Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 249 New Chapter Chapter

Chapter 249 New Chapter

At the end of spring, at eight o'clock in the morning on the first day of summer, everyone was teleported back to the base.The game has also undergone tremendous changes.

First, the four major material warehouses were cancelled, and except for building materials, other material units were converted into physical units.Building materials are not used because building materials are too complicated and are related to the production room. This is a small benefit left by Sugon for hardcore players.Since there is no material warehouse, there is no upper limit for building material storage, and trees can be cut down to exchange building material value for the system.

The expansion requirement of Doomsday Fortress has been changed from the original 50 units of each of the five major materials to 250 units of building materials.

The system presented Doomsday Fortress with a large freezer that was free of electricity for a month. The first thing he had to do as a leader was to unpack the food and put it in the freezer.One unit of food can be exchanged for two kilograms of beef or 4 kilograms of rice, flour, or vegetables.The redemption time is 24 hours, and the redemption channel will be closed after 24 hours.

The refrigerator has a large capacity, but is small compared to the large amount of supplies. This requires Maya's coordination ability to distribute the 15 units of food on hand.Of course, because of the two farms in Shadow, staple food and vegetables are not a big problem.Maya mainly took meat and also exchanged several bags of rice and flour.

On the other side, Shadow Stone went crazy and became a farmer.The farm is no longer a copy.A large farm gives you four rows of soil mounds, which can grow 12 types of crops.Each crop has a different harvest time, and harvesting crops leaves behind seeds.

The beach was cancelled, and all materials used to build the beach were 100% recycled, including Wildcard.

Fortress of Doom's 8 gasoline units have been changed to 8 barrels of gasoline.Ammunition packs are exchanged for bullets by Maya.Medical kits are also exchanged for basic medicines such as alcohol, antibiotics and bandages, which are stored directly in the ward warehouse.

The second change is to cancel the item warehouse. All items cannot be stored in the warehouse and must be placed somewhere.

The third change is that stain garbage is no longer refreshed, including dirt on clothes.Restoring human secretion and personal hygiene have become matters that players need to consider.

To sum up, it basically transfers players from the electronic world to the real world.Of course, there are also reservations, such as skills, attributes, kitchens, wards, etc.

In addition, there is a huge change, which is the realization of attributes.

Physical strength: Take the Twin Snow Egg as an example. He has full endurance and endless physical strength.Others would be exhausted after carrying a log once, but he could carry it ten times and still maintain sufficient experience.In addition, people with high physical strength have stronger immunity than other people.

Agility: Run fast, be strong and flexible.Lin Wu is like Tarzan in the Doomsday Fortress, he can jump up and down at will.Others went upstairs and took the stairs, but he went upstairs and used both hands to glide up.

Strength: It is strength. Others can only lift 100 kilograms of items, but he can lift 200 kilograms, or even 300 kilograms.

Will and intelligence are spiritual attributes, not physical attributes, and cannot be embodied concretely.It's easy to understand in reality. The physical attributes are clear at a glance, but the mental attributes are not.

In addition, values ​​such as hunger and fatigue have been cancelled, and will be reflected directly from the human body's conditions.Originally, the system stipulated that sleep should not be less than 5 hours a day, and the system could help to enter system sleep.Now all these restrictions have been eliminated.


The first worry brought to Doomsday Fortress: What to eat for lunch?
At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Wu was surprised to find that he was hungry and wanted to eat. After asking, he found that everyone was the same.Maya was busy unpacking and assigned the lunch task to Lin Wu and Da Shuang.Who asked them to ask themselves if they were hungry?

Lin Wu went to the refrigerator on the second floor, looked at it with Da Shuang for a while, then took a piece of pork and a bag of rice to the kitchen.Salt and other condiments are neatly placed in the kitchen.Lin Wu put the pork and rice on the cooking table, set a meal for four, and the menu appeared on the system.This is a food that can be made using pork, rice and existing condiments.

Pork braised rice: four kilograms.The ingredients consumed are two kilograms of pork, one kilogram of rice, some salt, MSG, and soy sauce.Overall taste rating is C+.

If players wish, they can remove all salt and other condiments.

Lin Wu ordered the cooking station and started making it. Three minutes later, a plate of pork braised rice appeared on the iron plate.

Da Shuang said: "There is no dining table, chairs, or bowls and chopsticks."

Lin Wu had a toothache: "You have to wash the dishes after eating." It's not impossible not to wash the dishes, but there are so many people, so it's better to wash them yourself.

Peanut went to find wood to sharpen chopsticks, and Dushuang used the materials to make an iron bowl. They used the small folding table as a dining table. The five of them sat on the floor, and the first meal in the Doomsday Fortress was considered a meal together.

The pork is three-layered meat and is quite fatty. After a few bites, Cotton couldn't finish it.Peanut asked her to pick out the pork and go to the kitchen to get the soy sauce mixed rice.Da Shuang found a few biscuits and a pack of seaweed in the temporary debris pile, crushed them up and mixed them with the rice, which was still edible.

Lin Wu praised Da Shuang's cooking skills: "I didn't expect that such a simple addition of ingredients could bring the overall taste of the stewed rice to a higher level."

Peanut took a big gulp of food and nodded repeatedly: "It's delicious. Dashuang, do you often cook at home?" The wingman was dispatched.

"Occasionally." Dashuang said a little embarrassedly: "I often eat instant noodles. I like to add things to it."

Lin Wu looked at Maya: "Da Shuang seems to have a very unique understanding of food."

Just be a human being!Maya sighed in her heart and said: "Dashuang, from now on, you will be responsible for lunch and dinner. Is that okay?"

"Ah?" Da Shuang was startled and nodded: "Okay, as long as everyone doesn't dislike it."

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it." It's all rubbish. Whoever cooks it doesn't cook it.

Cotton said: "I am responsible."


Mian Qian put the bowl down and said, "This is pig food, don't eat it."

After talking, Cotton went downstairs, took some meat, some vegetables, and some flour from the refrigerator, went to the kitchen, and soon brought a large pot of Yangchun noodles.

Cotton put down the noodles: "I added some extra ingredients."

Everyone took a few sips of the soup based on the principle of trying it, and found that the seasoning level of cotton was not inferior to that of Ma Hun, a professional chef.Mian Mian also coated the meat slices in powder and marinated it for a while. It tasted very good.

The system cooking table is only for the convenience of players, reducing their waiting time, and also reducing processes such as washing vegetables.Players can adjust the steps.For example, for lean meat porridge, just put the normal meat and rice.Those who are more ambitious will adjust the porridge cooking time and heat, the size of the lean meat particles, and prepare an extra sauce.

Lin Wu asked curiously: "Mian Mian, aren't you a policeman? Why are your cooking skills so good?" Mian Mian comes from a good family and has parents. Generally speaking, children like this don't know how to cook at home.

Cotton replied: "I studied for several months while undercover." She said it lightly, but the process was not simple.Lin Wu and others didn't know that Mian Mian's teacher was the royal chef of a super rich man.As an apprentice and assistant, in order to stay in the super-rich manor, she studied and practiced hard, and finally obtained the qualification to serve food on the table, installed bugs in secret rooms, and gained the reputation of a criminal gang. key evidence.

Why should the chef bring the dishes to the table? Because many dishes require chefs or waiters to operate on the spot.For example, when you eat whole lamb for the first time, you don’t know where to start.At this time, a chef will cut all the mutton into edible sizes in front of you and stack it neatly. "Flies." Peanut scolded: "XXX, damn Shuguang, you improved your animal system, why did you release the flies? Are there still mosquitoes, fleas and lice?"

As soon as he said it, Lin Wu reached out and pinched the fly with his thumb and index finger. Everyone said in unison: "Wow."

Lin Wu smiled proudly, held the fly in his hand and quickly shook it unconscious, then swung it hard towards the ground, killing the fly immediately.Liquid flowed from the hit area and stuck to the ground.Maya looked down at the fly and said thoughtfully: "Is it such a detail?"

Maya sat down and said: "Everyone, from now on, we must treat this game as a real world. I can tell everyone that the future is not good, and I hope everyone will be mentally prepared. In the afternoon, I will go to Shadow to learn about farmland products. How to carry out comprehensive and comprehensive material deployment in case of emergency."

Maya said: "Mineral water is limited, we need a water storage container, preferably a water tank, and use water purification tablets to treat it."

From 5 a.m. to now, 12 people have drank [-] bottles of mineral water. The main reasons are the high temperature and high humidity. They sweat at the slightest movement and need to constantly replenish water.

Peanut said: "Before, I only thought about our combat ability to survive in the hard-core mode. I never thought about whether our life ability would allow us to survive in the doomsday."

Lin Wu said: "I never thought I could survive the game before."

Peanut was startled and pointed at Lin Wu: "That's the truth. When I was poor and destitute, I was not afraid of anything. Now that I have guns and brothers, I really shouldn't worry about gains and losses."

Maya was talking to Shitou on the side and came back: "Everyone goes to the shadow for a meeting."

Lin Wu asked in surprise: "Leave Xiao Wai to guard the base?" He turned to look at Xiao Wai, who was in a ball with Cotton.Lin Wu saw a smile on Mian Mian's face for the first time.Although the total contact time is not much, I have never seen Mian Qian smile.

Maya sighed in her heart after listening to Lin Wu's words: Here we go again.

Lin Wu said: "Then you have to pay."

Maya ignored Lin Wu and said: "Draw lots and leave one person behind."

Lin Wu prayed for 5 seconds, but unfortunately he didn't get the duty ticket, leaving Peanut as the person on duty.Lin was unhappy and had no choice but to get into the pickup truck and head to the Shadow Sawmill with everyone to attend the first Shadow Hardcore Conference.


The sawmill has undergone great changes. The backyard has been expanded by about 20% through the system. It is said that the large grid area is adjusted.Each large grid covers an area of ​​about 50 square meters.

Brother Soul Egg is digging a pit to store gasoline, which is a first-class dangerous product. 40 gasoline tanks exploded, possibly blowing up the entire base.

Due to the limited capacity of the refrigerator, rice noodles that can be stored at room temperature are stacked in a corner of the factory.As for medical treatment and ammunition, they are the best resources to deal with. They can be directly exchanged for basic medical supplies and bullets.

Next door to the food area is the item area, where Shana and others are sorting garbage.Starlight set up a weapons rack made of wood near the dormitory.All the firearms were placed on top and covered with a layer of oilcloth.The system takes certain care of firearms and bullets, and does not require players to perform regular maintenance on firearms.

Whether it is the ward, the kitchen, the production room, or the firearms welfare, the system is specially set up considering the non-professional players.Otherwise, in a 100% realistic situation, if nothing else, everyone will starve to death before the wheat is ripe.

Today's meeting is about base operations.Simply put, cooking, laundry and tidying up.If everyone is responsible for these three chores individually, half of everyone's energy will be spent on them.

As long as everyone doesn't litter, tidying up is not considered work and can be handled by caring people on a daily basis.Horse Soul has the blessing of a kitchen, so cooking is not a problem.The only problem is the laundry.

The good news is that the system is merciful and your underwear will always stay dry and clean, even if it gets dirty, it will be refreshed.The bad news is, of course, that outerwear, pants, shoes, etc. are not treated like this.Some people change one set of clothes a day, and some people change one set of clothes a week. How to arrange work to make it more fair is the focus of the meeting.

Lin Wu looked at Maya next to him: "I don't know how to wash clothes." It's not that Lin Wu is incompetent, 99% of Blue Star people don't know how to wash clothes. After all, there are high-tech washing machines, who would learn to wash clothes?

Why a washing machine and not a robot nanny?Because robots are subject to the Law of Dawn, robots cannot be used unless they must perform extremely dangerous tasks.Additionally, the Laws of Dawn prohibit human cloning.If humans cannot reproduce naturally, then human civilization should end here.

Maya nodded lightly: "I will."


Maya: "I'll wash it, and I'll wash it for you. It's obligatory, and it's free of charge." She said it in one breath, lest you murmur in your ear.

Maya's cheerfulness made Lin Wu feel bad.Maybe washing clothes is easy for Maya, but for Lin Wu who has no idea how to wash clothes, it always feels like a huge favor.

Previously, the operation of Shadow Base was supported by the enthusiasm and consciousness of players.Obviously doing laundry is a job that all players dislike.

One way is to work in shifts. The problem with shifts is that some people don't wash well, while others wash well.Comparing the two can easily breed complaints.I washed your clothes and they were very clean. The clothes you washed for me were as unwashed and no one felt comfortable.

Ma Hun is a chef and shouldn't be responsible for the laundry shift, but who doesn't have a job of his own?Stone is a Farmer, produced by Su Shi, led by Shana, and the members went out for adventure.Ma Hun is also responsible for the chef and has to participate in the laundry shift. Isn't it unfair to him?

One way is to recommend yourself.But there is no fun in washing clothes. It is just a job. Maybe someone has the enthusiasm to do it for a month or two months, but can it last for a year?What is the mentality of someone who does laundry full-time?Do you feel that you have made the greatest contribution?Do you need to arrange other tasks on a daily basis?Self-recommendation is not the answer after all.

One way is to recruit laundry workers, who are only responsible for washing clothes. But before, I didn’t put my big pair in the laundry pool. Where can I find such obedient people now?Being willing to do laundry and being forced to do laundry are two different things.A bad mentality can easily cause trouble in a crowded group.

At the end of the research, we decided to temporarily work in pairs and do the laundry once every two days.

Therefore, Lin Wu doesn't like meetings. If something needs to be discussed in a meeting, it means that there will basically not be a good solution.This kind of thing is usually left to stone.If anything happens in the kitchen, Ma Hun will be responsible.If there is any field work, Shana will be responsible.Ordinary members are responsible for supervision.In other words, this meeting was held because Shitou couldn't think of anything to do.

However, although Lin Wu was smart, he did not fully understand Shitou's intentions.

Shi Shi was keenly aware that laundry might become the first problem that the hard-core model would face. He knew that no one would be satisfied with any solution, so the meeting was just one of his strategies.We held meetings to explain the problem to everyone, and finally decided on a plan that everyone reluctantly accepted, thus avoiding dissatisfaction caused by directly executing the plan.

After the meeting, several barrels of gasoline and some supplies were taken away from the Fortress of Doom.After entering the hardcore mode, the car trunk grid is cut in half, after all, only building materials are left.Gasoline and the like can be accumulated in the back of a pickup truck or stuffed in the cabin.

After having another lunch in Shadow, and packing a fried noodles for Peanut on duty, Lin Wu and others said goodbye to everyone, got into the pickup truck and left, returning to the Fortress of Doom.

(End of this chapter)

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