Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 269 Fuel Consumption

Chapter 269 Fuel Consumption

After a non-nutritious explanation and thanks, the relationship between Doomsday Fortress and Cozy House increased to 70, and now the standard cost of hiring an NPC is 12 kilograms of edible meat.This price made Lin Wu excited, but Maya did not approve of this price.When it comes to making decisions about the general direction of the base, Lin Wu still gave Maya face and gave up the employment.

Afterwards, Shitou told Lin Wu that it was better not to hire him because it was a business trap. NPC does not generate value, it only consumes value.If you insist on hiring them with 20 kilograms of meat, the mission will never appear.When you refuse to hire them, they sell them at a discount.For Dawn, the value of their existence is to consume player resources, so as long as you don't hire them, they will continue to issue tasks.

Originally, your 38 yuan phone plan was enough for everything.One day someone calls you and says that they will upgrade your package and give you 50G of traffic for a year. The package fee will be raised to 58 yuan, but the other party will help you pay 20 yuan every month.What's the point?Traffic costs are extremely low for operators.The other party is betting that after you get used to using data, the data of 38 yuan will not be enough.Even if he loses, it doesn't hurt him at almost zero cost.

The possibility of fraud cannot be ruled out.After one year, when you want to change back to the 38 yuan package, the other party tells you, sorry, the 38 yuan package has been cancelled.

Lin Wu felt that Shitou was a liar, lying to himself about not hiring NPCs.Su Shi believes that money is for spending, and if supplies are sufficient, there is no need to worry about employment fees.

The main reason is poverty. If Shadow was still as rich as the first summer, even if it was still 20 kilograms, they would hire NPCs.


Maya drove the pickup truck back to the Fortress of Doom first.Peanut and Dashuang didn't know what they were thinking. Peanut, with Dashuang's help, returned to the dormitory on the second floor to rest.Now he could only climb back to the first floor from the second floor with difficulty, and with Lin Wu's help, he lay down on the back of the pickup truck.

Stone was no longer surprised that Doomsday Fortress sent wounded people again.He was planting crops in the farmland that had returned to normal. Lin Wu sat next to him and talked about the players on the Hilltop Church Commercial Street reclaiming wasteland, encouraging Shitou to keep up their efforts and reclaim more farmland outside the system.

Shi Shi hooked his finger and asked Lin Wu and him to walk out of the back door. There was a one-square-meter piece of reclaimed land by the river at the back door, with a pumpkin planted on it.Lin Wu checked the situation of the pumpkins and found that the pumpkins were in very poor condition and the expected harvest was only 30%.The main reasons are poor soil, too high temperature, lack of fertilizer, insect bites, etc.

Systemic farmland is not only fertile, but other problems can also be easily solved.It is not impossible to open up wasteland for farming, but it requires sufficient manpower and agricultural knowledge.In addition, there is an unavoidable flaw. When you open up wasteland for farming, you can also obtain seeds, but the quality of the seeds is lower than that of system farmland.The seed quality of systematic farmland will gradually improve with harvest after harvest.

The last reason is that the research institute’s farmland bonus only applies to system farmland.

Taken together, it can be concluded that reclaiming wasteland is a thankless task. It may be able to maintain survival needs, but it will not only fail to improve the quality of life, but will also drag everyone into heavy farm work.

Shitou said: "After all, Homeland has not escaped the scope of the game. In terms of the ability of Blue Star immigrants, few people can really grow crops. Even if the other party is a farmer from Blue Star, it won't work, because in Blue Star, from sowing to harvesting, All adopt mechanized farming and automated management.”

Shitou: "Don't worry, don't listen to their wild guesses. It's definitely not because the earth is still occupied by zombies and we need to liberate it, so we will be allowed to play the homeland. If this is the case, we will adopt completely realistic methods. This game.”

Lin Wu said: "I'm not worried. The labor-management points are so high that I can stay at home every day."

Shitou: "The one with the highest points will be the top general to defeat the zombies."

Lin Wu looked at the stone: "When the time comes, I will sacrifice an old thing like you to the flag first."

"Ha ha!"

After chatting for a while, Shitou called Maya over and said: "Shana took people to the mall again in the morning. The number of zombies has increased a bit, but we can still cope with it. From the news coming, it seems that there are fewer and fewer things in the mall."

Maya asked: "Are they the basic items obtained by breaking them?"

"Yeah." Shitou said, "We set off at eight in the morning and have only packed two backpacks so far."

Lin Wu asked curiously: "Who carries it?"

"Get out." Shitou continued: "Not only the shopping mall, but the entire world is corroding faster than the normal world. Just like the growth rate of crops. I'm worried that by autumn, we will no longer be able to obtain any items from humanistic facilities. "

Maya said: "Basic items such as rags, scrap iron, plastics, and electronic components can be obtained by touching corpses, but except for rags, the probability of obtaining other basic items is very low. Strictly speaking, the easily obtained resources are wood, Building materials and cloth. Having these three supplies is enough for players to survive. Scrap iron and other items will gradually become luxuries."

Lin Wu said from the side: "Welcome to the primitive era."

"Yes, the primitive era." Maya said: "The Abandoned Capital is an abandoned primitive era with almost no available resources."

Lin Wu habitually argued: "Although the items obtained through demolition have decreased, some things will not be damaged, such as highway stars and other corresponding props. Scrap iron, plastics and electronic components can be obtained by demolishing scrapped cars. The demolition is normal. Cars can also get these items." Now that scrap car shipments are low, we look for normal cars.

Shitou: "Where are there so many normal cars?"

Lin Wu said: "There are only twelve of us in the entire Zuo County. How can we not be able to support us?"

Maya said: "You are all right. Cars can indeed provide abundant resources. At the same time, functioning cars are scattered all over the city. Finding them is a dangerous job. The sound of demolition will bring Here comes a new danger. In addition to cars, there are also some non-perishable items, such as musical instruments, books and newspapers, etc. We also have outpost cards."

Lin Wu: "What else?" Are you hiding private money?

Maya: "I didn't mean that. I meant that we can also get outpost cards in the future. Outpost cards can bring us a lot of resources."

Shitou said: "We talked about the core topic. At present, the harvest and effort of demolition have begun to be disproportionate. In the future, development must be centered on the base, so there will be no need for too many field personnel."


Shitou looked at Lin Wu: "Hmm what?"

Lin Wu said: "Speaking of outpost cards, do you think this is possible? After the sawmill was disbanded, we used the outpost cards to occupy the sawmill. Can we obtain the facilities that were retained after the sawmill was disbanded?"

"What are you thinking about? After disbandment, all man-made buildings will return to zero."

Maya: "I don't agree with you Stone."

Shitou was surprised: "Isn't it going to zero?"

"No, it was the previous topic."

Shitou pointed his finger and said to Lin Wu, "Get out of here." He was just making trouble.

"Damn old man." Leave.

Maya said: "We can know from the car that the system retains similar items. For example, firearms, bullets and other items. But compared to before, we can no longer obtain additional items."

Maya used the previous example of searching a clinic. During the search, she obtained a basic medical package. Because the basic package is cancelled, the medicine will be converted into actual drugs, such as alcohol. Alcohol can be made into patent medicines by doctors in the ward.The wood cannot be removed from the clinic cabinet, but the medicines placed in the cabinet will not deteriorate.Shitou said: "You mean that dividing the items into system items and ordinary items at the beginning of the game means that Shuguang has already figured out how to play."

Maya said: "That's right." Broken tiles, broken glass, and even the feces that Lin Wu put into the item warehouse are all ordinary items that are real, can be processed by hand, and are not recognized by the system.

In addition to basic items such as rags, there are many other items recognized by the system, such as medical herbs, pills, iodine, etc.For example, agricultural seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.For example, strengthening the wrenches, hammers, etc. in the production room.

There is also an item similar to prey.When the prey is still a beast, it is a normal item.After becoming prey and being cut, fur and meat are the basic items recognized by the system.

Shitou and Maya contacted the Shana team, and the team verified their ideas in the mall.Maya's theory turned out to be correct.When you open a package of packaged shrimp crackers, you will smell the rancid smell.When you open a bottle of disinfectant, you can clearly smell the pungent smell of alcohol.The only function of shrimp crackers is to taste delicious, while disinfectant can be processed into medicines and bandages in the ward.

Shana connected: "Starlight, Xiaodao keeps vomiting."

"Are you sick?" Xingguang replied, "Just come to the online diagnosis and treatment."

One minute later, Xingguang said: "No, I can only treat viral infections, not bacterial infections. The system told me that the knife was caused by bacterial gastroenteritis, and the treatment is to take antibiotics and be hospitalized for two hours." This is the first episode of Shadow One occurrence of non-viral symptoms.

Xiao Knife: "I just ate a piece of chocolate."

Xue Dan reminded: "Isn't it four yuan?"

Xiaodaoqi: "Go away."

Starlight Man was in the ward and said: "The antibiotic formula is: painkillers, disinfectant or alcohol or iodine, and herbal medicines. We all have them. In addition, the system explains that it may be possible to get better without taking medicine, but when will it be better and can it be better?" Well, it’s not clearly stated.” Some bacterial infections can heal on their own, but certain bacterial infections cannot, such as tuberculosis, typhoid, etc.The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics is a more effective way to deal with bacterial infections.

Cuiyu said: "It seems that the system also divides injuries very clearly."

Xingguang said: "In general, Shuguang is very kind and does not require the breakdown of various diseases." Currently, there are only five categories: bleeding, fractures, amputated limbs, viral infections, and bacterial infections.

Cuiyu: "I have always wondered why there is a formula for antibiotics, but I have never seen antibiotics used in actual operations."

Lin Wu: "The first sword was born from this!"

Xiaodao: "Don't give people random nicknames."

Lin Wu said: "Then it's mine. From now on, my nickname will be No. 1."

Xiao Dao thought for a long time: "Okay, I want the first knife." It sounded good.

The team escorted Xiao Knife back, and the situation was pretty bad.If it weren't for the possibility of diarrhea, it would probably be much worse.Xiao Dao came back retching all the way, and was no longer able to argue with Lin Wu. His face was ashen and terrifying.

After Xiaodao recovered, he said: "Compared with the pain you suffer when you are sick, being infected with the zombie virus is nothing."


Xiaodao’s situation tells everyone that in addition to the snacks and fruits previously searched, the finished food obtained from the search is no longer edible.Then check that the snacks in the base are normal.Maya believes that the difference is that snacks outside the base are quickly corrupted by the world, while snacks inside the base deteriorate at a normal rate.

Have dinner in Shadow, pack another meal for Da Shuang, throw away the peanuts, and the three of them go home in the end.

Back at the doomsday base, Maya went to the headquarters and started to fiddle with water, preparing to build a bathroom first.There are three bathrooms for players to choose from, one is a large bathhouse separated for men and women.One is a separate shower room for men and women.One is a deluxe single room with a bathtub, where you can take a bath and shower.Hot water is provided free of charge.

Abominable Dawn gives another restriction: each person can only use the bathroom once a day, and there is no limit on the use time.

The first type of large bathhouse only allows one gender to use it, either boys or girls.There are six shower rooms in the second type, and the ratio of men to women can be set.The third type is only allowed to be used by one person.

At this time, the differences in bathing culture in various regions become apparent.

For example, Mian Mian had only heard of it but had never seen a large bathhouse, and he rejected the idea of ​​a large bathhouse.On the contrary, for Da Shuang, daily showering is just a small bath for her, and weekly bathing is a big bath.Maya likes to take a bath alone.

Lin Wu and Peanut said it was casual, just give them a place and time.After discussion and compromise, a second type of shower room was finally decided, three for men and three for men.The reason is that the cotton cannot accept the large bathhouse, and the large double can accept the shower.

Construction begins immediately after the opinions are confirmed, and the bathroom construction is completed in 10 minutes.While the people in the Doomsday Fortress were still looking for towels, handing out shampoo and shower gel, the Shadows drove two cars and arrived with all the bathing supplies.Shitou, Mahun and Xuedan occupied the men's bathroom, while Starlight, Xiaodao and Cuiyu occupied the women's bathroom.

Everyone who walked out of the bathroom couldn't help but exclaimed, either wow or ha.The bathroom of the system is definitely not comparable to river water. After taking a hot bath, everyone feels extremely comfortable.

The girls laid out cushions on the top floor and sat on the floor, basking in the moonlight while tossing their hair and chatting, their bodies filled with contentment and comfort.The men were drinking beer and bragging.

During this period, Shitou returned to Shadow, put Su Shi in the trunk and transported it to the Fortress of Doom. Poor Peanut was left alone in the Shadow Base.

There were seven girls in Shadow, three girls' shower rooms, and Maya was the last one to come out of the bathroom.She did not go upstairs to participate in the chat. Instead, she packed up her hair, walked to the command post, took a pen and paper, and drew the sewer diagram of the living area that she remembered in her mind.

Maya felt that she should not connect the water source. After connecting the water source, she must build a bathroom.After having a bathroom, the Shadow Crowd must check in at the Doomsday Fortress every day.Two cars each time, and the one-way bicycle is 15 kilometers, so the round trip between the two cars takes 60 minutes.According to the minimum calculation of 12 fuel per 7 kilometers for a car, just taking a shower every day requires 5 fuel.Big Double can only produce [-] oils per day.

 Some readers have reported some problems with the recently updated content. We humbly accept this, apologize to everyone, and also make some excuses.

  First of all, this is a game after all. It lacks human and philosophical depth and seems a bit bland.The reason why I gave up on the real world of zombies is that I don’t want to be involved with these topics, and I am worried that the output of my views will cause dissatisfaction among readers.

  For example, the act of killing Amanda can also produce completely different views on both sides, thus diluting a lot of the plot that should be there.Such as attacking shelters and killing civilian NPCs.For example, in conflicts with other players, some people think that it is necessary to preemptively strike at the end of the world, while others think that there should be basic moral rules even in the end of the world.

  Second point: During this period, the update content has changed from the original focus of survival to the focus of construction.There is less exploration and adventure content.I had seriously considered it before and finally decided it was a necessary process.

  The third point: Regarding data issues, many refer to the settings of Decay 2, including range, etc.For example, a brother mentioned in the afternoon the problem of repeating the eight-meter crossbow.In fact, in the game, it is difficult to guarantee that the head will be shot at 5 meters in a non-stationary state.I don’t have this kind of real-life experience, and I don’t know the real shooting situation. I can only use my own game playing level as a reference. (The highest difficulty is to clear the level of four professions)

  My favorite in the game is the headlock skill.I hate running so fast on the street. After running 10 meters, I can only gain less than a second to aim.The most annoying thing is that three of them are so fierce that non-experts can't get away.

  Finally, to show my determination to work hard, I will not take any leave this National Day.

(End of this chapter)

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