Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 259 Foraging

Chapter 259 Foraging
Xue Meng's voice came from the intercom: "Brother, do you miss your sister?"

Lin Wu was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "Hello sister, wonderful sister, sister has money in her pocket."

Xue Meng was dissatisfied: "Can you be more serious?"


Blood Dream: "Can you hand over the nightmare?"


Xue Meng was startled: "So refreshing?"

Lin Wu replied: "If my sister opens her mouth, how can my brother not agree? She has lost her fighting ability. Just come over and drag her away."

"Haha, you don't know how to shoot cold shots, do you?" After entering the safe area, they were waiting to be slaughtered.

Lin Wu answered frankly: "Yes, my shoulder is still bleeding."

Xue Meng said regretfully: "They don't know it's you. Can I apologize to you on their behalf?"

Lin Wu: "Sister, why don't you apologize to them? Although they don't have high points, flies are still meat no matter how small they are. If you trick them into coming in, I'll beat them half to death, and then I'll let you deal with it, sister?"

Xue Meng refused: "This is impossible, we have a covenant."

"What should we do?" Lin Wu flew the drone and started searching in the direction of the masked man's retreat.Lin Wu said: "My brother can't take this shot in vain. Why don't I give him a few hundred bullets to compensate for his injured body and mind?"

Xue Meng laughed: "It seems there is no way to communicate. Brother, don't leave the base easily. It's very dangerous outside."

"Thank you sister, sister, please also pay attention to safety."

"Okay, goodbye brother." Xue Meng hung up and said to the three people around him: "He won't do it."

The masked man said: "We will stay nearby and catch each player and kill each one."

Fortress A: "Perhaps we can hold the members of Lin Wu Base hostage."

Xue Meng said: "With Nightmare's injuries, she will not leave the base today. There is still half an hour until Nightmare is resurrected, and we will discuss it then. Everyone eats first."

Blood Dream's temporary base is a small villa on the roadside with only two beds, but the penalty for insufficient beds is currently limited to morale.Morale affects attributes.For them, who mainly use hot firearms, the impact is not that big.

Xue Meng walked out of the door. The small villa was at a high place. Xue Meng raised the binoculars and looked towards the dock road. It was very quiet there.From this location, you can not only see Pier Road, but also a small part of Seawall Road.She wasn't worried about Lin Wu's counterattack. There were four of them, four assault rifles, and four magazines each.Lin Wu led his men to attack. Even if they won the final victory, their bullets would be exhausted, and the gain would outweigh the loss.Xue Meng believed that Lin Wu would not do such a stupid thing.

Half an hour later, Nightmare found the temporary base, and everyone discussed the current situation.When Nightmare heard that the other party was Lin Wu, she felt a little timid. After all, she had suffered too many times at Lin Wu's hands.At the same time, there is also some excitement. In hardcore mode, the guns and bullets they possess can put them in a crushing position against players.Even if the player has a lot of ammunition, he will save every bullet.After all, the opponent is just a player, but we are all experienced and genuine fortress agents.

After discussion, we decided on the method of encirclement and reinforcements, building a sentry to monitor Pier Road and Seawall Road, and finding opportunities to eliminate them with sniper rifles.

Xue Meng then arranged for people on duty, and everyone took turns to rest.While the sentry was still under construction, Xue Meng smelled a strange smell. Was it on fire?Looking left and right, there was no problem. Xue Meng and Nightmare, who had the same doubts, walked out of the villa. They looked around and saw no one. When they looked up, they saw a smoke bomb creating a lot of red smoke.

Before they could react, the first shell landed on the roof, penetrated the roof and exploded on the second floor, instantly cracking the entire wooden villa.Then the second, the third, the shells raining down like hail.

After Nightmare said "f*ck", he and Xuemeng were torn into pieces by the shock wave caused by the explosion.

200 meters away, Cotton, lurking in the darkness, watched the fireworks bloom and replied: "Mission accomplished."

Lin Wu praised: "Cotton, you are the best. Nightmare, there should be a reward here." Because he had to execute the battle plan, Lin Wu finally added Nightmare to the Doomsday Fortress.

Nightmare is not as shameless as Lin Wu, but in fact not many people can be as rude as Lin Wu in asking for rewards.Nightmare said: "Let me hide for 48 hours, 30 5.56 bullets."

Lin Wu: "Don't you think the price is too low?"

Nightmare said: "What should I do? My warehouse is far away, and it is not easy to go back and forth. If it doesn't work, just give me a price, and I will pay on credit first."

Lin Wu asked, "Don't you have anything valuable on you?"

Nightmare asked: "Do you want a rifle?"


Nightmare took off the magazine, waved it in front of Lin Wu, and put it aside: "There are only 30 bullets."

"Skill books, outpost cards, anything."

"Outpost card?" Nightmare was startled.

Everyone was overjoyed, and fearing that Lin Wu would do something bad, Maya asked first in the channel: "Nightmare, do you have a sentinel card?"

Nightmare said: "Yes, but in the warehouse."

Maya said: "Deal, I believe you."

Lin Wu added: "30 rounds of ammunition plus outpost card."

The word nightmare has nothing to do with childishness. He said cheerfully: "Deal. But I can't guarantee when I will give it to you. It's just too far. As you know, after switching to hardcore mode, the living environment on the road has become very harsh. "Driving is the easiest way to attract corpses.Previously, when a zombie wave was caused, one could fight and retreat. Now, when a zombie wave is caused, one can only run away.Since zombies can run continuously, cars are often attacked by zombies when driving on city roads.Driving fast can avoid being attacked by zombies on both sides of the road, but it is also prone to traffic accidents.

Lin Wu said: "We will send you there."

Nightmare hurriedly said: "No. Maya, do you believe me?"

Maya replied: "I believe you, but you'd better give me a date."

"I will definitely send the outpost card here within a month." After the fortress agent dies, the items will not disappear unless the body is touched. If it fails once, it will be sent twice. It will always succeed.


Lin Wu reached out and took away the magazine: "You can do whatever you want, that one's called Xiao Qing."

"NPC?" Nightmare was unsure.Lin Wu: "Yes, a hired worker."

What's cool, there are not only artillery, but also NPC employees.

Maya said: "Cotton will go back to the Doomsday Fortress first. Peanut and I will pick up the snow eggs and then go back." There are still a few hours before the snow eggs are resurrected.

"it is good."

"You upgrade the girls' dormitory to a higher level."

"Okay." Lin Wu upgraded the girls' dormitory, and there was an extra cubicle after the upgrade.

Nightmare visited his dormitory and exclaimed: "I didn't expect such an ugly base to have such comfortable internal facilities."

Lin Wu was relatively far away: "What?"

Nightmare raised his voice: "Nothing, the base is very handsome."

"Handsome Maoxian, your taste is too bad. This is the ugliest base I have ever seen."

Nightmare didn't make childish arguments with Lin Wu because of his words.She thinks she's on the right track by working with Shadow.After stocking up on arms for a few more months, you can start working on defense missions.

Will Blood Dream and the others come again?Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win every battle. Although Blood Dream is in the dark, they don't know the strength of the shadow at all, but they can't lose their equipment after death, which undoubtedly gives them a lot of courage.At the same time, there is another factor that needs to be considered. After many battles, Nightmare and Blood Dream were quite afraid of Lin Wu.

After being resurrected, several Fortress agents held a meeting and finally decided to let Nightmare go and then jointly harvest the lives of several other Fortress agents.


Xuedan returned home successfully, but he was not in a good mood. Due to the lack of his sound insulation technology in the past 24 hours, the threat value of the sawmill increased by 30%.Sister Xingguang was responsible for psychological counseling and cheered up Xuedan's heart.

On the other side, Doomsday’s drinking water has been consumed.Even if you get the outpost card and occupy facilities such as hydropower stations and water pump rooms, you don't know whether the water you get is direct drinking water.But because of Dr. Xingguang, a biochemistry expert, even illness is not a big problem.Therefore, Lin Wu voted to ignore the drinking water issue, and the three girls and Peanut voted not to ignore it.

Set up a pot stove near the parking space on Haidi Road, hang a bucket with a rope to lift water from the Zuoxian River, boil the water and cool it before filling it into mineral water bottles.This work is handled by Da Shuang.

Others began building fishing cofferdams.

There were no suitable rocks at the base and on the tidal flats exposed by low tide, but this was not a problem.Because of his prior instructions, Lin Wu had already found the stone through drone reconnaissance.The car drove on Highway 99 and drove for about 10 minutes to a stone processing factory. The stones here are all square stones, which are very suitable for making cofferdam materials.

However, the weight of the stone is also very real, basically around 500 kilograms.Don't think that 500 kilograms of rock is very big. One cubic meter of rock weighs about 2.5 tons.If you can't lift it if it's too heavy, you can only choose the light one.Lin Wu, who had no strength at all, could only look at the stone and sigh.He sat in the shade and watched Maya, Peanut, Cotton, and Nightmare lift the rocks.

Doesn’t cotton have some power?Hey, you can still find an excuse to be lazy when you can obviously mess up, so you still blame them?
I transported 5 tons of stones back to the Doomsday Fortress and placed the stones at the designated location.Because the stones were heavy and the workload was unexpectedly large, Maya weighed it and decided to reduce the original plan of 200 square meters to 100 square meters.After all, even if a person can withstand it or a car can withstand it, oil may not be able to withstand it.

It’s easy to circle 100 square meters.Taking advantage of the existing seawall on Seawall Road, and after transporting two more vehicles, everyone helped to successfully build the cofferdam by taking advantage of the low tide time at [-] p.m.Dashuang also found foam and blocked all the large gaps left by the piled stones.

Early the next morning, the cofferdam has been completely submerged by sea water. How many fish can be caught depends on the low tide.

There is also production work today: weaving gill nets.

The material was fishing line. Under Maya's guidance, everyone except Lin Wu quickly mastered the weaving skills. They sat in a row and weaved a beautiful future life with their skillful hands.

There are two problems with nightmares.The first question is, I am a paid refugee, why did I become a laborer?The second question is, is Lin Wu really stupid or fake?

Lin Wu was not idle today either.According to Maya's request, he went to catch three small fish, then put the fish in a small bucket, sprinkled some loess, and placed them aside.Maya told Lin Wu that after a few days, the fish meat will grow maggots due to rot. The maggots can be used for fishing and can also be used as bait for cofferdam traps.

At sunset, the seawater begins to recede, and the fish, shrimps, crabs and other seafood blocked by the cofferdam remain on the tidal flats.The first use of the cofferdam achieved significant results.All the fish caught together weighed ten kilograms.The base lunch on the second day was seafood noodle soup, made by Mian Supervisor, and it tasted extremely delicious.

Two days of work are over, and the nightmare 48-hour asylum period is also over.Maya sent Nightmare away, and Lin Wu reminded her behind her: Outpost card, outpost card.If Maya hadn't persuaded didn't matter whether he persuaded her or not, after all, he couldn't beat him, and Nightmare wouldn't have gotten out of the car to challenge Lin Wu in a duel.Of course, Lin Wu was not just happy for himself and unhappy with Nightmare. The purpose of doing this was to force Nightmare to send the outpost card as soon as possible.

At this time, Shadow came with bad news: the icehouse in the warehouse next door had lost its freezing function.They shipped all the pork to the base, stuffed the freezers, and air-dried the rest.This means that less than a week into hardcore mode, the meat options begin to dwindle.Of course, one could survive on just pumpkin, rice, and bread, but only just enough.

The Doomsday Bastion gave half of the fish catch to Shadow, but even this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Each of the two NPCs in the two bases needed 20 kilograms of meat per week.then what should we do?Hunting and fishing became one of the main jobs at both bases.

The first method is to place zombie corpses on the edge of the safe zone, and wait for the beasts to gnaw on them to kill the beasts and obtain edible meat.This method has several disadvantages. First, the beast may not come.Second, the corpse will emit an unpleasant smell during the one-week refresh period.The third point is that they are zombie-eating beasts after all, and eating their meat will make people feel sick.

The second method is to lower the net. The gill net of Doomsday Fortress is very effective. With the cofferdam, the average daily catch is about 10 kilograms of fish.There is a small river 50 centimeters deep at the back door of Shadow. The efficiency of setting the net is very low. Less than one kilogram can be caught in a day.

The third method is hunting.Shadow Base is very close to the mountains.To the north of the sawmill is the weather station, to the north is Highway 99, to the north is the logging field, to the north is the plantation forest, and to the north is the rolling mountains.Wild boars and other wild animals often visit the lumberyard. Su Shi built an iron cage mechanism to match the terrain, and used wheat and pumpkins as bait to set up traps.

When the harvest is good, there will be about ten kilograms of meat. If the harvest is not good, there will naturally be nothing.Therefore, hunting is just a way to eat meat according to the weather.As the number of uses increases, the chance of catching a wild boar decreases.

In the second week, when rehiring an NPC, the employer can choose to play the slot machine once to determine the hiring supplies.The most advantageous item is 20 building materials, and the least advantageous item is 10 barrels of gasoline.If you do not accept the conditions, you can terminate the employment. Due to unilateral failure to perform the contract, the relationship between the two parties will be reduced by 20 points.

Do you want to play or not?In this regard, the three commanders held an emergency meeting, and Lin Wu came in and intervened: "Based on my understanding of Shuguang's urine properties, don't gamble with him." This is no different from online gambling. If you press hard, it will play small.

You get the golden finger of time travel, so you can time travel to tomorrow.You memorize the winning lottery numbers and go back to the same day to buy a lottery ticket, only to find out the next day that you didn’t win.Why?This means that man can conquer heaven.

Shana's rational analysis: "Metals, building materials, charcoal, plastics, and cloth are all good. The only bad ones are fuel oil and edible meat. Adding the difference between good and bad, we only have a 20% chance of getting a bad one. We get a good one. The probability is 50%.”

Maya also agreed: "If you don't smoke, the Doomsday Fortress will also give you 20 kilograms of edible meat. So besides fuel, there is no worse choice. 10% chance."

Shitou: "You have overlooked something."


"Lin Wu has a crow's mouth." Shitou said: "The end of science is metaphysics, and the end of probability is Lin Wu. Therefore, I hold an objection."

Shana said: "I believe in probability, I believe in science. As long as one of our two bases draws a good one, the result will be good."

Shitou: "Then smoke it." If you don't believe the old man's words, you will suffer a lot.

Maya: "Shall I go first?"

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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