Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 284 Night Moon

Chapter 284 Night Moon
Lin Wu came down from the electricity tower and took a piece of paper and pen to draw a picture and explain. Maya said: "Based on our previous thinking, we will choose a base relatively close to the county seat to prepare for the next step of development. Since there are such rich lakeside resources , I think the player’s base should be by the lake not far from the county seat.”

The distance from Beishang Town to the Summit Church is only a few kilometers, and the distance from the Summit Church to Zuoxian County is only a dozen kilometers.Inferring from this data, the area of ​​Science and Technology City is five times or even larger than that of Future City.Moreover, Beishang Town is long and narrow, while Beishang Town in Science and Technology City is vast and vast.

Maya drew lines on the hand-drawn map: "We will travel across the desert when we don't need drinking water, and use the road around the lake as a benchmark to find players. If it is a freshwater lake, the surrounding animal and plant resources will be very rich."

Lin Wu asked: "There are no electricity towers in the desert, what if I get lost?"

Maya sighed and said, "Your computer has a compass." She is usually very smart, but why is she so stupid sometimes?

Lin Wu accused: "What do you mean by sighing?"

Maya said: "Just...sigh."

"Hmph." He opened the road ahead and opened the compass software.

The two left the road and walked into the desert. After walking for about 10 minutes, Maya called to stop.She knelt down and looked at the ground, clearly seeing the horse's hoof prints left in the sand.The local wind and sand are quite strong, and the fresh horse hoof prints indicate that players have been there recently.

That's right, if you have a horse, of course you choose to walk in a straight line.I have only heard of people getting stuck in cars, but not in people getting stuck in horses.Lin Wu said: "It seems that this group of players has a very wide range of activities."

Maya said: "The land is vast and sparsely populated, and the resources are distributed very far away." Taking Blue Star as an example, considering the terrain of the future city, there will basically be one or more gas stations along dozens of kilometers of roads. It will pass through several towns and more than a dozen villages.Judging from the topography of Science and Technology City, there may not be a gas station for one or two hundred kilometers, and it is rare to see villages and other gathering places.

Lin Wu said: "Shuguang's provision of horses is a form of compensation for local players."

Maya said: "Those who can tame horses should be more capable people. In addition, their range of activities is so wide, if I am not wrong, this group of players should be players with certain strength."

Lin argued: "I have no strength and my hair is already turned upside down."

Hitting someone too far away and throwing stones will hurt you, and swearing is no match. So Maya ignored the flattering factor in this sentence and said: "We should restrain ourselves as much as possible when we see them. When we are not worth being killed, we will not be killed." kill."

Lin Wu said: "It is better to show our abilities. When we have the value of being attracted, we will be attracted."

Maya put her hands on her hips, and Lin Wu chuckled: "Let's go." Leading the way, being able to make you angry is my victory. If you don't react at all, then how can I feel a sense of accomplishment?Childishness is not just a casual comment. After all, he is just a young man in his early 20s who has never experienced any beating from society.


After leaving the road and crossing the desert, the first few kilometers were hardened sand and gravel with thorn bushes growing on them.After a few kilometers, it begins to turn into soft sand, but it is still very different from a real desert. It only increases the difficulty of walking and does not cause pedestrians to get stuck.

Maya suddenly grabbed Lin Wu's clothes from behind and pulled him back.Lin Wu saw Maya's solemn expression and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"There was a sound just now, but now it's gone."

Lin Wu also heard the sound of washing and asked, "Insects, right? Crickets?"

"Rattlesnake." Maya looked at a heavily wind-eroded rock three meters away from them. This was the only hiding place nearby.But if the rattlesnake is not inside, it means it has burrowed into the sand.In addition to being highly poisonous, this thing is also very insidious. It uses its tail wagging to deceive and attract small animals.When a small animal approaches, it may hide and deliver a sudden fatal blow to its prey.

Now that the sound disappears, it means that the rattlesnake has sensed that there is a creature nearby. If the rattlesnake does not move first, it cannot move.

Lin Wu: "Xiao Wai." What a big deal.

Xiao Wai immediately barked at the sand beside a handful of sand and green onions, and Lin Wu said: "Go and get it."

A dog-snake war ensues. Although the rattlesnake is in good shape, how can it defeat the hound?Having been bitten seven inches, it could only curl up on Xiao Wai's body, hoping to strangle Xiao Wai to death.

Maya couldn't stand it: "Aren't you worried about Xiaowai being bitten and poisoned?"

Lin Wu said: "I have healing skills, stupid."

Oh, I forgot about this detail. Theoretically, as long as Xiao Wai didn't die immediately, Lin Wu could save him.Lin Wu and himself might die if they were bitten.But if Xiaowai is bitten, he will definitely not die.

After cutting some snake meat, we continued our journey.In view of the unknown danger, Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai to lead the way and continue his hunting business.Unfortunately, before walking 500 meters, the idiot Xiaowai was stung by a poisonous scorpion.Lin Wu could only heal Xiaowai under the scorching sun. Fortunately, it was during the resurrection protection period, otherwise he would have died of thirst without carrying ten kilograms of water during this trip.

Maya looked at the time and said, "There are still five hours left before the resurrection protection period."

Lin Wu stood on tiptoes and looked out: "I guess we can walk out in three hours."

Maya asked: "How did you guess it?"

Lin Wu said speechlessly: "I finally understand why everyone doesn't like people who argue."

A gunshot came from a distance. Lin Wu and Maya looked at the sand dune 300 meters away and more than 10 meters high. The gunshot should have come from behind the sand dune.This is not a standard dune, but a sandy hill or stone hill.

The two immediately headed towards the sand dune, and saw no one after climbing up the dune.Maya used the telescope to search for a while and said: "The girl in red is riding a horse and heading towards the lake."

Lin Wu looked at the skeletons under the sand dune: "Just a few minutes ago, she not only deprived a living life, she also skinned and cut the flesh." He didn't know the enemy or himself, so he first established himself on a high moral level, so that he could kill people smoothly.

Maya and Lin Wu came down from the sand dunes. Maya looked at the compass displayed on Lin Wu's personal computer and said, "Adjust to a certain direction, toward... Forget it, just go due west."

Lin Wu was dissatisfied: "Hey, what's your attitude? Do you mean I can't understand the compass?"

Maya replied: "No."


Maya explained helplessly: "According to the trajectory of the girl in red, it should be adjusted to three scales west by north. However, because the distance is not clear, it needs to be adjusted again based on the distance traveled..."

Lin Wu said: "Directly west?"

Maya nodded: "Due west."

"Let's go."


Two hours later, the two of them and the dog walked out of the desert. During this period, Maya also taught Lin Wu the differences between deserts, salt-alkali lands, deserts, Gobi and other terrains.One side of the road is desert, while green begins to appear on the other side of the road.On the road two kilometers away from the lake, the green becomes thicker and thicker.Seeing this, Maya was relieved. She had been worried that it was a saltwater lake before.When I walked to the lake, I found an explanatory stone tablet erected by the lake.

This lake is called Beishang Lake. It is a freshwater lake. It covers an area of ​​30 square kilometers and has a maximum water depth of [-] meters. There are many protected fish in the lake.The reason why fish can also become protected animals is because this is a plateau and the lake water is cold, so the growth rate of fish is extremely slow.

Standing by the lake, you can see groups of fish swimming around with the naked eye.It looks like a yellow bone fish, but is silver in color.The size of silver bone fish is not big, and each one is not more than 0.2 kilograms by visual inspection.Maya climbed up the stone monument and looked north: "There is a stranded ferry boat on the lake ten kilometers away. If it were me, I would choose this boat as a base. There is fresh water, grassland, no zombies, and it is 500 kilometers away from the road. meters, and birch forests are planted along the road." It includes almost all the resources needed for survival.

Lin Wu said: "But there are zombies attacking the city. Based on my understanding of Shuguang's urine, it will never let go of any enjoyment base. Maybe this unlucky base has a five-star or six-star threat level."

Maya jumped down, and Lin Wu subconsciously reached out to help her. Although the landing was stable, Maya still held Lin Wu's wrist.The two headed towards the ship, and Maya said: "Your prejudice against Dawn has penetrated deep into your bones. But I hope I am wrong. If no outsiders occupy it, it will be an excellent temporary base for us."

There are zombies, but not many.Maya speculates that the main reason is because Tech City is so vast and sparsely populated.The total number of zombies in a town remains the same, but because the area is larger, the zombie density is naturally lower.

After walking about 5 kilometers on the road and reaching an intersection, Lin Wu used a drone to understand the situation.The road from Beishang Town of Science and Technology City to the county seat is H-shaped. Beishang Town is at the bottom of a vertical line on the right, leading directly to the county seat. The vertical line on the left side of H is the road from the county town that surrounds Beishang Lake.A horizontal line connects two roads together.

In this desolate place, at this intersection, there are actually two buildings, one on the left and one side of the fork in the road.They are a coffee shop and a barbecue restaurant.Of particular note is the barbecue bar. An iron fence surrounds the entire store. There are only two small doors at the front and back, and there is a parking lot in front of the door.The store has two floors in total, with half of the open space on the second floor and the other half of the rooftop on the third floor, creating a very beautiful crossfire.Judging from the system map, the Barbecue Bar is a small base recommended by the system, suitable for three to six people, and does not have any occupation requirements.

I planned to go in for a visit, but found that the density of zombies inside was quite high.They had just passed the protection period and didn't want to cause any more trouble, so they took a look outside and left.The base was nice, but too big for two people to take care of.Lin Ma prefers to choose a base with certain natural risks or geographical advantages.

Continuing along the road, there is a banner hanging on a billboard on the side of the road, which reads: "Yeyue recruits new people, turn left one kilometer ahead, where the ship is stranded."

Lin Ma glanced at each other, and Lin Wu sent out the drone to investigate the ship and reported: "Small base, the safe zone is only about 15 meters away. The woman in red was cooking on the grass on the shore, with a horse beside her. Two men came from Returning from the north, one person dragged a bundle of wood. They carried rifles, the woman used a blunt weapon, and the two men used sharp blades."

Lin Wu said: "There is a clothesline by the lake, and the ugliest whiteboard-made clothes are hanging on it."

Maya asked, "Do you think it's credible?"

Lin Wu replied: "There is a 15-meter safe zone. If they are not trustworthy, kill them."

Maya said noncommittally: "The ship is very big, why is there only a 15-meter safety zone?"

"I don't know."

Maya handed the pistol to Lin Wu: "I'll go talk."

Lin Wu said: "It's still far away."

Maya said: "I don't distinguish between friend and foe, so don't show your face for the time being."

Lin Wu: "Sniper crossbow?"

Maya said: "Let's see if they are interested in meeting Cai." Although heavy crossbow arrows require a lot of materials, they are still cheaper than bullets.Loosely speaking, a sniper crossbow is a silent sniper rifle with a range of 50 meters. Even if it is placed in the shadow, it is still a second-line equipment.

"Wait for me." Maya walked towards the ship.

Lin Wu hesitated for a while, but finally did not take back the drone.When the other party discovered Maya, the woman shouted to the two men, and the three of them greeted Maya together.The ship was about 100 meters away from the roadside, and they walked to the road to communicate with Maya.Judging from the details, none of the three people had any intention of touching weapons. After chatting for a while, they shook hands with each other.

Maya sat down with them by the lake, where their homemade campfire was.One man went to the base to get a tea tray, and another man went to the lake to fetch water. The woman and Maya sat very close to each other and were very enthusiastic.After a while, the water was boiled and the tea was drunk. Maya handed the sniper crossbow to the woman. The woman looked at it for a while and returned the sniper crossbow to Maya.

Then a man returned to the base. A few minutes later, he came down with 20 crossbow arrows tied with transparent tape and handed the crossbow arrows to Maya.The three of them sent Maya to the roadside. The woman was reluctant to leave. She watched Maya walk for a while before returning to the bonfire to sit down.The woman drank tea and the man chopped firewood. The three of them talked from time to time.

After observing for another 10 minutes, Lin Wu basically had an idea.After waiting for a long time, Maya returned to the billboard after walking half a circle. When she saw Lin Wu, she said, "Okay."

Lin Wu asked: "What did you say?"

Maya replied: "To be honest, I was passing by. They invited me and I said I was going to find my husband. They gave me a bundle of heavy crossbows, two bottles of water and a fish cake." She put the food on the stone in front of her.

Lin Wu: "Eat."

Maya drank water and ate cake, and said: "It's not poisonous, do you still have any questions?"


Maya: "Let's go."

On the way, Maya told Lin Wu that the main purpose of posting advertisements was not to recruit people for the base, but to recruit allies.Yeyue Base only occupies half of the ship, and the abominable Dawn will spawn zombies on the other half of the ship from time to time.They only have 3 manpower and cannot form an alliance even if they open a sub-base.The nearest player base is 40 kilometers away, so they can only hope that resurrected players will see the advertisement and join them or open a branch base.

Maya said: "They are very determined."

Lin Wu asked, why did you say that?Is it important?
Maya explained: "They were determined to persevere in hardcore mode no matter how many times they died. Originally their base was a barbecue bar because two members could not stand hardcore mode and left hardcore at the end of the first month pattern. So they relocated to ships."

Maya said: "Two boys among the three are husband and wife. They have a relationship. They have no boss, they discuss things with each other, and have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life. The girl's career in Blue Star is a coast guard, her life is a fisherman, and she has an open-minded and heroic personality. However, She seemed happy to see me."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you like others to feel sad when they see you?" What's your hobby?
Maya rolled her eyes at Lin Wu: "She seems to like chatting."

oh!Unlucky boy, a girl who likes to chat with girls meets a girl who doesn’t like to chat with girls.

Lin Wu said: "What a girl who likes to chat lacks is an audience, not another girl who likes to chat."

Maya sighed: "Do you admit that you have a schadenfreude mentality in your heart?"

Lin Wu replied: "I admit it."

During the chat, the two walked near the ship, and three people stepped forward to greet them. Unlike before, this time they were greeted with a bit of confusion.Lin Wu spoke first and answered their doubts: "Hello everyone, did my wife say there is a place to stay here?"

The three of them suddenly understood and replied: "Yes, please come this way."

Lin Wu was an honest man. He skipped the part about lying and explained that he came from a faraway ghost place and that both his husband and wife died tragically at the hands of zombies.I didn't expect that I would be resurrected in a paradise on earth with beautiful mountains and clear waters, outstanding people, handsome men and beautiful women.

When people are in other places, blow first as a sign of respect.

(End of this chapter)

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