Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 276 Win-win Cooperation

Chapter 276 Win-win Cooperation
Maya said: "Since there are no other problems, we can continue to discuss cooperation matters. Shadow has encountered big trouble recently, and we need a lot of bullets."

The nightmare jumped up: "Don't go too far."

"Sit down first." Maya said: "Believe me, the prerequisite for all cooperation must be win-win."

Nightmare sat down with suspicion, and Maya said: "I remember you mentioned to me that you knew the location of Nightmare and Blood Dream's safe house."

"Oh!" Nightmare instantly understood what Maya meant and said, "Nightmare's safe house is in Nanxia Town, Zuo County, and Blood Dream's safe house is in Beixia Town, Right County."

Nightmare looked at Lin Wu: "Are you sure you can open the safe house?"

Lin Wu spread his hands, what do you think?Thank myself for not losing my temper.Also, I should believe Maya.Maya did lose face by asking her to admit her mistake, but on the one hand, she repaired the cooperative relationship with Nightmare, and on the other hand, Maya had no intention of letting herself return the bullet.The most important thing is to point out a way to make a fortune for the nightmare and yourself.

Nightmare said: "Each safe house has a collection system, firearms, skill books, blueprints, etc. We are villains first, then gentlemen. I pick the firearms, skill books and blueprints first, and I only take the parts I am missing, and the excess It's all yours. The bullets are divided in half. The .50 bullets are worth 5 points, the rifle 5.56 and 7.62 are worth 3 points, and the pistol bullets are worth 1 point. You divide them according to the points. You take it first."

Nightmare: "There are seven fuel and cans between you and me. My part is stored in the Doomsday Fortress. I can get it when I need it. In addition, if there are other things in the underground treasure house, it depends on the specific items. You know, our points can be exchanged for A lot of weird stuff.”

"Underground treasure trove?" Lin Wu raised his eyebrows and asked, "And there are fuel and cans?"

Nightmare was startled: "Didn't you notice?"

Lin Wu answered honestly: "No."

Nightmare: "Then... have you promoted the display cabinet?"

"Why push?" It feels like a mistake of tens of billions.

Nightmare said: "The display cabinet can be rotated, and there are cabinets on the front and back. You will know when the time comes. How many people from the shadow show are so divided, how about it?" Look at Lin Wu and Maya.

Lin Wu held his head, damn puppy Shana, forget it if you are 95% stupid, why are you so brainless if you are only 5%?
Maya was very happy: "Okay, the sawmill only has 36 hours of protection time left." Little White Rabbit explained that after reaching 7 stars, the system will provide 48 hours of protection time, giving players ample time to prepare for the situation. After 48 hours, lots will be drawn at eight o'clock every day, and the probability of a 7-star siege happening is 15% every day.

Nightmare said: "Let's go to Nanxia Town first. Are you leaving now?"

Lin Ma stood up: "Let's go."

Nightmare said: "What kind of car do you drive?"

"Car? You don't have a car?"

Nightmare said: "I have a car, but I suggest you drive a pickup truck and fill it with more gas."

Nightmare put the canned drinking water in the temporary base into his backpack and car trunk, abandoned the temporary base, and temporarily joined the Doomsday Fortress for communication purposes.She personally likes the hardcore mode because it does not require system sleep. She can choose to sleep in a tree or spend the night in a bridge. She can run around as long as she carries a dozen cans.

When Maya heard that she had been kidnapped, she almost exploded and wanted to tear Lin Wu into eighteen thousand pieces.Under Maya's mediation, Lin Wu immediately became more pleasing to the eye when he thought that he could not only make a lot of money, but also greatly defeat his two main competitors.

But there was a war between heaven and man in her heart.

You forgot your key and your neighbor opened the door for you using a card or other means. What would you think when you thanked your neighbor?Are you thinking about changing the locks or even the door tomorrow?
The nightmare now is this idea. If Lin Wu can really break the safe house password, he must either trust him or kill him to wash away his hacking skills.At least Lin Wu's personal computer must be cleared.Killing Lin Wu meant a complete break-up, and the consequences and costs would be huge.The most important thing is, can you guarantee to kill him?Assuming that he has been restrained by Maya and will not try to steal his own safe house, and after his assassination fails, he will definitely loot, or even openly rob, his own safe house.


If you want to go to Nanxia Town, you must first reach the system recommendation base: the fire station.The fire station is at the southernmost tip of Zuo County. Lin Wu and Shana have visited the area twice to investigate. The traffic situation is very bad.

Not to mention the fire station, the road to the fire station is now full of crises.The vehicle leading the way was a doomsday pickup truck, and the driver was a nightmare familiar with the road conditions. Maya followed the pickup truck in a car.Lin Wu stood in the back of the pickup truck, appearing as a tank sniper.

Tank snipers are responsible for guarding the armored vehicles while they are moving, and quickly shoot soldiers who suddenly appear with anti-armor weapons.This unit was later replaced by heavy machine guns, and their accuracy was not as good as their effectiveness.Lin Wu's job is to snipe and kill any zombies that pose a threat to the pickup truck.

With a pickup truck clearing the road, the situation of the car behind was much better, but Lin Wu also needed some support for the car.

The nightmare said in the headset: "The safe speed on the main road in the county is 60 kilometers per hour. When it exceeds this speed, zombies will almost never get on the car. Even so, you must pay attention to the explosion of zombies. I have been killed by this guy. Twice. Be careful, there are a lot of scrapped cars on the carousel ahead, don’t take the outer ring, drive into the innermost ring.”

From a bird's eye view, this is a car maze located in the west of the water, with many zombies mixed in.In non-hardcore eras, Shadow would avoid this area.

Nightmare drove the car into the roundabout, drove directly to the innermost ring of the roundabout, and then drove in the opposite direction.Lin Wu didn't have time to admire Nightmare's discovery. As soon as the speed of the car slowed down, the zombies began to attack the car.

It's difficult to headshot a zombie in a car unless it's a headlock.Lin Wu used an assault rifle this time. He didn't want to kill the opponent, but just wanted the bullet to shoot stiffly and weaken the impact of the zombies.Even so, there was still a zombie flying on the hood. Nightmare controlled the steering wheel with one hand, picked up the pistol placed on the center console, shot the front windshield, and killed the zombie with a headshot.

"Exit the roundabout." Nightmare turned the steering wheel. Lin Wu grabbed the armrest on the roof of the car with one hand and raised his gun with one hand to knock down the zombies approaching the vehicle.Maya followed closely, passing through the zombies before they stood up again.

Nightmare glanced at the rearview mirror and praised: "That's right Maya, our cooperation is unparalleled in the world."

Lin Wu changed the magazine: "Please call me Air." Maya was still thinking about how to reply, when the nightmare in the car in front shouted: "Big Mac."

A Big Mac unexpectedly appeared outside the bus station. This is a three-lane road. Two lanes are obstacles. Cars must pass beside the Big Mac.

Nightmare reached out to get the submachine gun from the co-pilot, switched it to his left hand, and stretched the gun out of the window. The gun made a continuous "pop" sound, and all the bullets hit the Big Mac.Lin Wu clicked his fingers, adjusted the rifle from burst fire to burst fire, and emptied the magazine in 10 seconds.The car passed by Big Mac. Big Mac was staggered back by Nightmare and Lin Wu's reckless output. By the time it stabilized its body, the two cars had passed.

Nightmare saw Maya's car pass smoothly in the rearview mirror, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "There is only one last obstacle left: the fire station."

The road in front of the fire station was the only way to go to Nanxia Town. This road was only 700 meters long, but it was the worst section of road Lin Wu had ever seen. It could be said that he could not go straight for more than 15 meters.If a car wants to pass these 700 meters, it must constantly shuttle left and right in the four lanes.And there is only one way, if you go wrong you will end up in a dead end.

Eight minutes later, the nightmare informed: "We are about to enter the car cemetery, driving at a speed of 8, and adapt to changes."

The car entered the cemetery and traveled about ten meters. Nightmare turned the steering wheel quickly with both hands. The car turned from Road 1 to Road 2, and passed between two cars on Road 2 to reach Road 3.Moving forward 5 meters, Nightmare turned the steering wheel to the left again, from Route 3 to Route 2, and soon switched to Route [-].

At this speed, it was difficult for Lin Wu to stop the zombie invasion.However, more obstacles bring a benefit. As long as the front and rear of the car are not grabbed, the driver can crush the zombies through micro-control.What Lin Wu had to do was to ensure the safety of the fronts of the two cars and prevent zombies from getting on the hoods.Once you get up there, the car will be in smoke for 10 seconds and completely destroyed after 20 seconds.

A zombie didn't catch the Nightmare Car, but cut between the two cars and threw itself on the hood of Maya's vehicle. Maya controlled the steering wheel with both hands and couldn't free her hands. Lin Wu fired. The first shot hit Maya because of the turn. on the windshield, startling Maya.Lin Wu did not dare to pursue a headshot anymore, so the second shot hit the zombie in the back. The zombie paused, slid down, and was rolled over by the car.This resulted in the car losing durability.

Maya said anxiously: "Lin Wu, be careful of Kuang Meng."

There was a wild beast standing on the roof of a scrapped car on the side. It jumped and landed on the back of the pickup truck instead of on the roof of the car.It was supposed to hurt Lin Wu, but the pickup truck happened to turn sharply, throwing Lin Wu and Kuang Meng aside, and they squeezed together.Immediately afterwards, the bullet hit Kuang Meng's head at an incredible angle, locking in another headshot of Kuang Meng.

"Explosion." A Explosion appeared in front of Nightmare, which stumped Nightmare for a moment.It is extremely difficult to shoot a headshot. Once the explosion is triggered, a poisonous cloud will appear for 10 seconds in the must-pass area.If you don't shoot the Explosive Death, it will run towards you on its long and slender legs.

Nightmare was unsure, so he shouted, hoping that Lin Wu could deal with this problem.Lin Wu wasn't sure either, but he had a trick up his sleeve.Before Nightmare screamed, he had already seen Explosion. After all, it was very difficult to ignore Explosion with such an outstanding figure.

Lin Wu, who had full decisiveness, had already taken out the incendiary bomb before Nightmare shouted.Molotov cocktails are different from Molotov cocktails. The latter need to be ignited, while the former can be thrown directly.An incendiary bomb was thrown over, not hitting the explosives body, but hitting a scrapped car.The explosive fire ignited the explosion, and the next second it exploded on the spot.Because there were many scrapped cars blocking the way, the explosion did little harm to the pickup truck.

The two vehicles passed through the flames and finally left the road of the fire station after another hundred meters of tossing.The three stepped on the accelerator and increased the speed, leaving the surrounding zombies far behind the car. The three of them couldn't help but cheer together.


Nanxia Town is also surrounded by mountains, but the difference is that Nanxia Town is a grassland terrain, whether it is high mountains or dirtbags, it is covered with green grass, no trees can be seen, and even shrubs are very rare.This kind of terrain has caused an overrun of rabbits and marmots, and holes dug out can be seen everywhere in the mountains on the roadside.

"A hunter's paradise."

Nightmare said: "The prerequisite for a hunter's paradise is sufficient bullets. It is said that the hard-core players here also set their sights on these animals at first, but later found that it is difficult to catch rabbits from rabbit holes, whether it is smoke or flooded. . Therefore, there is also a saying in Nanxia Town that one bullet is worth five taels of meat."

Maya asked: "Do you come here often?"

Nightmare: "The transportation is inconvenient, so I can't say I come here often. Nightmare's points are not low. I even suspect that Nightmare's points are higher than mine now. If he goes to Zuo County to chase me, I will naturally go to Nanxia Town to ambush him. He is in Nanxia Town His reputation is very bad, but many people are willing to help me. Several of Bastion’s activities were harmful to each other, so I know his situation very well.”

Lin Wu asked: "Where is Blood Dream?"

Nightmare said: "Xuemeng only trusts people who are weaker than her. On the surface, she and Nightmare seem to be allies, but in fact they are not against each other. It's just because of me that they can join forces in every activity. I have no target. I have hunted her, but I once went to Beixia Town, You County, that time with Liannu. We met by chance, chatted for a while, and made a deal. She went to the safe house to get the trade items, so I can only be sure Approximate location of her safe house."

Nightmare said: "I was surprised that she was able to reach Zuoxian County. I was referring to the incident where they jointly sniped you, because after the activity period, we did not have airborne services. I went back to the tunnel to check, and there was blood in the tunnel. The heart is still there, and the Blood Plague Giant is also there, so it is impossible for her to reach Zuoxian County through the tunnel. After thinking about it, there is only one way, and that is to climb over the mountain above the tunnel."

Lin Wu said: "Big Mac is not a problem."


Lin Wu said: "Let's look at the results of the looting first." The Big Mac is just a matter of a few .50 bullets.Lock the head and add the Timberwolves, and challenge the Big Mac without pressure.If there are no valuables found in the nightmare safe house, there is no need to waste bullets to open the tunnel.

As he spoke, Nightmare drove the car off the main road and onto a sandy dirt road. He walked all the way up and drove about two kilometers to a herders' tent.Nightmare took out a pistol and entered the tent. After a few gunshots, Nightmare came out: "There are basically no zombies around. I used this place as my base both times I came here. Nightmare's safe house is at the bottom of the mountain, on a motorcycle about 400 meters away. Repair shop in progress."

Nightmare looked at Maya next to her: "Wait here for dawn, or should I touch it at night?"

Maya said: "Lin Wu, check it out."

Lin Wu released the drone and nightmare said: "There is a signal tower surrounded by iron fences about 400 meters away. The original design is to prevent unrelated people from climbing. There is a motorcycle repair shop 30 meters east of the signal tower."

As he spoke, the drone was already in place. It searched the area between the repair shop and the herdsmen's tents repeatedly. Five minutes later, Lin Wu answered firmly: "No trace of human beings was found, but we don't rule out that he is in the safe house."

Nightmare looked at Maya: "Are you going now?"

Maya: "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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