Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 277 Robbery

Chapter 277 Robbery
The car started again and returned from the path to the highway. The difference was that the two cars had no headlights and the speed was very slow. They were basically idling. In order to avoid making more noise, even the air conditioner was turned off.The two cars drove off the road one after the other and entered a bridleway.

The so-called horse track is mainly used by motorcycles or horses. Cars can also enter, but there is basically no possibility of turning around or crossing cars.Moreover, the road surface is uneven, and the left side may be 30 centimeters higher than the right side, or there may be a sudden bump, and the four-wheeled vehicle may accidentally hit the chassis.

If the nightmare can enter, they can also enter.The two cars cautiously arrived near the repair shop. A gentle slope appeared in front of them to the right. The gentle slope was five meters away from the repair shop. A taxi was parked there.Nightmare drove the car out of the driveway, parked it on a gentle slope, and said, "He's here."

Maya closed the car door gently: "Is there surveillance or alarm?"

"I don't know."

Maya and Nightmare picked up assault rifles and approached the repair shop one after another, obviously planning to commit armed robbery.

This is a dilapidated repair shop, open to the public.There are a lot of used motorcycle parts stacked on the left side, and the right side is more clearly organized. It is a small hall of more than 20 square meters, with various vehicle repair tools hanging on the wall and on the floor.

Maya leaned to the side, waved her finger, and walked through the store to the other side.The two men lowered their assault rifles and leaned against the wall quietly, listening to all the sounds.Lin Wu fell behind 5 meters away and used a computer to scan the car lock.This is an electronically controlled vehicle that uses a sensor key to open the door instead of a mechanical key.

Select the intrusion on the personal computer. After the intrusion, the computer starts to parse the in-vehicle software.Soon a notification came from the system, and the personal computer generated an icon: hacking into the car computer.Click to hack into the car computer and search and find two targets, one is the car belonging to Nightmare driven by Maya, and the other is the car of Nightmare.The pickup truck that Nightmare drives is a purely mechanical car. It is an old car with no electronic equipment except radio, and cannot be controlled by a computer.

Lin Wu chose the nightmare vehicle and found that he could start the vehicle through his personal computer and shut down the engine when the vehicle stopped.This car is still an old-fashioned car. If it is equipped with an automatic driving system, the computer can take over the authority to control the vehicle. Lin Wu can control the car as a toy car.

Although hackers are powerful, they cannot circumvent the principles of physics.Lin Wu wondered if it was possible to download the autonomous driving system to a car and install it on the nightmare car?Probably not. Software can only drive hardware. If the hardware is not related to control, the software has no way to directly control the vehicle.

Hackers can hack into your phone, but they can't control it and give you a slap in the face.

"Hey." Maya said one word softly.

"Wait." Lin Wu opened the car door and got a fully loaded pistol from the passenger seat. A shotgun was inserted vertically on the right side of the driver's seat. There were a few pistol and shotgun bullets in the car drawer. Take them all. .The trunk was opened by remote control. There was only a set of fishing tools inside, so I took them.

Lin Wu first transferred these things to the back of the pickup truck and returned to the repair shop. The two women did not turn on the lights and were groping around in the shop.

Lin Wu: "What?"

Maya whispered: "I don't know where the entrance is."

Lin Wu: "As long as you have a password input device."

Nightmare: "I just can't find it."

Lin Wu: "You don't know?"

Nightmare: "Of course I don't know." I am his enemy, not his in-laws.

Lin Wu took out a miner's lamp from his backpack and put it on his head. He turned on the lamp and said, "Three against one, who is afraid of whom?" He turned on the light and grabbed it.

"Shh." Maya asked Lin Wu to lower his voice: "He is probably resting at this time." Of course, 3-on-1 is good, but wouldn't it be better if it could be 3-on-0.5?Seeing that Lin Wu had turned on his headlights, Nightmare and Maya also pulled out their flashlights and began to search for the hidden entrance to the safe house.

Maya told Lin Wu: "Drone patrol, don't be ambushed by others."

"I know." Lin Wu knocked on the wall and was applauded by Maya on the side.People may be in a secret room. The sound insulation effect of the secret room is good, but it does not isolate vibrations.Your knocking is equivalent to telling others that bad guys are raiding your home.

Maya gently picked up the tool, fumbled with it, and then put it back: "Can you find the signal?"

Lin Wu said: "No."

Nightmare asked: "How did you find my safe house password disk?"

Lin Wu said: "Seeing you disappear into thin air, I touched every inch of the land."

Nightmare: "Are you following me?"

Lin Wu replied: "Yes."

Nightmare: "When?"

Lin Wu: "When you and Shana secretly dated under the trees by the river, I happened to be at the factory. I chased you for ten streets. If it hadn't been for your luck and my accuracy was a little off, you would have died that night. "

Nightmare Doubt asked: "Why do you have the advantage of being honest?"

Lin Wu: "Because I'm lazy. In front of you, I'm too lazy to lie or use my brain to make up stories."

Nightmare was speechless, why didn’t he like his honesty?
Maya interrupted at the right time: "Found it."

Remove a broken tire and slide it down on the corner line to reveal a code disk.Different from the nightmare safe house, this is a keyboard, a keyboard with letters and numbers.Lin Wu connected the password disk and started to crack the password: "This thing is higher-end than what you have at home."

Nightmare: "No need to remind me that you have been to my house before."

Maya: "Silence." Avoid unnecessary arguments.

The password came out quickly. It was an 8-digit password consisting of uppercase and lowercase letters mixed with numbers and various symbols.When an ordinary person needs to master dozens of passwords every day, some websites and apps also have various requirements for password formats.I'm afraid you'll remember your password.The funny thing is that many accounts related to this have no benefit from being stolen.For example, in security homework, do you expect hackers to steal your account and help you check in and complete questions?
Maya followed the computer instructions and entered the password in the password disk.Like the nightmare safe house, a piece of ground tilted up and then moved to the side, revealing a sloping staircase with light inside, which seemed to be the soft light of a sleeping lamp.

Nightmare handed a shock bomb to Maya, who nodded.Nightmare held the gun and slowly walked down the ramp.Once she is shot, Maya will drop a shock bomb to attack.

After 15 seconds passed, a burst of gunshots came from below, and then stopped. Lin Wu and Maya stood by the entrance and waited quietly.A nightmare voice came from the headset: "He is dead."

...The structure and facilities of the Nightmare Safe House are not much different from the Nightmare Safe House. The difference lies in the placement of each facility.Nightmare's crib is next to the wall, and his body is lying on the bed. It is obvious that he has no awareness of the invasion of foreign enemies.

Lin Wu slid down the inclined ladder, and immediately two wind thorns rushed to the nightmare's body and started touching it.Nightmare turned on the lights, looked at the dazzling array of weapons, and said disdainfully: "Please open your layout."

Lin Wu replied: "Things will not disappear, but bodies will disappear." A submachine gun, a pistol, dozens of ammunition, and a night vision device.

Nightmare was startled when he saw the night vision device: "This, this thing is very expensive." It takes a lot of points to exchange for a night vision device.

Lin Wu put the night vision goggles into his backpack: "Only people with small business are equipped with night vision goggles."

Nightmare couldn't refute it for a while. Fortunately, she was still open-minded and didn't care about Lin Wu. She turned to look at Nightmare's collection.In comparison, it is clear at a glance that Nightmare's collection rate of firearms, skill books, blueprints, etc. is lower than his own.

Nightmare took the missing firearm out of the display case and placed it on the pool table.Maya collected the bullets and put them on the bar to divide the loot later.

Nightmare skillfully found the basement mechanism.The basement is divided into two rooms, one for the generator and the other for a large amount of fuel and cans.Lin Wu took inventory with his naked eyes, and roughly calculated that there were forty barrels of fuel and three hundred cans.There are many kinds of canned food, including luncheon meat, green beans, tuna, pate, etc., there is everything you need.

Only then did Lin Wu and Nightmare fully agree with Maya's statement that cooperation is more beneficial than confrontation.The difference lies in the lack of common interests. Once there are enough common interests, the other party will become kind-hearted.


Moving is a happy and tiring thing.After quickly distributing the spoils, the three of them started transporting large and small bags.Bullets, skill books and crafting diagrams are all trivial matters, and you can basically get them done twice if you can’t move them all at once.The trouble is all kinds of firearms. There are no less than 60 large and small firearms here. More than half of the firearms are large guns. Plus fuel and cans, the three of them keep running back and forth.

What Lin Wu liked the most and suffered the most was the Barrett anti-material sniper rifle.Although they are both called Barretts, Nightmare’s Barrett weighs up to 18 kilograms.Lin Wu complained about this during the break, and the result of the complaint is self-evident.

Even if Lin Wu didn't like Nightmare, he had to admit that Nightmare was a very reputable collaborator.She did not lie that she lacked a rope gun, and instead discussed with Maya. Maya asked her to think about it, and finally exchanged 50 pistol bullets for a rope gun.The value of the rope gun is definitely more than this price, and Maya's behavior of giving up profits shows her sincerity in cooperation.

Among the strange and bizarre cards Nightmare collects is a Death Card that is not part of the collection.After using it, you die instantly, not others, but yourself. It has only one feature, that is, it does not drop backpack items after death.It can be said that this is a card exclusively used by fortress agents, but it has been replaced with a rope gun before. Seeing that it was drawn by Maya, Nightmare was too embarrassed to mention it.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when the looting ended. The three of them walked around and left the safe house up the ramp.Before the door of the safe house was closed, Nightmare threw an incendiary bomb into it. How much it could burn was a matter of luck.For Nightmare, obtaining these resources is not the happiest thing for her. What makes her happiest is to remove Nightmare as a competitor.

The impoverished nightmare wants to turn around, so she can only rely on the remaining points in her hand to buy weapons and equipment from the fortress and continue the mission.If there are not enough points, or the mission fails, it is basically certain that Nightmare will be at the bottom of the fortress competition.Even if Nightmare was lucky enough to turn over, it would be impossible for him to reach his current height again.

When you are in a good mood, you talk a lot. On the way back, the nightmare revealed a little secret: "You should pay attention to the anniversary event, which is a hardcore event held in the last week of late summer."

Maya asked, "What does attention mean?"

Nightmare said: "I don't know how to explain it, but we have received an anniversary mission, which may be related to your activities. This should be relatively normal, but I combined your and our missions, and I think this event has something to do with it. Activities with mandatory and real death penalties.”

Maya: “Either join the anniversary event or leave hardcore mode?”

Nightmare: "I guess so."

Maya said: "When the event was announced on the radio, the hardcore anniversary was especially added to it, which made me a little suspicious."

Lin Wudao: "I'm more concerned about whether the car can drive through the tunnel? If it can't drive through the tunnel and reach Lower Right County, what tools will we use to evacuate Xue Meng's home?"

Maya said: "You can only walk." The steps on both sides of the railway track are too narrow, and there are train obstacles in the railway track.In addition, the density of zombies in the tunnel is very high, and there is also a blood heart, so you definitely can't drive through it.


Maya didn't know Lin Wu's virtue and said: "With sufficient bullets, we can defend the sawmill."

"I know." Lin Wu was more concerned about how far this trip would take.

After hearing this, Nightmare asked curiously: "Sawmill?" At your level, are you worried that you won't be able to hold on?
Maya said: "Well, seven stars attack the city."

Nightmare asked in surprise: "How did you raise seven stars?"

Maya didn't understand: "Is this a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing." Nightmare said: "The points for each zombie in the seven-star siege are twice as high as the points for each zombie in the six-star siege. Of course, the difficulty is also more than twice as high. But when you play the game Isn’t it just for points? Maya, can I stay in the Fortress of Doom first?”

Lin Wu was the first to be embarrassed: "This..."

Nightmare said: "I will use my own share of bullets to help you defend the sawmill. Think about it, one more person of mine may be able to defend the sawmill."

Lin Wu asked: "Are our points directly related to your points?"

Nightmare said: "I tell you honestly, I have been doing attack, search and other tasks for more than half a year, and I have not done any defense tasks. One of the defense tasks is to assist players in defending the city. Of course, you can get a lot of points by completing the tasks, but the tasks have A feature that can convert the points gained from killing siege zombies into fortress points. From the perspective of the rewards from completing the task, it is far less than assisting a six-star city defender, let alone a seven-star one."

Nightmare was quite eager and added: "You may not be able to defend it." There has been a qualitative change in the defensive battle of 6 stars and above. Not only are the points much higher than 5 stars, the key is that the zombies and mutant zombies are also much higher than 5 stars. star.Not to mention 7 stars.As for Nightmare, she is not afraid of death.

Maya didn't know how to behave like a stone, and immediately replied: "Of course." For Shadow, defending the sawmill is victory.What she is thinking now is, with so many more bullets, can she change her tactics?Maybe we can really hold on to the sawmill?The reason why Maya and the others are unwilling to give up the sawmill is because the eighth research is about to be completed. After this research is lit, they can directly attack the No. 12 automatic turret.

Human greed is the cause of destruction and the driving force for progress. As for whether it is good or bad, it has little to do with the process. Everything depends on the result.

 I came back and went to my old lady’s hometown to hang out for a few days.There is nothing good to say about the countryside except that there are many people, many cars and dark hotels.

(End of this chapter)

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