Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 245 New Base

Chapter 245 New Base

17 bombs were in place. Lin Wu looked at the time and saw that there was still one and a half minutes. He waved the knife to evacuate, and he quietly touched the heart of blood on top of the rice character.

The center of the rice-shaped building where the blood heart is located is a platform composed of two stacks of containers, with an area of ​​approximately 40 square meters.Since there is no ceiling to stretch out, Xuexin's root tentacles flow down and densely wrap the two stacks of containers.

The two giants are like bloody guards. They move irregularly on the platform.They are the targets that Maya and Lin Wu have been observing for the longest time.In the Maya plan, Lin Wu only had 45 seconds to plant a bomb near the blood heart and turn on the smoke bomb.

The first difficulty is that Lin Wu must activate the bomb within about 45 seconds, with an error of no more than two seconds.Not fast, not slow.

The second difficulty is not to alarm the giants, but to allow them to withstand the baptism of artillery fire as much as possible.Once they chase players and leave their position, the damage caused by artillery fire to them will be greatly reduced, which will be extremely detrimental to subsequent capture efforts.

Lin Wu was lurking on the covered bridge, on the north side of the rice character, about 7 meters away from the center of the rice character.Two giants were on the east and west sides of the platform, occasionally taking a few steps and causing quite a vibration.Lin Wu was waiting for an opportunity and time.

If there is no chance, Lin Wu will turn on the smoke bomb when it arrives in 45 seconds, hold the bomb wind stinger to the platform and activate the bomb.Leave the smoke grenades and bombs on the platform before you get killed by the Big Mac.

There is still time, there is still opportunity, and opportunities are created with hard work.Its huge and bulging body created an obstacle. As long as the two giants moved to the south together at close to 45 seconds, Lin Wu would have a chance to complete the task and escape unscathed.

In 35 seconds, Big Mac Armor moved to the south.But in 40 seconds, Big Mac B moved to the north, blocking Lin Wu and Xue Xin.Lin Wu knew it was over. According to observations over the past few days, Big Mac only moved around every 50 seconds or so.

Maya looked at the time: "Put down the bombs and smoke bombs, activate them and retreat." Maya may have thought of a plan to die together, but this time Maya did not propose this plan, nor did she ask Lin Wu to die together.

Lin Wu replayed the shelling scene of the black bear in his mind. The closer to the smoke bomb, the greater the damage.Originally, 7 meters was not a problem, but this is a structure with the word "meter", and everything outside the word "meter" is empty.It is possible that the cannonball will land outside the M-shaped covered bridge, and you need to bet on whether the cannonball will land on the Blood Heart Platform.

The most frightening thing is that after the bombardment, he refused to give up, but summoned a large number of subordinates, and the capture plan was completely aborted.

Thinking of this, Lin Wu moved. Two wind spikes rushed onto the platform and hit Big Mac's thighs. He took advantage of the situation and threw the smoke bomb in his left hand and the bomb in his right hand on Xue Xin.

Big Mac roared, and Lin Wu could completely escape from this gap using his wind thorns and 20-star agility.But he didn't run. He knew that if he ran, Big Mac and the zombies attracted by Big Mac would chase him, and they would probably reach the mouth corridor bridge.In this way, the container on the top will become the best cover for zombies. (The outer and inner entrances of the covered bridge are connected together.)
"Mission accomplished." Lin Wu said and was grabbed by Big Mac's big hand.

Maya immediately contacted Su Shi: "After 40 seconds, firepower point 1 will launch an artillery attack."

Maya waved her hand, and Peanut approached the three-way intersection with a smoke bomb, squatting under cover ten meters away from the intersection.

The team was divided into two groups, one group was preparing to cross the sea, and the other group was preparing to deal with the three-way intersection.

After making arrangements, Maya looked at the west wall, but did not see Lin Wu. Maya: "Lin Wu? The time is almost up, retreat immediately."

Shana said nervously: "There are still 20 seconds."

After waiting for another time, Maya couldn't help but said: "Lin Wu, if you hear me, please answer."


Lin Wu was seen flying out of the fortress like a cannonball, flying very high, much higher than the container on the top floor.In the air, Lin Wuhuai held his hands and began to fall: "Ah..."

15 seconds ago, Big Mac grabbed Lin Wu with its big hand. It raised Lin Wu and wanted to smash Lin Wu's head on the ground.Lin Wu's 20-star agility was not a guarantee. He burned his stamina in Big Mac's hands and flinched, hitting the ground with his fist, but Lin Wu was not hurt.

Lin Wu dug in like this and punches came out of his lower body.Big Mac raised his fist, and Lin Wu tried his best to drill upwards, but this time he miscalculated and his legs were directly smashed. Fortunately, he saved his thighs and waist, and did not die on the spot.

Because his hands were tied, Lin Wu couldn't take painkillers. Fortunately, Shuguang set the pain threshold. Although it hurt, he didn't faint from the pain.Um?Should we thank Shuguang for setting the highest pain threshold?
The three-axe Big Mac used his third move and threw Lin Wu out.This was not the first time Lin Wu was thrown. Last time Big Mac caught him and threw him against the wall, but he survived.This time the Big Mac was thrown towards the sea.

"Feet, break the water with your feet." Maya and Shanna shouted at the same time. Falling 30 meters onto the sea has a very high mortality rate.If your head falls into the water, your cervical vertebrae will be broken.If the body is exposed to water, the internal organs may rupture.The only chance of survival is to sink his legs into the water and save his life at the expense of his legs.

"Is the knee okay?" Lin Wu straightened his knee and made a huge splash.

Xingguang said: "I will save Lin Wu."

"Okay, everyone get ready."

Lin Wu floated motionless on the water.Starlight dived and swam towards Lin Wu. Before she could reach it, the first shell landed on the Blood Heart platform.Even in the water, Starlight could feel the huge vibrations.Then came the second shot, and the third shot.Xingguang tried to calm down, grabbed Lin Wu's clothes and dragged him towards the shore. At this time, he had no time to care whether Lin Wu was dead or alive, so he dragged him back first.

Just after towing one meter, 18 bombs exploded simultaneously. The shock wave of the explosion lifted more than a dozen containers into the air, sending debris everywhere.Xingguang turned over and sat on Lin Wu. She felt a tearing sensation on her back. Judging from her condition, she found that she was bleeding. It was obvious that some flying debris had hit her.

Maya saw clearly, grabbed Du Shuang, and shouted loudly in Da Shuang's ears: "Go and help." She pushed Du Shuang away, led Team A to jump into the sea, and launched an attack on the container fortress.

At the same time, the fire strike called by Group B arrived, and the shells fell among the zombies who rushed to the container fortress for support, and countless minced meat flew everywhere.

After a round of shelling, Group A has begun to climb the container.Group B led by Shana quickly approached the three-way intersection.If the zombie wave continues to charge south, towards the container fortress, then they will use all their bullets to stop them.When you run out of bullets, fight with the bayonet.In other words, unless all members of Group B are dead, no zombie will be added.

At this time, Maya came with great news: "The container fortress has been emptied. Stone, hurry up."

The stone was still crawling clumsily. Not only did he have no attributes, he was also not good at sports.The people at the top were so anxious that they jumped up and finally saw the stone emerging. They grabbed their clothes and pulled their hair with all their hands, and together they pulled the stone up from below.

The pain from the stone was unbearable, but I was surrounded by anxious people, so I could only endure the pain and run to the Yuanxuexin platform to deposit honor points.During this period, only Maya was left in Group A. The others put down their supplies where they were, followed the rope back, jumped across the sea, and went to the team to get the resource pack.

There are 5 units of each of the five major materials, which is equivalent to 20 resource packs. Group A of five people, excluding stones and Maya, requires 25 resource packs.This speed is equivalent to the transportation team having to make 23 more trips, and it is also related to the fact that Lin Wu and Xingguang of the original transportation team withdrew from the battle.

The horse soul, snow egg and knife flew into the air.Resource packs are different from items and cannot be transported by hand or other tools. They must be placed in a backpack, placed in the trunk of a car, or stored in a warehouse. (Why? Who knows why, Ro2 can only carry 1 at a time, even if both hands are empty.)
After Xingguang used first aid to solve Lin Wu's choking problem, he immediately joined the transportation team with Da Shuang.Shana saw that the zombies were not moving to support the container fortress, so she also pulled out peanuts to support the transportation team.Shana also carries a small bomb on her body. If the second round of shelling sound source does not catch the zombies, she will be the new sound source to fight.

Due to the obstruction of sea water, the progress of the transport team is slow, but all crises have been resolved, and success is only a matter of time.

Ten minutes later, Maya completed the occupation of the Container Fortress, and the new base was temporarily named the Container Fortress Base.Container Fortress, like all sub-bases, implements an individual system. The first batch of members is four people, namely Xue Dan, Xiao Dao, Ma Hun and Maya.

Lin Wu was pulled back to the ward of the Shadow Base for treatment by Pikachu.

During the treatment period, there were constant meetings among the Shadow's top brass, and since the two bases did not form an alliance, discussions could only be conducted by mouth rather than wireless communication.The main meeting topics include: how to use 18 small grids and two large grids, naming of sub-bases, members of sub-bases, alliance planning matters, etc.

According to the previous plan, in order to save the space of the sawmill, only six people were left in the sawmill and a military camp was demolished. The 12 people are divided into two groups, with six people in each group.But there is a rule in the sawmill. If there are less than 5 members, it will be automatically disbanded.Suppose two people suddenly died in the sawmill, the sawmill would be disbanded.

How to arrange it requires high-level discussion, or arrange all logistics personnel at the sawmill. As long as they don't show up for work, basically no two people will be killed in the base.Or arrange for strong combatants, such as Lin Wu, who can't be killed no matter what.Or use the reward card Maya got to divide the large grid into two small grids, and use one small grid to build a dormitory.

No matter which method is used, there are advantages and disadvantages. Originally, only Shitou, Maya and Shana participated in this kind of frivolous discussion meeting, but now Xingguang also participated.Since the meeting covered a wide range of topics, Shadow decided to hold an enlarged meeting and hold everyone at gunpoint.

The meeting time is tentatively scheduled for [-] a.m. the next day, and the meeting location is the sawmill. Snow Egg and Knife will stay at the container fortress.It’s not because their ideas are unimportant, it’s because they can’t put forward effective opinions even when they attend meetings.Might as well give them more private time.Safety is no problem.The Container Fortress lives up to its name. There is only one seawall road in the south of the entire base.One gunman is stationed on the top floor, and another gunman is stationed in the corridor on the first floor. As long as the guns are not broken and the bullets can keep up, no matter how many zombies come, they will be in vain.


Non-allies can also enter the base, but skills, attributes, and weapons are locked and cannot be used.Of course you have to use your fists to do it.

Ten people were sitting at the repaired conference table, and it looked like it was quite impressive.Shitou cleared his throat and explained the meeting content as simply as possible.

The first topic, base grouping.Maya introduced the situation. If too many people were assigned to the container fortress, the sawmill defense would become a problem and may even lead to disbandment.If there are too few people to divide, the sawmill will not be able to free up the grid.

Lin Wu's decisiveness was at full value: "Five people go to the container fortress, the container fortress will send manpower to form an alliance, and all the manpower of the sawmill will be used for research."

Maya said: "There are six beds in the barracks and seven people in the sawmill."

Lin Wu: "Get rid of Shitou."

The stone flew into the cup, and Lin Wu caught it, laughing: He was humiliating himself.

Maya: "Be serious."

Lin Wu said: "Are you serious? Then four people will be stationed in the container fortress, and the sawmill barracks will remain unchanged."

Xingguang raised his hand and said: "I agree with Lin Wu's point of view, but I also have some opinions of my own. I think the logistics personnel should be concentrated in one base. In view of the current situation around the two bases, the density of zombies in the warehouses and living areas near the container base is high , combatants should be placed in container bases."

Xingguang's spirit of attending the meeting seriously infected everyone, and everyone expressed their opinions one after another.Some people think that container fortresses are highly secure and logistics personnel should be stationed at container fortresses.Some people also think that one manpower can be wasted and the number of personnel in the two bases should be equal.

Maya said: "If you are willing to go to the container base, please raise your hands."

Everyone raised their hands to express their disapproval.

Maya said: "Okay, then, the members I named will be assigned to the container base." After everyone's discussion, Maya found that among the pros and cons of choices, relying on the masses will not make a decision.Maya decisively entered a state of dictatorship.She was also worried like Shitou. People would run away after driving for a long time.Even if people can't run away, their hearts are not here.

Shitou stopped: "First we must determine which commander is in charge of the container base."

Maya said: "I'll go."

Shitou looked at Shana, Shana nodded, Shitou nodded and said: You continue.

Maya called the name: "Lin Wu."

Lin Wu stood up and raised his crotch as if he were holding a Hercules Cup: "Trash, tremble." Then all kinds of garbage flew around, Lin Wu covered his head with his crotch and squatted down.

Lin Wu made everyone excited.

Maya said: "If you have a strong desire to go to the container base, please raise your hands." After she and Lin Wu confirmed their lists, the foundation for the container base had been laid.Everyone also understands what the daily work of a container base is.On the contrary, without Lin Wu and Maya in the sawmill, their daily work is basically going to the mall.

After waiting for a moment, Dashuang raised his left hand first: "Me."

Maya: "Reasons, why."

Dashuang was startled, isn't this a job transfer?How did it become a job application?
Dashuang replied: "The sawmill has the skills of Snow Egg and a complete sentry. The current threat level has remained at 3 stars and 0%, and has not increased for several days. I think my job is meaningless."

Maya said: "Okay, is there anyone else?"

Peanut raised his hand: "Me."


Peanut said: "I like the sea."

Shitou: "Isn't there a beach at the sawmill?"

Peanut looked disgusted: "What I like is the sea where you can dive and surf."

Maya reminded: "Although the container fortress faces the sea on one side, there are no beaches around it."

Peanut said: "I know."

Maya said: "Then the four of us will go to the container base. Fill the trunk of the pickup truck with building materials, and each person will bring a food bag. Let's go."

Shitou: "Leaving now?"

Maya said: "We still need to occupy the substation and construction base when we go back. There are still many things to deal with."

Shitou said: "Xingguang, if your driving skills are good, go with them and transport some more building material packages, and then bring back the snow eggs and knives. In addition, you will be responsible for discussing the alliance mission with Maya."

Starlight stood up: "Understood."

Shitou's original intention was for Shana to take three people to station at the container base and separate Shana and Xingguang to avoid embarrassment.But Maya does not think that their private affairs are qualified to affect personnel deployment.

 There have been a lot of things going on in the past few days, there have been a lot of typos, and I forgot to update, so please forgive me.

  If you find a typo, you can use the error correction function...

  Let me repeat my personal point of view on buying stocks.

  You buy stocks, the stock index rises to 1000 points, you sell stocks at the highest point, and you make money.At the same time, you need to know that people who buy your stocks are trapped in a high position.If someone makes money, someone must lose money. If someone makes 1000 yuan, someone must lose [-] yuan.

  As a retail investor, I think I am no match for institutions and bankers, and I do not have the latest inside information. Therefore, if one of the bankers and I must lose money, I think that person is me.

(End of this chapter)

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