Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 261 Water Shelter Base

Chapter 261 Water Shelter Base
Lin Wu switched to the public channel: "Old guy, did you drown?"

Shitou: "I won't die even if you die."

Lin Wu laughed: "Xiao Dao, help me kill him immediately and give you two snow eggs."

Xiaodao: "I don't want it."

Lin Wu: "Don't want two snow eggs, don't want snow eggs, or don't want to kill the stone?"

Xiaodao snorted: "If I say I want to kill the stone, you will say that I don't think one snow egg is enough. If I say I don't want two snow eggs, you will say that I don't even want two snow eggs for the stone. I won't be fooled. Woolen cloth."

Peanut: "Well said, applause!"

There were only a few people who responded, so Lin Wu said: "Brothers and sisters, let's play mahjong together. Play credit mahjong once."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Wu said: "Everyone is playing cards in his own dormitory through the headset. Each person has a pair of mahjong."

Shana asked: "Hit yourself?"

Lin Wu replied: "Yes, this is credit mahjong. Whoever lies is a crook."

Shana said: "Well, that would be very messy, right?"

Shitou said: "I think we can try it."

So Shadow held the first 12-player mahjong session.

Shitou: "Five items."

Maya: "I'll eat."

Cotton: "Stop, I'll touch you."

"Stop, I have the Kong, the Kong is the biggest." The card was drawn, five of a kind, peanuts: "Add the Kong, birdie."

Lin Wu: "Did you touch any of them? I'm going to touch the ones that I didn't touch... Wutiao!"

Cotton: "I'll touch it."

Shana: "I'm strong, I'm strong."

Mian Mian went crazy: "How come there is still leverage?" He was so angry.

Everyone wrote down the order of playing cards on paper, and strictly required themselves not to peek or cheat, and sat alone in the dormitory.If you don’t play, it’s quite interesting. The first typhoon day ended in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.


The wind calmed down a bit the next day, but the rain still continued, and the water on the first floor of the Doomsday Fortress had reached one meter deep.It's not that the flood discharge method is not good, it's because the river water surges and pours back.The seawall road is about 50 centimeters higher than the first floor and is now completely submerged by the river.The only pickup truck at the base was half-submerged in the water.Fortunately, the system only counts damage, not water damage.

The shadow's sawmill goes up all the way to the north, and the flood water from the high places flows towards the low places and pours into the sawmill.Coupled with the surge in water in the small river at the south back gate, the entire base has been completely submerged in water.The water line is 1.3 meters, which has flooded the first floor of the dormitory and is only 20 centimeters away from the beds on the second floor.

The terrible thing is that Shadow does not have any means of drainage, because the surrounding industrial areas are soaked in water.Early in the morning, Su Shi followed Shi Shi's instructions and made a small boat and two oars out of wood, and relied on the small boat to swing around the base.The boat attracted everyone's interest, and everyone lined up to row.

The most uncomfortable thing for players during the soaking period is their clothes.They would only change into dry clothes when they were in their own bed, and they could only change into wet clothes when leaving the bed, so they always had to leave a set of dry clothes for themselves.After all, no matter how capable the NPC is, they can't dry their clothes in this weather.

Watching Xue Dan and Xiao Dao rowing happily, Ma Soul and Xingguang caught fish, but almost no fish bit the hook.In the apocalypse, if there are no farmers raising fish, the floods will not be able to destroy the fish ponds, and naturally there will not be so many fish.

Shana: "Hey, hey. Don't go out." Seeing Xiao Dao and Xue Dan trying to rock the boat to the edge of the safe zone, Shana immediately stopped them.Once it is swept away by the current, it is basically impossible to find it back.Looking around, only the safe area of ​​the base is filled with still water.

Shitou waded to Shana's side and said: "You go and occupy the weather station as a sub-base, let everyone take a breather and at least dry their clothes." The weather station is on the slope north of the sawmill, very close to it, but due to the height Bad problem, no water accumulation.

Shana said: "Score five manpower."

"Don't worry about the research, deal with the emotions first."

Shana nodded, signaled the field team to start work, and easily occupied the weather station.After the two bases form an alliance, everyone can rest at the weather station.Although there is no full-time NPC, you can warm yourself by the fire and dry your clothes.Ma Hun also took some ingredients and cooked a pot of hot pot in the living room of the weather station.

Although morale has been stabilized, there are not many ingredients left.Today is the last day for NPCs to work this week. The two bases have decided to temporarily abandon the plan to hire NPCs, and personal clothes will be handled by individuals.

The cofferdams of the Fortress of Doom are still there.Although the floods are fierce, they cannot raise the sea level by one centimeter.However, floods can cover the tidal flats at low tide.The cofferdam is located close to the warehouse area.Under normal circumstances, at low tide, the Zuoxian River water flows from the channel beside the tidal flat into the sea.Now the tide will not recede.It is impossible to catch fish through the cofferdam as long as the floodwaters do not recede.

Maya stood on the top container and stared at it for a long time, then silently returned to her dormitory.Lin Wu, who was sitting at the door of the dormitory, saw this scene and contacted Maya: "I'll go to the mountain to have a look." He knew that she was worried about food.

Maya said: "During heavy rains, wild beasts will stay in their lairs. I just spoke to Shana. After two farmlands were flooded, the food problem has become a big problem. The current situation is not bad, if the current situation remains for more than five days , we will start to reduce rations. And only staple foods will be left."

Maya said: "I am considering using wild cards to build a ranch in the Doomsday Fortress. But first we need to expand the base. After this month of hard work, we are still short of 100 building materials."

Lin Wu said: "Shadow has a lot of building materials."

"No, since Snow Egg lost its soundproofing technology, Shadow has stopped cutting logs, let alone using equipment to saw wood." Because of the increased threat value, several commanders decided to strengthen the sawmill fence after discussion.The reinforcement project used a lot of building materials.Maya went into more detail. She did not agree with strengthening the fence at first, but instead proposed the idea of ​​expanding the Doomsday Fortress and using Wild Cards to build a ranch.

Stone convinced Maya that the Fortress of Doom could not currently provide the necessary conditions for everyone's survival, and she in turn agreed to strengthen the fence.At the same time, Shitou has made it clear that it will definitely move its base when conditions mature.Now all of Shadow's building materials are used to strengthen the sawmill defense, and Doomsday Fortress needs to solve the building materials needed to expand the base by itself.

Maya: "The coming days will be more difficult. We need to collect building materials, and we need to ensure food. In order to achieve our goals, everyone needs to make more efforts. Although hiring NPC solves the problem of laundry, it is a luxury after all. Sooner or later this benefit will have to be cut off. Stone hopes to find one or two volunteer laundry workers in the shadows."

Can't you wash it yourself?Of course you can, but as Maya said, everyone's work will be more arduous in the future, and having full-time personnel responsible for cleaning clothes is the most scientific method.So the question comes back again, who wants to be a full-time laundry worker?
In practice, there are two methods.The first way is to occupy the laundry room in the living area as an outpost so that you can enjoy free laundry services.The second way is to build a laundry room. There is a rigid condition for building a laundry room, which requires a washing machine.

Entering the game until now, whether in normal mode or hardcore mode, all electrical appliances are in a damaged state and cannot be repaired. Their only function is to be broken into parts.Not to mention washing machines, anything containing chips and hardware is basically damaged and cannot be repaired.

In the month of summer, Maya checked a lot of information in the warehouse area, but still found no clues related to electrical appliances, let alone washing machines.

So you can’t get a washing machine?No, there's no point in having a laundry room if you don't have access to a washing machine.The only known way to obtain household appliances such as washing machines and televisions is through fortress wandering merchants.Since the server was launched, there has been only one fortress wandering merchant in Beishang Town and even across the country.The fortress wandering merchant will stay in a certain place for 12 hours. If you want to trade with him, you not only need to find him, but you also need to bring enough trading items to satisfy him.

When the fortress wandering merchant first appeared in Beishang Town, Lin Wu and Shana were drilling into the sewers and didn't take the fortress merchant seriously.A determined person found the fortress merchant and discovered that in addition to selling high-level skill books, he also sold various high-end plug-ins, design drawings, and various electrical appliances.One of the designs is called the Fortress Barracks. Although it has six separate beds like the barracks, it has an increase of five meters in height, which is equivalent to increasing the area for personal activities.

The next day was spent chatting and sleeping.

Early on the third day, the clouds opened and the sun rose, and the water levels at the two bases also dropped slightly.This is a reflection of light unique to typhoon days. Not only does it not mean that the typhoon has passed, but it means that you are in the eye of the typhoon, that is, you are in the center of the typhoon.

Maya originally planned to open a temporary base on Highway 99. Not to mention the high terrain there, there are abundant timber resources, and maybe you can find wild animals.Even if you get nothing, it's better than being trapped in the Fortress of Doom.However, the manpower is insufficient. The total number of Shadows is 12. It costs 5 manpower to form an alliance with the weather station and 5 manpower to form an alliance with the Doomsday Fortress. There is no more manpower to open the base.

After discussion, Shadow decided to cancel the weather station sub-base and establish a base in a logging camp near the mountains.Necessary personnel were left at each base, and everyone else went to the temporary base at the lumber camp.

Just do what you say. After Doomsday and Shadow spent 10 manpower points to form an alliance with the lumber camp, the lumber camp began to build a kitchen.The function of a bed is to improve morale, which has been decoupled from sleep.Whether you sleep in a bed or in the wild, as long as you get enough sleep and have your own bed at your base, everything will be fine.

Su Shi, Xingguang and Cuiyu stayed behind at the Shadow Sawmill.Su Shi stayed behind because he had necrophobia, and the two doctors stayed at the base because they needed to conduct remote consultation at any time.On the other side, Maya stayed at the Doomsday Fortress, and Lin Wu gave Maya temporary custody of Xiaowai to prevent her from being too lonely at the base alone.

A morning passed when a branch base was established, alliances were disbanded, and alliances were formed.When everyone was sitting around the bonfire in the lumberyard eating Yangchun noodles, dark clouds covered the sun and heavy rain came back.

The logging camp sub-base is one kilometer away from Highway 99, with plantation forests to the north and rolling mountains to the north.There are two separate large buildings in the lumber camp. One is where the lumberjacks stay, eat and live.One is a large warehouse for tools and vehicles.The area around the lumberyard is empty, with large logs piled neatly on the edge of the safety zone, each weighing a hundred kilograms.

The temporary base was chosen in the lumberjack living area.The situation was as expected, there was no standing water inside or outside.After lunch, everyone spread the blankets and sleeping bags they brought on the ground, put on their raincoats and started working.

The team is divided into three groups. The first group is led by Shi Shi, who chops down logs to obtain building materials. They can cut down trees in the forest or logs piled in the square.The second group is Xiaodao and Xuedan. Their mission is to find herbs and fall in love.The third group is Lin Wu and Shana. They will enter the virgin forest deep in the plantation forest and even search for prey near the mountains.

The reason why Shana was arranged to follow Lin Wu was that on the one hand they were old partners, and on the other hand someone had to watch over Lin Wu to prevent him from messing around.Although in many cases it was Lin Wu's fault, it also indirectly showed that Lin Wu had many things to do.From a metaphysical point of view, Shitou believed that Lin Wu had done too many bad things and would be easily punished by God.From a scientific point of view, Lin Wu's points may be the highest in the server, so the possibility of Shuguang secretly causing trouble cannot be ruled out.

The main purpose of everyone going to the branch base is to avoid flooding.The two bases have a lot of building materials in stock. For the first group, who are used to a lazy life, everyone has insufficient motivation and is passive in work.Shitou is also not easy to supervise. Firstly, he does not have the prestige in this area. Secondly, it is somewhat inhumane to let employees work in the rain.So the first group was divided into two groups, one group kept house, and the other group chopped wood. They worked in shifts and rested in each shift.

Lin Wu and his team entered the planting forest. Although they didn't find any wild beasts, they did find a berry forest.After receiving the report, Shitou asked the team to go to the berry forest to collect berries.Lin Sha and the two continued deeper into the primitive forest area.

A dense canopy of an old tree blocked the rain, and the soil near its roots remained somewhat dry.Lin Wu took off his raincoat and hood, invited Shana to rest under the big tree, then launched the drone and turned on the thermal search mode to look for traces of the beast.The thermal mode is more time-consuming than the visual mode. It requires hovering in an area and scanning the area continuously, and consumes a lot of power.

There is an advantage to going to work with Shana. Shana will take the initiative to chat, gossip and interesting things.Perhaps because of the weather, the conversation today was not a good one.

"Complaining?" Lin Wu said, "Is it my complaint, or another kind of complaint?"

Shanna asked: "What kind of complaint are you making?"

Lin Wu: "Shuguang, why are you doing this to me and making me work with an ugly guy?"

Shana laughed loudly, hit Lin Wu twice, and said with some worry: "Another kind. There was a dispute between pasta and rice before. Cuiyu and Xuedan like to eat rice, but not pasta. Xingguang and Su Shi like it. I eat pasta, but don’t like rice. When the atmosphere is good, we can tolerate each other.”

Lin Wu said: "Tolerant people may have a sense of moral superiority or a sense of being at a disadvantage. The problem is that food can be customized, rather than being obtained randomly. If it were random, no one would have any objections. Wow, I can talk to you today. It’s so fun for everyone to eat shit together.”

(End of this chapter)

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