Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 263 Shadow Lottery Conference

Chapter 263 Shadow Lottery Conference
The evil muzzle protruded from the bushes, and three seconds later, a little hare died tragically on the spot.

This is a gently sloping grassland the size of a thousand acres, located between virgin forest and mountains.The grassland is dotted with holes, and overrun rabbits live here.Due to the backflow of rain, some hares are forced to leave their homes. They either go up into the mountains or jump around in place.Eating grass, soaking in the rain, and enjoying life endlessly.

This place also became Lin Wu's hunting ground. In one minute, four hares were brutally killed on this land.Walking out of the woods, Lin Wu began to skin and cut meat. A hare can harvest 1 kilograms of edible meat.Putting away the rabbit skin and meat, Lin Wu returned to the woods, sat on the ground with his gun, and waited quietly.

The frightened rabbits stopped appearing in groups and waited for 3 minutes before a rabbit jumped from the depression to a high place.Lin Wu waited for a while, and another hare came nearby.He shot decisively and took down one rabbit. The other rabbit ran faster than the rabbit and quickly disappeared from the forest fog.

After taking the meat back to the woods, Lin Wu touched his forehead. Although he couldn't feel it, Lin Wu knew that he should have caught a cold and become sick.At this time, a leopard came down from the mountains and trotted up to the hare skeleton. After looking around, it started to eat the bones.Lin Wu could handle this and took it down immediately.

After packing up three kilograms of leopard meat, Lin Wu began to retreat.Just as he was about to leave the forest, he saw a black mamba curled up into a shit shape five meters away, blending in with the surrounding dead branches and leaves.Lin Wu would have avoided it before, he didn't want to deal with this thing.But the current Black Mamba was just a piece of meat in Lin Wu's eyes.

He aimed the gun and shot the head with one shot, cutting off 0.3 kilograms of snake meat.

Why is there so little animal meat?Little White Rabbit elaborated on three views.The first point of view: game system balance.Which pumpkins can be harvested in about 1 day?If food were handled according to the real situation, I believe no one would want to grow crops.So a balance was made between crops and beasts.

Second point: reduce red tape.To deal with a tiger according to the real situation, Lin Wu would have to spend at least three hours.Separating skin and flesh is a big project.In addition the meat and offal need to be cleaned and processed.Taking into account details such as workload and income, Sugon made the most reasonable data.

The third point of view: Shuguang believes that in the zombie era, the living conditions of animals will be even worse, and the game guarantees a minimum stock ratio of animals.

In addition, Shuguang also responded to a major complaint from players: Since it is so realistic, why is there still a siege?The first reason is entertainment, but that's not the main reason.The second reason is that taking Zuoxian County as an example, the number of permanent residents exceeds 28. In fact, at the highest density, only 5 zombies appear.The third reason is that the game provides all-round help with attributes, skills, base construction, etc.


It was getting dark, and everyone waiting at the entrance of the lumberyard breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Wu coming back, and continued singing and dancing around the bonfire.Chef Ma Hun took the edible meat handed over by Lin Wu, and he was quite confused after sorting it.As a chef, I have never cooked game.

Steaks can be cooked once, but pork chops must be well-done.If you don’t know the characteristics of meat, not only will it fail to improve the taste of the meat, but it will also make it difficult to eat.Snake, rabbit and leopard meat belong to three different categories of meat.Snake meat is white meat like fish meat.Hares have almost no fat.Leopard meat is the opposite.

Lin Wu said hello to Shitou and headed to the sawmill.The entire sawmill was still soaked in water, Xingguang was reading in the dormitory, and Su Shi was taking shelter from the water and rain on the sentry post.Cuiyu stayed in the ward and treated Shana.Lin Wu contacted Xingguang. Xingguang put on a soaked coat and waded through the water to the ward with Lin Wu. After saying hello, Lin Wu got on the bed and entered the system for treatment.

The hospital bed had been submerged in water, and Lin Wu and Shana were sitting in the water.Although there were four people in the ward, there was no laughter and it seemed very quiet.Everyone is restraining their emotions and enduring it.Lin Wu, who was feeling unwell and dizzy, lacked the energy to be a troublemaker.Fortunately, they were all very sensible, no one complained, no one cursed, and no one was impatient.

After the treatment was over, Shitou asked everyone to go to the lumberyard.Although the particularly bad weather was terrible, it made Su Shi really go outdoors for the first time.

The five-person team with headlamps headed towards the lumberyard, Su Shi said: "I like typhoons."

"I don't like it." Others replied in unison.

Lin Wu added: "I like Xiaowai better."

Shanna sighed: "Three beauties are here, but you say you like a dog that is not here. What are you thinking?"

Lin Wu said: "I like Shana."

Shana immediately said: "Stop, this sentence is enough, don't say it anymore."

"please do not?"

"Yes, it's decided."

Starlight held an umbrella and said, "I really admire Maya for voluntarily staying in the base alone."

Lin Wu: "There is also Xiaowai."

Xingguang asked: "Can Xiao Wai count?"

Lin Wu asked: "Suppose you stay alone at the base, would you choose Xiao Wai as your companion, or Greasy Uncle as your companion."

Xingguang smiled and said: "Okay, okay, little trick."

At this time, the laughter and laughter in the lumberyard could already be heard.Since he was not worried about the zombie infestation, Peanut used the radio as a microphone and was singing a song. Faced with the boos, he did not flinch and stood bravely on the stage.When he saw Lin Wu and others, he shouted: "It's time to eat."

I guess they have been hungry for a long time.

Three pots were brought out, and Ma Hun, who was racking his brains, finally cooked three hot pots, namely rabbit meat, cabbage and vermicelli hot pot, snake meat, cabbage and vermicelli hot pot, and leopard meat, cabbage and vermicelli hot pot.After being served, there were boos. Ma Hun defended: "The key to whether the hot pot is good or not lies in the seasoning."

Everyone helped divide the bowls and chopsticks, lit the torch in the hall, placed the three pots beside the bonfire, and everyone sat around and started eating.Eating hot food, the chill in my body was much lessened, and the atmosphere immediately became lively.

Shitou put down the dishes, picked up his backpack, walked to the command post not far from the bonfire, picked up the intercom, and dialed the radio channel: "Leyte Province, Jute, Boye and Gro. We are gathered here today... …”

Lin Wu raised his fist angrily: "Refuse to attend the meeting." He smashed all the conference rooms.

Everyone echoed: "Refuse to have a meeting, refuse to have a meeting."

"Shut up." Shitou roared, then he said in a friendly tone: "In the past few months, we have collected a lot of strange things that are difficult to deal with. Tonight, except for Maya, all the Shadow members are gathered here... …”

Lin Wu reminded: "There is also Xiaowai."

Shitou took a deep breath and smiled: "Everyone except Maya and Xiaowai are gathered here tonight, so I decided to hold the first shadow lottery to decide the ownership of some items. Everyone has a share .”

"Wow." Everyone applauded, the party can still be held.

"Please enter the public channel and let Maya and Xiaowai participate."

After everything was done, Shitou put down his backpack and asked, "Who wants the first item?"

Ma Hun said: "Stone, you have to show everyone its appearance, right?"

Shitou shook his head: "No. But I promise to distribute it from top to bottom. Some things here are unique, and some things are made up. What you can get depends on everyone's luck."

Lin Wu, who had full decisiveness, immediately raised his hand and Shitou pointed: "Congratulations to Mian Mian, for winning the first prize."

Cotton was stunned and just touched his face.

Lin Wu was furious, old man, if you look back, you will be killed by labor and management.

Shi Shi took out a big box from his backpack: "Shen Xi's exquisite set of beauty products, including eyebrow pencil, lipstick, foundation, isolation cream, concealer pen, foundation cream, BB cream, pressed powder, loose powder, eye shadow palette, blush, and highlighter Powder, lip gloss, etc.”

Every time Shitou recited an item on the stage, Xiaodao and Shana in the audience couldn't help but respond: "Ah...ah..." This set of makeup was a reward for Shana completing a small task while searching in the mall.Since it is an exclusive personal item and can only be used by one person, it has been placed in the warehouse.The people who want this set of makeup the most are Xiaodao and Shana.Shana regretted not taking action, and Xiao Dao even fell to the ground and rolled around. She succeeded in exchange for the comfort of Xue Dan beside her.

Mian Mian took over the full set of makeup and bowed to everyone: "Thank you."

Everyone applauded, including Little Knife and Shanna.

Stone: "The second exclusive item. Hint: related to beauty."

Xuedan stood up at lightning speed: "Me."

Shitou looked at Xuedan for three seconds, then took out an apple from his backpack: "According to research. Eat more apples..."

This time it was time to roll around with snow eggs. Xiaodao comforted him and gave the stone a look: "stinky stone."

The following prizes are various, including a rail train model that boys like, and a one-time clothes change card that girls like.There are also waste products like cabbage leaves.

"Congratulations Lin Wu."

Lin Wu's face darkened. Don't go too far. Without even moving his hands, Shitou called out, "Come up."

"Do not."

"Come up."

Lin Wu walked up to Shitou with an unhappy face. Shitou took out a piece of paper. Lin Wu stretched out his head and saw that it was written by Shitou himself. He clenched his hands into fists.The Taiwanese started to cheer, preparing to watch the sumo wrestling performance.

Shitou seemed to have no idea, and read: "In view of Lin Wu's outstanding contributions and his imminent descent into hell, in line with the principle of treating illnesses and saving lives, 1000 or two hundred electronic components are hereby given to Lin Wu. Go to the production room by yourself take."

Lin Wu was startled: "Electronic components? Me, can't I be a personal computer?"


Lin Wu said, "Isn't this not good?" The command post of the Doomsday Fortress was still a first-level command post. He mentioned it to Maya twice, and Maya said she understood.Now that I think about it, the reason why I didn't upgrade the command post was to get electronic components for myself.

Shitou handed the paper to Lin Wu with a smile on his face. Lin Wu had mixed feelings for a moment. He looked at everyone and everyone applauded. Xingguang joined in the fun and shouted: "Say a few words, say a few words."

Lin Wu pondered for a while and said with a face full of emotion: "First of all, I have to thank myself. If I weren't so good, I wouldn't be able to get...don't throw away the shoes, don't throw away..."

After everyone threw away a shoe, Lin Wu hurriedly said: "Stop, everyone listen to me."

Everyone raised another shoe to indicate: Say.

Lin Wu: "Secondly, I want to thank Shuguang. Without Shuguang, I wouldn't have hacking skills." Dodged, and his shoes all landed on the stone behind Lin Wu.

Lin Wu smiled proudly and returned to the C position: "Then I want to thank everyone."

Everyone nodded with satisfaction, Shana said: "I suggest you stop in moderation."

"I won't accept your suggestion." Lin Wu continued: "Without everyone's mediocrity, my excellence cannot be reflected, and then I will not be able to obtain..."

Shitou kicked Lin Wu over from behind, and everyone went up together, giving Lin Wu a good meal with their bare feet and taking back their shoes.

The disgraced Lin Wu returned to his position in disgrace and was beaten, successfully skipping the dirty words.

Shitou said: "Finally, the two deputy commanders, but I didn't prepare a gift for you. Because I think no gift can be worthy of your contribution to the base. I can only say, thank you, thank you for your work, thank you for doing He has done countless things we know and things we don’t know. Thank you!”

Everyone applauded and applauded for drawing a pie on the stone with bare hands.Unexpectedly, Shana was touched by this. She walked onto the stage, faced everyone, bowed to everyone, and said: "Thank you Shitou, thank you everyone. As everyone knows, I am an easily emotional person..."

Lin Wu paused in response, looking up to the sky wolf and howling: "Ugh..." Apologizing or expressing one's true feelings too seriously will cause the originally joyful atmosphere to become heavy.Shitou's last words of thanks to the two commanders also meant to emphasize and explain Shana's contribution.Shana's irritable mood on the public channel today is completely inconsistent with her gentle and gentle personality in the past.

A good person who does a bad thing will be considered to have a big tail.A bad person who does a good thing is considered to have a conscience.Why?No matter why, Shitou doesn't want everyone to think too much about it.As a boss, he has the obligation to maintain the image of his executives in front of employees.

Shana paused: "What are you doing?"

Lin Wu: "Dubbing."

Shitou took the intercom from Shana: "Okay, we all know that you are very emotional, you can go down. Are there any other emotional people who want to express their opinions? No, right? If not, I want to announce something. thing."

Shitou motioned for Shana to go down first. Shana said oh and returned to her seat to sit down.Starlight, who was sitting next to her, gave her a hug.

Lin Wu was having fun below: Old guy, let's see what you want to make up.

Shitou said: "I announce: the lottery is over."


Shitou was unmoved and continued: "Tonight, girls will stay in the inner room. Boys, especially those who are in love, are not allowed to enter the inner room." In this way, the girls can take off their wet clothes and have a good sleep. .

Shitou said: "There is a small compartment inside. You can think about how to light a fire. The boys live in the hall, and you decide whether to bake the clothes or not. I estimate that we will live in the lumber camp for another two to three days. I hope everyone can work together. , to tide over the difficulties together.”

The last few words were very sincere, so everyone applauded, and the lottery ended successfully.

The girls went to the inner room to rest, and the boys took off their wet clothes. Everyone was shirtless and chatting around the campfire. It felt like they were back in a dormitory.Whether it's Shadow or Doomsday, they are all partitioned dormitories.Privacy protection is good, but it also creates difficulties in communication between people.

It was still raining the next day, and Shitou told everyone that they could take a day off today.Lin Wu went to the sawmill and made a personal computer using 1200 electronic components in the production room.

Why do we need so many electronic components?Why not complain?Who has time to deal with that bastard rabbit when business is on the line.

 When you read this chapter, remember to refuel your car.

  It is said, it is said, it is said that oil prices will rise again on the 20th.

(End of this chapter)

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