Chapter 260

Maya confirmed her employer and decided to spin the slot machine. When the slot machine stopped, Maya spit out a mouthful of old blood: "10 barrels of gasoline."

After hearing this, Shana felt guilty and said: "The odds are definitely right, we shouldn't be able to get gasoline."

Maya: "I'll go back and get the oil." These oils are all squeezed from Da Shuang's body.Thinking of this, Maya suddenly had an evil idea: just give them a double mortgage.Then he hurriedly slapped his face to wake himself up and not to be influenced by someone.

Shana: "Did I smoke?"

Shitou: "I suggest not. But Maya has already smoked. If you don't smoke, don't you look too bad?"

Shana admired: "The leader is smart when he speaks. No matter what the result is, the credit will be yours and the blame will be mine." The good result was the result of the leader's tactful suggestion to Shana to take a gamble.If you get a bad draw, your leader has advised you not to gamble.

Shitou laughed: "Smoke it, smoke it."

Ten seconds later, Shana said: "10 kilograms of edible meat."

The channel was silent for a while, and after a long time Shitou said, "Don't tell Lin Wu the result."

The channel continued to be silent until Maya arrived at the Doomsday Base, took 10 barrels of oil, and found that there were less than 5 barrels of oil left in the Doomsday Fortress: "Fuel is a big problem. Now the two bases only produce 1 barrel of gasoline per day." Business Warehouse Although it has been established for several days and merchants came twice, they did not sell skill books that can increase fuel.What's worse is that the other party only sells building material packages and can no longer exchange resources through the painkiller bug.

Shitou said: "I'm not too worried about fuel. You can walk without fuel. What I'm worried about is the threat value. Since Xuedan lost the sound insulation technology, Shadow's threat value has now reached 4 stars and 20%. If it continues to increase like this, the consequences will be It’s unimaginable.” Before the update, 5-star or even 6-star sieges were not scary to Shadow, but it was different after the update.Although Shadow reserves a lot of ammunition, it is only enough to deal with a 6-star siege.

Maya said: "Judging from the last siege of the Doomsday Fortress, the intensity of the siege has been greatly reduced, and the proportion of mutant zombies is also very low. From the analysis, the mutant zombies pose little threat to us. Leave the forest wolf to Lin Wu, He can take on the Big Mac with the least amount of bullets. The Knife can fight the Rampage head-on."

Maya said: "Rather than mutated zombies, I'm more worried about ordinary zombies. After the update, the impact of the zombies is terrible, and the Doomsday Fortress has a tunnel for defense. The sawmill is open on all sides, so we can only fight head-on."

Maya: "I suggest that when encountering a high star siege, you can use armored vehicles to reduce the number of zombies as much as possible and reduce the impact of the zombies."

Shana said: "The sawmill has four doors. Armored vehicles cannot enter the factory and can only deal with zombies in one direction."

Shitou said: "Get three more armored vehicles."

Of course, Shana and Maya knew that Shitou was joking.Besides, the fuel consumption of four armored vehicles operating at the same time is something Shadow cannot bear.

At this point, someone shouted on the public channel. Switching to the public channel, only Peanut and Lin Wu were heard shouting: "Tanker, tanker."

Dashuang: "Tanker."

"Where is it?" Cotton shouted: "Tanker, there is an oil tanker on the sea."

What does the tanker represent?On behalf of the Shadow Base, gasoline can be used as fuel in the coming days.If you don’t carry 20 Molotov cocktails when you go out, you will be disrespecting your identity.

Maya asked urgently: "Where?"

"At sea." Four people answered in unison.I saw a 10-ton oil tanker appearing near the lighthouse. At first glance, it seemed motionless. After careful observation, I found that the oil tanker was moving, but at a very slow speed. It was estimated that it would not disappear from sight for up to [-] hours.

Take a gamble?Add all the fuel to the tug?No, the Peanut owned by Doomsday is an in-port tugboat and cannot withstand the wind and waves near the outer sea.To take a step back, even if you are close to the tanker, you still have to find a way to board the ship. Without professional boarding tools, boarding the ship is not easy and the process is very dangerous.In addition, in the event of a direct collision, the tugboat will be ruthlessly knocked over.

If we take a step back, get on the tanker, and kill all the zombies, can we get the oil smoothly?They don't have refueling guns. To ensure safety, there must be multiple security protection measures, and they have to look for clues and keys on the ship.

Taking a step back, even if you get the oil, you still have to bet that you are getting processed fuel, not oil.

Taking a step back, even if we get the fuel, how much can the boat hold in one trip?How long does it take to travel back and forth?

Assuming everything goes well, you will definitely make money.But as long as there is a problem in one of the links, you will definitely lose money.

Maya said: "The current conditions are insufficient, just take a look." There is only one condition: sufficient fuel reserves.If you reach the stage where you can squander fuel as much as you like, you can treat it as a trip and let everyone go and have fun.But since the fuel reserve is so high, why risk looking for oil?
Thinking of this, Maya said: "Lin Wu, can you find the location of the port office?" The port office is a unit that specializes in managing ports, and there should be a lot of ship information there.If the corresponding data of the ship is discovered in the future, some information about the ship can be obtained.

On the left side of Pier Road is the warehouse and on the right is the living area.3 kilometers further from Wharf Road toward Beicheng is the container port.The port is small and can only provide berthing and unloading for two large ships.There is currently a large luxury cruise ship docked at the port.From a drone perspective, it can be seen that the cruise ship is densely packed with zombies.

The port office that Maya was talking about is located in a four-story building near the port. This area is full of abandoned trucks, and there are overturned container trucks on the road, so the traffic conditions are very poor.In addition, there are two large logistics parks not far from the port.

Overall, the port area is an area rich in resources and where zombies are concentrated.Worst of all, the port area has two blood hearts.

Maya determines the doomsday strategy and ignores ships, lighthouses and ports for the time being.Concentrate on the warehouse area and living area near the Doomsday Fortress and plunder as many resources as possible.

As you can see from the rotting of pork in the warehouse near the sawmill, resources will slowly disappear as time goes by.This was later confirmed by Shana’s team.They found spoiled food at the mall.Some finished foods, such as bread and sausages, have deteriorated visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the number of basic items such as rags, scrap metal, and electronic components obtained by dismantling the same item is decreasing.Previously, you could get at least two rags by removing a curtain, and you could get more if you were lucky.Nowadays, there is only a 90% chance of getting a rag by tearing apart a curtain.

After complaining, I learned that it was not the system that reduced the explosion rate, but that all items would become decayed and dilapidated over time.

Everyone intuitively feels that resources are slowly being depleted.

Even so, in the first month of summer, the life of the Shadow Dual Base was quite good.I visit warehouses and shopping malls every day. Although there are no big products or surprises, there are still various bits and pieces.If you're lucky, you can also get a few bullets and some cans.If you catch fish regularly, your income will be very stable. After all, the sea is boundless.At midnight on the first day of the second month, the entire server sounded the alarm: a typhoon was coming.This typhoon is expected to last 4-7 days and bring heavy rainfall.During the typhoon, the number of outdoor zombies is reduced to a minimum, while the density of indoor zombies increases dramatically.As for how much to increase, the system recommends players to explore on their own.


When I woke up early and opened the dormitory door, I found it was raining heavily outside.Lin Wu looked up and saw that the breakfast table and chairs diagonally above had disappeared, leaving only a bonfire.Although the bonfire is a system item that cannot be destroyed, the awning of the bonfire cannot block the storm at all.

It was impossible to go out, not even out of the dormitory.There is no poncho on the covered bridge, so you will turn into a drowned rat the moment you step out.After sitting there for a while, Xiaoqing brought everyone breakfast in the rain: fish sandwich and a cup of black tea.

After breakfast, Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai to grab shampoo and shower gel, walked out and took a pleasant bath in the heavy rain.Peanut has learned a lot.The trapped girls went to the corner, where there was a two-square-meter space. The rainwater collected on the top floor washed down with great force, and all dirt could be washed away.

After finishing, everyone sat in their dormitories and chatted through headsets.Shadow brings bad news.Due to the heavy rain, the water is flooding the two farmlands in the backyard, and six pumpkin plants have been destroyed.The Shadow Man is building drainage channels in the farmland and building simple canopies for the farmland.But it blocked the rain, but it couldn't block the wind.A gust of wind blew by, and the awning was completely blown away, and the whole wheat field was completely destroyed.

After the update, a farmland has four mounds of soil, and each mound has 12 planting positions. Crops are produced daily based on the player's care.Compared with reality, the care process is relatively simple, and at the same time, the maturity stages of each crop are different.For example, wheat is harvested once a day, and pumpkins are harvested every 30 hours.These two pieces of farmland have been the main source of food for the two bases of Doom and Shadow for the past month.

Can it be saved?
Shana's answer was that it was difficult. She was not a person who planned for a rainy day and had never thought about consolidating farmland.This month, everyone's life has been relatively comfortable, and no one has thought too much. As a result, when a typhoon suddenly encountered, they were helpless and could only watch the crops be destroyed.An hour later, two pieces of farmland became unavailable for planting due to water.

The two deputy commanders took stock of their belongings. Based on last week's consumption, they still had enough staple food stored for a week.Cereals were plentiful and meat was scarce.Judging from the current situation, not to mention that both bases cannot afford to hire NPCs next week, all employees may have to go vegetarian this week.

Maya asked Lin Wu to ask Xiao Wai to stack the container and get the raincoat.Putting on her raincoat and going to the top, Maya brought new bad news. The buoys on both sides of the gill net disappeared, indicating that the gill net was damaged.In addition, the water level of the Zuoxian River is rising, which may submerge Seawall Road and Pier Road, making travel a big problem.

Lin Wu was very optimistic: "We can still eat Xiaoqing and Xiaoxi."

"Bah." The channel was full of scorn. Obviously, the morale of the doomsday base was good.

Not so with Shadow Base.

After failing to rescue the farmland, the Shadows discovered that the water in the base was more than 30 centimeters deep, and the drainage speed was far slower than the water accumulation.Nowadays, they are living in a water town, soaked to the skin, unable to move, and can only stay on the bed in the dormitory.

Their dormitory was very crowded, with only screens visible. All of this led to low morale, and almost no one spoke in the channel.Within two hours, someone fell ill, and biochemistry expert Dr. Xingguang Liushui went to the ward to treat the patient.At this time, the water in the factory building had reached Xingguang's knees.

The starlight outside brought another piece of bad news. The water level of the creek at the back door had skyrocketed and was only 20 centimeters lower than the backyard. If it continued to rain, the river water would flow back into the base.

So everyone got busy.Su Shi made a hanging rack, and everyone placed items on the rack.There are many things. In addition to food, there are also various things, snacks, tools, flowers, seeds, firearms, bullets and so on.

The Doomsday Fortress is not idle either, everyone wearing raincoats is reinforcing the tugboat.The flood was fierce, and a wave came up. Dashuang was swept up the Haidi Road from below and rushed into the Zuoxian River on the other side of the Haidi Road.

Fortunately, there was still water on the other side, so Da Shuang came back after a few hard splashes.

After strengthening the pylons and boats, the water in the Zuoxian River continued to rise, only half a meter lower than the seawall road.The turbid flood swept all kinds of garbage and zombies into the sea, and collided with the tide, forming a clear dividing line.This is also a rare natural landscape.At low tide, the dividing line of the Haihe River will press against the warehouse. At high tide, the dividing line will be pushed back to the south gate of the Doomsday Fortress.

Currently, the junction of the Haihe River is in the warehouse area, where ferocious floods and huge waves are constantly scouring the warehouse area.There was not a single zombie in sight in the entire warehouse area. I don’t know if they hid in the warehouse to avoid the water, or if they were washed into the sea to feed the fish.

“What a great time to visit relatives.”

"What?" Maya asked loudly, not hearing clearly.

Lin Wu replied loudly: "Nothing."

After finally completing the work, everyone returned to the dormitory, closed the door, and took off their soaked outer clothes.Here I would like to thank Shuguang for his kindness and leaving us with invincible underwear.But in damn hardcore mode, the clothes and shoes don't dry themselves.The Shadows have a spare set of clothes and pants, but no spare shoes.

After eating the lunch brought by Xiaoqing, everyone gathered barefoot in the large double room to rub numb. The room was spacious enough, and Maya sat on the floor at the door to watch the rain.There was no production or harvest today, only consumption, which made her a little worried.From her understanding, after one typhoon passes, there may be a second typhoon and a third typhoon.

Lin Wu seemed to guess what Maya was thinking, and comforted him: "If none of us can survive, then there will be basically no survivors in the hard-core mode. No matter what difficulties we face, we must maintain a positive attitude. I'm fine."

The other three looked embarrassed, Lin Wu commanded: "Get ready, start."

The three of them raised their heads and barked like Little Wai, who was jumping up and down on the ground, obviously in a good mood.Infected by the atmosphere, Maya finally changed her mind and replaced Cotton.Cotton and Xiaowai started playing on the ground.

At this time, the shadows continued to bring bad news. The first floor of the dormitory had been flooded, and everyone could only stay on the beds on the second floor. Lin Wu and others could imagine the scene, and could also read the helplessness and frustration in their hearts.

Maya said: "After the typhoon, we have to do two things: The first thing is to collect building materials and expand the base. The second thing is to stock up on food. At least a refrigerator should be filled with meat."

Cotton suggested: "Consider raising some hens."

Shana once raised chickens at a weather station, but unfortunately they were not raised systematically and they were all trampled to death by zombies brought by businessmen.Maya said: "What a great idea. I'll contact Shana and ask her to think of a solution." Shana has experience in hatching chicks.

Shadow does face great difficulties, but a big reason for their low morale is that they don't have any second-guessing.Not to mention Lin Wu, even if there was a peanut jumping around in the channel, I believe the atmosphere would be much better.After all, not everyone can be a second-rate person. This person must first be thick-skinned and be able to shame himself, and he must also have the ability to grasp the scale and shame others.

Lin Wu and Peanut from the Fortress of Doom are the topic makers and continuators.One was scolded by the crowd for talking nonsense, and the other was disliked by others for being greasy. There were constant topics of conversation and endless laughter.Coupled with the stress-reducing artifact Xiaowai, you can still talk and laugh happily even in extreme environments.

(End of this chapter)

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