Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 275 Partners

Chapter 275 Partners
Since it is farming, it must be done outdoors.Shana put forward her own opinion. Maybe she could use the super large grid to raise livestock and poultry, and the remaining two small grids could be used as a hydroponic room.It’s not because Shana likes to eat meat. She believes that it is becoming more and more difficult to obtain rags. If sheep can be raised, clothing materials for base members can be guaranteed.

As a result, the small grid becomes very tight, and the harvest volume of hydroponics is far less than that of farmland. The advantage is that hydroponics can still produce crops in winter.

The rest is a matter of several commanders.After Maya expanded the base, she continued to discuss how to use the base grid with Shitou and Shana.After the expansion is over, Maya brings good news to everyone. Fortress of Doom can be expanded for the second time.The bad news is that the second expansion requires 1000 building materials.

The result of the expansion is simple and crude, that is, stacking containers to the third floor outside the wall in the northeast corner, expanding into a large rectangular open space that is close to a square.What is slightly more user-friendly is the addition of a 1.2-meter-high guardrail on the top floor.In addition, the five empty grids on the first and second floors were closed.

Currently, there are two small grids and one super large grid left in the Doomsday Fortress.Considering that the gym is optional, there is only one movie poster in the screening room, so to be precise, there are four small grids and one super large grid.

Look at the super large grid, which is really big, the size of a real acre of land.Maya thoughtfully moved the faucet at the south gate to the super large grid, so that whether for grazing or planting, there will be no shortage of water.

Lin Wu suggested that planting and livestock raising could be combined.Which animal eats the crops, they will eat that animal that night, so as to take care of everyone's love.After all, crops are also life, and as the owner, it is the obligation to avenge the crops.


Suffering from the scorching heat, there was no development, and even the fortress agents who appeared from time to time disappeared.The Shadows and Doomsdayers repeated their daily tasks and gradually adapted to the hot weather.I go to work late in the morning, go home early in the evening, eat, take a shower and fan myself, day after day, day after day.

The most worrying thing is the threat value of the sawmill. It exceeded seven stars on the first weekend of the third month of summer. Everyone intuitively felt the threat.Facing this city defense battle that could come at any time, several commanders agreed to use all weapons and ammunition reserves.

Why not abandon the sawmill?This is human greed. The higher the star rating, the higher the difficulty, and the higher the points earned.This idea is the hole that Little White Rabbit dug for Shadow when he complained before.Every time the city defense star level increases, the difficulty does not double, but increases exponentially.

Shitou can challenge one star alone.Soul Egg Brothers can get two stars.Doom or Shadow can fight three stars alone.When the difficulty rises to four stars, if you want to defend the base, in addition to dispatching all personnel, you must also use thermal weapons to snipe key zombies.

5 stars have experienced qualitative changes due to quantitative changes. The main battle weapons have been transformed into thermal weapons. Combat terrain and base defense capabilities have become conditions that need to be considered.

The difficulty level of 6 stars increases again. Even with full firepower, the danger faced by the city defenders is greatly increased, and at least some buildings will be destroyed.

What about 7 stars?No one knew, no one heard.

If it comes, wait for it.Most people have a relatively calm mentality, and Maya is their top priority.She started a crude version of the war game using the floor plan of the sawmill, in pursuit of the most efficient use of everyone's combat power.

A two-person team is placed on the left and right sides of the back door. Each team is equipped with a melee personnel and a main pistol. They can use the small space of the back door to quickly eliminate zombies.Once lost, the two groups retreated to the second line of defense: the south gate of the factory.While the main force of the factory reinforced the south gate, armored vehicles attacked to reduce the zombie threat at the north gate.At the same time, the west gate and east gate abandoned the parking lot and retreated to the east and west gates of the factory, further reducing the fighting space.

After simulating it in her mind, Maya was pessimistic about this defense.The biggest flaw of the sawmill is that it is open on all sides and has no height difference, making it difficult to withstand the high-intensity impact of zombies from all directions.To put it bluntly, the formation may be broken in less than a minute.

Maya found Shana and Shitou and expressed her thoughts: "It is impossible to defend the sawmill with the main position centered around the factory. I propose to abandon the northwest parking lot and factory and instead stick to the backyard. This only requires Take care of two doors, the back door and the south door of the factory.”

Shana said: "The headquarters is by the south gate of the factory and is not within the protection range." When the headquarters was destroyed, it was declared a failure to defend the city.

Maya said: "Zombies have one characteristic. For example, if I am in an iron cage, the zombies will surround the iron cage, beat and destroy the iron cage. Assuming that the iron cage has an entry door, the zombies will squeeze towards the door. , attack the iron cage near the door. Assuming the door is open and the zombies determine that the door is very spacious, they will not attack the iron cage again. They squeeze through the door with all their strength."

Maya said: "We piled up the command post with concrete, stones and bricks, and opened the door in the backyard. Maybe the zombies will recognize the door as the only entrance."

Shitou said: "It's better to block all three doors."

Maya: "These should be two concepts."

Shanna: "Maybe, yes, Maya, you rarely use such words."

"I'm not sure what's going to happen," Maya said.

Shitou called Lin Wu over: "Let's talk to your secretary."

Lin Wu complained, and the little white rabbit clearly told Lin Wu that the siege zombies would destroy everything.There is a priority for zombie attacks. If you see a player, you must attack the player first.If the player is not found or cannot get close to the player, buildings and vehicles will be attacked first.The headquarters is the lowest ranked building.

In other words, Maya's idea is wrong. The zombies will regard the artificially added walls as part of the command post.Maya said: "This makes it very difficult to defend, and the sawmill must be abandoned."

Shitou said: "We have discussed it at the dinner meeting just now, and most people are in favor of defending the city." One reason is that you can get high points even if you can't defend the sawmill.Lin Secretary White Rabbit told everyone that the longer you persist, the higher the points you will get, and you can get points by killing the siege zombies.The score of each 7-star siege ordinary zombie is twice as high as that of each 6-star ordinary zombie.

Shana said: "Even if we have to give up, we should retreat, guard an exit, and retreat at the right time."

Shitou said: "The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. After the threat value increased to 7 stars, no one was afraid. Instead, everyone was eager to try and full of expectations for defending the city. If I could make the decision, I would definitely give up the sawmill. But these are young people and they won’t settle until they give it a try.”

Shana: "Including Lin Wu, he has the same idea. He defended four stars, five stars, and even six stars in the early stage of the game. To be honest, I also want to see a seven-star siege. Of course, safety must be ensured first."

Maya nodded: "If we want to ensure safety, we can choose to guard the north gate by using the armored vehicle."

"North gate? The north gate is just one door. After entering, you will find the factory building." Whether it is the east-west parking lot or the backyard, there is a buffer zone. Only through the buffer zone can you enter the factory building.Only the north gate is different. There is a road ten meters outside the north gate. There is no fence to protect it, and zombies can rush directly into the factory.

Maya pointed to the drawing and said: "The armored vehicles are crushing back and forth to reduce the number of zombies that attack the north gate as much as possible. We set up a position at the north gate to shoot the zombies that enter the factory. According to the priority mentioned by Shuguang, there are dormitories in the factory. , production rooms and other facilities, zombies will give priority to attacking such facilities. We use firepower to eliminate them as much as possible. In addition, the headquarters is opposite the north gate, within the sight and shooting range."

Maya said: "If we can't hold on any longer, the armored vehicles will open the way, and we can withdraw from the safe zone to the north. But we must abide by one principle: we are not allowed to rescue our companions who are in trouble."

Shitou was hesitant: "I don't know how many points high points are. Since I can't hold on, why waste bullets?" Maya's tactic is clearly an attitude of giving up on the sawmill, using buildings to delay zombies and create time and opportunities for players to increase points.The worst thing is that you can't use the command post, so you can't call for artillery.Why waste two rounds of artillery coverage for free?

Is exchanging bullets for points a wise choice?It is true that the essence of the game is still points, but bullets are also the basis of survival.

Maya said: "I know about bullets, and I will think of a way. To be honest, I am not willing to give up a good base just like that. Although there are not many hard-core players, there should still be thousands of them. We have no reason Let’s miss the opportunity to earn points.”

Shitou and Shana nodded, and Shana said: "You are responsible for the specific arrangements. Thank you for your hard work." "It's okay, we should go." Maya switched to the doomsday channel: "Go back to the base." After that, she walked towards the Shadow Command. , borrowing radio stations to communicate with the outside world.


Starlight was driving, and Peanut was in the passenger seat.Lin Wu thought the back seat of the pickup truck was crowded, so he sat in the back.After getting on Highway 99, Maya opened the door from the back seat and climbed into the back bucket.Lin Wujing: "Have you increased your agility?"

Maya ignored Lin Wu's teasing and took a necklace from her neck to Lin Wu. Lin Wu dared to pick it up. He hugged Xiao Wai and looked at Maya in horror: "What do you want to do? Don't come over."

After being punched in the head, Lin Wu took the necklace, whose name was: Wu Zhu Amulet.The effect is to offset one death penalty.That is to say, attributes and skills remain unchanged after death, and even exclusive items such as bear traps, drones, and ghillie suits will not disappear.However, the 24-hour resurrection time after death remains unchanged (modified due to misunderstanding), and all non-exclusive items will be dropped at the same time.

Maya said: "Nightmare gave it to me, she can't use it."

Lin Wu remained surprised: "I know I'm handsome, but you are also very beautiful, why did you give it to me?"

Maya glanced at Xiaowai, and Lin Wu suddenly realized.Others died, and although the loss was great, it was still acceptable.Only Lin Wu's death would make Lin Wu and many people unable to accept it.Everyone has regarded Xiao Wai as a member of the shadows. Lin Wu can be resurrected after his death, but once Lin Wu dies, Xiao Wai will be gone.

After being reminded that he was bound to Xiao Wai, Lin Wu suddenly felt more responsible. In anger, he pinched Xiao Wai's head, and Xiao Wai responded by licking his palm.Lin Wu held the amulet in his hand and asked, "Is it that dangerous to defend the city?"

"Just in case." Maya said, "I made an appointment with Nightmare."

Lin Wu had a question mark: "Could it be that you want to sell your friends to woo you?"

Maya said: "Nightmare is our partner, and what you did is indeed not very kind."

Lin Wu said: "I have been waiting for Nightmare to die before I ransack her safe house." Subtext: I don't think I'm being unkind.

Maya said: "There is no harm in maintaining a good relationship with our partners. If there is no benefit in cooperating with the other party, then we cannot be partners."

Lin Wu said: "A bird in the hand is better than a hundred birds in the forest."

"Look further." Maya patted the front of the car and said through the headset: "Xingguang, please pull over."

The car stopped and the two got out of the car. Xingguang didn't ask them why they got out of the car, but asked: "When will I come to pick you up?"

Maya said: "Today is not a low-light night. The distance is very short. We can just walk back by ourselves."

Lin Wu said: "She means: I'll call you later."

Starlight smiled and said, "Okay, bye."



The nightmare's temporary base is located on the side of Route 99. It is a roadside pizza shop, perhaps the last food supply point on Route 99.

Lin Wu stayed outside the safe zone, and Maya entered the burger shop and talked to Nightmare for about 5 minutes, then invited Lin Wu to come in.Lin Wu entered the burger restaurant and greeted politely with a smile: "Hi, Nightmare."

Nightmare looked at Lin Wu coldly: "How many things did you take from my safe house?"

Lin Wu sat down leisurely and said, "You should thank me for not taking away all your things. Besides, you don't admit that you have a safe house or warehouse."

Nightmare stood up, drew his gun, and pointed it at Lin Wu. Lin Wu spread his hands and said, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I have the death-free gold medal. You gave me the death-free gold medal."

Maya suppressed the muzzle of Nightmare and said, "I told you all that we are partners."

Lin Wudao: "Our cooperative relationship is calculated on a per-time basis." During the cooperation period, we are partners, but outside the cooperation period, we are not partners.

Maya asked: "We have long-term partners, we have airdrop equipment, and we need honor points. Nightmare, your mission is difficult, and you also need our assistance. Yes, we don't have to cooperate, but we are all adults, so cooperation A win-win situation is the basic principle.”

Nightmare put down the gun and asked, "How do you count the bullets?"

Maya said: "You are not such a stingy person."

Nightmare said: "Okay, I'm very generous, but I only have this safe house. If I can't protect it, he will sneak away and steal things again."

Maya said: "I believe he will abide by the principle of non-aggression between partners."

Maya looked at Lin Wu, who hesitated for a few seconds and nodded helplessly: "Yes." She felt a little unhappy inside, and was dissatisfied with Maya for taking the decision without authorization.

"Can I hold your hand?" Maya asked.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Lin Wu finally reached out first, touched it casually and immediately let go, to give Maya face.

(End of this chapter)

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