Chapter 255
The others stayed away from the small iron gate and gathered together with weapons in hand to fight against the zombie tide.Lin Wu took a deep breath and opened the small iron door. He waited behind the iron door for a while. He didn't hear any movement and stretched his head to look into the warehouse.

As mentioned before, the row of warehouses in 307 is built near the shore and is an independent building.This 307 warehouse covers an area of ​​about 150 square meters. There are no zombies inside and it is empty.The only supplies were in the southeast and northeast corners of the building, against the wall. They were covered with military green canvas, and it was unclear what they were.

"Stop." Maya stopped and pointed: "This should be an anti-theft device."

The warehouse is nearly rectangular. There is a pillar every 20 meters or so in the warehouse. There is a toy train track on the pillar against the wall, and something moves up and down on the track.

Lin Wu had seen this thing in a movie: "Laser, infrared, sunspot ray, bright phase ray, etc."

Why didn't we see the defensive fort?Maybe, but they don't need it. Once the burglar alarm goes off, all the zombies on the pier know it's lunch time.

Peanut said: "It seems very simple." The radiator's movement speed is not slow, but it is not too fast either. Just drill through.

Maya said: "Observe carefully."

Peanut approached the first pillar: "My memory should be like this. The small device emits light and shines on other devices. When something blocks the light, the alarm will be triggered. But the opposite pillar has the same three transmitters, and they are up and down. move."

"Yes, it's not a straight line. The owner who installed the anti-theft device hopes that the thief will gamble." Maya explained: "The light emitted by the transmitter on the A-pillar may be connected to any one of the three receivers on the B-pillar. This is just a possibility. There is a possibility that the B-pillar is the transmitter and the A-pillar is the receiver."

Lin Wu said: "Can't we wait until the A-pillar transmitter is raised and we can get through it?"

"Most thieves probably think so." Maya squatted down and pointed to the bottom of the A-pillar.

Lin Wu looked carefully and found a brown stain on the A-pillar 20 centimeters from the ground, as if someone had stepped on it with half a heel.

Maya pointed at the stain and said: "It is the receiver, receiving the signal from a transmitter on the B-pillar. You guys stay back."

The three of them retreated, with Cotton guarding the door.Maya took a deep breath, moved the A-pillar launcher upward, stepped over the stain, and successfully passed the first level.

Maya said in the headset: "It is very simple for them to set up anti-theft measures. They just stick a few rails on the wall. It is very easy to disassemble."

He didn't hear any reply, so he turned around and saw that Lin Wu was talking to the air. Apparently he was complaining again.The content of Lin Wu's complaint this time is that the transmitter requires a battery, and the battery should have run out of power.Of course, Lin Wu lost. Little White Rabbit explained that each pillar has a socket and the track is connected to the power supply.

Why is there electricity?Because it is the same line as the street light.

There should be no street lights if no one maintains it.Little White Rabbit told Lin Wu that taking the Hoover Dam as an example, even if all workers evacuate, the system can operate automatically for at least a few years.

So why is there no power in the building?The little white rabbit explained the power grid distribution system. Some electricity is generated by thermal power. When there is a gap in power, lower-level power users will be automatically disconnected.Street lights play a great role in maintaining urban order, especially in the case of a city-wide power outage, which can stabilize people's hearts. Therefore, the level is higher, so there is no power outage.

Maya threw a coin and hit Lin Wu on the head. Lin Wu stopped complaining and waved the little white rabbit to get lost.Maya tells everyone to be careful, as she doesn't know what might happen if the alarm is triggered.It turns out that Maya's worries were unnecessary. She carefully analyzed and carefully observed every anti-theft trap and successfully reached the end.

To her left and right were piles of supplies covered in canvas.

When the canvas on the left was pulled open by Maya, everyone was stunned. Even Maya, who had always been indifferent to emotions and anger, had little stars twinkling in her eyes.

The new tracked armored personnel carrier is equipped with a semi-protected .50 heavy machine gun. The vehicle weighs 12 tons and is approved to carry 12 people.

What is a heavy weapon? This is a heavy weapon. Although it is the younger brother of heavy weapons, it is still a heavy weapon.What zombies, what dawn, all carbon-based creatures are like dregs in front of it.

There were only two problems: the fuel tank was empty and there were no bullets in the machine gun.

Maya took a deep breath and pulled open the other canvas. It was a ship.The boat has wheels on the bottom by which it can be pushed out to sea.

Small military port tugboat, 5.8 meters long, 3 meters wide, 1.5 meters draft and 10 tons in weight.

Disadvantages: The fuel tank is empty.

After Maya entered the cab to explain the data, the scene was extremely quiet, and no one said a word.This is not a heavy weapon, these are two fathers, the oil tyrant's tyrant, two tyrants.

The fuel consumption of an armored vehicle is 60 liters per 5 kilometers. A barrel of [-] liters of oil can run three kilometers. Even if you add two barrels of oil, you can't reach the cozy hut.

The tugboat consumes 60 liters of fuel per hour, and a barrel of oil can drive it for 5 minutes.

Of course the things are good, but do we really want to invite the two bullies to our home?Maya sat in the armored vehicle and had no idea for a moment.

Lin Wu spoke: "First drive the armored vehicle, then drive the boat."

Peanut: "Why?"

Lin Wu said: "The armored vehicle can break open the large rolling shutter door."

Maya said speechlessly: "The discussion now is not about how to get them back, but whether to get them back."

Lin Wu said: "Of course, it's so cool. Even if it's left alone, it's still very powerful." There are two parking spaces at the south entrance, and there is only one car in the Doomsday Fortress.Maya is not here, so she can drive the armored vehicle out for a ride and fight off the zombies alone.

Maya admitted that Lin Wu was right. Since she saw it, she should move back, so she asked: "Lin Wu, can you go back from the land to get oil? Are you sure?"

The warehouse was open on all sides and far away. Lin Wu thought for a while and answered honestly: "Not sure."

"Everyone get on the rubber duck."

Everyone returned to the dock, went into the sea, used the buoyancy of the rubber duck to return to the Fortress of Doom, took three barrels of oil and swam back to the dock warehouse.

Adding a barrel of oil to the armored vehicle, Maya started the armored vehicle. The armored vehicle roared out and smashed through the large rolling shutter door effortlessly.The three people waiting outside dragged the rubber duck into the armored vehicle from behind.The hatch was closed before the zombies surrounded it.Dozens of zombies were lying on the armored vehicle biting and scratching. Maya checked the durability, looked at the road through the external camera, and stepped on the accelerator.The armored vehicle rushed out, crushing the oncoming zombies. With everyone screaming and shouting, it broke through the iron fence, leveled the green shrubs, and crushed the saplings. It was like a monster that crashed through all the roadblocks and drove smoothly. highway.

After getting on the road, the armored vehicle immediately picked up speed.When Maya entered Seawall Road, she made a sharp turn and threw away most of the zombies on the car. At the same time, she also threw the three people and a dog in the car into the air.

Driving the armored vehicle to the parking space of the Doomsday Fortress, Maya got out with a knife and killed the remaining zombies.After a long time, the hatch was opened, and Lin Wu walked out of the car, covering his head. The second person was Qian Qian, who was also covering his head.They were lucky to hit each other head on, and Peanut's head hit the car directly.Lin Wu and Mian Qian grabbed Peanut's feet with their free hands and dragged Peanut out of the carriage.

Pain does not cause coma. There is only one reason for coma, and that is concussion.

So there was another remote connection, and Shitou sneered: "Just let the two doctors live in your base."

Lin Wu responded: "If you knew what we got, you would kneel down and call daddy."

Shitou stopped his quarrel and asked, "What?"

"Don't tell you, we have to get another daddy."

tower?Using the table as a unit, there is something wrong with Shitou's intuition.So she contacted Maya, and Maya replied: "I will not get involved in the matter between you and Lin Wu." It was too childish.

After winding up the line, having lunch, dragging the rubber duck into the water, a few people plopped into the dock warehouse.But everyone encountered trouble when transporting the ship.

It doesn't matter if you set off the alarm when driving an armored vehicle. The armored vehicle can crush everything anyway.But the tugboat is different. Everyone needs to work together to push it out and push it into the sea.

Lin Wu slapped his thigh in annoyance: "We should let the armored vehicle tow the tugboat."

Peanut said: "Just use the armored vehicle to break open the outer wall."

Maya: "Come again?"

Everyone nodded.

Four people and one dog re-entered the water for the Nth time, flopped back to the Doomsday Fortress, refueled the armored vehicle, and drove the armored vehicle aggressively to the warehouse.The armored vehicle smashed through the back wall of Warehouse 307, and without the siren sounding to remind it, all the surrounding zombies had already pounced on it.The armored vehicle turned around and charged all the way, and then met the Big Mac.

Maya kicked the accelerator to the bottom and directly collided with the charging Big Mac.The armored vehicle stopped, and Big Mac fell to the ground with his legs broken.Maya reversed the car, and the painless Big Mac stood up on his knees. With a roar, the armored car hit Big Mac again.Big Mac was knocked two meters away this time.Before it could stand up, Maya drove an armored vehicle over it.

The crowd in the carriage cheered and applauded.Lin Wu gave the very quiet little Wai Wai a head, so Xiao Wai started barking along with everyone, and his voice immediately overwhelmed everyone.After being beaten for a while, Xiao Wai adjusted the volume and finally got into the group.

"It's about to be dumped." Mian Mian warned, and everyone hurriedly looked for seat belts.

The armored vehicle was separated from the front and back. Maya might have informed, but the sound insulation effect was too good and the back compartment was too noisy. Lin Wu and the others didn't hear it at all.

What followed was another classic tail flick. Lin Wu hugged Xiao Wai and flew up, crashing into Cotton on the opposite side.At that moment, Qian Qian felt like his intestines were about to vomit out.Poor Peanut mistook the tail in the wrong direction and was photographed hitting the ceiling while clinging to the seat belt.

History is always surprisingly similar. Cotton and Lin Wu each grabbed Peanut's leg and dragged him out of the carriage.

Continue to connect to Shadow Healing. At this time, Stone's curiosity is at full value.Unfortunately, no one wanted to choose sides between him and Lin Wu.Besides, he had to choose Lin Wu. After all, Lin Wu was by his side.Therefore, no one revealed any information to Shitou.

Four people and one dog enter the water N+1 times.


Building a ship is obviously more troublesome than building an armored vehicle.The first step is to push the boat into the sea.The good news is there's enough depth.There is more bad news, the first bad news: the boat is very heavy, and four people and one dog can barely push it.It is not a problem to push 12 meters, but there are zombies nearby. If there is any movement, they will come.

The second bad news: can it be pushed directly?Will the chassis be scratched?Did the boat sink or fall?To solve this problem, we need to push about 100 meters more, where there is a slope into the sea.

The third piece of bad news: No one has ever sailed the boat.Maya originally thought that the driving method of a ship was similar to that of an airplane or a car, but after looking at the cockpit console, she found that it was not the same thing at all.

First of all, you need to prepare a car before sailing.Why not call it ship preparation?The devil knows.

It takes at least 10 minutes to prepare the car, but a barrel of oil can only be burned for 5 minutes.This thing is also very strange. Its fuel consumption is not calculated based on mileage, but based on time.Oil is not a big problem. This time they brought two more barrels of oil. Together with the two barrels of oil that were placed before, it was enough to burn the tugboat for 20 minutes.

Maya picked up the ship's driving manual for temporary study. Most of the operations were simplified. Manual operations were required to issue vehicle preparation instructions, turn the rudder, and stop the ship.It is not easy to stop the ship. After the power is zero, the ship will still move forward. How far it goes needs to be judged according to the tonnage of the ship and the current.If the boat cannot be stopped before docking, it will have to be reversed, which is a technical job.Therefore, the preparation stage before the ship goes to sea and the docking stage are the busiest times for the staff on board.

Should I pick up the oil barrel and run away, or should I drive the boat back?
Maya prefers the former.In her opinion, tugboats have no practical value because fuel is too expensive after all.But she remembered the peanut dream that Lin Wu mentioned to her.Thinking about this day, Peanut didn't complain at all and worked diligently and hard, Maya hesitated for a while.

After thinking for a long time, Maya said: "Peanut, you come and learn to sail. Cotton, Lin Wu, let's clear a road." A road leading to the slope a hundred meters away.

Peanut nodded very excitedly, couldn't wait to get on the boat, and began to read the driving manual in the cab seriously.

The density of zombies around Warehouse 307 has been greatly reduced due to the attacks of violent armored vehicles.It is very difficult to open up wasteland in the city. If you insist on going to the warehouse area for two hours every day, within a month, the zombie density in the warehouse area will be lower than that in Beishang Town.

The trio of Maya, Lin Wu and Mian Qian worked very awkwardly together.

The Maya repeating crossbow can snipe zombies from a distance, so the two assassins can only be responsible for recovering the crossbow arrows.When Maya used her machete, the two assassins were unable to protect her flanks.While the two assassins sneaked in to clear the way, Maya could only stay behind in a daze.

Fortunately, Lin Wu was a person who had escaped from vulgar taste, and he gave Maya the honorable job of killing monsters.Cotton is responsible for luring the enemy and pulling less than ten zombies away from the large army, and Maya is responsible for killing them.Lin Wu and Xiao Wai returned to the 307 warehouse, which was called protecting peanuts, but in reality they were looking for a shady place to take a nap.With peanuts nearby for protection, this nap is safer.

Of course Xiaowai can't sleep, he has to be responsible for keeping watch.It is better to believe in Xiaowai than to believe in peanuts.

After working hard for most of the day, Lin Wu was really tired.Not only swimming consumes energy, but shouting also consumes energy.Lying down on the canvas with deep exhaustion, he fell asleep within ten seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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