Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 283 Sleepless Night

Chapter 283 Sleepless Night
Lin Wu smiled and stepped forward to comfort and hug. Maya pushed Lin Wu away. She didn't need it, and she didn't regret giving the amulet to Lin Wu.This is actually a good thing for Maya, allowing her to accept Lin Wu's contribution with a little peace of mind.But when I think about being treated like an emperor, I still feel a little regretful.

"Goodbye." Lin Wu greeted.

"Goodbye." The little white rabbit disappeared.

Seeing that Lin Wu was still smiling, Maya couldn't help but remind her: "There is a long road ahead, so focus on the details."

"Understood." After understanding the details of the small dark room, Lin Wu was certainly in a good mood. In fact, it wasn't actually a bad mood, so he didn't show any madness.He was very grateful to Maya in his heart, and at the same time he was sad that Maya lost points, but he also knew that Maya didn't like too real expressions of feelings, so he made random jokes.

Continuing to work, the two walked through the town at 45:[-] pm and arrived at the northern suburbs of the town.The drone was launched to search along the road and no trace of the player was found, but a roadside gas station was found two kilometers away.

The two walked to the gas station. Lin Wu asked, "Can you rub fire?"

Maya immediately had a headache and forgot that there was no kindling. Maya was a little confused: "Yes, theoretically yes."

Lin Wu looked at Maya suspiciously: "It's best if you know how to do it, otherwise you might have to feed the night demon tonight."

Maya said: "Today may not be a low-light night."

Lin Wu disagreed: "Believe me, whenever I am unlucky, Shuguang will always find a way to make me even more unlucky." For those who have some, they will give him more, and for those who don't, they will take away everything they have.I forgot who said this sentence, and I forgot whether it was said that way, but it probably meant this.

Maya became nervous because of Lin Shengun's words.Fortunately, she was lucky enough to find a bird's nest that could be used as kindling, and she successfully found materials for drilling wood to make fire and a bow drill along the way.Lin Wu saw that she had packed up two sets of fire-making guys, and knew that Maya was unsure, so he also began to think about how to get some fire.If it doesn't work, just beat Maya up, and Maya will be annoyed by it... Hehe!
The good news is that due to the novice protection, the two of them don't have to sleep.If you can't get angry, I'll take Xiao Wai and Night Demon to have sex tonight. Maybe I can get some good things from them.


This is a very ordinary small gas station. There is a gas pump at the door, a convenience store inside, and a restroom next door.Not surprisingly, all valuables had been looted.Even the refueling machine was not spared and was dismantled into scrap by the players, leaving only some remaining fragments.

Maya picked up the fragments of the refueling machine and said to Lin Wu who was walking out of the convenience store: "The refueling machine was dismantled in hardcore mode, so there will be fragments left behind. I have a hunch that there are players nearby, if they can survive until now."

Lin Wu was noncommittal: "I'm going to find something flammable."

Lin Wu rarely saw the landscape here because it was quite new to him.An asphalt road with sandy and petrified land on both sides.From a distance, you can see towering mountain peaks, which are visually estimated to be over 5000 meters above sea level.In the Blue Star living area of ​​Beishang Town and Lin Wu in the future city, the landform is not flat, and the mountains are not flat either.horizon?There is no such thing.I think back then, primary school teachers tried their best to make students understand what horizon is.

There were thorn bushes that could be eaten by some herbivores growing on both sides of the road, but Lin Wu did not find wild sheep, but he saw a lot of Yeyue wolves.They are called moon wolves because they like to be active at night.Relatively speaking, in places with vast land, sparse people, and few buildings, wild beasts are more of a threat than zombies.In fact, there were not many zombies on the roadside, and I only found one unlucky poor one.

Lin Wu returned to the gas station and saw Maya kneeling on her knees, holding a bird's nest in her hands and praying.Oh, I was blowing air, but unfortunately there was no smoke and the fire was out.Maya put the bird's nest down, took a deep breath and continued to drill wood to make fire.

Lin Wu squatted beside Maya and looked at it for a while, then reached out and took the drill and started rubbing it. 5 seconds, only [-] seconds, Lin Wu rubbed out the charcoal.Seeing that the corners of Lin Wu's mouth were about to split, Maya held her forehead and was speechless. High attributes meant that she could bully others.The key to getting through fire is to be fast, and there is probably no one faster than Lin Wu today.

Fire coals were brought to the bird's nest, and Maya began to blow sparks. After a while, the bird's nest began to smoke and catch fire.

Lin Wu added small wooden sticks and said, "This is my first time to light a fire at a gas station."

"It's illegal to light a fire anywhere." Maya poured out all the items in her backpack and placed them on the ground, and began to take stock of these precious supplies.Unfortunately, in order to prepare for the battle to defend the city, I carried almost no items outside of battle.

Medical supplies: 1 high-grade hemostatic bandage, 3 ordinary hemostatic bandages, two fracture splints, and a jar of about 50 painkillers.

Weapons: Two pistols, fifty bullets.The death card only protects the items in the backpack, not the items on the weapon rack outside the backpack.

Other items: a 50-meter nylon rope, a rechargeable flashlight, a book, more than 4 pieces of A20 paper, two pens, and a monocular telescope.

Before the sun set, Lin Wu went for another spin.There are few trees and little firewood. The combustible materials are mainly shrub branches, which are small wood and are not resistant to burning.After a few more trips, I could barely find enough combustibles for tonight.Maya told Lin Wu that there would be an oasis in a similar landscape. She believed that if there were players in the surrounding area, then the players should be in the oasis.

Completely different from Future City.Due to the vast area and sparse population, the threat from zombies is relatively small for hardcore players here.Their survival pressure comes from the lack of food and water sources, as well as the roaming wolves.Thinking about it this way, Shuguang's improvement of the animal system is not that it is in trouble with Shadow, but that it is in trouble with everyone in the world.

There was no need for sleep. The two of them leaned against the wall, one on the left and the other on the right, looking at the fire and chatting from time to time. All they talked and thought about was Shadow and Beishang Town.This indirectly shows that they are not satisfied with the current situation in their hearts and have not completely escaped from the shadow role.

"Will they have a memorial service for us?"

"No." Maya answered simply.

"Bathing, farming, fishing, reading, and establishing a one-stop service, I haven't even had to enjoy it for two days." Maya didn't answer. She didn't know how to answer Lin Wu's words that seemed to be talking to himself.Lin Wu paused for nearly a minute and said, "They won't miss us, but they will miss Xiaowai."

Xiao Wai, who was lying on the ground, expressed his approval. Lin Wu said to Xiao Wai, "You are a hound. I don't ask you to guard against zombies, but you have to help us guard against wild beasts, right?"

Xiao Wai looked at his master and had a bad feeling.

Lin Wu said: "The time has come to test your ability. Go and bring me some branches."

The instruction was too complicated and Xiaowai didn’t understand it. Maya stretched out her hand and said, “Come here.”

Lin Wu waved his hand and let it pass. He walked over to Maya and rested his head on Maya's heels. Maya stroked the dog's head and said, "We need to find high-rise buildings like signal towers. I don't think players will live on the road. But I I believe there will be players around the town.”

Lin Wu said slowly: "Are you not in a hurry? Bring some water, there are wolves everywhere, and there is food and drink."

Maya said: "The first is to understand the specific situation, and the second is to prepare for the next survival. Don't forget, there will be another typhoon this month."

Lin Wu looked outside: "Is there a typhoon in the Gobi?"

Maya was also stunned: "It doesn't seem very reasonable."

Lin Wu responded with a complaint: "Why are there typhoons in the Gobi landscape?"

This is technology. If you ask if there is a typhoon, people will tell you that this is a game mechanism.If you ask why there are no typhoons in the Gobi, people will ask you, have you ever seen a typhoon in the Gobi?Lin Wu raised the reverse question, and Little White Rabbit had to explain why the game violated common sense.

Little White Rabbit: "Normally, the Gobi landscape will not be affected by typhoons. But this is a game, and the entire server will be affected by typhoons."

Lin Wu asked: "Why will the typhoon attack tomorrow?" The little white rabbit replied: "I will not answer questions about the future."

Lin Wu waved his hand to get lost and said to Maya: "There is really a typhoon."

Maya said: "Precipitation is not a problem. From the topography, it is almost impossible to accumulate water. We need a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and food. Starting tomorrow, we need to pay attention to food. We can hunt some prey to make dried meat. .Even if we find players, even if players are kind, I'm afraid they won't be able to provide us with food for many days, and we have to make preparations ourselves."

Arrogant Lin asked: "What if tomorrow is a typhoon day?"

Maya replied: "Then eat me and I will resurrect you." Only magic can defeat magic.

Lin argued: "You can only eat for 1 minute."

Maya: "Then you better hurry up."

"Ha ha."

After a moment of silence, Maya said: "I am glad that I have an optimistic companion to accompany me during my most difficult time."

Lin Wu sighed: "Congratulations, I am not so lucky."

Maya was silent for a while and asked: "You don't feel comfortable without beating you, don't you?"

Lin Wu grinned: "I also thought about something about going home. You see, Beishang Town in Zuo County and Beixia Town in Right County are not far apart. Right County is a plain, and Zuo County is a mountainous area. They are completely different. Two types of landforms. Maybe we are not far from Zuoxian County."

It is undeniable that the situation Lin Wu mentioned does exist.However, with Maya's geographical knowledge, she knew that the landform of Science and Technology City was very vast.It is not a question of distance between the two, but a question of single area.If you drive in a large area, you can leave the area in four directions in a few hours.In wind-eroded landforms, you may not be able to leave the area by driving for 24 hours.Because they are very large and full of no-man’s land, sometimes you can drive for several hours without seeing a single person or building.

In some areas, the two nearest township-level settlements may be hundreds of kilometers apart, which is unimaginable to many people.

Maya didn't express her thoughts. First, she didn't want to damage Lin Wu's morale, although Lin Wu didn't care about distance.The second is that she is not sure. Since typhoons can come to the Gobi, maybe the area is not that big.

There are not many new players in Beishang Town, Zuoxian County, and after moving to Zuoxian County, Shadow does not have much contact with the outside world.Maya has never heard of players resurrected from desert terrain, so it's hard to make a conclusion.

After an unknown length of silence, Lin Wu said, "I'm also glad that my companion is you."

"Thank you." Maya saw Lin Wu was about to say something but hesitated: "Did you thank me too early?"

"Haha, no." Originally there was another sentence: not a stone.Or maybe Shana hoped that Lin Wu would only say half of the words each time, because she couldn't say the next sentence without fighting.

A wolf howl came from a distance. Lin Wu looked at Maya. Maya nodded. Lin Wu flew the drone. They all wanted to know the size of the wolf pack.

Tonight is not a night of low light. On the contrary, the ground is as silver-plated and the visibility is relatively high.Lin Wu didn't find the wolves, but he made a big discovery: "There are players."


"Seven kilometers away." Lin Wu said, "He is riding a horse."

"horse riding?"


Maya said in surprise: "Horses are the best means of transportation." No fuel, no maintenance, just eating grass by yourself. There is no tool more worry-free than a horse.

Maya asked Lin Wu to recall the drone, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Horses should be animals that appear in hardcore mode. We have seen many farms before, and the cowsheds, sheep pens, and stables were all empty. It seems that we should Staying locally for a while is not only to avoid typhoons, but also to look for wild horses.”

Lin Wu asked: "Can you catch a horse?"

Maya answered honestly: "No."

Lin Wu said: "What if you get kicked and break your bones?"

Maya said: "Study medicine first, preferably a general practitioner. So you need to find the player first. Did you find the signal tower just now?"

"No." Lin Wu said, "But we found many towering high-voltage power towers in the northwest."

Maya said: "Let's set off tomorrow morning and hunt by the way."


Before six o'clock, it was already light. The two people, who had not slept all night, packed up their things and set off toward the northwest along the road.After walking about 4 kilometers, Maya saw the high-voltage electricity towers built along the road. Rows of high-voltage electricity towers stretched all the way to the northwest.Both sides of the road are dominated by Gobi sand.The two found a small area of ​​grassland, presumably because of groundwater.There is water and grass, and herbivores naturally appear here. The two of them took a break for the time being and hunted.

Active hunting is not easy. Rabbits and ibex are extremely fast and alert.Before, it could be done with just one bullet, but there is no need to do that today.Not to mention guns, watermelon knives are very durable, so steak knives and kitchen knives, which have the highest durability, have become hunting tools.

After several fruitless pursuits, Lin Wu decisively used Xiao Wai.As a hunting dog, Xiao Wai is indeed extraordinary. He is very smart and drives his prey towards the trap.In less than two hours, Linma caught two wild goats and five rabbits, obtained two skins, and cut 20 kilograms of edible meat.

The player's backpack is a natural small refrigerator with freshness preservation capabilities, which can ensure that any food does not spoil within 6 hours, and the food spoilage speed is slowed down within 18 hours.Question: What if I take out the food and put it back after 6 hours?Answer: Sugon is an intelligent AI, not a retarded AI. If you want to take advantage of it, it is better to daydream.

Lin Wu climbed to the top of the electricity tower, which was dozens of meters high. He picked up a telescope and looked at it. He saw that the asphalt road continued to the north, and it seemed to be a city at the end. The visual distance was about [-] kilometers away.Lin Wu couldn't help but think of a poem: If you want to see a thousand miles away, reach a higher level.

In addition to the city, Lin Wu discovered that there was a lake to the west of them?seawater?Not sure, but the area is very large.After observing hard for a while, I discovered that there is a road from the city that goes around the lake.The road they are currently on is not connected to the lake road.

If you want to reach the lake, you must first go to the city and then transfer to the lake.Or walk thirty kilometers through deserts, hills, and grasslands to reach the lake.

What does the lake represent?Represents water and food.Ancient settlements centered on freshwater rivers and lakes.There is not much difference between doomsday survival and ancient settlement. Really smart players should place their base near the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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