Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 271 The Nightmare Again

Chapter 271 The Nightmare Again
After the game enters hardcore on Pier Road and Route 99, the zombies are so few that they are almost negligible.But when there is less, there will always be surprises.Lin Wu was considered a new driver, with only 1000 kilometers of driving experience at Blue Star, so he concentrated on driving.Therefore, he successfully avoided the explosion sleeping in the middle of the road.After parking the car, Lin Wu got out of the car with his pistol, walked up to the bombing, shot it in the head, walked back, and drove away.

Since the mall's revenue has been greatly reduced, the Shadow Crowd has lost motivation to work.Lin Wu arrived at the sawmill and everyone was having breakfast.They are claypot porridge and black pepper pasta respectively.Lin Wu watched the breakfast for a while and finally gave up. Judging from the surface, Mian Mian's craftsmanship was no worse than Ma Hun's.

Lin Wu went to the backyard conference room and sat down, flying the drone to search for traces of the businessman.Shitou sat down next to Lin Wu with a pot of porridge and said, "Don't worry so much. You can't afford it even if you find it."

Lin Wu said: "But Maya seems to be very anxious."

Shitou replied: "After all, we are young people, and they are willing to put in 1% effort for a 100% probability."

Lin Wu: "If you fart, let it go."

Shitou was not angry and said, "I want to ask you a personal question."

Lin Wu: "I like Xiao Wai." Xiao Wai was rolling on the conference table and wagging his tail, which seemed to be very helpful.In fact, it is a normal reaction when your name is called.

Shitou chuckled and asked, "Has there been any male-female contact between you and Xingguang?"

"Starlight?" Lin Wu asked.

Shitou said: "After coming back last night, Xingguang came to me and said that he wanted to transfer to the Doomsday Fortress. I know Xingguang better, and she usually has a certain purpose in everything she does. You know, after all, Xingguang and Rizhao are my juniors, so they call me uncle. Come on. If there's something going on between you, of course I can't stop it, right? But I think she's not very suitable for you."

Lin Wu: "It has nothing to do with me."

Shitou asked: "What's the reason?"

Lin Wu: "Ask her yourself."

Shitou said: "She said she thought Maya was very thoughtful and wanted to get closer to Maya."

Lin Wu: "Where did Maya's thoughts come from? No, I mean, except for work, Maya has nothing to talk to her."

Shitou: "Yes, I also think she lied. So I have to eliminate the biggest thunder. Look at the women in Doomsday, Maya doesn't like to chat. Dashuang is very obedient and is more suitable to be a listener. Cotton can be beaten with a stick No shit. There are a few women here at the sawmill who get together and chatter every day when nothing happens. So I think she must have some important reason."

Lin Wu said: "You are too worried. I just want to make it easier to take a bath and wash clothes. Could it be?"

"Could it be?"

Lin Wu said: "Did Rizhao not leave the hardcore mode at all, leaving Xingguang behind to prepare to steal the Doomsday Fortress? You know, the Doomsday Fortress is a personal system. After Starlight joins the Doomsday Fortress, he can bring all his people into the base."

Shitou: "I appreciate your imagination, but let's not discuss it first. Are you sure you and Xingguang are okay?"

Lin Wu pondered for a moment: "We can't rule out the possibility that Xingguang hates my sister-in-law Huo Wu and wants to side with me in order to get revenge on Rizhao."

"Okay, you can go die." Shitou stood up with satisfaction and picked up the clay pot porridge: "I'll tell Maya to build another medical room."

Lin Wu looked at the stone: "When it comes to building another medical room, there seems to be a real problem. Starlight will not change the base without purpose. Am I really that handsome?"


Lin Wu looked at Xiaowai: "Am I handsome? Nod."

Xiao Wai nodded. Lin Wu was very satisfied and continued searching.

After Shi Shi left, Shana came: "How was it?"

"Not found."

Shana said: "This is a picture I drew. I set up 5 search points. With your drone's range, there are many overlapping parts. Search in a planned and orderly manner. Don't waste time searching an area repeatedly. .”

Lin Wu looked at the picture: "Sister, the top view and the plan view are completely different things."

Shana was about to explain patiently, but Lin Wu said: "It's bad luck to find someone. It's a nightmare. She's hunting. It turns out she also wants to eat. Haha... Silly X, ambushing her prey upwind, what did she think?" ...Oh, she’s ambushing the NPC.”

Shana had already raised her fist, but when she heard the NPC, she immediately put it down and asked, "Is it a fortress merchant?"

"No, they are two alliance armed NPCs wearing camouflage uniforms."

Shana said: "It's none of our business."

"Don't worry, maybe we can fight back?"

Unfortunately, there was no counterattack. Nightmare's ambush successfully eliminated two NPCs. Nightmare walked up to the NPCs and started touching the corpses. Lin Wu said contemptuously: "I won't even spare the dead."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

"Wait a minute." Lin Wu said, "She got a rolled-up piece of paper, which seemed to be a map. She got in the car, got off Highway 99 from the next road, and drove towards the Zuoxian Bridge."

This road is densely populated with zombies, and the car explodes after driving a few kilometers.Nightmare gets out of the car early and escapes from the car.The sound of a car explosion helped her escape smoothly.Nightmare kills a few zombies and hides quietly.About 10 minutes later, Nightmare returned to the car and shot the zombies that had not dispersed one by one.

Lin Wu liked the gun in Nightmare's hand. If he guessed correctly, it should be the Silencer with multiple hairs.

Nightmare took out a repair kit, repaired the car, and continued towards Zuoxian Bridge.

Lin Wu said: "So hard work? What kind of mission will it be?"

Shana propped up her cheeks and looked at the sky: "Just keep following and we'll find out."

Lin Wu: "It's beyond the scope."

Shana: "It's okay, use your imagination to keep following."

Lin Wu: "Oh, merchant? I wonder if he is a fortress merchant."

Shana sat down immediately: "Really?"

"I don't know, it's about 6 kilometers away, at the west end of Qiaoshui in Zuoxian County." Lin Wu said: "Nightmare drove left and used the same method to escape. He abandoned the car and moved to a few tattered fruit boxes 30 meters away from the end of the bridge. Behind the wooden box. From time to time, he would show his head and aim his gun at the businessman. The businessman was sitting on the curb of the sidewalk at the end of the bridge, with a big backpack in front of him." The zombies turned a blind eye to the businessman, and the businessman also turned a blind eye to the zombies, and the two sides got along in a friendly manner.For a moment, Lin Wu felt that this was a zombie merchant and his customers were zombies.Of course Lin Wu had to complain about this, since he was idle anyway.The little white rabbit’s explanation was that the businessman had taken a special masking drug.Lin Wu asked about the details of the special concealing drug.The little white rabbit asked him not to mind his own business.Of course, the original words of Little White Rabbit were not like this, but in Lin Wu's understanding, this was the meaning.

20 minutes later, a pickup truck came from Shuidong.The car hit the zombies all the way, leaving Lin Wu dumbfounded. Just when he was about to complain again, he finally figured out the trick.It turns out that the pickup truck hits the zombies with its doors, not its front.When a car passes a zombie and the co-pilot or driver opens the door, the door can knock the zombie away or even kill him.

The car drove near the bridgehead, and three Alliance NPCs got out of the car and started killing with silenced assault rifles.After dealing with the surrounding zombies, their leader pointed his gun at the businessman and yelled something.An NPC reached out to grab the businessman's backpack, and the businessman reached out to fight with him.

At this time, the nightmare started to move, and he fired continuously with his gun, hitting an NPC in the head.The other two NPCs were very alert and found bunkers on the left and right. The two sides started shooting at each other 30 meters apart.A grenade was thrown near Nightmare, and the explosion attracted surrounding zombies to attack Nightmare.Nightmare swam to the side of the bunker, around the back of the house, and headed toward the bridge.

After advancing about 10 meters, Nightmare hid behind a scrapped pickup truck. Two NPCs kept changing positions and shooting in the direction of the truck to suppress Nightmare's actions.

Nightmare reached out and put a monitor on the front of the car, pointing the lens in the direction of the NPC.She walked around from the front to the back of the car, squatted at the tire and looked at the screen on the ground. She seized the opportunity to show up and beat an NPC to death.With the help of the monitor, she quickly took down another NPC.

Nightmare walked through the open space to reach the bridge, looking around cautiously while touching the corpse.After she got the rifle, she removed some accessories and bullets from the rifle and threw the gun body into the Zuoxian River.

After finishing the business, Nightmare squatted beside the merchant, not knowing what they said or what they traded.The nightmare left about a minute later. When he left, the nightmare was wearing half a pair of glasses, and he didn't know what they were.This thing has nothing to do with glasses. It is more like a headset that can be hung on the top of the head or on both ears.The core part is a piece of transparent glass hanging down from the left eye of Nightmare.Nightmare's finger can be pushed up to put away the glass piece, and pulled down to put the glass piece down.

It looked very cool, and Lin Wu was quite envious.

I learned from Maya that this is a squad tactical system.The so-called glass piece is a display.The display is connected to special equipment such as radar, thermal sensors, monitors, etc.Nightmare can see images and information sent by the device through the monitor to understand the situation between itself and the enemy.

Maya and Shana connected and basically determined that the NPC merchant at the bridge was the wandering merchant they were looking for.Maya originally planned to contact Nightmare and seek help from Nightmare, but Nightmare did not return to the temporary base and she was unable to contact Nightmare.

Nightmare can use repair kits to blow up cars all the way and burn bullets to force a breakthrough to the merchant.Of course, Shadow also has enough resources to send players to the bridge in a similar way.But Nightmare knows how much profit he has, and Shadow needs to gamble on a profit with a low probability.Therefore, it is impossible for them to adopt nightmare methods.


Lin Wu drove Maya to the sawmill, and the two deputy commanders took the system map and the self-drawn map for a meeting at the conference table.They need to find a safe route that doesn't require too many resources and can reach the bridge.Shadow's advantage lies in time. Judging from the details of Lin Wu's complaint and drone observation, the fortress merchant will not leave the bridge in a short period of time, and will most likely stay at the bridge within 12 hours.

"The only way to get there is by taking the sewer. Walk two kilometers to reach the bridge. Walking two kilometers in the city is too difficult and dangerous."

Shana: "We can get here through the sewer, go down the Zuoxian River, and then go ashore near the bridge."

Maya: "How to come back?"

Shana said: "Driving an armored vehicle there? The straight line is 6 kilometers, the distance is 8 kilometers, and the round trip is 16 kilometers. The fuel consumption is about 10 liters."

Maya: "It's not a problem of gas, it's that there is no safe area to park nearby. Zombies will swarm around you as soon as you park your car. If there is an explosive zombie mixed in, everyone will be suffocated in the armored vehicle."

Shana said: "Driving to the door of the fruit wholesale market, everyone got out of the car and cleared away the zombies."

Maya: "It requires a lot of bullets. It's better to use nightmare tactics and use ordinary car explosions to attract most of the zombies."

Shana said: "So our main difficulty is still the issue between cost and profit."

Maya said: "That's right. From a normal perspective, one or two hundred points of honor cannot be exchanged for anything good. But we have never traded with the fortress merchant, and we don't know the price at which he sells the items. We cannot rule out that there are some goods with low prices. Maybe. More importantly, many items are only sold by the fortress merchant, and we need to know the information about the goods he sells so that we can trade them next time. Otherwise, the next time the fortress merchant appears, we will still know nothing about the transaction details."

The orthodox leader Shitou was like an invisible man, sitting nearby and listening to the two deputy commanders studying countermeasures. When he saw the two deputy commanders in a dilemma, he generously said: "It should be wasted, so waste it."

Maya said: "Judging from the intensity of Lin Wu's drone reconnaissance, it would take more than 100 rounds of bullets to open a safe zone. And guns must be used. Cold weapons cannot stop the impact of zombies."

Shitou felt heartbroken and asked, "What about driving an ordinary car?"

Maya said: "We only have three repair kits left. Although the production room can also make repair kits, the basic resources are becoming less and less, and the cost of making repair kits is getting higher and higher."

Shitou: "Where's the bombardment?"

Maya said: "If the shelling point is too far from the armored vehicle, it will not be effective in attracting the enemy and may cause road blockage. If the shelling point is too close to the armored vehicle, the armored vehicle may be blown away."

Shitou: "Lin Wu, come here."

Shitou explained and asked, "Do you have any new insights?"

After hearing this, Lin Wu said: "What can I do? You can't just throw people over, right?"

Shana's eyes lit up: "Yes, the armored vehicle does not stop. When the vehicle passes by the fruit wholesale market, people jump out of the vehicle. The armored vehicle spins in a circle, and the personnel on the vehicle throw a landmine to attract zombies with the sound of the explosion. Reduce the threat to those who jump out of the vehicle. .The armored vehicle drives here and uses linear acceleration to quickly reach the bridgehead and buy time for everyone to get back to the vehicle."

Maya said: "The armored vehicle is fast, and jumping out of the vehicle is dangerous. The armored vehicle is slow, and those who jump out of the vehicle will be entangled by the chasing zombies. But I can give it a try. My life skills are the worst, and the cost of death is the lowest."

Lin Wu reminded: "Your swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world."

Shitou said: "It's a pity that Xuedan has just learned the basics. Can he wait until Peanut is resurrected?"

Shana calculated the time: "Peanut died at 8:20 last night, and the merchant appeared at 8 am. Theoretically, there is 20 minutes. However, after Peanut is resurrected, it will take time to return to the base, and it will also take time to drive there. "

Maya said: "Either let one person take the risk, or put down at least 4 gunmen."

Shana said: "If you choose the former, your agility must be high enough, and the risk of jumping off the car will be lower."

The three commanders looked at Lin Wu together. Lin Wu didn't care: "No problem."

"No." Shana rejected the suggestion: "If he dies, Xiao Wai will be gone."

Both Maya and Shitou thought it made sense, but Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "I have many advantages."

"I know." Maya responded to Lin Wu and continued: "The last solution: masking medicine, that is, corpse smell masking agent. Park the car and let people go. All people who get off the car take masking medicine. Keep the armored vehicle mobile and return at any time. Pick someone up at the bridge."

Shana said: "There is no inventory."

Maya said: "Freshly painted and made now."

(End of this chapter)

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