Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 253 Search and Rescue

Chapter 253 Search and Rescue
Logically speaking, you should hire a cook. The original two meals can be turned into three meals. Only when you eat well can you be happy.

If food is a physiological need, cleanliness is an environmental need, especially the one that prevents mosquitoes from breeding, which makes everyone excited.It has only been two days since Fortress of Doom entered hardcore mode, and flies have already appeared. I believe that cockroaches will also appear soon.

Girls who love beauty prefer laundry workers. Wearing beautiful clothes every day is a reward in itself.For Lin Wu, clothes have no smell, so long as they can be worn.It doesn’t matter if it tastes good.It's not a big problem if it can't be washed clean.

In the final vote, Lin Wu voted for the cook, Peanut voted for the laundry worker, and Da Shuang, who had always said he wanted a laundry worker, voted for the cleaner.The reason was that Cotton said: "Think of cockroaches and rats." In the end, the decision to hire cleaners was passed with Maya abstaining.

After the vote, Lin Wu despised Peanut, and Peanut despised him in return, and the two stared at each other.Lin Wu was so angry that he called Xiao Wai to stare at him, and Peanut retreated in defeat.

Peanut said: "There is a lot of pork in the main base of the sawmill, and there are still a few pork fans in the freezer in the warehouse next door."

Lin Wu asked: "Steal a little, or go and ask for a little?"

Peanut: "I want it first, and if it doesn't come, I'll steal it. If I can't steal it, I'll rob it."

Lin Wu disagreed: "You skipped cheating."

While they were chatting about the mountains, Stone's voice came from the public channel: "Brothers and sisters of Doomsday, come over and have a barbecue tomorrow night."

Maya asked: "Everyone? I need someone to stay at home."

Shitou said: "Draw lots and pack a portion for Lin Wu."

Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "Hey, why was I chosen to stay behind?"

Shitou smiled: "You will definitely get it."

"Tch." How could he draw it by himself?With five people and one dog, the chance of drawing is less than 20%.Besides, even if I was really unlucky and got the remaining lottery, I could still switch with Xiao Wai. Would Xiao Wai dare not switch?

After finishing the call with Shitou, Lin Wu and Peanut had an in-depth discussion on how to get meat.

After a while, Maya drove back and delivered 20 kilograms of pork and beef to the NPC. An NPC followed her into the car and returned to the Fortress of Doom smoothly.After arriving at the Fortress of Doom, the NPC became busy and found Maya to explain the details of her work.Before eight o'clock every day, the clothes to be changed are placed in the laundry basket she carries, and the washed, dried and ironed clothes are delivered to everyone's dormitory.

Before eight o'clock every night, she needs to explain to her the ingredients that can be consumed the next day, and she will divide the ingredients into three meals.If you have any additional needs, let her know in advance.Additional requirements refer to taste, such as salty, spicy, etc.

NPC hopes that the Doomsday Fortress can provide housekeeping supplies, including but not limited to brooms, mops, rags, dish soap, disinfectants, washboards, etc.She asked Maya to choose an area to place the tools.She won't touch anything outside the tool area, except for ingredients and the kitchen.

Finally, the NPC explained that each time she is successfully hired and sent back to the cozy cabin, she will get two relationship points.If she dies, the relationship between the two bases will be reduced by five points.

Lin Wu named the NPC Xiaoqing, which means little cleaner. The NPC was neither happy nor angry about his name change, and he accepted it calmly.From this point of view, there is no difference between Xiaoqing and Xiaowai.No, Xiaowai can't do housework.

Lin Wu looked up at Xiao Wai: You are so useless.

Xiao Wai was playing with Cotton on the roof of the building. Cotton rolling around in Xiao Wai's arms gave out laughter like silver bells from time to time.However, Xiao Wai only played with her for a while before returning to Lin Wu, and showed a lack of interest in playing with Cotton for a certain period of time.The only way is to set Cotton as a guardian. When Lin Wu leaves the base and leaves Xiao Wai behind, Xiao Wai will temporarily regard Cotton as his master.

Lin Wu didn't deliberately try to please Mian Mian. If Xiao Wai doesn't want to play with you, then he won't play with you.

There will be a meeting at 09:30 in the evening to discuss tomorrow's work. Tomorrow's task is to swim across the 307 warehouse.On the surface, this task is very simple. It is to transfer to the dock location through the waterway, open the door lock of the 307 warehouse, and then rob 307.But judging from today's experience, Maya believes that we need to prepare for the worst and remind everyone to be careful.

Maya's meeting efficiency is higher than that of Shitou. It can be done in one minute and everyone is dismissed.

The efficiency of the cleaners was not to be underestimated. Lin Wu returned to the dormitory and found that it had been tidied up.The sheets were straightened, the bedding that was originally like pickled cabbage was spread neatly, and even the small crooked blanket on the ground was folded and put aside.After seeing this scene, Lin Wu subconsciously felt that he should give someone a small tip. Then he thought, this guy needs 20 kilograms of meat per week, and he can't eat that much meat in a week.

At two o'clock in the morning, Lin Wu was woken up by Maya through his private channel: "Get up."

"You're going to die, sister." Lin Wu replied weakly.

Maya said: "Something happened to Shadow."

Lin Wu turned off the public channel before going to bed. He didn't know what happened. He went out to see Cotton and they were ready to go.The old rule is that the first couple sleeps while the others go out.

It turned out that an hour ago, Shadow received a request for help from the NPC housekeeping base, and Shana led the team to the housekeeping base through sewer No. 99.They successfully assisted the NPC in solving the double-star siege, and successfully upgraded their relationship with the other party to friendly.

At that time, there were four of them, namely Shana, Xiaodao, Mahun and Xuedan. They were also a standard field team.Xiaodao and Xuedan volunteered to go back to get 30 kilograms of flour or rice, while Shana and Mahun stayed behind to touch the corpse.

The two entered the sewer and were attacked by two night demons not far away.At that time, the two of them walked in a row and crossed the corner with the torch holding the knife. Xuedan was one step behind. The Night Demon who had been following him decisively attacked, grabbing and biting.Xiaodao hurried back and used firelight to drive away the night demon, checked Xuedan's injuries, and connected to the command center.

Xingguang immediately woke up Cuiyu, and the two doctors connected for remote treatment.

At this time, footsteps came from the corner of the sewer. Xiaodao subconsciously took two steps forward with a torch to check, and saw the running figure of Night Demon.Looking back, I found a night devil squatting next to the snow egg and biting the snow egg. When it saw the light of the fire, it raised its head and made eye contact with the knife, and its mouth was mosaic.

The system then notifies Xiaodao: Snow Egg is dead.Xiao Dao was so angry that he chased Night Demon all the way with a torch. Only when she heard Shana's call did she calm down.Only then did she realize that she was lost.The simple version of the torch in her hand can only last for half an hour. With the spare torch in her backpack, it can last for about 40 minutes.

Shana and Ma Hun immediately headed to the sewer entrance, bringing only a torch.

Xuedan and Xiaodao have received their certificates. If Xiaodao dies, neither of them will be able to come back.After assessing the situation, Shana immediately called Maya and asked Doomsday Fortress to send support.

Maya calculated the time and arranged the equipment while saying on the public channel: "Shana, you stay at the entrance of the sewer first. When we arrive at the entrance, we enter the sewer together. We will meet in the middle and then start the search and rescue. Xiao Knife, don't run around. , the more I run, the less likely I can find you."

"Yeah." Although there was only one word, it could be heard that Xiaodao was in a very low mood.No one thought that Xiao Dao was considering Xue Dan’s life skill: sound insulation technology.Although Xue Dan and Ma Hun belong to the field team, they actually don't have many characteristics and their strength is relatively average.The sound insulation technology possessed by Xuedan can be said to be its highest value.

In the hardcore mode for the past two days, relying on Xuedan's sound insulation technology and occasional sentry duty, the sawmill base has always kept the threat value at three stars at 0%.

Xiao Dao knew that Xue Dan must be feeling very depressed after his resurrection, and she didn't want to see him forcing a smile.When I thought about it, it was better to die together with Xuedan and start over somewhere where no one knew me.On second thought, I am really stupid.Think twice, be obedient and wait for rescue.

When something like this happened, of course Commander Shitou got up, but he could only wait for news at the base.Sitting on a log in the west parking lot, Stone reflects on staffing at both bases.

Comparing the two, it is obvious that the Maya team has a stronger fighting capacity, surpassing the Shana team by no means.In the Shanna group, only Xiaodao, a master, can compete with them.Transfer Lin Wu back to Shadow Base?Then the strength of the Doomsday Fortress is greatly reduced, so we can't trust them to go out into the field.

After all, the current field work in Shadow Base is not very dangerous.I can only say that what happened tonight was an accident, and I should prevent them from going out in the dim light of night.Not to mention taking Sewer No. 99.You know, even if it's not a low-light night, there are night monsters haunting Sewer No. 99 during the day.


Su Shi quickly made several torches. About 12 minutes after the incident, Maya arrived by car and took away the torches.The four people abandoned their cars and ran to the entrance of Sewer No. 99.

Maya from the front team lit a torch, and Lin Wu from the back team lit a torch.After walking for a few minutes, Lin Wu called a halt, handed his torch to Qian Qian, and asked everyone to move forward, blending into the darkness and putting his hand on the headlamp.

A few seconds later, Lin Wu turned on his headlight. Under the light of the headlight, he saw a night devil two meters away.Night Demon turned around to run away, Lin Wufeng stabbed in pursuit and drew his knife, but Night Demon dodged it.Lin Wu did not hesitate to catch up with another wind thorn and take it down.

Lin Wu's foresight ability was certainly attributed to Xiao Wai.There was no time to touch the corpse, Lin Wu quickly caught up with the fire, and the foursome continued on their way.Based on the walking speed of Xiaodao and Xuedan, Shana and Maya roughly calculated the location of the accident, and the two teams met at the accident site.

Lin Wu squatted down next to Xiao Wai's ear and said, "Take me to find the head-stomping girl."

As Xiao Wai set off, Lin Wu turned on his headlights and trotted to follow with a torch in his hand. The others followed closely.

While running, Xiao Wai suddenly turned around and flipped in the air. Lin Wu then looked to the side of the corridor, and struck a critical blow with the Silent Night Lock in his hand. A Night Demon hiding in the corridor preparing for a sneak attack crashed to the ground.No stopping, just keep going.However, after admiring the cooperation between Lin Wu and Xiao Wai, everyone felt like they were playing a supporting role.I always feel that whether they come or not is actually not very important.

Xiaowai ran around in the sewer for a few minutes and successfully found the knife.Xiao Dao cried with joy when he saw everyone, hugged Xiao Wai and refused to let go.

Maya at the back of the team said: "I feel something is wrong."

Shana beside her nodded: "Yes, we seem to have overlooked something."

The two of them suddenly figured it out and looked at Xiao Wai together.Shana squatted down, lifted Xiao Wai's chin, turned Xiao Wai towards her, looked at Xiao Wai and asked, "Can you take us back?"

Xiaowai blinked his eyes, indicating that he didn't understand.Lin Wu ordered Xiao Wai to lead the team out, but Xiao Wai lay on the ground and said he couldn't do it.

Idiot Lin Wu, idiot Shana!Shana wanted to kill herself for making such a stupid mistake.Xiao Wai can indeed find the knife by smelling it.But I never thought about it. It was impossible for Xiao Wai to lead the team back to their original place.

One way is to save torches and light one torch at a time until dawn.Although there are still many dark areas in sewers, the many drainage holes can also bring some light.

One way is to use your own broken memory to get back.

With people getting lost on both sides, everyone unanimously decided to take the second option.Shana asked everyone to be silent. She tried to recall it in her mind, and then slowly took the first step.Maya quietly asked someone to extinguish the torches, leaving only two torches, and asked Lin Wu to be more vigilant.Although this was said to Lin Wu, Maya looked at Xiao Wai, which made Lin Wu quite dissatisfied: Labor and management need you to earn face?
After walking dozens of meters, Shana hesitated before three intersections.Cotton stepped forward, took the torch, squatted and touched it for a while, then pointed to a corridor: "This road."

"Reason." Shana asked.

Cotton replied: "The dust is scattered all along the way. If you touch the ground, you can feel the uneven distribution of dust and gravel."

Shana scolded herself again in her mind for forgetting about the updated hardcore mode, a hardcore mode where even garbage would not be refreshed.

Lin Wu looked at Xiao Wai: A meat dog is not as good as a smart dog, and a smart dog is not as good as a police dog.Even if you are my dog, I will take revenge fairly and selflessly.

It's difficult to find footprints in poor lighting conditions, so when you encounter an intersection, Cotton will touch them.However, because the difference is not very big, the process is not that simple.At some forks in the road, the passage can be determined quickly because the cotton touches the broken sand, which is something that players carry on the soles of their shoes.At some forks in the road, it took Cotton a few minutes to figure out the direction.

Peanut joked that Da Shuang should be taken out. If she can touch mahjong, she can definitely touch dust.

Maya looked at Peanut, and before Maya could say anything, Peanut apologized.

Sewer rules: When working in the sewer, no chatting or joking is allowed, and always stay focused and alert.Shadow had paid a lot of price when exploring the sewers before, so he set this rule.

Turning left and right, Cotton successfully brought the team to the main waterway, and there was no problem next.The group of people returned to the Shadow Base first. Starlight comforted Xiaodao and told Xiaodao that this was a good thing, because smooth sailing love is too easy to get and not easy for people to cherish.Love inherently includes the pain of parting and missing each other.

Without yin, there is no yang.Without light, there is no darkness.Without the bitterness of separation, how can there be the sweetness of reunion?
The output of love concept turned Xiaodao's sadness into happiness.After Xiaodao and the team left to deliver rice to the NPC, Lin Wu couldn't help but ask Xingguang: "Do you believe it yourself?"

Starlight said something philosophical: "It doesn't matter whether there is God or not. What matters is whether I believe in God or not."

"What do you mean?" Lin Wu asked.

Starlight didn't explain, just smiled and left.Lin Wu looked at Maya. Maya, who was sitting on the log, didn't seem to hear anything and was staring intently into the darkness.

Lin Wu sat next to Maya and asked, "What does Xingguang mean?" They were waiting for Shana's team to come back, and after they returned home safely, they would go home at the end of the day.It's here now, it's just a matter of time.

Maya explained: "She believes in God to get rid of the fear of death and make herself believe that there is another world after death. In this way, she can be more calm when facing death. As for whether there is God or not, it does not matter. There is or No, it’s all true. If there is, you can’t help but see it, if not, you can’t see it either.”

Maya said: "It doesn't matter whether Starlight's view of love is right or not. What's important is that Xiaodao believes that a beautiful love needs to go through twists and turns. As long as Xiaodao believes in Starlight's view of love, not only will she not wait for the resurrection of the snow egg in the next 24 hours, she will So uncomfortable, and yet able to welcome the resurrected snow egg with a peaceful mind."

Lin Wu was puzzled: "Why do you need a peaceful mind?"

Maya said: "Love is a journey. The faster you run, the faster you reach the end. If two people cannot establish a family relationship before reaching the end, then the next road will be difficult."

Lin Wu continued to be puzzled: "Do you know too much?"

Maya said: "Book knowledge."

"what book?"

"It may not be reliable, but I am not responsible for it, just talk nonsense about love."

"The author is writing blindly?"


(End of this chapter)

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