Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 285 Ship Base

Chapter 285 Ship Base
The girl's name is Hongyi. She has lived in Beishang Town, Zuo County, Nancheng City, Science and Technology City since she was born. She has a thorough understanding of the local situation.Its life skill is a skill upgraded from fishing: fisherman.

The two boys were immigrants 8 months ago. Their situation was similar to that of Maya and Lin Wu, both of whom died at the hands of zombies.

Man A's name is Qinglang. Like Lin Wu, he is a fresh college graduate. His life skills are an upgraded version of a chef's nutrition expert. Food cooked by him can increase the weight by 25%.

Man B’s name is Shui Hua. He is 27 years old and is studying for a doctorate in medicine. He is also an emergency doctor.He is the general practitioner at Yeyue Base.

Yeyue is a completely different base from Shadow. In other words, the situation in Science and Technology City is completely different from that in Future City.In the future city, the biggest threat to players comes from zombies. It is relatively rich in resources. The wood in the mountains can be converted into building materials. You can hunt in the mountains, farm outdoors, fish in the rivers, and build cofferdams to catch the sea.

Science and Technology City, or at least the small towns in Science and Technology City, hardly have to worry too much about the threat posed by zombies. Their daily focus is survival, and their lives are basically separated from the towns.Because Beishanghu has a large amount of resources, it has become a guarantee for their survival. Since the entire group follows the same route, their armament level is very low, and they are unable to cope with the zombie siege.

But they also have their own method, called the Great Shift of the Universe.Prepare two bases in advance.Whenever base A receives an siege alert, use the 10 minutes of preparation time to move supplies to base B or outside base A.When the zombies demolish the base and end the siege, you can consider settling in B or moving back to base A.

This is one reason they need allies.When Yeyue Base is attacked, they can transport supplies to Linma Base.When Linma Base is attacked, Linma can transport supplies to Yeyue Base.The benefits of doing so are self-evident, and only the building materials will be lost.There is a birch forest on the roadside and a windbreak forest one kilometer away. Cutting down trees can be exchanged for building materials.

As long as you work hard and don't pursue the quality of life, the Great Shift is a very good way to deal with zombie siege.This is not a method they came up with, but this is what the locals do.One of the main reasons is that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and the buildings are too far apart, making it difficult to search, resulting in extremely scarce bullets.Although each of Yeyue and the three of them had an assault rifle, they only had thirty rounds of bullets in total.

The second reason is that the land is vast and the population is sparse, making it difficult to form alliances between player bases. It is a waste to reserve two doctors in a small and medium-sized base, but without two doctors, members cannot receive effective treatment.Therefore, avoiding war is one of their survival principles.As for serum, it is a high-end luxury product locally.Furthermore, it is naturally difficult to obtain serum if you avoid fighting.

The third reason is that the system recommends only small bases near Beishang Town. Without small and medium-sized bases like the Hilltop Church, players cannot form a gathering scale.There were six people at Yeyue Base at its peak, which was considered a large base locally.

In a simple sentence: Due to the restricted landform, players in Science and Technology City have difficulty in development, and in exchange they get low-density zombies.No joke, as long as you don't take the initiative to look for zombies here, you may not see a zombie for ten days and a half.In the future city, zombies will cause trouble for you anytime and anywhere.

What worries Yeyue more is the horse. This is Yeyue's second horse, named Zhui Feng.The first mare named Zhuri was bitten to death by a Yeyue wolf in a sneak attack at night one day.It's ironic to say that Ye Yue's former commander named Ye Yue Base because he learned wolf culture. Unexpectedly, he was often harassed by Ye Yue wolves.

This ferry is a regular two-decker ferry, similar to a double-decker bus.The height of the bottom floor is only two and a half meters, which is not suitable for Zhui Feng's life. Zhui Feng cannot go up the stairs and cannot reach the open-air top floor, so Zhui Feng can only stay outside the ship.In recent days, Yeyue wolves have appeared in the surrounding area, and they seem to be targeting Zhui Feng.Today, Hongyi chased a Yeyue Wolf Scout and shot it to death in the desert, hoping to scare the wolves in this way.

After talking about this, Shuihua said: "I will take you two to see the quasi-base."

The ferry is not a recommended base for the system and is split into two.The first base is established centered on the front deck of the ship. Its safety area can cover 60% of the cabin and the open-air top floor.The second base is a base centered on the stern of the aft deck, which also has 60% coverage area.In other words, the two bases have 10% overlapping safety zones.

There is a sloping board at the bow and stern, and you can reach the cabin by following it.There is a narrow escalator in the cabin to the top floor.The top floor is similar to a boat cabin, with lots of non-removable chairs.Yeyue Base currently occupies the bow of the ship.

The interior space is not large, and at a glance, there is not much to see.Shuihua gave Maya two packages of building materials, and Maya quickly built a ship base at the stern of the ship.There are no large grids in the ship base, only three small grids, one on the rear deck, the cabin and the top floor.Maya built a crafting room with leftover materials.

Qinglang sent two blankets and a ceramic vessel filled with water. Lin Wu thanked her profusely. Qinglang said, "Lin Wu, being too polite is too polite. If you need anything, you can tell us."

"Thank you very much for your help." Lin Wu sent Qinglang away and came back: "Is it too enthusiastic? Is it a shady store?" I'm used to others being too kind to me.

Maya didn't care and said: "It's understandable that you haven't been to the northwest districts. The people there are very warm and the soil and water support each other. When I accompanied my parents on a self-driving trip to the northwest, there were few people and there was no place to eat. The place. I finally saw a yurt, so I went up to communicate, and the other party very warmly invited us to have dinner together. The high-standard reception made me feel very sorry. But they said that it was their honor for me to be their guest,"

Maya said: "Later I investigated this and discovered one thing. As long as you come to ask for food, the host will definitely let you eat without charging any fee."

Lin Wu asked: "But I heard that tourism prices in the northwest are not low."

Maya said: "The people who run the tourism industry are not locals. You don't understand, just because your living environment is very different from theirs. To say the least, we have nothing worth plotting."

Lin Wu said: "We have Xiao Wai, maybe they like to eat dog meat."

Xiaowai lay motionless on the ground, and judging from his expression, he didn't seem to agree with Lin Wu's view.Lin Wu said: "Go and find your new love."

Xiao Wai's new love is Zhui Feng. The first time the two animals met, their sly eyebrows met with rat eyes. Xiao Wai jumped up and down in front of the horse's head, and Zhui Feng rubbed his head against Xiao Wai.Perhaps animals have been alone for a long time, and they feel beautiful when they see other animals.

Maya said: "I'm going to do the alliance mission."

Splash appeared on the side, knocked on the iron wall, and asked: "Are you fishing?"

Lin Wu stood up: "Okay."

Maya: "Give me the meat."

Lin Wu handed the meat to Maya, walked out of the cabin to the narrow side, took the fishing rod, hung a small insect on it, and chatted with Splash while fishing.

Compared to Linma, see local players.Shuihua, Hongyi and Qinglang were even more excited to see Lin Ma.They haven't seen new faces for a long time, and occasionally they need to go to another player gathering place 20 kilometers away to give them something to look forward to.

After a while Qinglang came, and it can be seen that Shuihua and Qinglang have a very good relationship.The three of them easily caught two kilograms of fish while chatting, which shows how rich the resources are here.This is also true. The three people have never worried about food. They also saved about 40 kilograms of dried fish to prepare for future extreme weather.

Qinglang said: "Lin Wu, you can consider staying here for a long time. There will be enough food, there is a windbreak nearby, and the zombie siege can change the world. There is no problem in surviving for a year."

Lin Wu said regretfully: "We have to go home. I hope you can go with us then." Qinglang smiled and declined: "I'm used to a comfortable life and don't want to leave here."

Shui Hua asked curiously: "Lin Wu, tell me about your shadow."

"Shadow?" Lin Wu said: "Our boss's name is Shitou. He is a farmer and likes to drive armored vehicles..."

"Armored vehicle?" The two asked at the same time: "Really that kind of armored vehicle?"

Lin Wu nodded: "Crawler armored personnel carriers. In addition, we also have armored trucks, super cars, small ships, etc. It is different from the local situation. We must carry live ammunition every time we go out, because danger is everywhere."

Qinglang asked curiously: "How did you die?"

"Seven Stars attacked the city and was tricked by Big Mac." Lin Wu said the process of his and Maya's death. The main reason was that Big Mac threw one violently into the rear team, triggering a chain reaction.

Lin Wu was not good at telling stories, but Qing Lang and Shui Hua listened with great interest.Not to mention the seven-star defenders, few of them use guns as their main weapons in non-hardcore mode.The highest-star local defense was a non-hardcore five-star siege. In the end, the entire base was bulldozed by zombies in less than 2 minutes.

Lin Wu showed off his drone and personal computer.At this time, in the minds of Qinglang and Shuihua, Shadow is already a large military base that uses high-tech combat and each member is armed to the teeth.

Lin Wu introduced each member of Shadow to the two of them.After saying that, both Qinglang and Shuihua understood why Linma and the others wanted to go home, because to Linma, Shadow was a warm family that shared hardships, wealth and honor, and walked together all the way.They were quite moved when they listened to Lin Wu's story, but after Lin Wu introduced each member, they found that they were far different from the shadow members.They master more survival skills, while Shadow masters more combat skills.

Hongyi invited everyone to go down for dinner.Lin Wu couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why does Qinglang have nutrition, but Hongyi cooks?" Doesn't this mean wasting 25% of food?

Shui Hua sighed: "It's weighty and nutritious, but it just doesn't taste good."

Lin Wu said: "We can build a kitchen."

Lin Wu soon discovered that his idea was wrong.Hongyi's cooking skills are very high. She grills the meat just right and makes the dipping sauce that adds a unique flavor to each meat.Even Maya couldn't help but marvel. As a person who has seen the world, Maya knew that Hong Yi's cooking skills were very high and he was no ordinary policeman.

Hongyi explained: "My parents are both famous chefs. They are well-known locally and a little famous globally."

Lin Wu asked curiously while eating mutton, "Then why do you become a policeman?"

Hongyi replied: "Isn't it enough for a family to have two chefs? I'm not a chef, so my parents will find ways to satisfy me, otherwise I'll be sorry for their reputation as a famous chef. If I were a chef, my parents would say: Just do it yourself. Hehe, this is how my brother is treated."

"This is quite a coincidence." Lin Wu said: "The Shadow Base also has a cooking expert and a policewoman. Her name is Cotton."

Hongyi asked in surprise: "Mian Mian? The very quiet detective Mian Mian?"

Lin Wu asked back, "Do you know each other?"

Hongyi nodded repeatedly and said in an excited tone: "She is one of my best friends. She used to be undercover with my father. After the undercover mission was over, my father invited her to his house for dinner, and we got to know each other. Although we knew each other. It didn’t last long, but maybe because of our careers, we have a good relationship.”

Qinglang said: "You like to talk, and she likes to listen. You two are a good match."

Hong Yi nodded again and again: "Yes, that's right. When we are together, I basically talk and she listens and occasionally replies. But she can always give me a tissue at the most suitable time. Or a hug. Hehe, she really doesn’t talk much. I’ll stand aside and give instructions while she’s cooking, and she’ll do what I ask in a muffled voice. But we are friends, very good friends, not Qinglang, you and Shuihua. Such a couple relationship..."

Hong Yi was minding her own business, recalling the stories between her and Mian Qian over the past year and a half.It can be seen that Hongyi talks more and thinks very delicately. She can remember small things like picking flowers, and bad things like Cotton breaking her favorite cup. She can also describe in detail the cause, process and result of the quarrel with Cotton. .

Half of the dinner was spent in Hong Yi's memories and stories.Shui Hua half-jokingly asked Hong Yi if she had any plans to go to Shadow with Lin Ma.The outspoken Hong Yi replied that by the time they returned to Shadow, they probably wouldn't have much game time left.They are good friends, not lovers, and there is no feeling that they have not seen each other for three years.

Hongyi in turn persuaded Lin Ma: "Although I don't know the distance, I think your journey home must be very bumpy and difficult. It is better to consider staying here. Shadow's friends will still be friends in a year."

Lin Wu apologized: "Thank you for your kindness, but we have to go home." There is a reason why it cannot be said that compared to Shadow's modern life, Yeyue is still in the barbaric era.

Hongyi said nothing more and said: "Tomorrow I will take you to try your luck and see if you can meet a herd of wild horses. However, wild horses will only appear in grasslands with fertile soil and water. Naturally, there are many ferocious beasts in fertile grasslands."

Lin Wu asked seriously: "Are there any black bears?"

Maya squirted out a mouthful of mutton soup.Lin Wu looked at Maya with sad eyes. Maya took the tissue handed over by Shui Hua and motioned for Hongyi to continue.

Hongyi said: "We have never seen black bears, only lions and wolves." The place Hongyi mentioned is called Beishanghu Grassland, also called Wild Horse Grassland.It can be reached by walking about 40 kilometers along the Huanhu Road.The grassland is connected to a small mountain range called Beishang Mountains. It is the only mountain range in Beishang Town with few trees.

There were once players who settled in the Wild Horse Grassland, but after entering the hardcore mode, the players were repeatedly attacked by wild beasts and eventually evacuated the grassland without knowing their whereabouts.Wild animals are not the only danger in the wild horse prairie. There is a creek in the prairie, and a grazing farm is next to the creek.Today's grazing farm is occupied by blood hearts.Blood mist covers 30% of the grassland area.

Since there is a law of friendly coexistence between zombies and animals, the wild horse grassland is twice as dangerous for players.

(End of this chapter)

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