Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 274 Hunting

Chapter 274 Hunting
After taking a shower and eating, the Shadows hurriedly evacuated while there was still 20 light points left. After all, no one wanted to deal with the Night Demon.The Doomsday crowd chose to eat first and then take a shower. Even so, it was too hot.The air brought by the sea breeze and river breeze is also extremely hot.

Fortunately, Peanut returned to the base safely, and Night Devil probably didn't bother to clean up a blank slate.After returning to the base, Peanut had only one word: "Hot."

During these 24 hours, Peanut lived in a small villa, blowing on the air conditioner, eating roasted whole beef, watching three-dimensional TV, playing immersive games, and living a happy life.After the description, Peanut expressed his feelings: "It's so hot, I might as well die." This sentence is naturally a joke. Death will cause points loss. If you die again, the TV may be gone. If you die again, the villa may also be confiscated. .

No one currently knows how Shuguang's points are calculated. People like Lin Wu who think they have high scores have never died. No matter how smart Maya is, she can't collect complete data.But judging from Peanut’s description, his points are not low.

The weather was too hot and I felt soft all over. At about [-] o'clock in the evening, it finally cooled down a bit and everyone went back to their dormitories to rest.Lin Wu didn't know how many hours he had slept. When he woke up from his dream, he found that he was covered in sweat.So I struggled to go out, got some cool air, climbed to the top floor, and lay motionless on the container.

After a while, everyone came up one after another to lie down, obviously they were all too hot.Cotton found cardboard somewhere and made a homemade fan.But after a while, everyone had to go back to the dormitory. Without NPC cleaning, even if everyone pays attention to hygiene in the end of the world, mosquitoes will inevitably breed, let alone by the river.

Between being bitten to death and dying from heat, everyone chose death from heat.Lin Wu slept for a while, half of his body got out of the dormitory to enjoy the natural breeze, and then gave Xiao Wai an order.Xiao Wai jumped left and right on Lin Wu's head, bringing some wind while helping Lin Wu drive away mosquitoes.

After a long night of tossing, it was around four o'clock in the morning when everyone finally fell asleep.At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, everyone was woken up by the heat again and dragged their exhausted bodies out of the dormitory.

Seeing everyone in such a state, Maya said: "Everyone go to the first floor to rest."

So everyone in Doomsday brought a blanket and pillow and made a bed in the shade on the first floor.Maya was in good spirits. Seeing that the public channel was quiet, she guessed that Shadow had a hard time last night.She walked to the command post and saw that today's highest temperature exceeded 42 degrees. It was obviously another difficult day.In this kind of weather, let alone work, it is uncomfortable to stay at home.

To Maya's surprise, Lin Wu, who had always been lazy, took the initiative to invite Ying to go hunting, and Maya drove him to the logging camp.After coming back, Peanut was not willing to go to a blank slate and decided to go out to level up in the cool weather.The main reason is naturally that the base iron box is getting hotter and hotter.So Maya asked Cotton to make lunch, and everyone took their lunch to the sewer to enjoy the cool air and do some searching work on the way.

When it feels hot, I get into the sewer. When I feel that I can't stand the smell of the sewer, I get out and search for it.

Let's talk about Lin Wu. After he arrived at the lumberyard, he immediately went to the small waterfall with a laboratory nearby. He dived into the water and felt comfortable.Emerge from the pond and collect wood in preparation for the night.There were no outsiders, so he was shirtless.There is a house next to the waterfall, and there is a rocking chair outside the house. The cool breeze from the woods is blowing, and life is endless.

Why not call everyone?Even if one person is lazy, the entire machine cannot stop functioning.Besides, Lin Wu really came to hunt. He placed the three traps along the waterway formed by the waterfall.The beast must drink water in such hot weather.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, a bear trap was triggered. Lin Wu, half asleep and half awake, gave the order, and the good dog Xiaowai set off immediately.Lin Wu waited for about ten minutes without seeing Xiao Wai come back. He walked over and took a look. It turned out that the prey was a big wild boar. It had bled to death. Xiao Wai bit its leg and dragged it towards the waterfall. Because of the terrain, Because of this, the boar is stuck and cannot be dragged.

"Idiot." Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai to go away, cut up the wild boar on the spot, and got a piece of wild boar skin and ten kilograms of meat.Look, the results of my hunting are there.What if there were no wild boars?Isn’t there still a little crook?No, of course not to eat Xiao Wai, but to frame Xiao Wai for eating the prey.

Not long after lying down, the trap was triggered again. Lin Wu impatiently sent out Xiao Wai.After being called a fool, Xiao Wai's IQ skyrocketed and he took back half of the rabbit.The bear trap was too powerful, and with Xiao Wai's dragging, it turned into half a beast.After collecting 0.2 kilograms of rabbit meat, Lin Wu hesitated for a long time, and finally walked to the animal trap, harvested another 0.2 kilograms, and reset the trap at the same time.

After a while, another annoying prey was attacked. Lin Wu, who was cursing, went over with a gun. This time the prey was a deer. Got 5kg of meat.After returning home, Lin Wu started simmering soup. The small pot was brought from the base and was intended to be used to boil water and make tea.

After eating and drinking, resting for more than an hour, and cutting 0.3 kilograms of rabbit meat, Lin Wu called Maya, and he and Xiaowai slowly went down the mountain.Why give up on the idea of ​​spending the night?Not to mention that at night, when the sun sets, the trees provide shade and the temperature drops, the mosquito army comes out.And they are all flower mosquitoes, the kind that can make you uncomfortable for two days with one bite.

Maya was very happy to see so many prey, and called the shadows to go to the Doomsday Fortress to drink broth, bathe and eat as usual.Everyone seems to have slowly adapted to the high temperature, and their attention is no longer focused on the temperature.There was even a mahjong night.


The scorching heat lasted until the end of the month, and these 20-odd days were extremely painful for players, and their work efficiency was greatly reduced.Fortunately, due to Lin Wu's outstanding performance, the two farmlands of the sawmill, and the fish harvest from the cofferdam, Shadow has always maintained a relatively high standard of living.

Shuguang reminds all hardcore players during this period that at the beginning of winter, outdoor farmland crops cannot be harvested, indoor hydroponic crop harvests are halved, and outdoor beasts are greatly reduced. Therefore, it is hoped that all players will stock up on food as soon as possible to cope with the worst winter.

Shuguang only shouts slogans, but the question is how to survive?Rice and wheat can also develop insects if stored for a long time.At Starlight's suggestion, Shadow began making pickles and dried meat, and was preparing to dig a cellar in the Fortress of Doom for long-term food preservation.However, there is not much left in the daily rations, and there are not many vegetables and meats that can be pickled and dried.

It was finally decided to move into the Fortress of Doom before winter and open four hydroponic rooms.

On the other hand, after 20 days of lazy work, the building materials reserve is about to exceed 250.

In addition to the good news, there is also bad news. The threat value of Shadow Base has reached 60% of six stars, and is expected to exceed seven stars in early next month.After the Doomsday Base experienced a four-star siege, its threat value is now as low as two stars.Lin Wu also complained about this.

The little white rabbit explained the calculation method of the siege system. A random draw will be conducted at 5.00 o'clock every day.After winning the siege, the time will be randomly selected.The probability of a one-star siege occurring is one in ten thousand.Two-star siege is one thousandth.Three star siege is one percent.Four-star siege is 15.00%.Five-star siege is 24%.Six-star siege is 20.00%, leaving 48 hours of safety time for players to prepare.Seven-star siege is 35% and has a [-]-hour safety time.The highest is the ten-star siege, with an occurrence rate of [-]% per day.

Why is it that 15% of the six shadow stars have not been triggered even after half a month?This is luck. In theory, even a ten-star threat may never be triggered.

The little white rabbit revealed a little secret here: the higher the difficulty of siege, the higher the contribution to defending the city, and correspondingly more points can be obtained.In Shitou's view, the so-called secret is just a placebo.Because knowing the secret or not knowing the secret, there is no way to change the change of points.

In order to deal with emergencies, the Doomsday Crowd reduced their activity range to ensure that they could support the Shadows immediately in the event of a siege.Shadow also transported various supplies to the Doomsday Fortress to avoid being destroyed by zombies during the siege.

In addition to facing increasing threats, Shadow's biggest trouble is fuel problems.Although there are two oil producers, Xuedan and Dashuang, the two bases are not rich in fuel and can barely maintain the standard of 10 barrels of oil.One reason was that it was so hot some days that some people even got heat stroke and were forced to use car air conditioners.Of course, the most important reason is to take a bath. Shadow drives two cars to the Fortress of Doom every day to take a bath.As for Lin Wu secretly lighting a fire with an incendiary bomb, it was nothing at all.

It was the end of the second month of summer, and dawn began to broadcast again.First of all, Shuguang congratulates everyone. Next month, everyone will continue to feel the enthusiasm of summer and the refreshing feeling of typhoon.The intensity is even worse than this month.

When hardcore players across the server raised their middle fingers to the sky, Dawn explained the end-of-season event.

The game starts on the first day of fall, so there will be a hardcore anniversary event with great prizes at the end of the summer season.When Shuguang read out a few prizes, everyone was stunned on the spot.Prizes include: strategic bombers, supersonic fighter jets, battleships, nuclear-powered submarines, etc.

Everyone, including Shuguang, believes that everyone’s prize will be waiting.

The event takes place during the last seven days of summer.

The contents of the celebration are kept secret for the time being, but Shuguang gave each base a copy of the operating instructions for coal-fired steam trains in the early 20th century.The operation is very simple, including adding coal, moving forward, parking, and retreating, including the relationship between speed and coal consumption.

Naturally, this matter was left to the two deputy commanders to study. In this extremely hot weather, Shitou was too lazy to hold a meeting and chatted privately with Lin Wu: "Are there fewer and fewer prey animals recently?" Lin Wu replied: "There is a trend of decrease. . Maya said that the forest is not as good as the savannah. In addition, hunting in one place for a long time will make the animals wary."

Shitou: "Then change the place."

Lin Wu: "There is no waterfall in another place."

Shitou: "Take me with you tomorrow. I want to see for myself whether this is the case."

Lin Wu: "Plant your fields well."

Shitou: "Have you noticed anything happening in the Doomsday Fortress recently?"

Lin Wu asked: "When did I become a secret agent?"

Shitou: "Asking you."

Lin Wu: "I leave early and come back late. It's nine o'clock in the evening when I go back to the base to eat, shower and wash clothes. If you don't tell me, forget it. As soon as you tell me, I realize that I have barely interacted with everyone this month. What's the matter?"

Shitou: "It's okay. Get more meat. Including seafood, the current meat supply per person per day is only 0.4 kilograms."

"Really?" Lin Wu asked in surprise.

Shitou immediately vomited blood: "Are you setting up a small stove by yourself?"

Lin Wu was startled: "I didn't bring lunch, I have to eat something."

Shitou: "Bring a cotton love lunch next time you go out."

Lin Wu sighed: "Every day is a pumpkin."

Shitou explained: "Pumpkin has the largest yield and the most cost-effectiveness."

Lin Wu: "Oh."

Shitou asked: "How are peanuts doing?"

Lin Wu: "It is said that he is very diligent in leveling. His main intelligence is five stars, and his deputy agility is already seven. When the star level is low, the level rises faster. I am so diligent, and I only got one star agility this month." Smart reading!

Shitou: "I'm asking...about his mood."

Lin Wu said: "Don't worry, the whiteboard is also a good thing. When the time comes, you can learn it directly if you have the appropriate skill book. Besides, there are many books on Nightmare. Shana and I have been waiting for her to die. I don't know what happened recently. She hasn’t been dead for a long time.”

"Is this so?" Shitou thought for a while: "Okay, come on."

"Bye bye boss."

Lin Wu ended the call and looked at Xiao Wai in front of him: "Why does Shitou care about Peanut's mood? Does he like him? Peanut wanted to avoid this love, so he asked to be assigned to the Fortress of Doom? Don't jump, sit tight, I'm telling a story Arranger. Can you believe that a middle-aged boss like Shitou is so protective of himself?"

Lin Wu continued: "For the benefit of everyone, should we change places to guard the prey? Or take more active actions to find the prey? Don't you agree? Do you think that continuing to guard the trap is the right way. However, recently, the meat is getting more and more The less it is, the more it will probably not be enough for me to eat in another ten days and a half month... It makes sense, if there is wine today, I will be drunk today, and if there is no meat tomorrow, I will move the land."

Lin Wu lay down in the water, and the cold feeling made him feel refreshed.


We can live without meat, and slowly reducing the meat supply may not necessarily be a bad thing in some ways.

That night, Doomsday Fortress and Shadow, who had not held a meeting for a long time, held a headset meeting.Meeting topic: 250 building materials have been collected. We need to seek everyone's opinions for base expansion.

The Doomsday Fortress currently has eighteen small grids and two large grids. The large grids are for sentries and airdrops respectively.There are 18 small grids. At present, the infirmary, twin dormitories, kitchen, production room, bathroom, gym, screening room and library have been built, leaving 9 small grids.Considering that the sawmill will move into the Doomsday Fortress, two more small grids will be left, leaving seven small grids.

There are many options for base expansion. The first option is to directly add two indoor or outdoor large grids.

The second option is to directly add 4 indoor or outdoor small grids.

The third option is to sacrifice one large grid and two small grids in exchange for a super large grid equivalent to four large grids.

The fourth option is to sacrifice five small grids for a super large grid equivalent to four large grids.

Although there is not much honor, everyone does not agree to dismantle the airdrop.There are enough small grids, so there are only two options, either two large outdoor grids, or sacrificing 5 small grids for a super large grid.

Of course, a big base must have a super big grid, otherwise how can it match the identity?Lin Wu's views resonated with everyone.Lin Wu added: The super large lattice must be used for farming. The bigger, the better. The stones are the ones who are tired, and we are the ones who eat.So it was decided to expand into a super large grid amidst the cheers of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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