Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 257 CLEO

Chapter 257 CLEO
Although she got two big guys today, Maya didn't have much sense of accomplishment.There was only one reason why she would try her best to get the tugboat home, and that was the story Lin Wu mentioned about peanuts and the boat.In her opinion, the two gas-guzzling guys that everyone likes do not have much combat effectiveness and practicality.

After Shitou drove the armored vehicle back to the Shadow Base, he talked to Su Shi and Shana privately: "Do me a favor and find a way to get enough electronic components to make Lin Wu's personal computer."

Today is a day off, barbecue and mahjong night.Seeing that the sun is about to set, a thrilling draw is taking place in the Doomsday Fortress.First of all, Maya excluded Cotton, because this was Cotton's first team-building event after joining Shadow, and Cotton had to participate.No one has any doubt about this statement.

Lin Wu then proposed that Xiao Wai was also a member of the base and had the right to participate in the lottery. Maya objected. Lin Wu hugged Xiao Wai and cried bitterly: They don't like you anymore.

Maya saw this, so in the corner of Lin Wu's cheating eyes, she placed the broken toothpick on the last one. She held four toothpicks in her hand and said, "Please draw lots."

Dashuang stretched out his hands, Lin Wu came first, pulled out the first toothpick, then threw the toothpick away, hugged Xiao Wai and cried loudly: "They bullied me." He clearly saw how the first toothpick became the fourth toothpick. Woolen cloth?Is there any heavenly principle?

Maya couldn't help but show her proud little tiger fangs. This smile flashed, and Maya said: "Lin Wu stays, and the others set off."

Lin Wu looked at Maya with pleading eyes: "Please take Xiaowai and let him eat two bones, please?"

"Okay." Maya ignored Lin Wu's euphemistic words and said, "Give me custody."

"Vicious woman, I curse you to not be able to enjoy barbecue properly."

Ten minutes later, a strange man sat alone at the sentry post, holding his hands and knees, watching the sunset quietly.Thinking of them playing mahjong and eating barbecue, Lin Wu kept swallowing his saliva.Damn it, Maya didn't let Xiao Qing prepare dinner. The more she thought about it, the more hungry she became.I hope they can have a conscience and pack more for themselves.


A call came from the radio station. Lin Wu glanced at it, considered for a moment, then slowly walked down from the guard post, then went down to the second floor, and then walked to the command post. Then the call stopped.

Lin Wu cursed and left. Just as he climbed up to the third floor, the call rang out again. Can this be tolerated?Lin Wu arrived at the speed of light, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Who, speak up." Do your best!

System: Honor mission, protect fortress agents.

Two fortress agents were attacked by zombies during their mission and unfortunately contracted the virus.They asked headquarters for help, and now they need a shelter to wait for the serum to be dropped.

Whether to accept?

Hehe, I can't eat it, and neither can you.

As soon as I took over the task, the system alarm sounded immediately, and the electronic map showed that two NPCs had broken into the safe area.

Are you in such a hurry?Lin Wuhan sloping down like a Huangguoshu waterfall, rushed to the dormitory to get a gun and bullets, and then rushed to the ward to get medicine.The base was too big. When Lin Wu ran southeast and northwest to collect supplies, the NPC had already arrived at the Doomsday Fortress.

Why didn't Lin Wu call for help?Because the mission lasts for 10 minutes, when they come back, they will either collect the corpses for themselves or the zombies.

The two fortress agents did not have any equipment and knocked on the south door with their hands on their chests. Lin Wu opened the door and the leading female agent said gratefully: "Brave survivors, thank you..."

Lin Wu pulled her in, stretched out his hand to grab the male agent, and dragged her directly into the door: "Find a place to hide." Zombies were already coming towards the base, and light kept flashing out from the edge of the safe zone, one after another. Be brushed out.

What an idiot would accept this damn honor mission.

Lin Wu Silencer fired, put down Scream, switched his left hand to his main hand, raised Silent Night, and shot the two zombies running in front of him in the head.Immediately put on a sharp blade and fuck violently.Ji Ye got two consecutive headlocks after taking down Kuang Meng, and then took down two zombies.All the movements are smooth and smooth, which shows that Lin Wu's movements are very cool and that the density of zombies is very high.

Facing the oncoming zombies, Lin Wu entered the south gate, closed the door, and called out: "Doomsday application for shelling." Changing pistol bullets, Ji Ye was a revolver, and the time to change bullets doubled.

The door was knocked open by zombies. Lin Wu retreated while changing bullets. Zombies came howling. Lin Wu raised his hand and shot his head. Four zombies fell to the ground.Lin Wu ran away, changing into Beretta as he ran.Already inside the base, I believe that the sound of gunfire will not attract ordinary zombies.

While retreating and fighting, Lin Wu did not go to the second floor, but circled to the south: "Bombardment, give me the bombardment signal."

Maya asked, "What are you doing?"

Lin Wu had no time to answer. The screamer at the south gate saw him and raised his head and shouted.The sharp sound penetrated into his brain, and Lin Wu covered his ears with his hands and retreated.But soon Lin Wu received a signal: the highland heavy artillery was ready.

Lin Wu immediately went up to the second floor, slid up to the third floor, and slid by rope from the third floor to the south door on the first floor.He didn't know how many zombies would enter the fortress, as long as they didn't eat Xiaoqing.There were many zombies outside. Lin Wu emptied two magazines before fighting his way out, and immediately jumped into the sea to escape.

The zombies had so many brains that they were not interested in the agents. Instead, they all gathered towards the seawall road and followed Lin Wu.Judging from the number of zombies, as long as Lin Wu dares to go up, they will be divided into 108 pieces immediately.The sea water was very cold and the weight of the backpack was very heavy. Lin Wu didn't know how long he could hold on.

Throw smoke bombs?No, if you throw smoke bombs now, the heavy artillery will definitely take you away.A big shortcoming of the Doomsday Fortress was exposed. Although the zombies are easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is also difficult for the defenders to escape.Swimming a hundred meters in the sea and swimming a hundred meters in a lake are completely different concepts.Seawater kept pouring into my nose and throat, which was very uncomfortable.

Lin Wu is at the junction of sea water and river. When the tide rises, sea water pours in. This is the sea.When the tide goes out, the river takes over and this is the river.

Lin Wu dived down, emerged from the bottom of the tugboat, and quickly climbed onto the ship.The zombies rolled down the seawall and began to climb the side of the ship.Lin Wu used his flexibility to enter the cab first.At this time, he had no way to retreat and could only raise his gun to eliminate the zombies that rushed in one after another.

After a while, a hill-like pile of zombie corpses was piled up at the door of the cab. The attack power of the zombies was greatly reduced, but they were still squeezing towards the cab.This caused the corpses at the door to be squeezed into the cockpit, which was filled to the brim for a while.Although Lin Wu was squeezed until he vomited milk, he could still persist under the protection of the corpse.

Even so, there were zombies reaching out to dig out Lin Wu in the gaps between the corpses.The zombie corpses were dry and dry, with large gaps between them. Lin Wu was touched firmly.Fortunately, it's really just touching.Seeing this, Lin Wu didn't dare to be idle. He blocked the body with his body, giving his hands enough space, and continued to open the lock.As long as Lin Wu can see the zombie, the lock will be activated immediately. After pulling the trigger, the bullet will hit the zombie's head with an incredible, unpredictable and unbelievable trajectory.

The more corpses there are, the safer Lin Wu will be.Relying on the corpse, Lin Canpan successfully persisted until the end of the mission, and his sense of oppression suddenly eased.Lin Wu began to dig outward, pushing and drilling, and finally squeezed to the outer layer. He put his mouth and nose into the gap between the corpses, and a stream of fresh air came out.After taking a greedy breath of air, Lin Wu continued to drill out, and finally got out of the cab.

However, the zombies on the mission left, and the zombies attracted by the sound remained on the seawall road.Lin Wu did not get off the boat, but took a pistol and started killing.These unorganized and undisciplined zombies had no specific target, and Lin Wu only used Silent Night, so they couldn't hear the gunshots at all, and were knocked down one by one by Lin Wu.After fighting his way out of an area, Lin Wu climbed onto the seawall road, surrounded by a dozen zombies.Change bullets and keep killing.Since so many bullets have been lost, just lose a few more, and the debt will not weigh you down.

When the last zombie fell to the ground, Maya and others rushed back, along with Team Shana.Everyone looked at the zombie corpses on the boat and on the sea, and then looked at Lin Wu standing in the middle of the road, holding a dagger, and were instantly shocked.

That’s weird!Only a ghost can believe that this guy can stab so many zombies to death with a dagger.After thinking about this, Maya's heart almost stopped. She forced herself to calm down and walked to Lin Wu: "Are you okay?"

Lin Wu held the dagger between his eyebrows, looked at the blade carefully, and said softly: "I'm fine, they don't know."

Maya: "How many pistol bullets are left?"

Lin Wu: "21 shots."

Maya's mentality collapsed, and she shot out 200 of the 179 pistol bullets she had in stock.The most annoying thing is that not only can she not accuse, but she also has to praise: "Well done, I'm glad you are still alive."

"Me too." Lin Wu greeted everyone: "You guys, take advantage of the low tide to help throw away the bodies."

Shana also called to the team members: "Everyone do a favor. Search only for mutated zombies and throw all the corpses into the sea."

Dashuang and Mian Mian stayed behind to help, while Maya rushed straight into the base. If she couldn't kill Lin Wu, she couldn't kill you two NPCs?

Of course, Lin Wu was unwilling to work. He followed Maya and said, "Either I have never had a good impression of NPCs. We have wasted so many bullets to save them. If we don't reward them with a fighter jet, we will kill them immediately." .”

Since Lin Wu can't be blamed, Maya can only blame the NPC, agreeing with Lin Wu's statement that NPCs are all bastards.But one minute later, Maya's attitude made a 1-degree turn.

Mission reward: 200 honor points, CLEO building map.

CLEO, abbreviated as C, is commonly known as airdrop.After it is built, you can summon an airdrop by consuming 100 honor points. The cooldown time of the airdrop is 24 hours.The airdropped materials are random and the quantity is random.The airdrop activation time is 10 minutes, during which a loud noise will be made, triggering an airdrop siege.

The maximum airdrop level is five stars. The higher the airdrop level called, the higher the intensity of the zombie siege. 1 star is guaranteed for 5kg of food. The minimum guarantee for 2 stars is 7 kilograms of food and some bullets. The 3-star guarantee is 7 kilograms of food, some bullets and at least one firearm. The minimum guarantee for 4 stars is 10 kilograms of food, some bullets and at least one firearm. The minimum guarantee for 5 stars is 10 kilograms of food, a certain number of bullets, at least one firearm and a car.

Construction conditions: 50 building materials, large grid.

Since only the basic material of building materials is left, the cost of building materials has become high, and only 50% of building materials can be recycled when demolishing buildings.Of course, the system also opens up the building materials warehouse, allowing unlimited accumulation of building materials.

There are two large grids in the Doomsday Fortress. One is built with a sentry post, and the other is always vacant. Should we build an airdrop area?Although pioneers in game exploration can be one step ahead, they are always faced with choices.Without any reference, no one knows the intensity of the siege.

What is the concept of 10 kilograms of food?Taking the Sawmill Farm as an example, if a piece of farmland grows the most cost-effective pumpkins, an average of 10 kilograms of pumpkins can be obtained every day.Two plots of land produce 20 kilograms of pumpkin every day, enough to feed ten people for a day.

But just eating pumpkins is definitely not enough. If you plant rice and wheat, which are the next least cost-effective, you can get an average of 6 kilograms of rice or flour every day.Even lower are all kinds of vegetables.It is said that the cost performance of potatoes and sweet potatoes is not lower than that of rice and wheat. We have not obtained the relevant seeds so far and we do not know the specific situation.

The good news is that the research institute has unlocked the fourth technology, and the yield of farmland has increased by 5%.Now Shadow is having a heated discussion on whether to upgrade the fourth technology or continue to follow the technology tree.

Research results can be relocated, but the research institute cannot be relocated.The leader of the Sawmill Stone has the highest say, and the research results naturally belong to him alone. He can join any base and share the research results with this base.The research institute is an ordinary building and cannot be moved. Abandoning the base means abandoning the research institute.

Rather than discussing research directions, it is better to say that they are discussing whether to abandon the sawmill and merge it into the doomsday base in the future.Doomsday Base has a natural shortcoming, they are a personal system.After the two bases are integrated, recruiting new people is a very careful job, because no one can fire individual players.

The methods are devised by people. They cannot fire you, but they can kill you.However, in this case, it is very likely that a small team will split internally. In order to survive, everyone can only join a group to keep warm.The collective system means that the majority dismisses the minority, while the individual system may evolve into the majority killing the minority.

"Hey, discuss this with Shitou." Lin Wu immediately reminded Maya after seeing the airdropped building map information.

Maya was puzzled: "Stone will definitely agree."

Lin Wu said: "Suppose there is no Doomsday Fortress. We want to build an airdrop at the sawmill. We all know that Shitou will agree, but will you build it without telling Shitou?"

Maya understood what Lin Wu meant. If she was still the deputy commander, she would definitely need to explain to Shitou and get Shitou's permission.And the fact that he built such an important building without notifying the stone meant that he believed in his heart that Doomsday and Shadow were two separate units.

Maya then called Shitou on the public channel to explain the situation. Shitou only had one word: "Build."

Lin Wu: "Maya, he is scolding you."

After being punched and kicked, Maya rolled her eyes at Lin Wu again before starting to build the airdrop.

Lin Wu's naivety was just right. He didn't want to take the credit for preaching, and he didn't want Maya to notice that he noticed the change in Maya's mentality.Maya reflected on her mentality because of Lin Wu's reminder, and then most likely expressed her gratitude to Lin Wu.To avoid trouble, Lin Wu chose to be naive.

Lin Wu has emotional intelligence, but doesn't really want to use it.People with high emotional intelligence can easily make others happy, but they will live a more tiring life themselves.Not only do you have to think about every word you say, but you also need to think about what others say.

The airdrop was built very quickly and was completed in less than 10 minutes. Everyone who had dumped the bodies came to visit.Various instruments are placed in a large indoor grid on the second floor. On the top of the large grid, a ten-meter-high signal tower appears, with red lights flashing continuously.Logically speaking, the airdrop should be an outdoor building, but what if the equipment is damaged due to rain?I don’t know how Shuguang thought about it, and finally came up with a building that combines interior and exterior.

The signal tower is very beautiful, especially the red light that looks very bright at night. It can be regarded as a landmark within five kilometers of the surrounding area.

Shana, Xiaodao, Peanut and others secretly encouraged Lin Wu to convince Maya: It's rare that everyone is here, it's rare to build an airdrop and open everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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