Chapter 286
Hearing that it takes [-] kilometers to go to Yema Grassland, Lin Wu immediately backed down: "So far? Can we make it back that day?"

"You don't have to come back. There is water, food, and a lot of combustibles in the grassland. We can camp out for a week until we catch the wild horses." Hong Yi added: "As long as you light a fire, you won't be attacked by wild beasts. ." For her, camping has become routine.

Water Flower said on the side: "Unless you meet a rhinoceros."

Qinglang explained: "Rhino will trample the bonfire, so we need to take turns to keep vigil at night."

Hongyi nodded: "There must be danger, but I know a very good camping spot. Splash, we camped for three days before finally catching Zhui Feng, right?"


Qinglang was a little worried and reminded: "Hongyi, you should tell them clearly about the danger."

The red shirt explained: "Aside from zombies and wild beasts, horse training is also a very dangerous job. It is said that at least 20 players died in Beishang Town as a result of horse training. Some were thrown off their horses to death, and some were kicked to death by wild horses. But there is no need to worry too much. Worry, ordinary horses are still easy to tame as long as you don’t challenge good horses.”

Qinglang: "It's not easy either." His character is more cautious.

Hong Yi smiled and said: "Yes, it is not easy, but it is not difficult either. The key point is very simple. Climb on the horse's back, don't be thrown off by the horse, and hold on until it is quiet. Then give it a handful of grass to eat. If it eats , it means that your master’s identity is recognized, and the system will prompt you to obtain the mount.”

Splash continued: "If it bites you, just keep riding it."

Qinglang: "We have a lot of theoretical knowledge. In fact, there will be no more than eight truly tamed wild horses in the entire Beishang Town. If it is really easy, we should have one horse per person."

Lin Wu nodded: "We will be careful."

Red: "The last thing is the saddle. After owning the horse, you can make system reins and saddle in the crafting room. Most materials for the saddle are easy to obtain, except leather. A saddle requires 5 complete pieces of Grade A leather. "

Lin Wu and Maya asked: "Grade A leather?" I haven't heard that leather is graded.

Hong Yi explained: "Skinning will result in a complete hide. The complete hide will then be processed to produce different grades of leather according to the source of the hide. Generally speaking, the complete hide of a beast that is more than twice the weight of the human body can be Processed into A-grade leather. Beasts such as tigers and lions have a certain chance of being processed into S-grade leather. The saddle obtained by processing S-grade leather is lighter and suitable for players to ride for a long time."

Maya asked: "What level of horse does Zhui Feng belong to?"

Red Yi replied: "Two stars, the highest is said to be five stars. But according to the information I obtained, the highest level horse owned by the player is only three stars. After obtaining the horse, carry three kilograms of food and go to the outskirts of the town to find an NPC for identification. He will give details Tell you the characteristics of the mount."

Lin Wu asked: "What should I do if there is a typhoon while camping?"

Hongyi was startled and replied: "Then we can only leave it to fate."

Lin Wu looked at Maya, who said: "Of course I want to go!"

I hate tyranny!
Maya explained: "You never know when a typhoon will come, and waiting blindly will only waste time. The typhoon itself is not lethal. I believe that even if we encounter a typhoon, we can survive."

Lin Wu argued, "But we have to walk 40 kilometers." If you get the horse, you'll have to walk back.

Hongyi advised: "The scenery along the way is so beautiful, just treat it as a trip."

Lin Wu muttered, but did not make a sound: Traveling?All travel is by car.Have you ever seen any tourist walking 40 kilometers to travel?

For Maya, it was fine as long as Lin Wu didn't object.

Maya asked: "Red, do you know any player base that can recharge?"

"Charging?" The three people asked: "Why do we need to charge? Can we still charge? Is there power in the base?"

So Lin Wu started to tell a story. The base not only had electricity, but also water, and even artillery.It was the first time for the three people at Yeyue Base to hear about the outpost card.You can't blame them for this. Even in the non-hardcore mode, the base distance between the players in Science and Technology City is relatively far, and the radio station in the command post is just a decoration.

The next question is the fortress agent. If the fortress agent can be found, it is possible to contact the nightmare and find the direction home.Yeyue and the others had only heard of the fortress agents during the Abandoned Capital event, so Lin Wu continued to tell the story of the fortress agents.

On this day, Lin Wu entered an environment he had never set foot in before.It was the first time for Yeyue and the other three to know that the outside world was so wonderful. They didn't know that many people in the outside world had lives that were not as wonderful as theirs. After all, not everyone was a shadow.


There are chairs on both sides of the cabin at the ship base, and the aisle in the middle is relatively narrow.Lin Wu, Maya and Xiaowai could only sleep in a small grid with blankets.As soon as you lay down, the mosquito army began to attack.Lin Wu went to the next door to ask if there were mosquito coils. When he came back, he told Maya: "The blanket is not for cushioning."

Cover your entire body with a blanket and wrap your head, so mosquitoes won't be able to bite.However, Lin Ma had never slept like this before, and soon she felt extremely hot and breathless.I could only use my knees and feet to hold up the blanket, trying to make the interior space larger.The two of them couldn't fall asleep after all this trouble. At about two o'clock in the morning, when both of them were sleepy, Xiao Wai, who was lying between them, suddenly jumped to his feet, looked warily out of the boat, and let out a muffled warning sound. Seems always ready to strike.

Lin Ma looked at each other, got up from the ground and walked to the window.I saw that the bonfire had not been extinguished yet. Zhui Feng, who was tied to the stone beside the bonfire, walked around uneasily, as if he felt that there was an unknown danger hidden in the darkness outside the light of the fire.

Maya returned to the command post and took a look. Today was not a low-light night, but the light value was only 15.Maya said: "Go and have a look." The two left the ship from the rear side and arrived at the shore. Their appearance made Zhui Feng quieter.

Lin Wu and Maya stood on the edge of the firelight, trying their best to look out, but found nothing.Lin Wu released the drone. The drone flew a hundred meters away. Lin Wu saw a large number of heat sources in the image: "Wolf."

Lin Wu pointed in the direction of 10 o'clock and two o'clock: "In both directions, there are many, many wolves."

"How much is a lot?" Maya asked.

Lin Wu replied: "Each group has at least 30." Together they only have 50 rounds of ammunition.Maya was a blank slate, and Lin Wu lacked the ability to confront multiple targets head-on.

Hongyi stuck his head out of the window and asked in a low voice: "Maya Linwu, why don't you sleep?"

Maya did not look back, but looked warily in two directions, holding a hunting crossbow in her hand and replied: "There are wolves, can you remove Zhui Feng?"

"Wolf?" Hongyi immediately woke up the two boys who were resting next door, quickly got off the boat, and stood next to Maya: "We can only ride away from the base." It was midnight and the visibility was very low. It was not ruled out that the wolves would follow.

Lin Wu asked, "Why are you leaving? This is all meat." Wolves do not carry zombie viruses, and Shui Hua is a general practitioner who can handle all injuries.If you really can't beat them, you can retreat to the ship. At worst, one of them will die.Hongyi didn't seem to hear what Lin Wu said, and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Oops, what I killed today might be their female wolf. The book said that if someone kills a pregnant female wolf, the wolves will target her. Players retaliate."

Maya asked: "What book?"

Red Yi replied: "Grassland Survival Guide, published by Science and Technology City Press."

Lin Wu reported: "Bad news, more than a dozen wolves have joined the two wolf packs."

Shuihua said: "Hongyi, think about whether you should put on a life jacket and hide in the lake."

Hongyi vetoed: "No, even if I escape, they will attack you."

Maya said: "Sunny, splashy, with Chasing the Wind as the center, light three bonfires in a triangle. Lin Wu, arrange the animal trap, and then sneak towards 9 o'clock. After the wolves attack, look for opportunities to take down the alpha wolf. Others Prepare torches and use them as weapons to deter the wolves from attacking. Be careful not to kill the number of wolves. Our goal is to prevent the wolves from attacking. Once the leader wolf dies, they will disperse on their own."

Maya added: "When driving away, you should shout and don't retreat easily, let alone turn around and run away, leaving your back to the enemy."

The three Yeyue glanced at each other. No one questioned Maya's command and the orders she gave. They all went to work according to Maya's arrangements.Lin Wu took Xiao Wai and moved towards the 9 o'clock direction.Why is it in the 9 o'clock direction, because it is the downwind outlet.


Ten minutes later, a wolf howl came and the wolves launched an attack.They came from two directions, and their target was Chai Feng beside the campfire.Zhui Feng was extremely restless and kept neighing and stamping his horse's hooves.If he hadn't discovered it in advance and was awakened by Jing Jing at this moment, it would have been impossible to save Zhui Feng.

"Raise the fire." Maya ordered, and the four of them raised the burning wood in the fire, and Maya even moved in front of Zhui Feng.Three fires, one bonfire, and three torches immediately suppressed the attack of the wolves. They roared in the darkness outside the firelight, sounding angry, but did not dare to step forward.

A short wolf howl sounded, and the wolves retreated from the fire and back to the starting point.

At this time, a huge silver wolf slowly walked up to the high platform in the 12 o'clock direction.It sat quietly and looked at the world with cold eyes.In the dark, its silver skin looks particularly dazzling.At this time, its thugs were divided into two groups, gathering at the 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock directions respectively, waiting for it to issue the charge order.

Pretend to be 13 and get struck by lightning.Maya pulled the trigger, and the crossbow arrow flew out, flying towards the black silhouette in the distance.The weapon is good, the accuracy is good, but the range is a bit lacking.The flight trajectory of the heavy crossbow was close to a straight line, but it was not a straight line. In the end, the crossbow arrow slipped one meter away from the Wolf King and was completely inert, falling softly on the grass.

How can a king shoot lightly despite his scales?Even though he is far away, he will be killed!
The wolf king raised his head and let out a long howl, and the wolves howled in response.As the long howl ended, countless Yeyue wolves ran quickly in the darkness and rushed towards the bonfire.Maya and the others could hear running and howling, but in the dark night they could only see pairs of golden eyes approaching them quickly.

Maya ordered: "Get closer to the campfire." Stick torches are defined in the system as homemade blunt weapons.

The four people were holding fire sticks and leaning against the bonfire. The first wolf appeared at the edge of the fire. It ran two steps and then jumped into the water splash, and was hit in the head by the water splash and fire stick.This is thanks to Maya's simple command. If they approach the dark area, they will be attacked directly without any reaction time.

The wolf that had been beaten with a stick fled back into the darkness while howling and jumping wildly, which also kicked off the attack of the pack of wolves.However, because there were four fires, the light limit within twenty square meters was very sufficient, and the wolves were naturally afraid of fire, so although they bravely rushed into the fire, they slowed down.Some wolves grunted in place before attacking, and some wandered around. It was obvious that they didn't like this battlefield.

At this time, the Wolf King smelled a strange smell and jumped forward to easily avoid Lin Wu's wind sting.

Lin Wu was shocked, this guy is so awesome, so cute.Xiao Wai immediately gnawed with the Wolf King. Although Xiao Wai was a hunting dog, the Wolf King was one of the best, and his body was twice as big as Xiao Wai. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell the winner at the first sight.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows this. How could Lin Wu, the owner of Xiaowai, not know this?His purpose was just to let Xiao Wai haunt the Wolf King.Lin Wu slowly raised his pistol, locked the head, and killed the Wolf King with one shot.The Wolf King was also very powerful. He could scream miserably twice after being shot in the head. The wolves who heard the screams immediately became confused, rushed into the darkness without any formation, and fled in all directions.

After all, it was the leader's wife who died, not his own wife. There was no need to fight for a dead leader's wife now.What a great result. The leader is dead and all the thugs are alive.

After cutting off seven kilograms of meat and a piece of the Wolf King's skin, Lin Wu returned to the campfire and first apologized: "My wife is a guard and is used to giving orders. I have offended her a lot. Please forgive me."

Everyone hurriedly said: "No, no, without Maya's command, the consequences would be disastrous."

Lin Wu said modestly: "It won't have much consequence." It would just mean the death of a horse.If players don't want to be tough, they can enter the water from the side and hide in the water.

Lin Wu suggested: "It's a long night, why not eat some fresh meat?"

Hongyi immediately said: "I'll get the grill."

After chatting while eating, the relationship between the two parties became much closer after their first cooperation.Lin Wu has a relatively high emotional intelligence. He downplays his own fighting ability and compliments Ye Yue's survival experience.It's a pity that there is no good wine, so everyone can only burn lake water instead of wine and eat up all the 7 kilograms of meat contributed by the Wolf King.

The Yeyue trio also saw that Maya didn't like to chat, she didn't laugh or laugh, and she didn't know what to say.After comparison, they all felt that Maya was more trustworthy.Lin Wu's mouth was too oily.

It's not that Lin Wu doesn't have emotional intelligence. He still has the ability to talk to people and talk to ghosts.It’s just that when you’re living in the shadows, there’s no need to think too much, it’s more important to live your life.Currently under the roof, not to mention the help provided by the other party, this kindness is worth Lin Wu's effort to talk nonsense.


At dawn the next day, Hong Yi and Lin Ma set off together to the Wild Horse Grassland.The three of them walked, and Zhui Feng followed Hong Yi while eating grass.The saddle is a system item made in the crafting room. It has an inner pocket that can hold three weapons.During the journey, Lin Ma learned to ride a horse under Hong Yi's guidance.

After walking dozens of kilometers for about 10 hours, we ate lunch and drank a few kilograms of lake water. We finally arrived at the Wild Horse Grassland at [-] p.m.This is the only place where players in Beishang Town have discovered wild horses.

The Yema Grassland is in the shape of a mountain, with a large grassland next to the lake below. On the left and right of the mountain are two gentle slopes, all the way up, connecting to the mountains.In the middle is the Rift Valley Mountain Stream, with a small stream flowing out.According to Hongyi, it is the snow water flowing down from the melting ice and snow on the mountain peaks that nourishes the land.

Following Hongyi into the mountain stream, there is a pasture built beside the stream. The pasture is connected to the gentle slopes on the left and right of the mountain again.The ranch is located in a depression, and two slope roads were artificially built to connect to the gentle slope.The blood heart is in the wooden warehouse at the ranch.The three of them only looked at it from a distance, not up close.

Hong Yi led Lin Ma out of the mountain stream and walked down the gentle slope on the left. After a while, they arrived at a cave about five meters deep.The entrance of the cave is slightly narrow, Zhui Feng can barely get in, but the interior is relatively spacious.

Red clothes said: "During the night break, we can carry stones to block the entrance of the cave."

Lin Wu asked: "Were the four big rocks on both sides of the cave entrance used by you to block the cave entrance before?"

"Yes!" Hong Yi said and laid out the blanket in the cave.She also brought a lot of dried fish meat and a large bucket of lake water that she had packed earlier.After tidying up the floor, Hongyi said, "You guys take a rest for a while, and I'll go pick up some combustibles."

(End of this chapter)

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