Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 264: Chapter [-]: Beishang Town

Chapter 264 Return to Beishang Town
The personal computer is similar to a worn-out mobile phone commonly seen in games. It is attached to the left arm in an arc shape and cannot be felt at all.If you look at the personal computer visually for more than half a second, the operation interface will appear, and the computer can be directly controlled through brain waves.

At present, personal computers only have two software apart from date and time, one is a compass.One is hacking software called: Intrusion.The introduction explains that most electronic devices can be invaded through this software. The more high-end and advanced the equipment, the easier it is to invade.

Lin Wu felt a little regretful when he saw this. After taking stock of the game so far, he had only encountered a few electronic locks that needed to be cracked.Because of this impractical function, I wasted 1200 electronic components on the base.

In the system introduction, the extended uses of personal computers are explained, and novice guidance is provided.Following the system instructions, Lin Wu turned on Bluetooth and brought his personal computer close to the drone. After a while, the connection was successful.Next, you can set up the drone through the computer.It includes automatic cruise, automatic shooting, and automatic warning.There is even an automatic charging function.When the battery is about to run out, the drone will go to the designated location according to the settings. Assuming that the designated location is suitable for charging, the drone will automatically charge.

Additionally, drone tracking can be set up.For example, if you want to track Maya, you must first use the video recording function of the drone to shoot around Maya and store Maya information in your personal computer.When Maya goes out, you can set up tracking and the drone will follow Maya near her.This function can also be used to search for missing persons. After field experiments, this function is not easy to use.

Back at the lumberyard, Lin Wu recorded messages for everyone so that they would not be lost or found.When Lin Wu came back, he also brought two sets of mahjong.When the sound of mahjong continued, Lin Wu walked out of the hall, looked at the rain, and prepared to go out.

"Hey." Shana: "Where are you going? There is still tiger meat today, so there is no need to hunt. It is said that the sun will rise tomorrow."

Lin Wu said: "No, I want to go somewhere."

Shanna asked: "Bounty hunter?"

"No." Lin Wu's eyes flickered, but he hesitated to speak.

Shana's curiosity aroused: "Where to go?" It seems that this guy is going to cause trouble again.

Lin Wu said: "Beishang Town."

"Beishang Town?" Shana looked into the distance: "The entire county is soaked in water. You want to cross a reservoir to go to Beishang Town?"

Lin Wu said: "It doesn't seem very deep."

Shana said: "That's true, but it must pass through the Zuoxian River, unless..."


Shana said: "If you want to go to Beishang Town, you must first wade to the river. The average water depth is about 1.5 meters, and some areas are over two meters. Then you can reach Shuidong through the power tower aerial corridor, and then wade northward. During the entire trip, there is no We won’t be there in five or six hours.” The only good news is that there are no zombies outside.

Shana said: "It takes about 12 hours to go back and forth. For safety, two or even three people must tie their waists with ropes to prevent anyone from being swept away by the undercurrent. Even so, it is very dangerous along the way."

Lin Wu struggled and said, "But after the flood receded, the zombies came out again."

Shana said: "At least there was a chance at that time, but today there is no chance at all."

Shadow's car has become a wasted car.Although it does not count as damage unless it is hit by a collision, it is a car after all, not a submarine, so it will definitely not be able to drive normally.

Take the sewer?Of course it doesn't work. It's a sewer and it's already filled with water.

Lin Wu could only sigh and give up. Shana asked, "Hey, why are you going to Beishang Town?"

Lin Wu said listlessly: "Online dating is coming."

"Where did the net come from?"

"Radio, electric love." Lin Buxin sat outside and watched the heavy rain.

Shana ignored Lin Wu and walked to the side of the lumberyard to connect with Maya: "Lin Wu wants to go to Beishang Town and is in a hurry. Do you know why?"

Maya asked: "Today?"

"I've convinced him not to take the risk. Do you know the purpose?"

Maya thought for a long time: "I've never heard him mention anything about Beishang Town. Just wait."

Maya asked: "Nightmare, how did you come to the Fortress of Doom?" Today is the last day of January, and Nightmare kept her promise and sent the outpost card to the Fortress of Doom.I planned to have a cup of tea before leaving, but it happened that Shana contacted Maya, and Maya asked Nightmare about this question.

"Take the railroad track." Nightmare said, "Follow the railroad track."

Maya said: "Can I not go through the Zuoxian River?"

Nightmare replied: "Yes. But there is a railway bridge across the Zuoxian River between the two mountains. Don't go to Shuidong, go directly north. Follow the railway tracks to reach the farm in Beishang Town. You know, my previous base Right next to the railroad tracks.”

Maya asked, "How long will it take for you to come?"

Nightmare said: "My temporary base is on Highway mean from Beishang Town to Doomsday Fortress? I set off from Beishang Town at three o'clock yesterday afternoon and walked for about three hours. Yes, I returned to the base at around six o'clock in the evening .So I’ll send you an outpost card early in the morning.”

"Oh." Maya nodded and connected to Shana: "Go north and take the railway track. You can reach the farm in Beishang Town in about three hours."

"Oops, I forgot about the railroad tracks."

Shana ended the call and squatted in front of Lin Wu. Lin said unhappy, "It's blocking my view of the scenery."

Shana was dissatisfied: "I am more beautiful than the scenery."

Lin Wu looked at Shana seriously for a while: "I disagree."

Shana knocked Lin Wu on the head: "I know how to reach Beishang Town safely, but the condition is that you take me with you."

Lin Wu became more energetic: "Beauty, you are so beautiful."

Shana: "I have conditions."

Lin Wu said: "Don't you like soaking in water? With such a heavy rain, you will be soaked in a short while."

Shanna replied: "Where you fall, you get up. I am emotional because I am wet, so I have to try to control myself."

Lin Wu asked: "But what should I do if you get emotional halfway through the journey? Should I kill you or commit suicide?"

Shana asked impatiently: "Then will you go?"

"Go." Lin Wu paused and said, "But there is no need for you to challenge yourself."

Shanna: "You know? This sentence is what my parents said to me the most. So I have never achieved a breakthrough in any field. Dancing, speaking, singing... What do you mean by nodding?" Angry!
Lin Wu said honestly: "You don't sing well."

Shanna was even more angry: "I studied soprano."

Lin Wu reached out and scratched the glass with his nails, making a disgusting sound: "This is the high pitch."

"It's really unreasonable." Shana said fiercely: "Are you going yet? If you want to go, praise me immediately."

Lin Wu: "You are very beautiful and have a good figure. You can make people drool at just one glance."

Shana was speechless: "You don't need to add the last sentence. I'll pack my things and wait for me." Damn it, Lin Wu was telling the truth, which was hard to refute.Of course the soprano sounds nice, but Lin Wu doesn't appreciate it, so what can he do?
wrong!Drooling after just one look?I remember when he saw me for the first time, he chopped me off.But it is a fact that he is beautiful, and it is a fact that he has a good figure. He should believe him.

...Although the railway was built against the mountain and located at a high altitude and was not flooded by water, it was not smooth along the way.The most direct reason is that there are many factories in Shuixi that use trucks for transportation, resulting in many and complicated railway tracks. If you are not careful, you will be led astray.After getting lost once, Lin Wu used a drone to explore the path.As for personal computers, although they are full of technology, for Shana, who has experienced Blue Star Technology, they are just a very backward electronic product.

"You have walked so far, can you tell me what you are going to do in Beishang Town?" Shana was wearing a raincoat, holding an umbrella and using the railway track as a balance beam. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

Lin Wudao: "When I was at the base of the church on the top of the mountain, I accidentally discovered an electronic code lock."

"Oh?" Shana asked, "I never heard you say that."

Lin Wu asked: "Have you ever heard me mention that there is a mole on my abdomen?"

Shana: "No."

Lin Wu: "That's right, I can't tell you everything, and I don't necessarily know everything you want to know."

Shana poked Lin Wu who was walking on the other rail with her crutch: "Are these two different things? No, from what I know about you, if it's just an ordinary combination lock, you have to walk for several hours in the heavy rain. , your choice should be to forget that the combination lock exists.”

Lin Wu asked: "Do you believe in men's intuition?"

Shana said: "I believe it, but I don't believe your nonsense."

"Hehe." Lin Wu smiled awkwardly: "There is such a story. Your classmate's family is poor. One day you were walking behind him and saw him drop his wallet. At this time..."

Shana answered quickly: "Stop him and give it back to him."

Lin Wu: "There is another story. One day you were walking and saw a wallet."

Shana thought for a while: "Give it to the police. After six months if no one claims it, the wallet will belong to me. Ah... I understand."

Lin Wu looked at Shana: "What do you understand?"

Shana: "You..." He didn't seem to understand. Lin Wu seemed to know the situation of the password lock, but he didn't want to know the situation of the password lock.In fact, he knew, that's why he walked for several hours in the heavy rain to open the combination lock.But he didn't want to admit that he knew, and wanted to keep it as a simple lock-picking trip.

In this way, Lin Wu had a certain psychological burden when opening the combination lock. The burden came from the details of the combination lock that he knew.But it still doesn't make sense.It is absolutely impossible for Lin Wu to have a good impression or feel guilty about the NPC. This lock should have nothing to do with the NPC.A girl who is so beautiful and has such a good figure will be killed as soon as she is told, so it is unlikely that she has a psychological burden because of a strange player.

Lin Wu didn't know many acquaintances. In fact, everyone didn't know many acquaintances.

Before Shana could figure it out, Lin Wu stopped: "Wolf."

Ten meters ahead, there is a small shed beside the railway track, which should be a temporary resting place for railway maintenance workers.The shed is not big, only ten square meters in size.The five wolves in the shed didn't know whether to use it as their own camp or as a temporary shelter from the rain.Both parties could tell at a glance that these five wolves were very hungry.But they didn't see that Lin Wu appreciated their meat.

After a few slight gunshots, Lin Wu and Shana dragged the wolf carcass into the shed and cut the meat while sheltering from the rain.Each wolf provides a kilogram of meat, which makes for a pretty good harvest.

Shana said on the side: "Continuous rains have left carnivorous animals short of food. They are forced to leave their homes and look for food closer to humans."

Lin Wu said: "After you give them emotions, it will be difficult for me to kill them. I can't guarantee that they will feel guilty after a while."

Shana asked with a smile: "If I were an NPC, would you knife me too?"

Lin Wu glanced at Shana: "Yes."

Shana was dissatisfied: "But I am a very beautiful NPC."

Lin Wu said: "In my eyes, your backpack is more beautiful than you."


Lin Wu packed up: "Wait for me."

After a while, Lin Wu carried some firewood into the shed. Lashana came out of the shed and threw an incendiary bomb to light the wet wood.After observing that the shed was not burned, Lin Wu threaded the wolf meat with thin wood and placed it next to the fire to bake.

Shana: "Does Maya know you use Molotov cocktails like this?"

Lin Wu said angrily: "You obviously used it, why did you frame me?"

Shana immediately laughed and laughed, then sighed: "I am really an unqualified deputy commander. I saw you wasting gas, but I didn't have any idea to stop you."

Lin Wu said: "If everyone is Maya, that's scary. If everyone is carved out of the same mold, what's the point of this world? I'm not saying that Maya is bad, I'm saying that people who are exactly the same are bad."

"I will not sow discord." Shana said: "I read two stories yesterday, please give me your evaluation. One story is about a very strict teacher who beat and scolded his students. In the end, the students couldn't bear it. Endure and ultimately commit suicide.”

Lin Wu: "What's so good about this? A sadist."

Shana said: "The second story is about a very strict teacher who beat and scolded his students, and the students became very good people. After becoming famous, I am extremely grateful to the teacher."

Lin Wu: "A strict teacher will produce a good disciple."

Shana said: "It's actually a story called Farewell My Concubine. It has a teacher and two students, and it tells the story of an ancient opera troupe. The difference is that the student who committed suicide did not want to become a famous actor, while the successful student wanted to become a famous actor. "

Lin Wu asked: "What? Does it have any educational significance?" In Lin Wu's opinion, it was all accidental.

Shana said: "When the game first started, my goal was the Fortress Ring. Later I discovered that although I had the potential to succeed, I didn't have the perseverance to succeed. I didn't even want to be the deputy commander, I just wanted to be happy in Shadow But I forced myself to take on the role of deputy commander."

Lin Wu said: "If you don't want to be the deputy commander, someone else has to be the deputy commander. There has to be someone who is unlucky and wants to play some tricks on his brother."

"You don't feel good without beating you, don't you?"

Lin Wu smiled and said: "Those words are rough but not rough. The deputy commander does not have a higher salary, no better treatment, only more dedication. Strictly speaking, it is not a good position. But Cuiyu and Xingguang's Being a doctor is not a good position either.”

Shana agreed: "Yes, once someone is injured, they need to stay in the ward. Especially yesterday, when they were treating our injuries, they were always soaked in the water. From beginning to end, they had no complaints. Okay, I want to do it now Take back what I just said.”

"Agreed." Lin Wu handed over the wooden stick and said, "Eat meat."

Shana took the stick, looked at the pieces of meat on it, and asked suspiciously: "Is it cooked?"

"I don't know." Lin Wu said, "But we will know in a moment."

"Don't hide." Shana stretched out her fingers and flicked Lin Wu's forehead.

Lin Wu asked: "Are you in a good mood today?"

"Not bad." Shana said, "Thank you."

"Available anytime."

(End of this chapter)

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