Chapter 287
Hongyi arranged it so well that Lin Ma felt very sorry.Seeing that Maya was dead, Lin Wu could only say: "I'll go, my nickname is the little firewood collector."

Hongyi didn't refuse: "Okay, I'll find some small stones to build a bonfire. You can learn about the terrain along the way, and if you're lucky enough, you can meet a herd of wild horses."

Maya watched Lin Wu leave and asked, "Is there anything I can do?" It was rare for the King of Fishing to take the initiative to take on the work.

Hongyi asked: "Don't you need to take a rest?"

Maya replied: "No need."

Hongyi said: "Maybe you can see if there are any prey around."

Maya nodded: "Okay."

When Maya went out, Lin Wu was already walking along the gentle slope towards the mountains.There are not many trees here, so you can clearly understand the surrounding situation at a glance.Lin Wu thought about it. If he couldn't find fuel, he could only dig thorns and bushes. As long as the fire was strong enough, wet wood could be burned into black charcoal.

The slope became steeper and steeper. Lin Wu, who had walked for a long time, only picked up a small bundle of wood sticks. He looked up and saw the towering mountains not far away.There is a circle of woods on the edge of the mountains and gentle slopes.Looking back at the temporary campsite, Lin Wu was suffering from laziness after calculating the distance and felt that he shouldn't run too far.

If you don’t want to climb a mountain, you have to find fuel, right?After all, I have to explain to Hong Yi.Lin Wu stepped up and looked around, and saw a tree on the side.The tree should be in a depression with only part of the top visible.No matter what, just chop it down if you can't pick it up. Although there are not many trees, there are also not many people.

cut?I went and forgot to get the watermelon knife from Maya.Lin Wu looked at the steak knife in his hand and thought to himself, he didn't know how many knives he had to stab before the big tree was willing to give him a few branches.

Lin Wu missed Shadow's kindness while walking.I think back then, no matter how big a tree was, there was nothing a smoke bomb couldn't do.What about drilling wood to make fire?I only use incendiary bombs.It's even more impossible to go out and walk.The most painful thing in the world is not not having money, but having money.No matter how good your mentality is, it is difficult to calm down the occasional feeling of contrast.

This is a Populus euphratica growing in a depression.Lin Wu lay down on a high place, sticking his head out of the ten-meter-high cliff and looking down.There are lush water and grass beside the poplar trees, and a dozen wild horses gather in twos and threes to eat grass leisurely.Lin Wu pressed the earphone to call for reinforcements, but unfortunately he pressed the button.

damn it!Three horses seemed to have had enough to eat and drink. They climbed up the gentle slope from the other side and chased towards the woods at a neither fast nor slow speed.They seem to use their actions to remind their brothers: It's dark, go home and sleep.

Lin Wu looked at Xiaowai: What should I do?Others are trivial matters, what if I get injured?What if I get a leg injury?This place is no different than Shadow. Just call someone and someone will provide remote diagnosis and treatment. The doctor is dozens of kilometers away from here.

Not on?From the description in red, we can know that there are wild horses here, but they are also relatively rare. Finding the wild horses requires not only perseverance and time, but also luck.If you let this wave go, if you get nothing in the next few days, you will have to regret it.

Thinking of this, Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai to stand by and entered the stealth state, sliding down the slope on the other side.This was Lin Wu's first time sneaking and gliding. He didn't know how effective the sneaking was. He was already a little anxious at this moment, because some horses left the depression one after another and returned to the gentle slope through the slope.Now there are only five foodies left in the depression.

Thinking of this, Lin Wu felt cold: a horse that wants to eat, a horse that eats more than other horses, how can it be a good horse?However, a horse is better than no horse. If it doesn't work, you can kill it and eat its meat.Which one to choose?

Lin Wu leaned against the poplar tree, with the five horses less than 15 meters away from him.For a horse blind person, Lin Wu couldn't understand the quality of the horse at all.The most disgusting thing is that the distance between the horses is about the same, which makes Lin Wu, who has full decisiveness, unable to make a decision for a while.

White horse?Eliminate, I am not a prince, and I am not qualified to ride a white horse.If you ride a white horse, doesn't it mean you think your father is a king?If you haven't met him, you can't leave the inheritance to yourself, and you definitely can't take advantage of that old thing.

Dark horse?Also exclude, as an idol, how could I be a dark horse?
The fundamental reason for having random thoughts and being unable to make a decision is not lack of decision-making power, but fear.It is unreasonable for someone who has never ridden a horse to train a horse.What should I do if it flies up when I get close?
Um?If you move fast enough, and it moves fast enough, its four hooves will fly at the same time, and if none of its feet touch the ground, it will land on its belly.In this way, you can pick up a horse yourself.However, I don’t dare to ask for a horse with this kind of intelligence.

In the end, Lin Wu made a decision: he would catch whoever ran first.

So Lin Wu stood up, whistled nonchalantly and appeared from behind the tree, looking at the horses from the corner of his eye.The five horses were frightened and backed away for several meters, but no horse ran away, and they did not eat grass. They just paused, as if they were seeing humans for the first time.

Lin Wu was overjoyed and slowly approached the brown horse, which immediately backed away.Lin Wu tried to take two more steps forward, but the brown horse turned around and ran away, leading a group of horses to start climbing the hill.Lin Wu also became anxious and ran wildly with wind thorns in pursuit.The brown horse that went up the slope first stopped and looked back to see what was going on behind it. As a result, the passage for the horse behind it was blocked.This gave Lin Wu a chance.

Seeing that the traffic order was restored and the horses were about to exert their strength, Lin Wu pounced with all his strength and grabbed the tail of a white horse.The white horse was frightened and neighed and started running wildly. Lin Wu grabbed the horse's tail and didn't let go.

Looking at the hair in his hands, and then at the horses fleeing for their lives, Lin Wu rolled down the slope into the depression, turned over and looked up at the blue sky: Where did I throw the wood?

Tired!After walking 40 kilometers, Hongyi didn't hesitate to pity the stone, so he sent himself out to find wood.God, how often have I suffered like this? Everyday I fish when I can, and fish when I can't.What's even more disgusting is that the horse won't be caught, why?You should kill the horse and show it to the horse.

My whole body aches and I don't want to move. I want to complain but can't find a reason.

Having said that, horses are also very good at picking places.The water and grass in this location are soft, and the most important thing is that there is a layer of spring water under the grass, which makes people feel extremely comfortable lying on it.

No, if no one else does it, you have to do it yourself.

When Lin Wu was about to sit up and sit up, he saw a horse's head, a very attractive horse's head.This horse has a white forehead, black body, and long beards that are blowing randomly with the wind.Not itchy?

The horse was said to be very tough because it was not afraid of Lin Wu at all. It walked up to Lin Wu, stretched out its head and stared at Lin Wu for two seconds, as if trying to figure out what it was.But the expression in his eyes was not curiosity, but disdain. He seemed to be disgusted with Lin Wu for occupying his grazing place.

Lin Wu was shocked by its pulling force and did not move for a moment, while the black horse started eating regardless.He ate Lin Wu's legs and pushed Lin Wu's legs aside with his nose. He was so arrogant that he was simply arrogant.

Although Lin Wu was not familiar with riding horses and was afraid of taming horses, he couldn't bear the anger of being humiliated by a beast, so he turned over and jumped up.Unexpectedly, the black horse was taller than he thought. He didn't have his feet across his back, so he could only lie down on it with his hands, which was like lying on the horse's back.

The black horse was frightened and immediately started running, leaping up the small slope as if it were flat.The moment the black horse landed, the force of the shock bounced Lin Wu up.Lin Wu, who was highly agile, endured the turmoil in his stomach and took the opportunity to sit on the horse.

The black horse jumped wildly on the spot, and Lin Wu instantly felt the egg break several times, and he couldn't help but scream in pain.No way?Is it so painful for a man to ride a horse?No wonder equestrian is an aristocratic sport.He didn't expect that this was just the first wave.The second strike: The black horse raised both hind hooves high, the whole horse was tilted 45 degrees, the air stopped briefly, and the hind hooves hit the ground hard.

Grass!The egg turned into a spring, bouncing him up.Lin Wu grabbed his beard tightly and shouted: "Painkiller, Maya, painkiller." He flew up again and landed again.One takeoff, two damage.

After five consecutive big takeoffs, there were countless small-frequency tremors and bumps.The black horse didn't run well. It arched its back and jumped back and forth alternately with its front and rear hooves.Although Lin Wu was in pain, he still clung to the horse's back due to his high attributes.

The dark horse's third move came, and he started running fast, very quickly.Lin Wu, a villain who would even be suspicious of other people's enthusiasm, had immediately guessed the dark horse's intentions.I saw the black horse suddenly brake suddenly while running wildly, and its four hooves alternately polished the grass left and right.Even though he was prepared, Lin Wu almost fell out, but the black horse's long beard stabilized him again.

Seeing that the third move was ineffective, Dark Horse started the fourth move and started running wildly again, running wildly towards the bottom of the gentle slope.Lin Wu grabbed his beard tightly and vowed to strip it off.Maya, who was looking for prey, only saw a black lightning rushing in front of her, and then heard Lin Wu shouting: "Painkiller!" No!Maya hurriedly pursued on foot.I saw the black horse descending the gentle slope, turning around the mountain stream and running towards the Blood Heart Ranch.Maya hurried to the mountain stream and looked down, only to see that the black horse was still running wildly. After knocking away two blood zombies, in front of it was the windmill of the pasture.

Looking at the slowly rotating blades of the windmill, Maya instantly understood the dark horse's intention and shouted downward: "Lower your head, lower your head."

I don't know if Lin Wu heard it. Lin Wu lowered his head and laid his whole body on the black horse. The blades of the windmill scraped over his head, bringing up a curl of hair and a smear of blood.

XX, since you want to kill me, then labor and management will kill you first.Lin Wu took the steak knife from the weapon rack of his backpack and stabbed it into the black horse's back.The black horse neighed sadly and ran forward with all its strength.Lin Wu grabbed the steak knife and bet with the dark horse. He bet that the dark horse would die first.

Big Mac was walking in the ranch warehouse with his two ferocious little brothers and a dozen zombies. Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a horse broke through the wooden wall, galloped past them, and then broke through the wooden wall and rushed out of the warehouse. storehouse.All the zombies howled symbolically for half a tone, and then continued patrolling as if they saw nothing.


The dark horse finally slowed down, but did not give in. He continued to struggle, and more blood flowed with the struggle.Soon, the soles of its feet began to slip while it was walking slowly, and it fell to the ground after slipping several times.Lin Wu fell down gently and touched his scalp. There was blood on his hands. He sneered: "Run? Why don't you run?"

The black horse struggled to stand up, but fell down again and again, and finally lay down weakly on the grass.Lin Wu looked at it for a while, sighed, stepped forward and pulled out the steak knife: "Why bother?" He took out a high-grade bandage from his backpack and applied it to its wound.

After finishing everything, Lin Wu walked to the side and sat down. He was really tired. This day had overdrawn his ten months of exercise in Shadow.

Advanced bandages are high-end goods that can treat all traumatic injuries and bleeding. Currently, the only known way to obtain them is through fortress agents purchasing them with points.This bandage was taken from Xuemeng's house. It is the only high-level bandage left by Shadow.

The dark horse slowly regained its vitality and finally stood up after several efforts. During this period, Lin Wu just watched.After the black horse stood firm, he turned to glance at Lin Wu, then trotted away, getting faster and faster, and finally flew into the woods like lightning.

"I heard that horse meat is not delicious." Lin Wu comforted himself with one sentence, and then comforted himself with the second sentence: "How can a high-end bandage be worthy of a master like me?"

Lin Wu lost his horse and knew it was not a blessing.Lin Wu turned around and saw that the wood he was looking for everywhere was right next to him.This is a big tree branch.Why are there big branches?Because the woods were right in front of him, there happened to be a tree next to Lin Wu.Otherwise, why did Lin Wu have to walk a few steps before sitting down? Of course it was to enjoy the shade.

How can Lin Wu know that it is not a disaster?This branch was too big. When Lin Wu was thinking about how to convince himself to give up, it came, Xiao Wai came.Without supervision, it only received orders to wait in place. Because it was too far away from its owner, it came running after smelling the smell.

Lin Wu was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Tow him away."

Xiao Wai resolutely followed the order and bit down on a piece of wood that was bigger than his dog's head, but he couldn't really drag the branch.Lin Wu expressed deep disappointment with Xiao Wai's performance. He stood up, grabbed one end of the tree branch, and dragged the branch down the mountain.

Back in the cave, the two women were shocked when they saw Lin Wu's appearance. Hong Yi asked, "Did you hit the horse?"

Maya said: "I knew he couldn't die, but I didn't expect he could live such a miserable life."

Lin Wu touched his forehead and said, "Heal the wound on its own. After the wound heals on its own, your hair will recover."

Maya couldn't help laughing and asked: "You didn't complain about violating the hair growth principles?"

Lin Wu chuckled: "I'm very busy. Give me the watermelon knife." What if the little white rabbit takes it seriously?It's a matter of face, so don't be careless.

"I'll do it." Maya walked out of the cave, chopped tree branches with a watermelon knife, and soon collected a few small piles of firewood.Returning to the cave with firewood in hand, Hongyi started cooking dried fish soup.Maya asked Lin Wu who was sitting aside: "Where is the horse?"

"Alas! It's hard to explain in words." Lin Wu said: "I felt soft-hearted for a moment, so I paid off my wife and surrendered the army. Otherwise, I can eat horse meat tonight. How about eating Xiaowai? It can't even do the job of transporting firewood, so why keep it? use?"

Hong Yi smiled on the side and said: "Xiao Wai, you have a good master who wants to eat you and merge with you all the time."

Lin Wu instantly got goosebumps: "Don't say that, okay? How can I eat fish after a while?" If you love it, eat it.

"Horse!" Maya said one word.

Lin Wu and Hong Yi looked out and saw a black horse appearing outside the entrance of the cave. Lin Wu immediately went into stealth: "Don't move."

Lin Wu squatted out slowly, stared at the dark horse, and stretched out his hand without looking back: "Take two painkillers."

Maya poured two painkillers into Lin Wu's palm.Lin Wu held his hand and continued to move forward. Maya asked in a low voice from behind: "Are you deaf?"

"Maybe." Hongyi told Lin Wu softly: "Its resistance will be fierce. Persistence is victory."

"Hey." Lin Wu jumped up and landed on the horse, completely motionless.Lin Wu looked at Maya and Hongyi. The two looked at each other with confused expressions on their faces.You're jumping. I've taken all the painkillers. What do you mean if you don't jump?
Lin Wu said in surprise: "Congratulations on taming your exclusive mount. Please give your mount a name."

Maya was in disbelief, Hong Yi was shocked and asked: "Is it that simple?"

Lin Wu dismounted and looked at the dark horse for a while: "Brother, you look familiar."

Maya asked: "Could it be the horse you rode before?"

Lin Wu walked around the black horse, looked into the black horse's eyes for a while, and said, "It's not that dramatic, but it's roughly the same."

Maya: "Maybe it's the horse you just tamed."

"It's possible." Lin Wu said: "After being stabbed by me and escaping, it always missed the feeling of being stabbed, so it took the initiative to come to the door." The favor of applying the medicine?I stabbed you and applied medicine to you. You thank me for saving your life?What kind of weird logic is this?But maybe, maybe the brain circuits of animals are so wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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