Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 292 Special Training

Chapter 292 Special Training
Maya took out the body of the mutant knife, cut the knife into two pieces, and said to Lin Wu, "Broken."

This is fate, God is jealous of talented people, but beauties are miserable.This knife is very similar to the Phantom. It has extremely outstanding features and very outstanding shortcomings.

Lin Wu reached out to take it, but Maya took it back: "It can be repaired in the production room. The variant broken knife can be repaired in the production room. Each repair can increase or decrease a certain attribute, and at the same time increase the upper limit of durability. The materials are more troublesome. Need iron ore.”

"Iron ore?" This thing is quite disgusting.There is not a lot of iron ore. Like many games, you can find piles of stones in the wild. If you knock them with a manuscript, you have a chance to get iron ore.Iron ore can be obtained by consuming charcoal in the crafting room to obtain scrap iron.

The conversion rate of this resource is very low.How low?The iron ore dug out by an iron pickaxe can only be used to create half an iron pickaxe.This was the first time Lin Wu heard that iron ore could be used directly.

Lin Wu asked: "How many are needed?"

Maya replied: "20 kilograms."

After doing some calculations, Lin Wu said, "You need 10 pieces of iron and 5 logs to make 5 iron pickaxes." Logs are easy to process, and thicker straight branches can be processed into logs, but iron is difficult. It takes 10 pieces of scrap iron to make one piece of iron.The entire world has been corroded, and even a car can be dismantled without a single piece of iron.

Lin Wu said: "The only way is to find a car." Scrap cars cannot be used, but ordinary vehicles can.However, to dismantle a car you need a dismantling crowbar, which requires two pieces of iron.

Maya couldn't laugh or cry when she saw Lin Wu's collapsed expression: "Take it now, and we'll talk about it later. If you can meet players, exchange them for some iron." There are only a few pieces of subway stock in Yeyue Base, and most of the items processed in their production room are stone axes. Stone knives and wooden sticks are mainly used.

It seemed that they were back in the shadows again. The industrious Maya worked very hard, and the lazy Lin Wu continued to fish. It was not until they saw that the sun had turned westward that they returned to the horse-tying area.The phantom did not eat, and its hunger value had increased to 30%. Lin Wu said nothing, patted the horse's head, mounted the horse with Maya, and left the county along the same route.

On the way back, the two went to the small grassland first, cut ten kilograms of venison and then returned to the base.Hongyi is preparing dinner, Qingliang and Shuihua are building a homemade stable.Now that the typhoon has passed, it is time to build a shelter for the three horses.Although chasing the wind is very ordinary, Hong Yi is quite good at chasing the wind.

Lin Wu didn't tie the rope after dismounting, casually threw away the reins, sat down by the campfire, took the tea from Hong Yi, and answered some boring questions from Hong Yi, such as whether everything went well.Then Lin Wu raised his own question, which was about Phantom.

"It's not your fault." Shuihua came over and sat down: "According to its conditions, no one can feed it unless it lives near Beishang Lake." The landscape of Science and Technology City is dominated by desert, and resources are concentrated in freshwater lakes. surrounding.

Hongyi looked at the phantom: "What a pity for a divine horse."

Qinglang said: "I am a girl, Lin Wu, you should be more patient. As long as it knows that you insist on eating low-quality grass, if it loves you enough, it will accept it."

Everyone watched Qinglang, who explained: "Because of love, everything is possible. I think the animal world should be like this too."

Everyone looked at Lin Wu again, and Lin Wu recalled that he really didn't have the patience, okay, let's try again tomorrow.


The next morning, Maya and Lin Wu went to the Royal Cinema again and arrived at the artificial grassland by a familiar route.After the two tied up their horses, Sandstorm slowly began to eat. Although he was not hungry, eating grass was still a pleasure for him.According to the original agreement, Lin Wu ignored the phantom and let it starve for a while. The two of them went to the cinema to level up and search.

At 12 noon, the two of them had something to eat, and Lin Wu went to Zhuma Di. Lin Wu came back in 10 minutes, and Maya asked, "How was it?" She couldn't read Lin Wu's expression.

Lin Wu replied: "I'm not very happy with the result."

Maya asked: "Still not eating?"

"Eat it." Lin Wu said: "But the side proves that Qingliang is right. The fault of it not eating grass is my fault, because I, the master, am impatient. Xiaowai, do you think I have patience?"

Xiao Wai looked at Lin Wu, who said, "Shake your head."

Xiao Wai shook his head.Lin Wu patted the dog's head and rewarded: "You are the best."

Maya ignored Lin Wu's attitude and said, "This is a good thing."

"It's a good thing, a horse can be so pretentious." Lin Wu said: "You are also a girl, why don't you need patience? Shana, Xiao Dao, Cui Yu, Mian Mian are all girls, why don't they need patience?" shouted As soon as you hear the sound of eating, people will come.There were shouts of fighting, and people appeared with rifles in their hands.

"It's completely different, okay? It's your exclusive mount, and our relationship with you is that of friends." Maya stood up: "I'm going to level up."

"Let's play." Lin Wu reached out for a hug, and Xiao Wai threw herself into Lin Wu's arms.Look, what kind of patience does it take?But as Maya said, this result is good.

Objectively speaking, it is not because Lin Wu is a bad person or an idiot. In real life, he must know this truth.Whether training dogs, horses, or other animals, patience is required.But Lin Wu never took the creatures in the game seriously, whether they were NPCs or phantoms.

Only when Xiao Wai had been with him for a long time, interacted a lot, and objectively provided emotional comfort, did Lin Wu treat him like a real dog.


After solving the phantom matter, Lin Ma spent this week at the Royal Cinema.Maya's knife skills have reached level three, with a combo rate of 25% and a beheading rate of 15%. Obviously the kitchen knife she uses daily is not the lightest knife.

During this period, Lin Wu rummaged through boxes and boxes and smashed cars and found a lot of things, but there were no firearms or practical items that could help Hong Yi and the others.So much so that every day when they return to the base, they have to take a detour to hunt and bring some prey home.

After much back and forth, it’s finally time for the anniversary hardcore event: Escape to the West.

24 hours before the event starts, the system will send everyone an activity booklet.

This event is only for hardcore players. If you do not participate in the event, you will automatically switch to non-hardcore mode after the end of this month.Players who die in this event will leave the hardcore mode. In addition, there will be no additional punishment for death, and they can even be resurrected immediately.

The background of the event is the western part of a certain country in the mid-to-second half of the 19th century. Players cannot bring any items into the event, including exclusive items.However, skill items are excluded. Taking Lin Wu as an example, he can bring Xiao Wai summoned by skills into the event, but cannot bring phantoms, ghillie suits, etc. into the event.In addition, drones and PCs are system-exclusive items and therefore cannot be brought into the event.Not to mention pistols, painkillers, etc.

The recommended number of people for the event is at least three, and there is no limit to the maximum. You can team up with allies to enter the event.

The content of the activity is that the player team drives a coal-fired train. The total mileage traveled by the train within seven days is the activity points obtained by the player.Of course, there are additional factors for adding or subtracting points in the activity. The reason why it is specially stated is because the total mileage of the train is the basic point, which is the basic concept of this activity.Players can control the train to stop at the station or in the wild to collect resources and route information. As for how to allocate time, it is entirely up to the player.However, when the train stops, it may be attacked by zombies and robbers, and the blood mist will also surround the train as the stop time passes.

How much supplies to take, how to allocate time, how to choose routes, etc. all test the player's deployment ability and team cohesion.

Players need to eat and sleep during the event, just like in hardcore mode.The difference is that trash and stains will be refreshed.The initial player will receive a locomotive, a carriage, ten bottles of water and ten pieces of brown bread.

The manual states that when the train travels at 50 kilometers per hour, 100 kilograms of coal can travel 100 kilometers.Higher or lower than 50 kilometers per hour will increase coal consumption. The greater the difference between the speed and 50 kilometers per hour, the higher the coal consumption.

The carriages are grids on which various buildings can be built, the wards can cure all conditions, including infections, and having a doctor among the members can speed up the recovery time.It can also be built as farmland, and there are professional agricultural players among the members, which can speed up the harvest.The initial carriage is a dormitory for up to 8 people. If the team has more than 8 players, a dormitory carriage will be added.Dormitory carriages cannot be dismantled.

Building a ward does not require building materials, but a ward card is required.Building farmland requires a farmland card, and so on.

During the event, the base is protected by the system, which includes base materials, property, and even mounts.

Other game details require players to explore by themselves during the event.

After Lin Wu finished reading, his first thought was: "Su Shi is miserable."

Maya was still looking at the game manual and said: "He can stay in the dormitory. It's a pity for Peanut, his detection skills should be very useful in the event. Let's not talk about Shadow for now, Red, Sunny, Splash, what do you think? ?”

Qinglang and Shuihua held hands together: "Live and die together."

Red clothes cover the face: "Floating in the wind,"

Maya said: "If you believe me, give me the command."

The three of them nodded: "Okay." They had the experience of resisting wolves, and they also learned that Maya was a bodyguard, so there was no reason for them not to believe it.Besides, even if you don’t believe in Maya, you don’t know who to believe.If there is no conductor, no one will survive long in this activity.

Maya said: "The event has no attribute restrictions, so today everyone goes to the cinema to level up. Every additional attribute increases the chance of survival. In addition, I need to know your detailed attributes and skills, as well as your combat experience. "

Five people, three horses and one dog, all set out to go to the cinema.Maya and Hong Yi rode together, Qing Lang and Shui Hua rode together, Lin Wu and Xiao Wai rode together... Thinking of this, Lin Wu muttered to the phantom in his heart: You are the proud one.

After arriving at the cinema, arrange an experimental battle in Maya.This test made Maya cry without tears. Qinglang's combat power was very low. He hit the zombies with a blunt instrument. The volume he made was louder than the sound of the blow: "Oh, oh, oh..."

Splash is much stronger than Qinglang. He also uses blunt weapons and has a two-hit combo skill that triggers 20% of the time.A double hit is different from a combo. A combo may trigger a combo again. If you are lucky, you can keep hitting.Double hit is simply hitting twice in a row, and the double hit will not be triggered during the combo.

Splash is also very brave, but a little too brave. He does not have strong tactical awareness of advance and retreat. It is obvious that his actual combat experience is very poor.

The best performer is Hong Yi. Hong Yi uses an axe. Her specialty is the rare handle weapon.It is divided into two development routes: long-handled type and short-handled type. Unfortunately, her two routes have not been upgraded much.However, since there was a lot of wood to chop, it was easy to use an ax to kill zombies.

The cold weapon stretches the crotch, and the hot weapon is even more of a mess.The best situation is still in red. As a girl with extra points of force agility, her level 3 agility skill is mounted shooting. She can shoot from vehicles and mounts and enjoy the system correction effect.She has used guns in real life, but she almost always shoots dead targets and lacks firearms sports combat training.After all, Hongyi's job is as a coast guard, so he can't be too demanding.

Splash and Qingliang were in the science and technology city after they died together. Before Splash also used a gun, he used a shotgun.Beyond its violent aesthetics, its shooting experience doesn't help in actual combat.Because as long as you go through basic training and learn to use a shotgun, the effect of using a shotgun is basically the same for everyone.

Qingliang is the worst. He has only fired a dozen pistol bullets so far. This is because he was assigned a small pistol when he was defending the city before his death.

All of this is directly related to the Great Shift of the Universe. In non-hardcore mode, they hardly defend the city.When zombies come to attack the city, they give up the base to the zombies, which results in their lack of actual combat experience.There are only a few bullets now, and it is impossible to train them in actual combat.

Seeing that Maya was a little downcast, Hongyi encouraged her: "Leading a group of lions to defeat tigers is not something to be proud of. Leading a group of sheep to defeat lions is the greatest victory."

"I know." Maya nodded.

Lin Wu said on the side: "But Shuguang doesn't know."

Maya flew up with a kick, but Lin Wu dodged it. Lin Wu said cheerfully: "Playing games is just for fun. You die, I die, everyone dies, it's no big deal."

Qinglang and Shuihua agreed with Lin Wu's point of view. They didn't care whether they were hardcore or not, as long as they were together.

Hongyi put forward an opinion: "Is the purpose of forcing players to engage in hard-core activities to eliminate players like us who just live in an ignoble way?"

Living an ignoble existence is of course Hong Yi's self-defeat.From an objective point of view, it is normal to only consider basic survival issues and lack of actual combat experience.Originally, Hong Yi thought that relying on the Great Shift of the Universe and the resources of Beishang Town, he could easily survive until the end of the game.But this hardcore event tested their shortcomings.

Lin Wu comforted him: "As long as you obey the command, it will be fine. Maya is a genius commander who can command zombies to defend the city."

Another kick missed, and Maya said seriously: "I can't guarantee who lives and who dies, and I can't guarantee how many miles the train can travel. I'm very grateful to everyone for believing in me, and I hope everyone can always believe in me. Everyone, hurry up. , increase your main attribute by one star."

Lin Wu: "I..."

Maya glared at Lin Wu, and Lin Wu shut up obediently. Why was he so serious?He just wanted to remind Maya that she had been playing games freely for a year and was not used to being restrained.

After a while, Lin Wu realized that he was wrong. The three people in red were working very hard.They may not be afraid of death, but they are afraid of being separated because of death and ending their free life because of death.Even if you resist in your heart, even if the process is hard.They also know that they must seize every opportunity and fight for a free life.

After all, if they are placed in the future city, there is a high probability that they will not survive for 48 hours.

(End of this chapter)

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