Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 258 The Strongest

Chapter 258 The Strongest

Maya didn't refuse, she also wanted to figure out the airdrop mechanism.After letting everyone perform their respective combat positions, Maya spent 100 honors to activate the airdrop.Two currents rose from both sides of the signal tower at a speed visible to the naked eye and converged on the ball at the top, and then the two loudspeakers below the ball emitted a long siren sound.

A system voice came from the airdrop room: "The 3-star airdrop has departed and is expected to arrive within 10 minutes. Please keep the signal activated within 10 minutes."

The land outside the safe zone began to flash with white light, and zombies were spawned one after another. In addition to them, zombies 150 meters outside the safe zone were also attracted by the sound waves and hurried towards the fortress of doom.Due to the special terrain of the Doomsday Fortress, the fork in the road and the seawall road were full of corpses for a while.

Lin Wu, who was standing on the bow of the boat, threw a smoke bomb in the direction of the fork in the road, and then jumped into the water.Ma Hun and Xiao Dao outside the south gate each held a crossbow, covering Lin Wu as he climbed up the embankment and retreated into the south gate together.

The shells followed, and the one-minute bombardment split the zombie tide into two parts. One was the zombies that had already rushed into the base, and the other was the zombies that had just spawned.

Previously, the zombies faced the assassin Lin Wu, so they could walk sideways in the base.But this time the zombies were not so lucky. Xiao Dao guarded the corridor alone, and the corridor on the second floor was supported by crossbow fire.

The knife knocked out one corpse, and the other corpse was knocked down by the corpse behind him. The knife then stepped on his head and exploded it.At the same time, knock out another corpse, stomp it to explosion, stun it, stomp it to explosion.A punch and a kick, powerful and domineering.What should I do if I am not stunned?Then give me another punch. Don't fall anyway. If you do, you'll get a headshot.The rear corpses didn't line up and squeezed in so hard that the first corpse couldn't make a move at all.As soon as he raised his hand, he was pushed down by his own people.

However, as the bombardment ended and the second wave of zombies joined, Xiao Dao retreated steadily.There was no way, the impact was too great, it was true that the first corpse couldn't make a move, but the powerful impact from behind was equivalent to hitting the knife with its body.Looking down from the rice-shaped covered bridge on the second floor, the south gate corridor is filled with densely packed corpse heads.

The structure of the first layer is a mouth plus a vertical. The knife is struck from the bottom of the vertical to the bottom of the mouth. A new force is added to the left and right sides: Maya and Shana.

The power of Maya's Tang Dao is undoubted, and Shana's flurry of blows is also very impressive. Not only does the attack speed increase by 15% within 100 seconds, its blunt weapon also has the possibility of crushing bones and skulls.The three of them stood up and struck head-to-head, resisting the impact and stabilizing their formation.When she feels the pressure building, Maya calls for her savior: "Lin Wu."

After receiving the order, Lin Wu on the top floor would throw an incendiary bomb towards the platform outside the south gate. In an instant, all the zombies below who wanted to squeeze into the base turned into fire zombies.Incendiary bombs are of course very effective, but the cost is also very high. A barrel of gasoline can only make one.Only used in times of crisis.

Why can a barrel of gasoline only make one incendiary bomb?Of course Lin Wu complained about this. Little White Rabbit explained the conversion, focusing on explaining that this was a game.

There are many zombies dropped from the 3-star airdrop, but there are very few mutant zombies. It is somewhat difficult, but not a big problem.

Ten minutes later, a parachute appeared in the sky and slowly fell toward the base.The zombies retreated one after another, and they fled outside the safe zone. When they left the safe zone, a white light flashed, and they disappeared without a trace just like when they came.

In this battle, Xiaodao was slightly injured, Maya was injured, and Shana was injured.Slander refers to the situation where the combat effectiveness is not lost, but the injury is relatively serious.Serious injuries refer to injuries that result in lack of combat effectiveness and loss of self-protection ability.Minor injuries refer to injuries that do not affect combat effectiveness and are not life-threatening.

When the airdrop was about to land on the container next to the signal tower, Dawn did something extremely bad. The parachute was ignited and turned into ashes in the air.An airdrop box landed firmly on the ground.

At this moment, Maya officially joined the army of Cursed Dawn.The moment she saw the parachute, she discovered that the value of the parachute might exceed the value of the material itself.And the idea of ​​utilizing a parachute was constructed in his mind.As a result, I could only watch the parachute burn to ashes.


The airdrop box is not big, about the same as an ordinary small suitcase.Everyone was wondering, how could there be both food and weapons in such a small box?Lin Wu was a hard worker and reached out to open the lock, and the lid of the box popped up.

Dawn did not conduct a physical airdrop, but instead placed five cards in the box.Lin Wu reached out and took out the first card and read: "Three kilograms of rice, two kilograms of beef, two kilograms of wheat, olive oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, mature vinegar, miso, garlic, salad, chili peppers, and saffron."

After reciting, the card disappears and what was recited appears in the airdrop room.

The knife squeezed Lin Wu away, reached for the card and read: "A knife..."

"and then?"

"Then it was gone." Xiao Dao said angrily to Lin Wu, "Shuguang must be watching us." Otherwise, why could Xiao Dao get the knife?

"go away."

Xiao Dao pouted and left.

Lin Wu looked at Mian Qian: "Mian Qian, come and try." If Mian Qian gets Mian Qian, he can be sure that Shuguang is indeed pranking him.

Cotton was not polite and reached out to pick up a card: "Police revolver." The worst pistol, bar none.Even so, it counts as a firearm.

Shana also joined in the fun, took a card and read: "22 rounds of .3 bullets, 7.62 round of 1 bullets. How many is this?" Several people together were not as heavy as the food Lin Wu drew.

Maya motioned to Lin Wu to take it, and Lin Wu held the card between his fingers, placed it in front of his eyes, and read: "A 15kg bag of coffee, a bag of black tea, and a birthday cake?" What the hell?

Everyone was also confused. When they went down to the airdrop room, they saw a large birthday cake actually placed on the ground.Shana stepped forward to open the package. There were words on the cake, which read: Happy birthday to Cotton.

Shana looked back at Mian and asked, "What's your birthday?" Unlike the command system base, the individual system base pays attention to personal privacy, and the system will not notify anyone of birthday information.Parents will remember your birthday, your colleagues will not remember your birthday, and you will not expect any colleagues to remember your birthday.

Cotton nodded.

Lin Wu suggested having a random birthday party, and Shana suggested taking the birthday cake to the sawmill and giving Cotton a barbecue birthday party.Everyone agreed with Shana's suggestion, so they got in the car and left together. No one commented on the airdrop system, no one discussed the 10-minute battle, and Lin Wu was left alone again.Even Xiao Wai was taken away again by Maya, the temporary guardian.

Angrily, Lin Wu said harshly: "Leave me alone, aren't you afraid that I will cause trouble again?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone shut down, and no one dared to rule out this possibility.Shitou urgently called the two commanders into the group for discussion. They both believed that where there was Lin Wu, there would probably be Jianghu.However, drawing lots is to maintain the basic credibility of the rules and cannot be destroyed.Finally decided to ignore him.Keep having mahjong nights, keep having barbecues, keep having birthday parties.

Lin Wu just shouted casually.Starting from the search and rescue in the early morning, after a busy day, his muscles were sore and extremely tired. He lay on the top container and looked at the moon, and slowly fell asleep.In the dream, there is mahjong, barbecue and cake.There are also alerts.

The sound of Didi woke up Lin Wu. Looking at the electronic map, a player entered the safe zone.Lin Wu turned over and lay on his stomach, pulled out the Silent One and looked around, and saw a female man in black splashing a few times at the junction of the Haihe River and then diving into the water.Outside the safe area, a masked man leaned against a big tree and aimed a gun.Because of the fluctuation of the waves, his shot missed.

When a man and a woman fight, who do you want to help?

Nonsense, of course whoever breaks into the base will die.Lin Wu, who had the advantage of height, shot the man in black in the sea to the head: Not dead?Looking at the electronic map, yes, it’s a player.There are only two possibilities left. The first possibility is that the opponent was not injured before.The second possibility: the other party has a forehead protector.

After the update, players are still unable to kill players instantly. Only headshots can kill the opponent instantly if the opponent is injured or bleeding.

In addition, the system has added the effect of heart vitals. If the heart is shot and the carotid artery is shot, the person will bleed crazily.However, if you can get timely treatment or have high-end bandages, you can still save it.This seems to be a reference to Blue Star's medical conditions, which can be replaced with anything.In addition to the brain, there is a saying that the brain is a good thing.

Lin Wu looked outside the safe zone. The masked man looked at Lin Wu. No shots were fired. The masked man fired again into the sea.The bullet crossed the line and couldn't be tolerated, so Lin Wu shot back. The masked man seemed to know in advance that Lin Wu would shoot and retracted his body into the tree.

Why didn't Lin Wu kill the girl in the sea?Because he has recognized the girl's identity, she is a cute and amiable nightmare.

The bullet hit the container in front of Lin Wu and spattered without a trace.Lin Wu subconsciously hugged his head, crawled back a few steps, rolled and rolled to change to a shooting point, then came out with lightning speed and took aim quickly.The masked man had been searching for Lin Wu. The two shot at almost the same time, and both were hit at the same time.

Lin Wu was hit in the shoulder, and the masked man was hit in the head. Lin Wu quickly pulled the bolt of the gun to prepare for a shot, and the masked man hid behind a big tree again.Lin Wu connected: "Emergency medical treatment." He can also be injured in the safe area of ​​the base, but life is extremely tenacious, and two .22 headshots may not kill Lin Wu.Maya explained the specific calculation method, but Lin Wu didn't listen.Maybe I heard it but didn’t remember it.Starlight Wiring: "Sir, do you want to see internal medicine or surgery?"

Xingguang's humor made Lin Wu vomit blood and said, "Hit by a bullet." His own life was at stake, so he couldn't follow Xingguang's rhythm.

Starlight: "That's surgery. Cuiyu, you have a patient."

Lin Wu looked out again and found that the masked man had already gotten into the car and was reversing. He even hit Nightmare's car while reversing.Lin Wu fired, but missed. The opponent turned around. Lin Wu pulled the gun and continued shooting, but still missed.In the end, I could only watch the other party drive away in a car.

Lin Wu looked down and saw the nightmare lying on the seawall road like a dead man. It took him a long time to turn over and face the sky.Evidently running away had drained her stamina.Lin Wu thought about it for 0.01 seconds and decided not to shoot again.After all, he saw his face, and he couldn't even deceive himself about manslaughter.

Nightmare spat and panted for a long time. When he saw Lin Wu with his head exposed and looking at him, he immediately got angry and said, "We are partners after all. Can't you come down and help me?" Nightmare omitted the title Lin Gou.As a sensible person, you should not offend the waiter in the restaurant, and you should not offend Lin Wu in the Fortress of Doom.

Lin Wu: "No, I'm receiving medical treatment." When he moved, he spurted blood. Although there wasn't much blood, it was his own blood.

Nightmare didn't say anything for a long time, and he didn't know if he was knocked out by anger. After a while, Nightmare sat up with difficulty and looked around for a while: "Is this the Shadow Base?"


"You switched jobs?"


"Then why are you here?"

"Conversing with you is super boring."

The nightmare woke up: "Is this a sub-base? Are you alone?"

Lin Wu replied: "Smart, I am alone at the moment."

"You occupy such a big and good base by yourself?" Nightmare asked, while he was cursing Shuguang in his heart. Do you know what it means to be morally unmatched?

Lin Wu: "You talk a lot of nonsense."

Nightmare: "Pull me into the base, I need medical attention."

Lin Wu looked at it for a while: "I don't think you need it."

Nightmare had no choice but to stand up and take a step before falling.

Lin Wu said in surprise: "This is the first time I see a person's heels growing in front."

Nightmare reluctantly said, "So please come down and pull me into the base."

Lin Wu: "I am receiving telemedicine and cannot interrupt it. Come up."

Cuiyu: "They asked if they need to go back?"

Lin Wu: "No need, let them pack two portions. There is one more person at the base to eat."

Cuiyu: "Who are they asking?"

"Nightmare." Lin Wu asked, "What did you do? Who is chasing you?"

Nightmare lay on his back: "Who else can it be? Fortress activities, special agents chasing orders to hunt down the strongest."

Lin Wu asked: "Then why are you being hunted?"

Nightmare Fury: "I am the strongest."

Lin Wu sighed: "The fortress really has no talent."

Nightmare wanted to refute, but after thinking for a while, he really didn't know how to refute. After all, Lin Wu said this, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it.In order to ease the embarrassment, Nightmare explained to Lin Wu: "Nightmare was killed by me." Isn't it awesome?

Lin Wu: "What?" I didn't understand.

Nightmare said: "Forget it, let's not talk, okay?"

"it is good."

When attacked by players in the safe zone, the damage suffered is reduced. Therefore, Lin Wu's gunshot wounds recovered very quickly, and he was declared fully recovered in 10 minutes.However, Lin Wu didn't go downstairs, and turned over to continue sleeping.There is no reason in this world for a host to welcome a guest. Since the guest is sincere in visiting him, he should crawl in front of him.

Before going to bed, I looked down and saw that the nightmare was gone.Looking at the electronic map, I discovered that she had climbed into the south gate.What a strong girl. You have to know that when you are in the safe area of ​​other people's bases, your weapon skills are all locked and you cannot use items, which means you can't take painkillers for nightmares.There will be some bumps and bumps when climbing in.

Should I shoot her injured leg?Make her stronger?Maybe this way I will admire her even more?Forget it, bullets are quite valuable.I just fired more than 100 rounds of ammunition, it would be bad to waste any more.Besides, .22 is my own exclusive bullet.Whether it's Silent Night or Silent One, both use .22 bullets.

A call came from the radio station. Lin Wu climbed to the edge to watch the radio station and sighed, why do we need to make the base so big?

The call rang for a long time, and Nightmare couldn't help shouting from the first floor: "Answer it."

Lin Wu: "Let's not talk, okay?"

The nightmare is speechless, this person is hopelessly childish, and he has to pay back the words he said so long ago.

Lin Wu's consideration was: If I answer the call, it means that my injury is healed, and it means that I will go to the first floor to greet you and pull you into the base.What's wrong with this? What loss will Lin Wu suffer?It’s not a loss, but wouldn’t it be nice to let her suffer a little longer?hey-hey!
However, the radio call was very persistent, so Lin Wu reluctantly went downstairs and crawled towards the command post.The nightmare on the first floor was too much to bear: "You have a bleeding injury, not a broken bone. You can choose to walk on your feet."

That makes sense!Lin Wu stood up, covered his left shoulder with his right hand, and walked slowly towards the command post with a painful expression.He sat down, dusted himself off, took a sip of water to soothe his throat, coughed twice, and when he was ready, Lin Wu picked up the intercom: "Hello."

(End of this chapter)

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