Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 289 Hunting

Chapter 289 Hunting
The NPC explained: "This kind of horse is proud by nature and will not eat anything but good grass. What I mean is that it only eats good grass and does not drink dirty water, otherwise it would rather die of hunger or thirst."

Lin Wu glanced at the phantom with dissatisfaction and asked, "Can it be changed to a four-star model, so that it runs slower, has less explosive power, and has less endurance? And at the same time, fix its problems?"

The NPC shook his head: "There is no way."

"It's about you."

Then the NPC appraised Sandstorm: "A four-star good horse. The advantage is that it is in good condition in all aspects and is easy to feed. The disadvantage is that it is unwilling to work hard."

Maya asked: "How to say?"

The NPC said: "Suppose the horse's energy value is 100. If the owner requests it, the phantom will keep running until it runs out of energy and collapses. After Sandstorm's energy value is consumed by 50%, it will start to idle. After the energy is consumed by 80%, it will He will stop working at all, no matter how much you drag, beat or scold him, it will be useless, he just won’t leave.”

Lin Wu took out his pistol: "If you don't leave, it will collapse."

Maya slapped Lin Wu away.

"Both of these horses are rare and good horses. As the saying goes, a lack of quality makes more than a loss. Ordinary horses are mediocre, with neither great advantages nor too many shortcomings. A horse without its own personality will not Become an excellent foal." NPC said: "Today we can meet people who love horses, which means we are destined. I will give you each a horseshoe as a token of my gratitude."

Horseshoes: Horse equipment, increases horse endurance recovery by 15%.

Everyone who comes to see a horse will receive a regular horseshoe.If you want a better horseshoe, you can make it in the crafting room, but it requires more materials.

Lin Wu asked the NPC: "How do you cancel the riding relationship with the pony? Or is it a master-servant relationship? Do you understand what I mean?" He didn't know how to describe the relationship with the phantom.

The old NPC was a little surprised and asked: "This is a good horse, why do you want to terminate the relationship with it?"

Lin Wu replied: "I don't know where I will go in the future. I can't guarantee that I will provide it with food and water that it can be satisfied with. I don't want it to starve to death or die of thirst." Water is relatively simple. Dirty water can be filtered and boiled. Clean water.But the same cannot be said for pasture. Not to mention the quality of the pasture, there may even be no pasture in some places.

The NPC nodded: "I have no way to terminate the contract. However, I believe that if your relationship is close enough, it will be willing to give up its pride for you."

Lin Wu looked at the phantom: "Do I still have to accept its love for the horse?"

The NPC was noncommittal and said: "Everything is possible."

The NPC then told a story.A rich man raised a dog and treated the dog very well.The dog ended up being so picky that he wouldn't eat dog food that wasn't freshly prepared by the chef.Later, the rich man went bankrupt, but the dog always stayed with the rich man. Even if he often had nothing to eat, even if he could only eat garbage, he never left his owner.

Lin Wu looked sideways at the phantom, and happened to see the phantom looking sideways at him. Lin Wu immediately became furious: "What are you looking at? What are you looking at?"

Maya couldn't stand it: "People are born like that, don't go too far."

Lin Wu sighed: "Okay, you will be unlucky if you starve to death. Old sir, will you give me a saddle?"

NPC: "I won't give it away."

Lin Wu drew his gun: "Send it or not?"

NPC: "I won't give it away." Not afraid.

Lin Wu shook his pistol: "It's rare for us to come to your door. How much can you give us?"

Mayala Linwu: "Let's go." It's a shame.

Lin Wu: "I hate dealing with 1s and 0s the most. I'm not afraid at all."

"Wait a moment." Hong Yi led the question to the NPC.

The NPC looked at it for a while and said: "It was not trained well. There was not enough time to ride it every day, and it was not controlled to eat, which led to weight gain and loss of endurance."

Lin Wu asked in surprise: "Do you still need to cultivate?" Is it finished?
The NPC said: "Zhui Feng is a pony and there is still room for growth. Girl, if you really want to train Zhui Feng, you must train it strictly. I hope that in the last 20 days, it will grow to a new height."

Hongyi nodded: "Thank you, old gentleman. Goodbye."


"Goodbye." Lin Wu said, mounted his horse, and threw a piece of rabbit meat behind him: "Save it for making soup."

Maya looked back and saw that the piece of rabbit meat was definitely stuck on the NPC's face. Seeing that Lin Wu didn't look back and pretended to be 13, she suppressed a smile and got on the horse.

Maya didn't understand before. Lin Wu clearly liked Phantom, but he pretended not to like it. It was a mare, not a woman. Is this necessary?
Thinking about it now, Lin Wu might be thinking too far. Maybe he was thinking about saying goodbye in a year, or maybe he was thinking about the trouble of raising horses.He hoped that there would be no so-called friendship with Phantom, so that he could make an easier decision when saying goodbye or giving up.


Back at the base, Splash and Sunny greeted them, praising the two horses.They were particularly attentive to Sandstorm. They not only groomed him, but also made him a special water tank.There is only one reason. Sandstorm is not an exclusive horse, and you can only ride it if you have a good relationship with it.Lin Wu left Phantom where he was, and took Xiao Wai to hunt according to the location mentioned by Hong Yi.No matter how lazy or tired you are, you have to make two saddles, otherwise long-distance riding will be too painful.Why not bring the Phantom?What if you encounter a pride of lions?I can still fight on my own.If the phantom was present, he could only ride on it and escape, otherwise he would have to worry about its life.

The hunting ground is four kilometers away from the base and located on the lakeside.The lake here is shaped like a red wine bottle.The grasslands on both sides of Pingkou Lake are hunting grounds.

There is very little hunting in Yeyue Base. The most important reason is the lack of bullets and killing weapons such as sniper crossbows.Light crossbows such as repeating crossbows are difficult to damage animals, and even headshots cannot penetrate the skull.This is because the skulls of tigers, lions and other beasts are several times harder than normal humans.

Lin Wu had a target and prepared both hands. If he could kill him, he would use a steak knife; if he couldn't kill him, he would use a pistol.

As soon as he approached the hunting ground, Lin Wu first saw a berry bush. A huge brown bear was devouring the berries on the bush.How big is huge?The visual estimate is that it weighs about 600 kilograms, which is twice the size of the common black bear in Beishang Town, Zuoxian County. Every time it moves, its muscles and skin ripple like waves.

Lin Wu asked Xiao Wai to wait where he was, then he pulled out his steak knife and sneaked towards the brown bear.Why was Lin Wu so brave when he met a brown bear that was bigger than a black bear?There is a scientific basis for this.The black bear was lighter in weight, smaller in stature, and more flexible. Lin Wu had no attribute advantage in front of it.On the other hand, brown bears are different. Although they are more powerful, they are not as flexible as black bears due to their weight.

For Lin Wu, who has had many close encounters with Big Macs, he is not afraid of large animals.He was afraid of animals that combined strength and agility.For example, Crazy, the agility is high enough, but the strength is insufficient, the skull is fragile, and the behavior is coherent. Therefore, in Lin Wu's view, Crazy is just a side dish.This brown bear is a great Chinese dish.

He jumped up from behind the brown bear, supported the brown bear's back with one hand, and accurately stabbed the brown bear's Tianling Gai with the steak knife he held in the other hand.The brown bear paused in place as if stuck.Two seconds later, the behemoth fell to the ground.

Skin and cut the meat to get 30 kilograms of bear meat, a five kilogram bear paw, and a perfect bear skin.

This resource is incredible!Looking around, you will see wild sheep, buffalo, hippopotamus, rhino and lions.This contrast is like there are no living things on the seaside in some places, while in other places the seaside is overrun with lobsters and various precious fish.

The most important thing is weapons. If you want to survive without seeking development, you will lack armament. Without armament, let alone hunting, you may become a prey.But how many people died on the road to development?A-list celebrities make a lot of money, but how many of them spend their entire lives acting in minor roles while pursuing their dream of becoming stars?

The next unlucky beast was a lion. It was not that Lin Wu deliberately provoked it, but it lay in the grass and ambush Lin Wu.The dense aquatic plants prevented Lin Wu from discovering the lioness immediately, and the smell of various beasts prevented Xiao Wai from giving an early warning.

Just when Lin Wu was attacked and inevitably injured, Xiao Wai jumped and pounced without any hesitation, and collided with the lioness. After landing, the two started biting each other.Then the lioness was shot in the head.Looking at Xiao Wai, who was covered in scars, Lin Wu slapped him and started to treat him. He held a pistol in his other hand to be on guard.

Lin Wu was an educated person. He knew that female lions usually go out in groups when hunting, while male lions are responsible for guarding the territory and mating.Regarding this phenomenon, there has been a heated discussion in university dormitories: Are male lions happy or unhappy?

Sure enough, the second lioness suddenly appeared using the height of the water plants, and was shot to death by Lin Wu.Lin Wu said: "Where is your husband? Tell your husband to come out."

After waiting for 2 minutes, no lioness appeared again. Xiao Wai had recovered to health and was jumping around. He was very grateful to his owner for his treatment.Lin Wu skinned two lionesses. Although he had the bonus of hunter skills, because the death time was too long, in addition to 20 kilograms of meat, Lin Wu only got two damaged skins.

If there is a female lion, there must be a male lion. Lin Wu stepped forward and looked around, and saw a high ground 500 meters away. This place was very suitable for the status of a male lion and suitable for it to monitor the situation of its territory.

Before reaching the high ground, Lin Wu discovered two hippos bathing in the lake, and there were a few unnamed sheep and deer by the river.The hippopotamus is so ferocious that it has killed many more humans than sharks.Lin Wu wanted to eliminate harm for the people, but the distance was too far and he couldn't lock his head.I went down to the lake to look for it, but I was worried about being eaten by it.Moreover, hippos dive into the water from time to time. Even if the bullet hits the head, it may not be able to open the gun.

Based on the principle of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, Lin Wu decided to maintain a harmonious and friendly relationship with the hippopotamus.He turned and continued walking towards the high platform, and then retreated. A small army of ten hyenas appeared in front of him.This thing has no meat, no skin, and has no good except a waste of bullets.

The hyenas didn't seem to regard Lin Wu as food, but two hyenas focused on Xiaowai.Seeing two hyenas approaching, Lin Wu shot them to death without hesitation.The death of the two hyenas and the sound of gunshots caused the group of hyenas to disperse. After retreating a hundred meters, they gathered together.This time they did not come towards Lin Wu and the others, but instead prepared to cross the lake and attack the prey on the other side.

As mentioned earlier, the lake is shaped like a red wine bottle, but in fact, a small river flows down from above to form the mouth of the bottle.The water was neither deep nor wide, so the hyenas crossed the river one after another, while the shrewder sheep and deer on the other side of the river had already begun to flee, leaving only the foodies and slow-responsive prey still eating grass and drinking water.

But the hunter became the prey first. A hyena passed by a hippo and was bitten into a mosaic by the hippo's big mouth.Lin Wu was quite familiar with the prairie and had been there twice when he was in college.Although this is a small grassland, the ecology is close to that of the prairie. Lin Wu circled half a circle, avoiding the beast path, which is the path that wild beasts often take, and quietly walked towards the high platform.

There are fish in the lake, meat on the grass, and no zombies every day. These resources are simply a paradise in the hardcore mode. You can just eat and wait for death every day.Perhaps it’s because of the easy access to resources and low-risk zombie environment that everyone doesn’t have much enterprising spirit.In other words, the survival technology tree chosen by locals is different from that of outsiders.

As a foreigner, the first thing I think about every day is weapons.How much durability does the cold weapon have, how many bullets does the hot weapon have, and the skills are mainly focused on combat.The most stable source of food is farming.

Lin Wu hunted on the small grassland, and still needed to rely on a pistol when facing ferocious beasts.Due to the low difficulty of obtaining resources on a daily basis, players have insufficient exploration of the city and low desire for weapons, and the difficulty of obtaining bullets will be very high.In addition, the player bases are far away and the radio station is useless. The channels for obtaining information are very limited and it is impossible to form an experience sharing network.

Lin Wu's understanding of the technology market was obviously a misunderstanding.The reason why he is like a fish in water and regards this place as a resource paradise is because of his attributes and skills after resurrection, as well as the pistol and bullets that Maya carries after resurrection.Without these two things, the difficulty of survival here would be no less difficult than that of Beishang Town in Future City.

Thinker Lin successfully killed the male lion, but still used bullets during the process.The male lion's alertness made it impossible for Lin Wu to rely on sneaking to get close to it. He could only kill the male lion by physically aiming from ten meters away.

Standing on a high platform, overlooking this small grassland, Lin Wu discovered that those were the resources.Perhaps herbivores such as sheep, deer, and rabbits are more capable of regenerating, while predators are not plentiful.

It took more than an hour for Lin Wu to collect ten complete animal skins before returning to the high point. The naked eye could see that the number of animals decreased due to his slaughter. No one knew how long it would take for the grassland to restore its ecology after being plundered by him.Of course, Lin Wu didn't care. His main purpose of observing from the high platform was to find higher-level beasts.

Due to the excessive weight, Lin Wu returned to the base with difficulty with the prey and animal skins.Maya handed all the prey to the chef Hongyi, and Lin Wu went to the production room to process the hides.The production system was very efficient, and soon he obtained five pieces of S-grade leather and five pieces of A-grade leather.Should the ten pieces of leather be mixed together, or should the saddle be made separately?On this issue, Lin Ma consulted the local Tong Hongyi.

Hong Yi took out the survival guide published by a local publishing house from his backpack and searched for a while before answering their question: "It's not written!"

Faced with such an answer, Qinglang and Shuihuaxiao fell on their backs, adding a lot of relaxed atmosphere to the dinner.

Hongyi responded with a smile and continued to work on the oven.Lin Wu brought back a lot of meat today. Hongyi asked the two of them for their opinions and decided to make an oven to dry and preserve all the meat as dry food for the two of them to go home in the future.

After Maya and Lin Wu discussed, they mixed ten pieces of leather and threw them into the production room, agreeing that the first saddle should belong to Maya and the second saddle should belong to Lin Wu.In this way, there will be no disputes due to the difference in performance of the two saddles, and at the same time, humility will be eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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