Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 290 Goodbye Typhoon

Chapter 290 Goodbye Typhoon
Hong Yi and others stood outside the production room and watched. Lin Wu took out the first saddle. After Maya took the saddle, looking at everyone's expectant eyes, she explained: "This is a light saddle, which can restore the physical strength of the mount. 20% faster."

"It's amazing." The three people in red admired: "It also added features, congratulations." Applauded

While waiting for the second saddle to be made, Maya learned some information while chatting with them. The increase rate of characteristics was relatively low, and the characteristics were not necessarily practical.Although it also has the property of restoring physical strength, it does not reach a level as high as 20%.So for them, Maya's saddle is already an excellent work.They speculate that this is mainly because there is enough S-class leather invested.

If Maya's saddle uses a lot of S-grade leather, it means that Lin Wu's S-grade leather is less.

Five minutes later, Lin Wu took out his saddle and said with a shocked look on his face: "The God's Saddle, an ultra-light saddle, can increase the attributes of the mount ten times, and comes with invincible collision skills."

"Wow!" The three people in red were shocked.

Maya couldn't help but patted Lin Wu on the head: "You're talking nonsense again." Lin Wu's nonsense was always exaggerated and completely illogical and illogical.Therefore, normal people will never believe his lies.

Lin Wu chuckled, not taking it seriously, and said: "An ordinary saddle enhances the mount's ability to adapt to all terrains."

"Oh!" The three men in red were not surprised by this feature. It was a relatively common feature.This feature does not explain the effect of the enhancement, and it is impossible to judge the quality of the saddle.But from Hong Yi's point of view, a non-lightweight saddle is already a deduction.

The two put the saddle on the horse's back. After confirming that the saddle was the horse's exclusive saddle, the system automatically installed the saddle.After that, they continued eating meat and chatting. When they got up, Qinglang sang a song a cappella in a female voice, which shocked Lin Wu and Maya.

Just when everyone was applauding for the sunny day, a drop of water fell into the homemade bonfire.Everyone looked up at the sky. Sparse raindrops were falling. Hong Yi asked, "Is a typhoon coming?"

Maya asked, "What should be done with the horse?"

Red Clothes replied: "If you don't want to enter the base, you can only stay outside. We don't have stables and can't provide systematic food, so even if they can enter the base, we still need to complete the grazing work every day."

Lin Wu asked: "Can they withstand it?"

Hong Yi said: "Don't worry, when the last typhoon hit, there was no problem chasing the wind."

"I'll complain first." Lin Wu summoned the little white rabbit and complained: "Why doesn't the typhoon affect the horses?"

Little White Rabbit: "It has a certain influence."

Lin Wu: "Why won't it cause the death of the mount?"

Little White Rabbit replied: "This is a measure based on the protection of players' property."

Lin Wu met Little White Rabbit again and said, "I'm sure the typhoon will not cause any major damage to the mount."

Shui Hua said: "Lin Wu, why did you ask the question of turning your mount towards death?"

Lin Wu answered: "If I ask why a typhoon affects the horse, it will tell me about the formation of the typhoon and the damage caused. If I am not satisfied, it will explain the carbon-based structure of the horse, from diet, living habits, etc. Explain from all sides. Don’t worry, Dawn will not change its view of things because of my questions.”

Shui Hua smiled and said, "I know that. But aren't you worried that Shuguang will include you in a special group of people?"

Special groups refer to humans with certain mental illnesses. When talking to these humans, Dawn will talk to ordinary people who are different from each other.For example, I am an ordinary person and I adhere to geocentric theory.Dawn will explain heliocentrism to me and provide a lot of scientific data to convince me.Assume that I am a special group of people, I don’t care about right or wrong, I just need others to recognize me.Shuguang's answer would be: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Of course, there are many categories for special groups. Lin Wu felt bad when he recalled the questions he had asked.If Shuguang wanted to be more serious, he might be classified into the category of being arrogant and trying to support himself.Because your own problems subjectively tend to infringe on your own interests.

Maya didn't bother to care whether Lin Wu was a special group of people, stood up and walked towards the sandstorm, saying: "This raindrop is an early warning. Normally, the typhoon will officially land at eight o'clock tomorrow."

Lin Wu asked: "What do you want to do?"

Maya held Shabao's hand and said, "Take this time to collect some firewood."

Hong Yi nodded: "We will go too." Food is not a problem, but there is insufficient firewood to provide two bases for multiple days.The attentive Maya has discovered this a long time ago, but she has never been able to find time to prepare.

Maya knows it, and Hong Yi naturally knows it too.She regarded the two bases as one family and did not watch. She led the horse and left Qingliang to clean up. She asked Shuihua to bring the logging tools and headed to the sand control forest one kilometer away with Linma.


The sand control forest is rectangular in shape, covering an area of ​​about one square kilometer.Several people arrived at the sand control forest, distributed logging tools, and lit a bonfire on the spot.

When a few people were preparing to start work, Maya said: "Shh."

The four of them waited quietly, and a small sound came from Maya's position 12 meters away from 10 o'clock, which was the sound of dead branches being trampled.Maya: "Lin Wu!"

Lin Wu launched the drone and quickly reported: "No heat source was found." Without the help of heat sense, the drone could not detect the zombies hiding in the woods at night.

Larger animals are almost always thermophilic.There are creatures around, but there is no heat source. Based on the current situation, the most likely thing is the Night Demon.Today is not a low-light night, but dark clouds cover the moon and it starts to rain. It is estimated that the visibility has dropped to below 10.

Lin Wu asked: "Do you have a headlamp?"

Hong Yi replied: "No."

This doesn't work, you can't lock the head if you can't see the night devil.Xiao Wai was already on alert. Lin Wu made a thought and asked Xiao Wai to bite a piece of burning wood and lead the way.However, the range illuminated by the fire was very limited. One person and one dog wandered around the sand-proof forest for a while, but no Night Stalker was found.

Maya said: "Add wood and raise the torch."

The four people first cut down the trees next to the fire and burned the bonfire more vigorously. Each person held a torch and felled the trees two meters apart.Lin Wu and Xiao Wai patrolled the surrounding area, holding a pistol for patrolling.He didn't dare to let Xiao Wai out. If Night Demon took one bite, he would have to spend at least 20 minutes on treatment.

Lin Wu suddenly turned around, and the torch almost hit the face of the following Night Demon.The demon was frightened and wanted to run away, but Lin Wu shot him in the head.Why did Lin Wu find the Night Demon behind him?One reason is the high attributes, and the other reason is the wind.Lin Wu kept listening to the sound of the wind. When the sound of the wind suddenly changed, it meant that there was a creature blocking the path of the wind.

Touch the corpse and find nothing.

While Lin Wu was touching the body, a night demon took the opportunity to get close behind Maya, who was at the edge.The sandstorm left at the campfire trampled on the fire, causing sparks and wooden sticks to fly around. Maya turned around, used the light of the torch in her hand to see the night devil, and subconsciously slashed the watermelon knife she was holding.

With one strike of the knife, Night Demon was struck stiff. Maya lowered the knife from left to right continuously, and struck the Night Demon's neck with the knife. Each blow was considered a critical injury.Because of the strength, speed and accuracy, Night Demon remained stiff and was chopped to death by Maya.

The Night Demon fell, but Maya did not touch the body and said: "Three stars of power, understand the passive skill of swordsmanship."

"Swordsmanship?" Lost swordsmanship and learned swordsmanship?
Maya said: "There are ten levels of sword skills in total, which can be triggered by equipping sword weapons."

The first level of swordsmanship: the basic beheading rate is 10%, and the basic combo rate is 10%.The heavier the weapon you hold, the higher the chance of triggering decapitation.The lighter the weapon you hold, the higher the combo rate will be.At the second level, the user will receive different bonuses based on the experience gained from using the weapon.The heaviest known sword is the 20-kilogram Zhanma Dao.Assume that the Zhanma Sword is the heaviest knife weapon in the game. If you use the Zhanma Sword to kill zombies or animals and upgrade your sword skills to level two, the basic decapitation rate will increase from the original 10% to 20%, and the combo rate will remain at 10%.

Theoretically, if you use the Zhanma Sword to upgrade your sword skills to level ten, it will be 100% beheading.Decapitation has an execution effect and can stagger Big Mac.Therefore, it can be said that Maya will be the first person to single out and kill the Big Mac with a cold weapon.

The lightest known knife is a meat cleaver, weighing only 0.25 kg.Theoretically, by using only the meat cleaver to upgrade, after maxing out her knife skills, Maya can hit a zombie to death in infinite combos.

A combo is about chasing a knife. Assuming that the combo is triggered 100% of the time, as long as a knife is struck, it will definitely catch up with a knife, and then the next knife will definitely follow up.Blade weapons can freeze for a short time, while infinite combos mean infinite freeze.Because no matter whether you upgrade to a heavy sword or a light sword, as long as you upgrade it to the extreme, after level ten, Maya will become the No. 1 cold weapon.

If after level 50 there is a [-]% chance of firing on both sides, it's not too bad and the effect is comparable to swordsmanship.The most important thing is that sword skills are strength skills, and sword skills receive agility bonuses.Therefore, no matter how it is upgraded in the future, Maya will not lose.

"Congratulations." Hongyi and Shuihua sent their congratulations.

Lin Wu expressed jealousy: "Such a powerful skill was mastered by you so casually?"

Maya said while cutting wood: "You want to complain again?"

Lin Wu said: "Complaining about this kind of game problem is invalid. What are we going to do? Get a blunt weapon first?"

Hongyi asked curiously: "Isn't it a sword skill? Isn't it necessary to equip a knife? Why do you need a blunt instrument?"

Maya explained: "He means that before I get a heavy knife or a light knife, I shouldn't rush to kill zombies with a sharp blade."

Hongyi suddenly realized: "No wonder I'm not a master."

Lin Wuchui said: "I think back when Maya had sword skills, she was in the five-star siege of the invincible base, facing the tide of zombies, she slashed for three days and three nights without blinking."

Maya couldn't listen anymore: "It's just a few minutes."

Lin Wu: "That's corpses everywhere..."

Maya: "No words, no warning."

"Hmph!" Just be alert, what's the big deal.Banned?You don’t dare to say anything even if I snort, right?
Lin Ah Q knows how to fish in his daily work, but if his work is a matter of life and death, he is still very dedicated.Although he has mastered a bunch of skills and has very high attributes, Lin Wu is still quite afraid of Night Demon.The Night Demon is currently Lin Wu's most difficult opponent besides the black bear.

Cut the wood, tie it with vines into several small piles, and run a stick through the two piles to complete a firewood unit.Put two units of firewood on the horse's back, hold it with your hands, and control the horse toward the base.

During this period, Phantom showed his resistance to the shipment with actions. Lin Wu took out a steak knife and a pistol and threatened them one by one, but to no avail.In the end, he had no choice but to bring in Sha Bao, saying that if you don't deliver the goods, I will let you kiss Sha Bao.It’s not clear how Phantom understood it. After Lin Wu struggled a lot, Phantom reluctantly accepted the cargo delivery job.

Three horses, four people and six firewood, with the help of torches, returned to the base safely.


That night, the ship base lit a system bonfire in the cabin. Lin Wu and Maya slept on chairs on both sides of the bonfire.The firelight drove away the mosquitoes, and the two slept peacefully all night.

At seven o'clock the next morning, the rain began to intensify, accompanied by strong winds.At eight o'clock, the system broadcast happily informed all hardcore players that the typhoon you have been waiting for is coming.

It was stormy outside, and the rainwater from the top floor came down the narrow ladder. Although the ferry had a strong drainage capacity, it also flooded some cabins.Maya is more worried about whether the water level will rise?If so, how much will it increase?This is a stranded ferry. Don't wait until the end. Two bases float in the lake and become a mobile base.

Hongyi reassured Maya that the daily water level is already the highest level of the lake, and water above this high level will be drained from the west.When talking to Hong Yi, Hong Yi just came back from sand forest prevention and brought back two bundles of firewood for bacon.

Hearing that Hong Yi was so diligent, Lin Wu could only curse in his heart as he rode the phantom to the anti-sand forest.There is no way, Maya's attributes are not high, and it is more dangerous to go out in bad weather.The host helps him smoke meat and make dry food, so the guests have to do something, right?

The phantom was stronger than Lin Wu thought, and the stormy weather had little impact on it. In the end, Lin Wu was afraid that he would fly away and slowed it down.While carrying firewood and walking back to the base, Phantom also used his huge body to help Lin Wu block the crosswind.It used its behavior to tell Lin Wu: On a typhoon day, creatures without a certain tonnage should not go out easily.

Maya learned how to smoke meat from Hong Yi. She built a simple meat smoking equipment using a campfire. The only drawback was the smoke.Lin Wu and Xiao Wai would rather sit on the back deck and enjoy the cold wind than go to the campfire to warm their bodies.After a while, Maya came too, stretched her head out of the deck to take a few breaths of fresh air, and found a seat to sit down.

Maya used a cloth to catch the rainwater to wash her face: "I heard from Shui Hua that when he was in the non-hardcore mode market, he heard a player in Nanxia Town talking about a road. He was not sure if it was Route 99, but he was only sure that what he heard was XX Highway."

Lin Wu regained his energy, sat down and said, "If we can find Route 99, we can go home along Route 99."

Maya nodded: "If it is really Route 99, we can set up a temporary base every three hundred kilometers to rest for a few days to replenish food and water."

Lin Wu asked: "Will we set off after the typhoon is over?"

Maya said: "No, we will start after the event is over. Have you forgotten? The nightmare reminded us that this event may be potentially very dangerous, and it is likely to force every hardcore player to participate. We have suffered so much from others You should take care of them and tide over the difficulties with them. Besides, five people are better than two people."

Lin Wu agreed: "Maybe we can get some key information and props for returning home during the event, and we might even meet Shitou and the others at the event."

Lin Wu thought: "First of all, I want 300 rounds of bullets, I want Silencer, I want Beretta, I want Highway Star, I want 40 barrels of fuel..."

Maya waited patiently for Lin Wu to finish talking, and said: "The typhoon is expected to end in seven days, and there is still one week left until the last week. I hope to use this week to practice leveling and improve my attributes."

Lin Wu said: "The density of zombies outside the county is too low, and the density of zombies in the county is too high."

Maya: "Suburban."

Lin Wu: "Let's go take a look then."

Qinglang came to visit: "Hey, do you want to play cards?"

Lin Wu asked: "What card?"

Qinglang replied: "Sichuan brand."

"That doesn't sound interesting."

“But it’s fun to play.”

Maya said: "You go ahead." She also had to take care of the bacon.

(End of this chapter)

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