortress.This base is definitely not a place that a few homeless players can capture.

Every step of the plan is important. If you make a mistake, you may lose everything.

In order to pursue the chance of winning, Maya and Shana debated the timing of the operation.Maya believed that the zombies' vision deteriorated at night, and with the stealth skills, Lin Wu had a higher chance of winning.Shana believed that Lin Wu's vision also declined at night, and Shana was more worried about the source of the sound than her vision.Finally decided on a moonlit night.

Starlight used the calendar to calculate the date of the full moon, and the time of action was determined.

At eight o'clock that night, the motorcade arrived at Pier Road and stopped 15 meters away from the three-way intersection.Everyone gets out of the car and uses cold weapons or crossbows to quickly clear away the surrounding zombies.In this battle, everyone except Su Shi and Cui Yu were dispatched.

Then Ma Hun, Xiao Dao and Lin Wu walked down Wharf Road to the seaside and walked 25 meters holding the rubber duck to the west of the container.The sea water along this road is about 1.5 meters deep due to high tide.The two of them waited below, and Lin Wu used the gasket made by Su Shi to climb up.

Insert two shims into the gap between the two stacked containers to give people a place to lean on and step on.The drone was hovering in the sky. While climbing, Lin Wu was always observing the situation inside the container.

Each container is about 2.5 meters high, and the outer wall is made of 4 containers stacked up.Lin Wu successfully climbed to the last container. He stepped on the gasket and waited quietly.A Kuang Meng walked by above, Lin Wu jumped lightly, grabbed the edge of the container with both hands, burned his endurance to climb to the top, and then followed up with a wind thorn to catch up with Kuang Meng and executed him on the spot.

Lin Wu didn't touch the corpse, he didn't want to be the culprit for the failure of the mission.

Lin Wu took out the rope from his backpack and fixed it, then lowered the rope.The knife carried some of the bombs and successfully climbed to the top with the help of ropes and spacers.Reaching the top, Xiao Knife put the bombs in his backpack aside, took out his bow and arrows and entered an alert state.

The interior of the container fortress is made up of long square containers. The whole thing looks messy, but after more research, you will find that the overall layout is very strict.

The first floor is in the shape of a zigzag, with long and narrow passages, and there are terrains where one man is at the gate and ten thousand men cannot get through.In addition to the straight elevators, there are iron elevators at the four corners of the Hui character to reach every location on the second floor.

The second floor is the living area, which is flat and smooth, with a rice-shaped structure as a whole. Players can quickly reach other locations on the second floor.

The third floor is actually the rooftop, which is the highest point of the container base where Lin Wu and Xiao Dao are located.The oral structure is simple and crude.The purpose of this design is to avoid blocking the light in the living area.Players who like to soak up the sun, watch the moon, enjoy the wind and get wet in the rain can climb the ladder to the rooftop.

There are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage of the container fortress is that the conditions are difficult during the rainy season.You will get caught in the rain when you go out, so you can only stay in the building unit.The construction unit is the empty container.The containers on the second floor are basically empty containers, otherwise there would not be 18 small grids.The second floor can be simply understood as an overall arrangement of square warehouses, and the entrance to the building unit is a long corridor.

Therefore, there are a large number of zombies hiding on the second floor.The heart of blood is also on the second floor, at the center of the rice-shaped structure on the second floor.The word "meter" means road, and there is a word "kou" outside "meter". The building units are piled around the word "kou" and overlap with the three-story structure of "kou".

Lin Wu went down to the corridor bridge on the second floor, and the knife followed Lin Wu on the edge of the third floor.Lin Wu stopped, Xiaodao saw two zombies seven meters away, and immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow to capture one.The body fell down, and because the covered bridge was a steel hole structure, it made a lot of noise.The second zombie fell to the ground.

Lin Wu hid in a container and used a drone to watch the zombies in the surrounding containers go out to watch the fun.There are quite a few of them, and some of them are fierce.There are two giants in the fortress. They are at the heart of blood, which is the center of the rice.

The knife continued to shoot, killing zombies continuously, successfully clearing the small area of ​​zombies.However, some zombies were far away from the sound source. They just walked out of the container for a casual look and then got back into the container.

Lin Wu continued to advance, and the knife followed Lin Wu to eliminate all the zombies on the covered bridge.Some zombies were staying at the door of the building unit, seemingly ready for a sneak attack.Fortunately, with the drone, Lin Wu could see the situation clearly, either killing or passing by, and successfully turned the covered bridge in a circle.

Lin Wu returned to the top floor, and Xiao Dao pulled the supplies sent by Ma Hun to the top floor.After arranging the order, Lin Wu put 9 bombs in his backpack, and Xiaodao also carried 9 bombs on his back.Lin Wu went down to the covered bridge on the second floor. The knife followed Lin Wu on the top floor, and the two of them patrolled the building again.

The No. 1 position was at the top of the rice. After Lin Wu arrived at the location, he attached the bomb to the guardrail and reported through the headset: "No. [-] is in position."

Maya took a deep breath: "Let's get started."

Lin Wu looked at his watch, pressed the timer, and then activated the bomb, which began a 10-minute countdown.Lin Wu moved clockwise to location 2, placed the bomb, and waited quietly. When the time reached 9 minutes and 20 seconds, Lin Wu pressed the bomb activation button and continued to location 3.

There was a small accident on the way, and a zombie walked out of the container. Lin Wu was too busy checking the time to pay attention to the drone. Fortunately, the knife was on alert at all times and shot the zombie through the head with an arrow.The corpse fell to the ground, and six zombies came out from the surrounding area, one of which was violent.Lin Wu held the Jiye lock with a knife and quickly cleaned them up.

Lin Wu burns his stamina and sneaks fast, and activates the bomb immediately after arriving at location 3.Look at the time, just in time.Lin Wu was glad that Maya reserved more than ten seconds for herself at each location.

(End of this chapter)

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