250 NPC
It can be clearly felt that the density of zombies has been greatly reduced, Big Macs are no longer everywhere, and the ferocious density has been reduced to a rare level.Route 99, which originally had few zombies, was almost unobstructed.When approaching the ramp, Lin Wu called to stop: "Pull over."

Maya pulled over and parked the car. Lin Wu looked at an ordinary villa 15 meters away from the car: "There is someone there."

It's not surprising that there are people there, but when they passed by in the morning, they didn't see any players nearby.The most peculiar thing is that the villa has a light green safe zone that is difficult to find. Normally, the color of the safe zone is ordinary green.

Maya said: "On the forest fog, Mian Mian and I separated from each other, while Da Shuang stayed in the driver's seat and waited. Don't show your gun yet."

Not showing a gun means not holding a gun. This is a player community convention.When heading to other people's bases, or preparing to come into contact with others, if you are holding a gun, it means approaching with malicious intent, and the other party can attack accordingly.I don’t know if this convention exists in other places, but it does in Lao Beishang Town, and the convention is written on the bulletin board entering and exiting Beishang Town.

Lin Wu walked against the pine trees on the roadside, always ready to escape behind the pine trees.About 8 meters away from the villa, a woman came out with a bucket. Without noticing Lin Wu, she walked to the well on the side of the house and turned the pulley to draw water from the well.

"Hello." Lin Wu said.

The woman turned around, saw Lin Wu, and said in surprise: "Hello survivor."

Lin Wu whispered into the headset: "Death NPC."

Lin Wu stepped forward to talk to the woman, and Maya quickly followed her to prevent Lin Wu from killing anyone if he got upset, and at the same time, she asked Qian Qian to provide support outside.There are too few NPCs in this game and it is impossible to determine the opponent's camp.

This base is called Warmth House and is formed by three female NPCs. Currently, the relationship between Doomsday Fortress and Warmth House is neutral.From the NPC and system explanations, we can know that this is an ordinary system with some weirdness.

To put it simply, after the relationship between Doomsday Fortress and Cozy House improves, you can hire NPCs to provide services for your base through supplies.The cozy cabin is a housekeeping base that can provide cleaning and sanitation services.

The NPC told Maya that a group of veterans lived five kilometers further and they formed a back-up base.After players improve their relationship with them, they can hire them to help guard the base.The biggest feature is that they bring their own guns and ammunition and don't have to worry about food.

The employment fee is a weekly salary, and the needs of each base are different.Such as the need for cozy cabins is meat food.In other words, using meat food can hire them to provide housekeeping services for the fortress for a week.The exact cost depends on the relationship between the fortress of doom and the cozy cabin.

How to improve relationships?There are two ways. The first way is to complete the active task. Currently, the cozy cabin has three requirements, which are three wolf skins, five kilograms of charcoal and five large logs.

After killing a wolf, you can dissect it if you have a short blade.Those who are not hunters, surgeons or have no relevant skills have a 20% chance of obtaining a complete wolf skin and 20% edible meat.Hunters have a 50% chance of obtaining intact wolf skins and 100% of edible meat.

Five kilograms of charcoal can be obtained by burning fifteen kilograms of wood.

Large logs need to be cut down in the mountains.There are several near the hut, the problem is how to cut them.After cutting and then trimming off all the branches, you will have one big log.Large logs have requirements for the diameter of the wood. You can check whether it is a large log by checking the tree information.

Obviously these three tasks are relatively time-consuming or laborious tasks, and the friendliness added is not much.

The current neutral relationship is 50 points, and a task adds 2 points. 60 relationship points are friendly, and 40 relationship points are unfriendly. A relationship of 70 points means harmony, and a relationship of 30 points means hostility. If the relationship is 80 points, the relationship is friendly, and if the relationship is 20 points, the relationship is hostile. If you meet, fight will begin. If you have 100 relationship points as an ally, the NPC will provide services for free. Point 0 is a mortal enemy. NPCs will not only actively attack players, but may also hire NPCs to attack players.

The second way adds more relationships, but it is a passive task.After the two bases came into contact through the radio channel, they established contact.When the Cozy House encounters an emergency, it will ask for help from the Doomsday Fortress. After a successful rescue, the relationship will be increased based on the emergency and rescue situation.

There are two disadvantages to this approach. One disadvantage is that it is a passive mission. Maybe a month or a year in the cozy hut does not require external help.One disadvantage is that Warmth House may not only know your base, and the other party may ask for help from other bases.Of course, there are currently no other bases nearby, so the second disadvantage basically does not exist.

On the way back to the base, Maya explained the situation to Shana, who immediately drove people to find the cabin.After walking around for half an hour, they found no domestic base or employment base, but a labor base.In the cozy hut, you can hire NPCs by providing meat.In the labor base, you can get food for your work.

The work is very simple, just digging and filling pits. Based on earthwork and efficiency calculations, one person can get 1 meals after working for eight hours, which can meet the food needs of two people for a day.

After another half hour of driving and burning a barrel of oil, Shana found another NPC base: the Sanctuary Base.Players with no food, water or base can live here for 48 hours.

Shana, who was unwilling to give up, went through the No. 99 sewer to conduct a manpower search, and was happy to encounter a housekeeping NPC base at Exit 2.The Doomsday Fortress establishes contact with the NPC base through the radio station based on the channel provided by Shana.Except for the housekeeping NPC that Shana just found.

While playing Radio, Fortress of Doom found a player channel.After learning about it, I learned that this base is called Angel Alliance and is located in the suburbs of Beicheng, an unnamed town 12 kilometers away from the Fortress of Doom.

Naming the alliance means that the other party is not an ordinary base.They come from a small town in Fantasy City. Before the event, they connected players who wanted to stay in the hardcore mode and collectively went to the town through base replacement.Currently, their town has a total of 24 households and 108 people.There are not many rules, and the business is conducted in the form of a tribe that helps each other.Since many members have fishing skills, their long-term food will come from the Beicheng River.

The League of Angels welcomes the Fortress of Doom to the town for trade.It is more difficult to get them to come to the Fortress of Doom.Although the straight-line distance is only 12 kilometers, the road distance is 25 kilometers, and the most difficult section is the tunnel two kilometers away from their town.This tunnel is the scene of a large-scale car accident.But the difficulty of driving the car is only one of the difficulties.

There is a checkpoint at the tunnel exit. Like the checkpoint in Beishang Town, hundreds of soldiers were once stationed here to block the road.Therefore, not only is the density of zombies extremely high, but they are all hard-skinned zombies, which are extremely difficult to deal with.

There are many vehicles in the Angel Alliance, but gasoline is in short supply, and daily transportation relies on feet. Therefore, the only way to conduct commercial trade is from the Fortress of Doom to the Angel Alliance.

According to the channels given by the Angel Alliance, Maya added the channels of more than a dozen bases in the town, and then listened to the calls between their bases.After monitoring in the middle of the night, Maya determined that the Angel Alliance was telling the truth.

...At eight o'clock in the evening, Dashuang found Maya, Maya found Lin Wu, and Lin Wu found Peanut. The two boys then went to Lin Wu's dormitory to play cards.The three girls went to Zuoxian River to swim and take a bath at night.

Although there are toilets, there is no water outpost to provide water.Currently, the base only provides water for making tea, coffee and cooking, and this benefit is the same as electricity for refrigerators, and is only provided for one month.

After the three girls took a shower, they washed all their clothes by the river.In theory, there is no need for boys to avoid it, because the unclothed parts are all mosaic.But the mentality of men is very strange. When girls wear a lot, boys always like to look at the uncovered parts.When girls wear less, boys always like the visible parts.To avoid suspicion and to avoid daydreams, necessary isolation measures are still needed.

There was a meeting at ten o'clock in the evening, and Maya decided to work on tomorrow: reconnaissance and search of the warehouse area.Da Shuang guards the home.During the meeting, everyone learned about each other's combat skills, and the main object of understanding was Cotton.

After Mian Mian was killed in battle, he went into exile and joined a small and medium-sized base. More than a month later, the base fell.Mian Mian and a friend joined another small and medium-sized base, but soon they left to join a small base because of conflicts between friends and people.

During this period, he experienced various ups and downs, including the death of his friends, and Mian Mian applied to join a new small and medium-sized base.The relationship with this base is relatively complicated. Although the neutralist Cotton has not been affected, he is tired of the atmosphere here.Therefore, after receiving the invitation from Shadow Stone, I immediately agreed.

The reason why Mian Mian can successfully join various small and medium-sized bases is naturally directly related to her ability.Mian Mian and Lin Wu followed the same route, focusing on agility and auxiliary body, majoring on blunt weapons, and minoring on short blades.The reason why she majored in blunt weapons was because she had the entry of active police officer, which gave her a huge bonus in using police equipment such as riot batons, batons, and rubber batons.

12 star agility, 4 stars, good attribute data.The life skills learned from the book are very special and are called: Search.To put it simply, she can skip touching the corpses and directly obtain items from the zombies she killed with her own hands.This skill is an absolute magic skill for the previous Shadow.Due to various reasons, Shadow missed countless corpses during the siege, including Big Mac and Frenzy.

Unexpectedly, Cotton does not like this skill because it is a mandatory skill.In most cases, killing zombies will only result in garbage such as rags. If you are unlucky, you will even get maggots and stones.After a day of fighting, the bag was full of all kinds of weird gadgets.

Why are there maggots?This thing is a magical tool for fishing.

When talking about his attributes, Mian Mian was a little proud, so he was shocked when he learned that Lin Wu had 20 stars and 7 bodies.She is a very hard-working person. In addition to sleeping, she goes out to fight every day.It's a pity that no matter how hard you try, 50 yuan can't compare to 100 yuan.Although Lin Wu was lazy, he couldn't withstand the bonus of his dual agility subjects. The experience gained by crawling on the ground was faster than that of Cotton's crazy running.

The attributes are not comparable, but the skills are even more incomparable. Mian Mian only has one combat skill, while Lin Wu has a row of combat skills.Cotton can only sigh and accept the reality that he is not as good as others.


This is the first time the Doomsday Bastion has gone out into the field. Compared with before, the number of bullets everyone carries today has been reduced by half.Except for Lin Wu, everyone carries a crossbow. The cost-effectiveness of the crossbow is directly reflected in the hardcore mode.

The zombies have also undergone some changes. In addition to density, the zombies are closer to the zombies in film and television works.Still relatively clean, no abscesses or maggots, and the clothes are in tatters.The difference is that their throats make a gurgling sound, and their faces will become extremely ferocious when they see the player.It has a certain impact on the player's vision.

The most terrible update is that zombie corpses are just like garbage and will no longer be directly refreshed by the system.However, Shuguang still opened the back door, otherwise players can only act as corpse movers.

Zombie corpses will be refreshed if they are more than 200 meters away from the safe zone of the player or the player's base.This rule means that players need to deal with zombie corpses within a 200-meter radius of the base safety zone.If it was a siege, the bodies would have to be transported after the battle.Fortunately, the Doomsday Fortress has a river on one side and a sea on the other, so just throw it downwards.

If the player does not dispose of the zombie corpse, it will smell bad after a certain period of time, and the corpse will be refreshed after a week or so.

Another possibility is that the carcasses attract scavengers.Vultures, hyenas, wolverines, jackals, etc., if these animals gather in large enough numbers, they may attack humans.

There is another rule in the hardcore mode: animals and zombies have a neutral relationship, and the two sides will not attack each other.

Zombie corpses are not disgusting, there is no blood, they are just dry bodies, not much different from dry wood.You can even use their carcasses as fuel if you like.This is also the reason why there are no zombies in water deeper than two meters. The body is too light and will be directly washed away by the current.

After arriving at the warehouse and dealing with a few zombies, Maya began to measure the distance.is good news.The safe area of ​​Doomsday Fortress is more than 200 meters away from the warehouse.Maya drew a picture and explained to everyone that whoever kills the zombies in the circle will be responsible for disposing of the corpses.The solution is to throw it into the river.If there are many, they are piled together and burned.

Peanut sighed and said, "I hate hardcore mode."

Lin Wu had a good attitude and took things as they came, saying: "Be content. If Shuguang activates 100% simulation, only a few of our dozen or so people will survive." Since the rules cannot be changed, they can only obey the rules.

Peanut said: "Maya should be able to survive."

Lin Wu answered for Maya: "It is impossible for a person to survive in an environment surrounded by powerful enemies."

Maya nodded: "Yes! Lin Wu, enter."

There are hundreds of warehouses here, divided into high-rise warehouses and ordinary warehouses. The height of high-rise warehouses is more than ten meters, and the height of ordinary warehouses is less than five meters.What they wanted to search were ordinary back-to-back row warehouses, which were uniformly equipped with rolling shutter doors and small iron doors.Some warehouses are connected by several warehouses and have a larger area.Some warehouses are just a warehouse.The visual area of ​​an ordinary single warehouse is about 50 square meters.

Lin Wu pried open the lock of the small iron door and pulled it back. Maya was blocked by Peanut and did not enter immediately.A fierce one ran out from the door and pounced on the innocent cotton.Lin Wufeng stabbed in pursuit, arriving first, hugging Kuang Meng's neck from behind and stabbed it, and then took it down with another stab.

(End of this chapter)

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