Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 293 Tutorial

Chapter 293 Tutorial
After a day of training, the results have been shown.As the three men in red used cold weapons to fight against zombies, their tactical awareness improved very quickly.Tactical awareness cannot rely solely on theoretical knowledge, such as how many steps back?For example, how to use terrain blocking positions?For example, how to deal with being flanked?These require experience and on-the-spot judgment.

To Maya's surprise, the one who made the most progress and performed best was Qingliang.You must know that Qinglang was fighting monsters and screaming strangely before. Now holding a blunt weapon, he is very calm and calm when facing zombies.Without any skill bonus, he can advance and retreat freely when facing two zombies at the same time, destroying them without any surprises.

Maya said to Qinglang: "You have strong fighting and fighting talents."

Qinglang answered seriously: "Thank you, instructor, for the compliment."

Lin Wu asked, "What about me?"

Hongyi smiled and interjected: "With your level, you don't need talent at all."

Lin Wu tasted these words. Was he praising himself for his high level of skill, or was he mocking his lack of talent?Regardless, as the deputy instructor, Lin Wu complained: "Instructor, Hongyi was distracted and did not focus on the battle."

Maya pushed Lin Wu's head away with one hand and said, "Everyone, take a break and let's talk about how to protect yourself when attacked by zombies." This is a more detailed situation. When being bitten, you must protect your neck with your hands.In addition, there are also how to deal with zombie attacks when falling to the ground, how to effectively resist, etc.

Since there is a ward building in the event, Maya's requirement for them is to survive.For Hongyi and the others, today's special training benefited them a lot.You know, they killed more zombies in one day than they had killed in the past year.


At night and dinner, although the details of the event were not clear yet, Maya began to arrange everyone's role and position in the event.Shuihua is assigned to logistics, Qinglang and Hongyi are assigned to full logistics, and wherever there is a shortage of people in logistics and field service, they will go wherever they are.Lin Wu must be let out.

The three people in Yeyue were not afraid of this event. With Maya leading the team, they were very interested in this event.Before this, although they also participated in activities, they not only had no sense of existence, but their survival time was also very short.So much so that every time they participate in system activities, they lack motivation.

After Maya handed over her work, the rest of the time was spent among the other four people chattering and conjecturing.

At [-]:[-] in the morning of the next day, the system broadcast a reminder that the event would start in half an hour. You could either sign up as a team based on the base, or sign up after forming a team with your allies.Team registration from non-base and non-ally players will not be accepted.Special note: Captain is a very important position.

At eight o'clock sharp, everyone was teleported into the copy.

This is a small train station located in a valley. Standing in front of the platform is a fat NPC who looks just like the uncle in the bounty hunter hall.There is a pile of coal beside the uncle.

There is a train parked on the tracks with only one carriage.Looking around, one kilometer away is a dark scene, with blood and mist lingering at the edge of darkness.

The uncle asked a few people not to worry, now is the 10-minute novice induction time.First, the uncle gave each person a plastic bag and put it in his backpack. This plastic bag can transport coal.The best thing is that it can be installed unlimitedly, as long as you can carry it.

The uncle led everyone to the front of the train. There was no door at the front of the train and it was very simple inside.There are very few items for the driver to operate.The first item is speed. After adjusting the speed, as the train starts, the coal in the coal pile area will automatically decrease.The coal pile area is the same as the plastic bag, only the remaining coal value is displayed, and the size of the coal pile does not change depending on the amount of coal.

The second item is to enter numbers on the control panel.The uncle assumes that there are three bifurcated railroad tracks, from left to right, 1, 2, and 3. Whichever track is selected, he enters which number.Must be entered before branching, otherwise the system will randomly select a branching track.

Maya asked: "What do tracks 1, 2, and 3 represent?"

"follow me."

The uncle took everyone to the waiting hall, picked up an envelope from the seat, opened the envelope and took out the letter: "Dear Joe, I have purchased a ticket for Rail No. 3 and will fly to you soon. I hope I can fly to you on the train. I saw you on a platform full of rapeseed flowers. What does that mean?"

Red Yi replied: "It means destination No. 3 is the rapeseed field."

The uncle was noncommittal: "Probably."

The uncle sat down, took out a card under the chair, and read: "Railway No. 2 is a trap. Remember, Railroad No. 2 is a trap. Signed: Feixia."

Maya said: "There are two wanted posters posted on the wall outside the site, and one of them is named Feixia."

People like it, you can notice it too.

The uncle asked, "What does this mean?"

Splash replied: "It means Railroad No. 2 is not a trap."

"Probably." The uncle led a few people into the cabin, opened the drawer, and said in surprise: "Look, what did I find?" He took out an AK rifle from the drawer.The uncle looked at the five people and said, "Sorry, I found it. This gun belongs to me."

"XX!" I thought it was a weapon for novices, but I didn't expect it was a tutorial.This is to tell everyone that you need to search when you arrive at a certain place.

The uncle opened the second drawer and took out a card: "Oh, it turns out to be a dormitory card. Let's go out."

Everyone walked to the train, and the uncle used his dormitory card, and a train car appeared out of thin air and hung behind the front of the car.The uncle was surprised and said: "It turns out that this is how it is used. Because we have two dormitory cars, we now name them Dormitory Car No. 1 and Dormitory Car No. 2. But I like Car No. 2 better. Who is the captain?"

"Me." Maya raised her hand.

"Please exchange the positions of the two carriages." The uncle added: "The conductor can only exchange carriages when the train is stopped."

Maya followed the instructions, and the uncle said: "I don't like Car No. 1 so much, I want to destroy it."

Lin Wu couldn't help but said, "I refuse."

Uncle: "Can't refuse."


The uncle replied: "Because you can't leave until you complete the tutorial."

"You're cruel." You can't control the rules of the system.

While the two were talking, Maya had already issued the command to destroy Car No. 1 and obtained 10 materials.The uncle pointed to the dormitory car: "The windows here are broken, please ask the train conductor to repair them, or you can appoint a repairman to repair them."

It took 10 materials to install the window glass in an instant.

The uncle continued: "On a train, everyone's responsibilities are different. The first is the conductor. She can change everyone's positions and is qualified for all positions. The second is the driver. Only the conductor and the driver can drive the train. In addition, there are repairmen, we have already mentioned this. The rest are non-essential professions and need to be unlocked by obtaining a profession card."

Uncle: "Note that the currency of this event is money, and the unit is knives. Currency can be used to purchase props, weapons, or... there are many possibilities on some specific occasions."

The uncle looked up at the darkness: "Did you see the darkness and the blood mist? After the train stops, the blood mist will approach the train at twice the speed of the darkness. The blood mist may not be fatal, but the darkness is not. After being swallowed by the darkness, it will enter 20 seconds countdown. If you are not out of the darkness after 20 seconds, your life will also end. As the train moves, the surrounding blood mist and darkness will slowly dissipate until it retreats to the edge. The initial distance is 1 kilometer, maybe There are props that can increase this range.”

The uncle looked at his watch, there were still three minutes left: "Now you should give the train a name."

Maya said: "Orient Express." After it was done, the four words "Orient Express" appeared on the body of each carriage. You can choose the font, color, or graffiti.

The uncle said: "There is still some time left. Let me tell you about the history of trains. I believe it will be helpful to you on your journey." At this time, Lin Wu, who didn't know when he fell out of the queue, ran out of the waiting room and took the card in his hand. : "Passenger car compartment."

The uncle was dissatisfied: "Young man, you don't follow martial ethics."

Lin Wu immediately raised and lowered his hands on the uncle. The uncle hurriedly said: "I apologize, I apologize. I have nothing on me, so don't touch it."

Under the stunned gazes of Hong Yi and others, Lin Wu laughed, let go of his uncle, and said, "I just found a clue. Line 1 is a small town with a large population."

Qinglang: "Passenger carriage, large population?"

Maya asked: "Can I charge a fare?"

Lin Wu said: "Using normal logic, you need to buy a ticket to take the bus."

Maya: "No, I mean, we still have NPC passengers?"

Lin Wu: "Everything is possible."

The uncle coughed: "Now that you have discovered the passenger carriage, I must tell you some more information. Cities and towns in this world are divided into two situations. The first situation is that a zombie virus has broken out in the local area, and the second situation is that a zombie virus has not broken out in the local area. .”

Currency can only be used in transactions with humans.Human-controlled towns will not harbor zombies, but zombie-controlled towns may harbor humans.Additionally, passengers pay their fare to the train as it arrives at each human-controlled platform, and may or may not get off based on the distance the train travels.Ensuring the safety of passengers is a major matter of money.

In addition to passenger transport, there are also freight carriages.The difference is that the freight carriage must follow the track provided by the cargo owner to reach the destination. If the time is exceeded, the task will fail.

As the 10 minutes ended, the uncle said: "The event officially begins."

Maya ordered: "Shui Hua is familiar with the operation, Lin Wu continues to search, and others transport coal. The load should not exceed 30 kilograms each time." 30 kilograms is an intermediate value. Beyond this value, non-main personnel cannot run.Powerless people cannot move fast beyond this value.

As everyone dispersed from their work, darkness and blood mist began to surround the train.You can still vaguely hear the roar of zombies in the blood mist.Lin Wu ran out of the waiting room, slipped into the car, and threw all the sleeping bags and blankets in his backpack into the dormitory compartment.He slipped out of the car, flew into the waiting room with Xiao Wai, and went to get bedding and other items.

Supplies have just been refreshed.

This is a huge pit. If they decide that there are no supplies in the waiting room due to previous visits and try their best to move coal after the event starts, they may not be able to get any warmth.

Lin Wudai slipped into the car, his backpack turned upside down, and a lot of sleeping bags, pillows and blankets.

Lin Wu ran into the waiting room again, turned left to the staff rest area, and swept all the toothbrushes, toothpaste, towels and other supplies on the counter into his backpack.

While Lin Wu was emptying the waiting room, others were also working hard to transport coal.The coal is about 50 meters away from the front of the car. Everyone is busy digging, transporting and dumping coal.

The uncle reminded on the side: "The blood mist and darkness in the novice level travel very fast."

Maya took the backpack with one hand and dug coal into the backpack with the other while looking at the blood mist circle and the dark circle: "One minute, Lin Wu, the last minute."

Lin Wu responded: "Someone can help."

It was rare that Lin Wu would need help, so Maya immediately said: "Shui Hua is ready to drive. The others are following me."

Lin Wu was deep inside the small train station. On his left was food and on his right were weapons. However, both food and weapons were locked inside the iron gate.Lin Wu didn't have any lock picking tools at hand, so he could only kick the door with his feet, but the damage was very slow.

Hongyi and others arrived, seeing this situation, they started kicking without saying a word. With the bonus of Strength Renshi, they quickly broke through the weapons arsenal.Lin Wu casually picked up the chair on the ground, broke the display window, and put the revolver hanging on the display window into his backpack.On the other side, the food bank was also kicked open, and everyone swept milk, bread and other food into their backpacks.

A whistle sounded, signaling a splash warning.At this time, Lin Wu was smashing the second cabinet, which contained a rifle. However, the material of the cabinet was quite good, and the destruction progress was very slow.Maya: "Retreat, hurry up."

Seeing that everyone was still taking things, Maya grabbed them one by one and pulled them back: "Go, go, go."

Pushing Hongyi and others away, Maya said: "Follow me."

Lin Wu snorted, grabbed the chair and continued to smash it. Maya and the other three ran with all their strength.After running out of the waiting hall, Maya saw that the blood mist was less than 80 meters away from the train and shouted: "Splash, let's go!"

Splash was still hesitating, Maya: "Let's start."

The water splash immediately started the train, the long whistle of the train's departure sounded, and the wheels slowly turned.Maya and others ran with all their strength and boarded the train smoothly.Hong Yi looked worriedly at the waiting hall and saw Lin Wu and Xiao Wai running out of the waiting hall as fast as if they were driving.After calculation, Hong Yi found that Lin Wu was only 10 seconds behind them.

Maya stood at the back door of the carriage, helping Lin Wu get on the train.She observed the blood mist again and had an intuitive understanding of the train's speed.Judging from everyone's speed, the speed of the blood mist and the speed of the train, there was still 15 seconds of searching time.It's a pity, I should be able to get some more supplies.

Maya walked through the carriage and walked to the front of the car: "Splash, Line 1."

Shui Hua nodded to express her understanding: "The blood mist is dissipating."

Maya checked the speed of the train and confirmed that the blood mist would stagnate if the train traveled at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. If the train traveled at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, the blood mist would dissipate.

The front control panel shows that the train has a total of 300 kilograms of coal burning.According to the best energy-saving efficiency of 50 kilometers per hour, it can travel for 6 hours, which is 300 kilometers.

At this time, the alarm light on the control panel lights up and an alarm sounds.The system notifies you that there are three intersections ahead, please choose one of the tracks.Enter number 1 for water splash and press OK.The panel shows: Next stop, Town No. 1.Warnings: None.Distance 50 km.Maya patted Shui Hua on the shoulder and headed to the dormitory compartment.

The dormitory carriage is very messy. Hongyi and Qinglang are sorting out all the supplies. They fold the quilts and assign bedding to each bed.Also organize food and daily necessities into categories.The space in the carriage is not large, but it is already full after a while.They don't trust putting their belongings in the passenger car because they don't know if passengers will take advantage of them.

Lin Wu did not participate in the tidying up. He knew that he was not good at chores.He was sitting in the passenger car checking weapons when he saw Maya coming over and asked Maya to sit down.

Lin Wu reported: "One revolver and one rifle. There are 12 bullets for the pistol and 10 bullets for the rifle. But I don't like them very much."

What I don't like about these two guns is the way they are loaded.The revolver does not have an auxiliary loader. The wheels must be pushed out and the revolvers loaded one by one.Rifles are even more troublesome. Every time you fire a shot, you have to pull the barrel, put a bullet in, and then push the bolt to push the bullet into the chamber.

Maya said: "It seems to be a weapon from before World War I."

Lin Wu asked: "Were there any big killer weapons in that era?"

"Yes." Maya replied: "The Mark core water-cooled heavy machine gun has a rate of fire of more than 400 rounds per minute and an effective range of 2000 meters."

Lin Wu: "The bullet reserves from Shadow's heyday were only enough to fight it for a few minutes." He handed the pistol and pistol bullets to Maya.

Maya said: "Give me the rifle, your job requires a pistol more."

(End of this chapter)

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