Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 254 Daily Life

Chapter 254 Daily Life
Shana's team successfully brought back a laundry NPC.Before making a decision, Shana asked Shitou which type of NPC should be chosen.Shitou let Shana make the decision. Shana thought it was important to be pretty, so she chose the laundry NPC. Lin Wu suggested naming her Xiao Xi.

The Shanna team returned to the base safely, and everyone at Doomsday also felt relieved to get on the bus and go home.Maya started the vehicle, and Lin Wu, the co-pilot, had an idea and said, "Wait a minute."

I got off the car and jogged all the way, and ran past the stone: "Not enough oil." He quickly picked up two barrels of oil and ran past the stone again. The two barrels of oil were filled in the pickup truck.

Lin Wu ran back with two empty barrels: "Give the barrels back to you." Everyone knows that oil is not valuable, but the barrels are really expensive.

After a while, Lin Wu ran over with two barrels of oil: "Good night."

Shitou jumped to his feet: "Is it an open robbery?" It's not over, is it?

Lin Wu put the oil barrel toward the co-pilot: "Wait a minute, I have to let Shitou know what a steal is." He ran to pick up two more barrels of oil, ran sideways around Shitou, and succeeded in being cool.Without opening the passenger door, he jumped in through the passenger window, sat firmly in his seat, and stretched out two fingers coolly: "Bye."

Shitou sent Pika away with dirty words.

Seeing how childish the two of them were, the driver Maya could only sigh.People don’t care about you getting oil, so why do you have to mess with them?Of course, Shitou was also childish. He knew that Lin Wu was childish, but he still wanted to be childish with others.

Maya looked sideways at Lin Wu: "Are you okay?"

Lin Wu shook his head with a painful expression and took the oil drum from his seat.The action was cool just now, but I forgot that there was an oil drum on the seat.Although he sat down on the oil drum, the metal of the oil drum taught him a hard lesson on the middle of his buttocks and tailbone.The most painful thing is whether to take painkillers or not. Taking painkillers is too wasteful, just tolerate it for a while.Don't take any painkillers, it really hurts.

During the joke, the car got on Highway 99 and drove forward for about 200 meters. The car went through a small bend, and then Maya suddenly braked at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour.The four people in the car were not wearing seat belts. With sharp braking sounds and screams, all four people flew up.

The cotton tipped over to the passenger seat, and Lin Wu from the passenger seat hit the windshield, causing the entire windshield to fall off.Peanut's head hit the center console.The one in the best condition was Maya, whose head assisted Lin Wu in smashing the front windshield.

Why brake suddenly?Because there was a bomb lying on the road.Other zombies were easily crushed, but explosive zombies were different.Once hit, the entire car will be filled with poisonous gas, and the driver will have to jump out before he can wait for the car to stop, otherwise his life will be wiped out.After the update, the life bar was cancelled. I haven’t tested how long it will take to be poisoned, but I am sure that Maya’s braking behavior is correct.

Lin Wu rolled down from the hood, holding the Silent Night Revolver in his hand, and shot Bao Sang's head in front of the car.The explosion is like a deflated balloon, and soon only the skin will be left.

Do you think Dawn is bad or not?After the update, the Shadow Crowd was driving on Route 99 and rarely saw a zombie.Not only did I see you tonight, but I also saw the most lethal explosion.What's even more disgusting is that the explosion was arranged in a corner and the blind spot directly illuminated by the car lights was used to teach the four people a hard lesson.

Maya: "Broken left hand."

Lin Wu: "Broken ribs."

Peanut: "Fractured skull."

Cotton: "It's okay."

Maya: "Cotton, you drive back to the sawmill." Remote treatment takes twice as long to get away a few hundred meters, so it is better to go back to the ward for treatment.

Shi Shi felt a little sleepy at the sawmill, and was about to go back to the dormitory to sleep when he heard the sound of a car horn.Who is so desperate?So I looked out of the north gate and saw a pickup truck leaving the road, rushing down the ramp, and driving towards me without slowing down at all.Shitou could even hear the roar of the people inside the car.


"Which one?"


"Which one?"

Shitou used all his knowledge to do a backflip and flipped into the door.The next second, the pickup truck slammed into the north door. Lin Wu flew out from the passenger seat, hugging the stone and sliding for several meters.

Before the two could curse, Peanut yelled: "It's on fire."

The scene was in chaos, and the frightened Cotton was at a loss.Lin Wu and Shitou couldn't open the door, so they reached out to grab the clothes on Mian Qian's shoulders and pulled her out of the car window.Maya and Peanut, who had already gotten out of the car, were about to check the cotton situation when a sudden explosion occurred in the car. The fire ignited the oil drums in the car, and everyone fled in a hurry.

When the Shadow members heard the noise, they came out of the dormitory one after another. As soon as they arrived at the factory, they felt their eyes light up. A ball of fire accompanied by the sound of explosions hit them head-on, and countless parts flew around.However, the pickup truck shell is still intact, waiting for players to repair it.

In addition to the parts, flames sputtered everywhere. Lin Wu, Peanut and Stone caught fire. The three fell to the ground and rolled to put out the fire.

Shitou: "Damn it, is it fun to get so much gasoline?"

Lin Wu rolled over and used his feet to put out the fire with the stone: "I can't burn you to death."

Shana said anxiously: "You three, don't roll around. There is an oil depot next to it."

There was no fire extinguisher, so everyone took off their clothes and stepped forward to beat them.During this period, Lin Wu felt that someone was deliberately kicking his butt. Looking sideways, the smiling Shana instantly changed into a serious expression, but she did not forget to kick Lin Wu's butt again.

The next step was emergency rescue. The ward was next door and the doctor was on site. After a period of chaos, the scene finally settled down.

Maya: "You said you drove a car?"

Cotton: “Autopilot.”

Maya: "Have you never opened it in the game?"

Cotton: "No."

Maya: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Cotton: "I told you, I'm not very good at driving."

Lin Wu testified for Mian Qian: "Yes, she said it. Then you said: It's okay, just drive slower."

Maya: "But he was driving very fast and he drove off the road."

Cotton: "My bad."

Peanut: "Without a windshield, you can't open your eyes when the wind blows. Cotton's eyes are big and bright, so mistakes are inevitable."

Lin Wu looked at Peanut: "You are so talented."

Cotton: "I'm sorry everyone."

Maya: "My bad."

Lin Wu comforted everyone and said, "It's okay. What was blown up was a sawmill, not a doomsday fortress."

Shitou, who had been silent all this time, immediately kicked off, and Lin Wu kicked back, kicking each other's legs back and forth.

After taking a rest from kicking, Shitou, as the boss, clarified the incident: "It was just an accident, don't take it to heart. Shana, help them repair the car." Before summer, the Shadow Team went out to do a trade. , replaced with many repair kits.

The NPC is quite dedicated.After Lin Wu and the others recovered from their injuries, they came out of the ward and saw that the garbage scattered everywhere had been cleaned up in time.Shana was not slow in her work and had already repaired the car. Lin Wu was very satisfied. He nodded to the [-]% new pickup truck and looked at Shana and said, "Good job. Did you fill it up with oil?"

Shana asked: "How do you manage to exude an aura of needing to be beaten as soon as you open your mouth?"

Lin Wu said: "It mainly depends on the other party's self-cultivation, Xiaowai, let's go."

Xiao Waizheng was playing catch with Xiao Dao. After receiving the order, he immediately returned to Lin Wu and jumped onto the back of the bucket. "Gone, gone."


After being very polite, Maya drove away. She summed up the situation by saying: "Be sure to wear your seat belt when driving."

Lin Wu: "Secondly, don't drive too fast."

Cotton said several times: "I'm sorry."

Lin Wu said impatiently: "I said it's okay. If something happens, I will definitely say it's okay." If you don't have a bad attitude, I will continue to coax you.

Cotton: "Oh." Shut up, puff out your cheeks, and get angry.

Maya: "Call the Stone."

Shitou: "I'm here."

Maya said: "I think the store still needs to be built. Dashuang's infrastructure and life skills are quite good. It can increase one fuel every day." In addition to the fortress agent channel, only the store merchants will sell advanced skill books.

Shitou said: "I will build one on the old beach site. In addition to infrastructure, are there any other needs?"

Maya said: "Reset the skill book."

Shitou: "Who will learn?"

"Me," Maya said: "The morale bonus of Command is only reflected in attribute enhancement and has limited effect. It is more practical to obtain one fuel every day."

"Okay, I got it. Go to bed early when you get back."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Taking a light pickup truck as an example, the fuel consumption per 15 kilometers is 5 liters, and a barrel of gasoline is 30 liters.Dashuang only produces enough gasoline to run more than 15 kilometers every day.The distance from the sawmill to the Fortress of Doom is about [-] kilometers, and one barrel of oil is barely enough for a light pickup truck to make the round trip.


After a night of hard work, it was already five o'clock in the morning when everyone returned to the Fortress of Doom exhausted.After everyone went back to their rooms, Lin Wu lay down on the bed, not wanting to move at all, and quickly fell into a deep sleep.I was woken up three hours later: it was time for breakfast.

Breakfast is bread, porridge and dried radish.

Porridge is rice, and the rice grains are clear.Porridge is thicker.In ancient times, large pots were used to cook rice in rural areas. After half-cooking the rice, it was scooped out and put into rice barrels for steaming.Rice cooked this way has a special taste.Continue to cook the half-cooked rice for a while. When the rice is cooked through, it will be the best porridge.

Mian Mian introduced rice porridge, and Lin Wu couldn't help but look at Maya: Why does she talk so much?It's actually not much, but it's a lot compared to cotton.

Maya: Because Da Shuang asked.

Lin Wu: No, you know what I mean.

Maya: Probably her field.

If you want to talk to Xiami about picking up girls, washing feet, singing karaoke, or disco, then you won’t be able to continue the conversation because Xiami doesn’t understand it at all.If you want to talk about kindness, friendliness, diligence, integrity and other topics, Xiami will be excited to chat with you for three days and three nights.No one else, because that's who he is.

Although Lin Wu didn't like to talk much when he got up early, he cooperated with Maya and started talking to Cotton with an attitude of experimentation and truth-seeking.As expected, Mian Mian would listen carefully to other topics and answer questions seriously, but he still said very little and showed an attitude of not paying attention to me.When it came to cooking and cooking, she couldn't control it, and even took the initiative to talk about the food culture on Earth before humans immigrated to Blue Star.

Lin Wu: I wonder if Ma Hun will be her dream lover?

Maya: No, one is a career and the other is a hobby.

After the uncles finished eating, NPC Xiao Qing immediately picked up the dishes and took them to the river to wash.There are many zombies in the upper reaches of the river and its tributaries. The NPC's actions make everyone feel somewhat uncomfortable, but if you can't provide water to people, you can't have too high demands.

Lin Wu suddenly thought, is the NPC cook washing dishes special?

Maya asked: "How else can it be special?"

Lin Wu said: "For example, licking the bowls and chopsticks clean."

Peanut's feet slipped and he fell into the water. He took a sip of water before he stabilized his body.They were using rubber ducks to swim to the warehouse dock.

Lin Wu clicked his tongue and said, "Peanut, you can't bear it mentally."

Peanut shook his head repeatedly: "I just didn't expect anyone to be more perverted than me."

Lin Wu asked: "Perverted?" It's just a bit dirty and disgusting, how can it be perverted?

Peanut suddenly understood. Lin Wu didn't think about it and said hurriedly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Lin Wu also suddenly realized that Mian Mian and Maya understood at the same time that everyone disliked watching Peanuts.Peanut smiled helplessly and made an expression that said, "You despise me, I accept it."

Peanut is not too old, about 27 years old, but his words and deeds are quite greasy compared to Lin Wu, Xue Dan, Ma Hun, and even Su Shi.Fortunately, he is a measured person and has never said inappropriate words to his female colleagues.

In order to avoid disturbing the zombies along the coast and river, the four people stayed away from the shore.The water depth here is between 1.8 meters and [-] meters. With the help of the buoyancy of the rubber duck, the four people stepped on the water with both feet and controlled the direction with one hand, and slowly made a circuitous route towards the dock.

Swimming is not a problem for four people.I can't swim at Blue Star, and I can't even get a high school diploma.As for Xiao Wai, he works the hardest, kicking his legs as hard as he can, showing off the beauty of a dog pawing.


We swam to the pier smoothly and the four of us and one dog came ashore, all wet and uncomfortable.At this moment, Lin Wu was particularly envious of Xiao Wai's method of hair removal and dehydration.Then his brain twitched and he twitched along with the little crooked movements, which scared the other three people into thinking he was having an illness.

System notification: The countdown to the 3-star siege battle will begin in 10 minutes.

After seeing the notice, the four people's mentality immediately collapsed. Listening to the abuse from Lin Wu and others, Maya couldn't help cursing Shuguang in her heart.There was no other way, so the four people jumped into the water again and used rubber ducks to return to base.It's easy to come but hard to go. Looking at the countdown, the four people and one dog paddled desperately, their little crooked legs pedaling like a small motor, and finally returned to the base at 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

Dashuang was relieved to see the four people back. Maya had no time to be polite and immediately formed her troops. Who knows what tricks the new 3-star siege system would do.

When the countdown was over, Xiao Qing found a corner to hide in a corner without any intention of helping.The five people were divided into three echelons and waited quietly.The person responsible for guarding the front line of the south gate was Maya. Facing the two zombies running towards her, she remained calm and calm, holding a knife in both hands.Waiting for the zombies to approach, she slashed them with one, two, three, and four knives without hesitation, ending the battle.

Without using a heater, 3-star strength is not very low.This siege lasted for 6 minutes, with a total of two fierce ones, two screaming ones and two explosive ones taking part.The number of zombies is about a hundred.

The key to strength and weakness is speed.Kill quickly and cut down the old zombies before new zombies spawn, and the siege intensity will not be increased.On the contrary, there will be exponential growth, which will greatly increase the pressure to defend the city.

For the Doomsday Fortress, the highlight of today's siege is Cotton. With a rubber stick and a dagger, she can defeat Kuang Meng directly.The action is fast and clean, and the eyes are comfortable.Lin Wu stayed on the bench the entire time, sitting on Xiao Wai and holding his chin while watching Maya and Mian Qian's performance.

After the performance, rest, drink water, and the swimming team starts again.Getting up at 8:30 in the morning, they finally pried open the door of warehouse 10 around 307 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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