Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 252 Glimmer Night

Chapter 252 Glimmer Night
It was already five o'clock in the evening to clear away the zombies near the office building.Previously, if it lasted more than 20 minutes, someone was fishing.Maya faced the sun, stretched out her finger and looked at it for a while, then said, "There is still one and a half hours to sunset."

Lin Wu felt strange and came over: "Why?"

Maya teaches: "Stretch your hands straight and place your fingers between the sun and the sea level or horizon. One finger represents half an hour."

After trying it, Lin Wu asked: "How big is the error?"

Maya said: "About 15%."

As he spoke, the system broadcast a message: Special reminder, please pay attention to the light value converted to candela per square meter at the base command post. Please refer to the game manual for specific matters.


A light value below 10 points is equivalent to an outdoor scene with no lights, no moon, and a sky full of stars.Night Stalkers will appear at this stage, specifically attacking players in the dark.How about bringing a flashlight?Night Stalkers avoid flashlight light.If you can go out with a light on your head, the Night Stalker will not attack you.

There are two main targets for this setting, one is players who go out at night, and the other is a base without lights.If there is no power, a fire must be started.Of course Lin Wu wanted to complain. Little White Rabbit’s explanation was that the danger at night was common sense.

As for the animal that Lin Wu didn't want to face the most, it was definitely the black bear.The zombie that Lin Wu didn't want to fight the most had to be the Night Demon.This thing is fast, attacks hard, can blend into the night, and its IQ ranks first among zombies.

Previously, I encountered night demons in Sewer No. 99. They always hid in lightless areas and carried out sneak attacks on passing players.Theoretically speaking, it cannot be wrong that Shuguang releases Night Demon on a dim night.But releasing such powerful zombies is obviously intended to give hardcore players a disincentive.

Lin Wu remembered what Maya said: The future will get worse and worse.Lin Wu had only read one level of meaning before, but now that he thinks about it, because there are too many people who are good at it, Sugon released the hardcore mode to test and assess hardcore players again.

To give an inappropriate example, Lin Wu originally thought that as long as everyone scored 90 points, they could all go to high school.Only now did Lin Wu realize that it didn't matter how many points he got in the test. What mattered was how many points others got in the test and what his ranking was.Even if a hundred Einsteins take the exam, a certain percentage of them must be eliminated.

Of course, Lin Wu believes that Sugon will give players a chance to survive and provide a certain error tolerance. However, if the number of eliminated players does not meet Sugon's psychological expectations, Sugon may increase the difficulty again.

Unexpectedly, Maya opposed Lin Wu's idea. She felt that Lin Wu thought too much. She thought that Shuguang had already set the difficulty and would not change it.The evidence is that she noticed the updated light value. Shuguang placed a corresponding number of light meters in the command post according to the number of base members.Therefore, releasing the Night Demon was not a sudden decision made by Shu Guang, but it had been decided long ago.

The system's next broadcast confirmed Maya's view. The broadcast explained that since today is the first low-light night, all players will be specially reminded.Visibility in the wild is around 5 o'clock, players are asked to pay attention to safety.

Du Shuang, who was left behind, went to the command post to check and explained that the light value of the base including the safe zone could be seen from the command post.At present, all areas of the base have at least 60 points.The highest light value is 95.When the sun enters the clouds, the maximum light value becomes 70.

Peanut said in the channel: "Don't worry, there are street lights in our area."

Lin Wu disagreed: "There are a lot of blind spots." He had fought against Night Demon many times. Although Lin Wu had a crushing record, the process was not glorious.Either use sunlight reflection to kill the Night Stalker during the day, or Xiao Wai reminds him.

Maya agreed: "On low-light nights, you are not allowed to go out unless necessary. Have you found any clues?"

Cotton: "I'm here."

This office has been digitally managed for a long time. Because there is no power supply, the computer cannot be turned on.Furthermore, the computer is called a damaged computer, and it is estimated that it cannot be turned on even if there is power.If you want to know the location of the 307 warehouse, you can only look for paper documents.

Everyone went to the office where Cotton was responsible for the search. There were dozens of opened file bags on the desk.Cotton handed the obtained drawing to Maya.Maya unfolded the map and found that this warehouse area had been transformed many times in the later period. Some of the warehouse numbers were traceable, and some of the warehouse numbers were just numbers.

There is a small dock to the east of the warehouse, a simple platform that extends about ten meters to the sea.But such a simple platform can allow multiple small ships to dock.The function of the dock is naturally to transport materials by sea or Zuoxian River, using small boats.

The Warehouse District has a row of warehouses built along the east coast. These warehouses are independent buildings and are not together with other warehouses. Warehouse No. 307 is located closest to the small terminal and is the most convenient water transportation warehouse.I think it was because of this characteristic that it was recruited by the Anti-Virus Command.

The difficulty is that the direction Lin Wu and others entered was from the north, at least 307 meters away from Warehouse 300, and they had to cross half of the warehouse area.The zombies on this road are very dense. Relying on two assassins and repeating crossbows to advance, I don't know how many hours it will take.And once the zombie tide is triggered, they may be surrounded, and there will be no way to escape and no way out.

Maya said: "Use the rubber duck to swim to the dock through the waterway." The big rubber duck is now under the west wall of the base. After use, it is thrown here as garbage.

Maya collected the drawings: "Bring some more information and read it at night. The location of our recent activities will be in this warehouse area."

Lin Wu said regretfully: "It's a pity that I don't have any intelligence and can't help you. But I know the big double point."

Maya looked at Lin Wu speechlessly.Speechlessness is like a pressure cooker. When the speechlessness reaches a certain level, you will beat him up.Then continue to accumulate, continue to beat violently, and the cycle is endless.

Lin Wu laughed and went back to the office he was responsible for to search for information.They didn't expect that they could help read the information.

Carrying large and small bags of information, I returned to the base.Maya organized the information and marked it on the drawings based on the information.A certain warehouse contains office supplies, a certain warehouse has a batch of fruits, etc.

Dinner was ravioli, and everyone praised it. This was a must, otherwise what would happen if the cotton was not picked?During dinner, Lin Wu smelled Peanut's shoulder. It seemed to have no smell, so he should have no smell either.Of course the clothes were dirty. After all, I had been running around carrying cement for many times.

The three girls can swim in the river and wash their clothes. The boys can also swim in the river together, but they can wash their clothes together.Lin Wu's idea was to sprinkle washing powder on his body and then swim around, so that his clothes should be clean.Then use your own body temperature of 37 degrees to dry the clothes directly, and everything will be OK.

Peanut has more ideas. He thinks he should ask Shana for some basic clothes.Clean once a week, soak the clothes in a bucket, pour in washing powder, step on them a few times, and soak them overnight.The next day, just take it to the river and rinse the washing powder dry.However, there was only one change of clothes at the moment, so the only choice was to accept Lin Wu's proposal.

After dinner, the sun had set. Everyone expressed their gratitude to the chef Mian Mian, and Da Shuang took the initiative to clean the dishes.Lin Wu and Peanut were about to go out and go to the river. As soon as they reached the first floor, they were stopped by Maya on the second floor: "We need help in the cozy cabin."

After Lin Wu joined Maya's team, he saw the team's mission information: Save the cozy hut.

The reason was that Hut A and Hut B met a wolf when they went out and killed a wolf cub, and the mother wolf ran away.After Cabin C found out, he thought that the wolves would launch a retaliatory attack on the cozy cabin tonight, and the three weak women were unable to resist it, so they asked the Doomsday Fortress for help.

This mission did not specify the size of the wolf pack or the time of the mission, so Maya asked Dashuang to stay behind while the others went to the cozy cabin with her.Maya got into the driver's seat of the light pickup truck, started the car and said to Lin Wu: "There's not enough oil, go get a barrel of oil."

Lin Wu stretched out his head and said, "That's enough."

Maya is angry, you are not the driver, can you see?Lin Wu had no choice but to get out of the car and jogged all the way to get a bucket of oil to fill the car.After driving, Maya explained: "Tonight is a low-light night. If we break down halfway, we will be in big trouble."

Lin Wu said: "Shuguang wants you to drop the anchor, so do it if you have enough fuel."

Peanut disagreed: "We didn't update the car." If you update the car, it's over. Not many people really know how to repair the car.

Lin Wu said: "Go to Shadow tomorrow and bring the motorcycle over." This thing saves fuel.

"There are motorcycles in warehouse No. 200, but I don't know the specific situation." Most of the vehicles and motorcycles are scrapped vehicles and cannot be repaired.Maya said: "I'm more worried about the size of the wolf pack."

Lin Wu said: "I have an idea about this."


It was completely dark when we arrived at the cozy cabin.There were torches on the pillars around the hut.This torch is not an ordinary torch, it is a high-grade torch that can burn for a whole night.However, the lighting capability is not strong and the cost is high.The living room and two rooms on the first floor of the house and the two rooms on the second floor are lit with candles.

One minute later, a pickup truck stopped on the side of the road, and Xiao Dao, Xue Dan, Shana and Ma Hun joined the mission as reinforcements.

Shuguang: Lin, you are cheating.

Yes, this is what Lin Wu thinks.If a gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall, why not use reinforcements if they are available?Is it fair for four people to fight eight wolves?Eight wolves have 24 more legs than four people.

After not seeing each other for a day, Xiaodao was extremely friendly when he saw everyone.However, Maya was serious, the cotton was not ripe, and the peanuts were too oily, so she could only be friendly with Lin Wu and took out a handful of candies from her pocket: "I brought them for you."

"You're the best with the knife." Lin Wu took it and gave one to the cotton beside him, who took it without saying a word.Lin Wu put the rest in his pocket.

Shana and the alert Maya understood the situation, while others chatted with Peanut and Lin Wu.Several NPCs were in charge of acting, hiding on the second floor and shivering.Because I entered the hardcore mode, many things have changed, and there are many topics.When they were chatting enthusiastically, a wolf howled and the wolves appeared.

With the roar of the alpha wolf, 20 wolves launched an attack on the cozy cabin.Under the first round of crossbow strikes, five wolves fell in a pool of blood.But the remaining 5 wolves were not afraid and continued to run. Their eyes were red and they were extremely fierce.The second round of crossbow arrows struck, and six more companions fell to the ground.But they did not look at the corpses of their companions and moved forward because the enemy was right in front of them.

They were greeted by machetes and sticks. All the brave wolves were killed within 30 seconds. Their deaths were not without value. Their corpses were soon replaced by the enemy's screams: "XXX, the dawn of death."

Dawn said that the skin can be peeled and the flesh can be taken.But Shuguang didn't say what kind of skin could be peeled off. After peeling off the skin, he discovered that the skin with holes in it was left with broken fur, which could only be sent to the production room to be processed into rags.There wasn't much meat, each wolf only cut half a kilogram of meat.

The only good thing was that the alpha wolf was killed by Lin Wu. It only had one wound on its head, and it was the only one who donated a complete piece of fur.Before Lin Wu could hold it, Shana took it away: "Finally, I can make a pair of real shoes."

Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "Hey."

Shana turned back: "Are you useful?"


"Ha." Shana smiled and walked away. It was a success to make Lin Wu speechless.

20 wolves, 7 kilograms of meat.At first, everyone helped cut the meat, but then they realized something was wrong. They remembered that there were players nearby and the body would not be refreshed, so they threw all the meat to Lin Wu.Lin Wu could only follow the system requirements, kneel down on one knee in front of each wolf, and watch the progress bar go to the end, as if he was paying homage to each dead wolf affectionately.

The mission is completed, the relationship between the Doomsday Fortress and the Sweet House has increased to 60 points, and Maya transfers an executable command: hire housekeeping.

After receiving a week's salary, the housekeeping staff will live in the Fortress of Doom for a week and return to the cozy cabin.If necessary, you can go to the cozy cabin to hire someone.The housekeeping NPC does not need to eat or sleep. When zombies approach, she will find a corner to hide by herself. If she dies, the relationship between the two bases will be reduced.

They are responsible for three tasks: cleaning the base, laundry and cooking.Simply treat the hired NPC as a nanny who obeys unconditionally. If you have any needs, you can explain to the other party.The three jobs correspond to three NPCs, each with their own strengths.If you hire an NPC who is good at cooking, the food will be delicious, otherwise the food will be mediocre.If the base does not have a kitchen, cooking utensils and wood must be provided for her.

If you hire an NPC who is good at laundry, your clothes will be washed very clean and ironed carefully.Ask for laundry tools, such as washboards, washing powder, disinfectant, etc.Without tools, efficiency and results decrease.

Hiring NPCs who are good at cleaning can keep the entire base spotless and effectively prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

The employment fee is quite expensive, and we are currently in a friendly relationship. The other party charges 100% without any discounts, and requires 20 kilograms of edible meat per week.

Hire or not?Lin Wu thought it was necessary to hire him. Currently, the Doomsday Fortress still had 15 kilograms of meat, and with the 7 kilograms just harvested, he could hire him for a week.You can fish and hunt during your free time next week.

Maya's heart is bleeding. Do you know what 20 kilograms of meat is?No, they know, but they want to hire.Maya sighed: "I'll go back and get the meat. Cotton, come with me."

Shana led the team to say goodbye: "Let's go back and see if there are any NPC tasks."

The two cars left, leaving behind Lin Wu and Peanut.After the car lights faded away, the whole world became dark.The two took a look at the light value. There was a brightness of 15 near the torch, so there was no problem with safety.The Fortress of Doom is not idle either, discussing which NPC should be hired in the channel.

(End of this chapter)

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