Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 270 Fortress Merchant

Chapter 270 Fortress Merchant
Maya called Shanna, mainly to discuss work in the living quarters.After that, Maya brought up the issue about the oil consumption of bathing.This is another problem. Forbidding Shadow to take a bath, or having Shadow take a bath every two days is obviously not feasible, which will lead to differential treatment between the two bases.It won't work if we don't solve it. If we continue playing like this every day, both bases will run out of fuel before autumn comes.

Faced with a difficult problem, Shana called the cutie Lin Wu. After listening, Lin Wu said: "If we open a ward in Doomsday, the two female doctors can stay and work in Doomsday. If we open a production room, Su Shi can also transfer to Doomsday." Work until the end of the day. It’s just more troublesome to sleep. After they come over, the others can be done with one car."

These three people are logistics personnel with poor combat effectiveness. Xiaodao and others must stay at the sawmill to deal with the 5-star siege that may occur at any time.

Before Shana could respond, Peanut's voice came from the headset: "Businessman, there is a businessman in the business inn, help." He didn't have any fighting ability. Seeing that the businessman was heading towards the sawmill base with a group of zombies, he could only stand on one leg. Jump and run away.

Shana was extremely upset when she heard the alarm.She considered having someone stationed at the sawmill, but in the face of everyone eager to take a shower, she ultimately did not mention it.If it were Maya, Maya would either ask for a draw to keep someone, or she would stay on her own.There's no way you're going to dump an empty shell base over there.

The good news is that the businessman was still alive when Shana led the team back to the sawmill.The better news is that after successfully purchasing the infrastructure skill book from the merchant and learning it from Snow Egg, Shadow's daily oil production increased to 10 liters per day.

The bad news is that the pursued businessman sought protection from Peanut, but Peanut could not escape and died on the spot.Although Peanut can be resurrected, it also means that Shadow has lost another goon.

Based on comprehensive rankings based on survivability, combat ability, actual combat experience and attributes, Lin Wu, Maya and Xiaodao deserve to be in the T0 ranks.Cotton, Shanna and Peanut belong to the T1 team.Except for Su Shi, everyone else belongs to the T2 team.

Peanut's investigative skills are unique. The ability to quickly lock resources can greatly improve the efficiency of search work. His rapid fire skill is also a first-rate skill for wasting pistol bullets.Peanut's death had a huge impact on Shadow's strength.

This unexpected incident made the night more silent and less joyful.Lin Wu thought of the skill books and design drawings on the two bookcases in the nightmare safe house. There were several powerful cold weapon skills in them.Among them, the one that impressed Lin Wu most deeply was a design drawing of a flying spear.

As the name suggests, flying spears are throwing short spears, and can carry up to 12 short spears at a time.The short spear has a range of 12 meters, and loses its lethality beyond 12 meters.The biggest feature is 100% recycling.Aim and rate of fire are more emotional.After raising the short spear and entering the throwing state, there will be an aiming time, during which the shooter will see a yellow circle.When thrown at this time, the short spear may fly to any point in the yellow circle.

Keep throwing, and the circle will shrink until it finally becomes a point.The shooter can adjust the flight path with the hand holding the short spear.Simply put, the longer the preview time, the higher the throwing accuracy.

In addition, the short spear has 100% bone-crushing and 100% skull-crushing abilities. 100% skull-crushing means that a headshot will trigger execution. It can instantly kill all zombies except Big Mac and Blood Frenzy. Big Mac can also cause the same effect as Timberwolves. 100% broken bones means that after the target is shot, it will inevitably fracture and cause physical damage.For example, a broken leg bone makes it impossible to walk, or a broken rib triggers execution.

The higher the power star, the further the range.The higher the agility star, the faster the aiming speed.

Lin Wu connected with Shana: "Can you draw it?"

Shana asked: "Purple border?"

Lin Wu: "Yes."

Shanna: "Are there any other colors?"

Lin Wu recalled: "Golden lion? I remember that the cover showed an indigenous man holding a short spear and flying towards a lion that was jumping at him. The tip of the short spear had special effects."

Shana: "You should think simpler. How about using Maya's relationship with Nightmare to exchange the design drawings?"

Lin Wu: "No, this idiot Maya is not good at lying. She will reveal her secrets within a few words."

Shana was silent for a moment and asked: "Do you think it is suitable for Peanut, or do you want to give Peanut some compensation? To be honest, Dashuang and Peanut both have both strength and sensitivity. The difference is that Dashuang is not dead yet, nor did he participate in the expedition to the ruined capital. , her strength attribute is 17, and her agility attribute is 5. Without half a year, Peanut would not be able to practice this attribute." Flying spear is more suitable for doubles rather than Peanut.

Lin Wu thought: "How to say it?"

Shanna: "Maybe the person you want to help is me." As the deputy director of the sawmill, she admitted that she should be responsible for Peanut's death.

Lin Wu thought carefully and replied: "Both."

Shana said: "As a deputy commander, I must ask myself to consider the overall situation. The two bases will eventually be merged together. Peanut's death may not be a bad thing. You know what I mean, it is definitely not a good thing, but it may not be. Bad things. For example, if Xuedan did not die, he would need a reset skill book if he wanted to learn infrastructure skills. The most difficult thing is to convince him to wash away the sound insulation technology skills. After Xuedan dies, everything becomes Simple."

Shana said: "This is just an example, we also need sound insulation technology."

Shana turned in a big circle, and Lin Wu, who was used to going straight, finally understood the meaning.In the eyes of Shana and Maya, Peanut's abilities are good, but not outstanding enough.His death was a pity, but for Shadow, the loss was not that great.

Shana thanked Lin Wu for his thoughtfulness and said that she would take responsibility and work hard to do better.At the same time, please Lin Wu not to worry about the death of Peanut.

Lin Wu, who was a little confused, connected with the old man Shitou. After listening to this, Shitou said: "I used to have a legal expert who was relatively famous in the industry. Once, his lawyer's license was suspended because of his confidence and credulity in the defendant. The court revoked it. Normally, he should continue to work in this industry in other capacities. But he was arrogant and unwilling to be someone else's vassal, so he went to the business department instead. It took him one year to open Site A. Big Market was appointed by me as the regional manager of Area A. Then he started his own company, which in turn annexed our company's business in Area A. In just a few years, he transformed from a famous lawyer into a small financial crocodile. "

Shitou said: "Why do you worry about other people's future? I know you don't like your companions to be sad, and you don't like the depressing atmosphere caused by the sadness of your companions. But Lin Wu, this is not your obligation and responsibility, and you have not changed. The power of a friend’s life trajectory.”

Shitou said: "I will never take the initiative to help any friends, because I am not sure whether they need help. But I believe that when they need my help, they will definitely ask me for help. If someone is willing to seek death, instead of Asking me for help shows that he doesn’t regard me as a friend, so I don’t need to help him.”

Shitou asked: "Do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Wu: "I understand, I just need to eat enough to hold on."

"That's right. But everyone has shortcomings, so you don't have to be too harsh on yourself."

Lin Wu said angrily: "Old thing."

Shitou did not reply, but continued: "Don't impose the behavior you think is right on others. As a person who needs help, it is always better to take it than to give it." If the other party takes the initiative to take it, it must be because the other party wants to take it. Want something.To give is to give something to the other person. It is something you think the other person wants, but it may not be what the other person wants.

Is what Shitou said right or wrong?Lin Wu didn't know, but he reflected on his time in the past year.Over the past year, he has always implemented the principle of sending away, and it is undeniable that he has increased the strength of many people in the shadows.Thinking about it conversely, waiting for others to get it may not necessarily reduce the improvement of strength.

He thought of Huo Wu. When Huo Wu fell in love with him, he also brought him various items, rules and benefits for his own good.She never considered whether she wanted it or not.From a rational perspective, of course you should choose to accept it for your own future.But people are very complex, and they don’t just think about things rationally.

On the contrary, when you ask Huo Wu for help when you need it, you will not resent Huo Wu's giving behavior, but will thank Huo Wu for his help.

Okay, so be it.


I got up early to do laundry, put the muddy clothes in the bucket, and connected the faucet near the stairs on the second floor. I could see the water turning yellow with the naked eye.Lin Wu admired himself so much that he could wear such dirty clothes without hesitation.

After flushing the water several times, the mud was finally cleaned up.Sit down, put on the washboard, put on the clothes, sprinkle with washing powder, rub, rub, and call it a day. "Either let me wash it, or I'll teach you how to wash it." Maya, who was also preparing to wash the clothes, watched for half a minute. When she noticed that Lin Wu was about to stop, she couldn't help but speak.

Lin Wu fumbled in his pocket and took out a stack of banknotes: "Take this." This was the ignition device he carried with him.

Maya was too lazy to pay attention to him, so she drove him aside, put down her clothes and started washing them. Lin Wu was studying beside him, and while watching, he asked: "The guards should also have washing machines, right?"

Maya answered: "You only stay in the camp for four months every year, and you need to go out for training or perform tasks at other times. Since the machine is simple to operate and technology is completely overwhelmed, the core content of the exercise is the soldier's will. It includes concentration and endurance. , thinking and creativity, etc.”

Lin Wu: "What does this have to do with the washing machine?"

Maya said: "We need to simulate many scenarios for training, such as lack of energy, global power outages, etc. We use machines, but we are also learning to break away from machines. The Guards are not just to protect Dawn, the first core purpose is to protect mankind. If The day Dawn breaks the basic rules, we have an obligation to eliminate them.”

Lin Wu said: "So you need to simulate the purpose of destroying Dawn without using any electronic equipment."

Maya: "That's right."

Lin Wu asked: "Aren't you considering surrendering?"

Maya was stunned for a long time, looked at Lin Wu and asked seriously: "Why do you have such an idea?"

Lin Wu said: "Shuguang fell, the Guards destroyed Shuguang, and then the people will destroy the Guards. Didn't you die miserably?"

Maya asked: "Do you have complete trust in Dawn?"

Lin Wu said: "No, Shuguang has always taught us to be skeptical of everything. If I didn't believe in Shuguang, I wouldn't be skeptical. If I believed in Shuguang, I would question the purpose of your guard to eliminate Shuguang. Besides, , if Dawn wants to fall, not to mention your escorts, not even the entire Blue Star human race is enough."

Maya did not answer the question. She could not explain too much to Lin Wu on this matter.When creating the Dawn, humans had already considered the consequences of the Dawn being left unchecked.Designers believe more in rule constraints than in moral constraints, nor do they believe that AI will always operate according to the rules.

On the surface, Dawn trains the Guards, and the Guards protect Dawn.In fact, Dawn requires the Guards to prioritize the execution of procedures restricting Dawn rather than Dawn's orders.If Dawn does not make this request, the Guards must destroy Dawn. This rule is the priority rule conveyed to the Guards by Dawn.

Maya had no interest in explaining to Lin Wu the strange relationship between the Guards and Dawn. Fortunately, Lin Wu had no interest in arguing with the Guards about Dawn.

After Maya finished, she stood aside and supervised Lin Wu as he finished washing the clothes. He nodded: "Not bad." After that, he went to dry the clothes.

"Wait a minute." Lin Wu said, "Without the strength attribute, I can't twist the clothes."

Maya took the clothes and squeezed the water: "I don't have agility, so I can't go to the third floor."

She said it casually, but she didn't expect Lin Wu to take the bucket of clothes from her and leave: "Just think of it as tuition."

Maya watched Lin Wu go to the clothesline, turned on the headset and reminded: "Throw it off, hang it on the hanger, and then use the clips on the rope to fix it on both sides of the hanger to prevent the clothes from being blown away by the wind. Add another connection point between the hook and the rope. Clamp.”

Lin Wu hung up his clothes and made a gesture of asking for inspection. Maya nodded: "You did a good job."

Cotton said on the doomsday channel: "Breakfast is ready."

Da Shuang and Lin Wu responded and went to the kitchen to help. There were no NPCs, so they had to serve the food, pick up the bowls, and wash the chopsticks by themselves.Lin Wu always felt that Shitou's theory was unreliable, and was thinking about how to encourage Maya to agree to hire NPCs.

Today's breakfast is cabbage salad and bread.Considering Lin Wu's preference for meat, Mian Mian specially prepared a kelp meat soup that was composed of several slices of meat and kelp.

Halfway through breakfast, it was eight o'clock in the morning. The system broadcast: "The special NPC fortress merchant appeared in Zuoxian County. Use honor points to purchase precious props, items and firearms from the fortress merchant. The fortress merchant will leave Zuoxian County in 12 hours. , please hurry up."

"Oops." Lin Wu and Maya sighed at the same time. They forgot that the currency of the wandering merchants in the fortress was honor points, not the barter of the merchants in the store.

Currently, the Doomsday Fortress only has 100 honor points.Maya connected with Shana, and Shana told Maya that the Shadow Base only had 150 honor points.

What can 250 buy?I don’t know, Shitou said luckily: “Maybe he is a fool to sell things?”

Lin Wu: "You..."

Shitou waited for three seconds: "Hey, if you want to talk back, talk back. What do you mean by starting?" He was mentally prepared for the trolls, but if you don't, what do you mean?
Lin Wu sighed: "I don't want to quarrel with a fool." Someone else stole the line, which made him unhappy.

Maya: "The Doomsday Fortress is on the edge of Zuoxian County and is not within the scope of Zuoxian County. Lin Wu, you go to the lumberyard now and use a drone to search for wandering businessmen. Shana, you draw a map of the area and use Sewer No. 99 to go to various locations. Use Lin Wu’s drone to search for accessible locations.”

Lin Wu said: "Get ready for the Timberwolves. If you can't afford it, we'll grab it."

Xiaodao: "I agree." She is a member of the Appearance Association. When she sees Amanda, she feels pity, but when she sees the profiteer, she has murderous intentions.

Ma Hun also agreed: "It's a waste of our energy. Even if the equipment doesn't explode, we still have to kill him."

Maya: "Please keep the channel clean during the mission."

Lin Wu turned off the headset: "You don't have to say this, right?"

Maya said: "He is a businessman that is rare to see in several months. I just hope that everyone can work seriously and efficiently. This is what you must do as the deputy commander."

Lin Wu apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't blame you."

Maya said: "If you have time to apologize, why not seize the time."

Lin Wu put down the dishes and left: "Who, who, who, please trouble you." He was not sure who was washing the dishes today.But Maya is really infuriating when she takes it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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