Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 294 Small Town No. 1

Chapter 294 Small Town No. 1

Lin Wu handed the rifle and bullets to Maya without comment.Maya called Lin Wu to the dormitory compartment, and everyone was busy having a meeting.Maya said: "The next stop is the human station. Qinglang, you are responsible for counting the supplies first. Lin Wu and Hongyi, you are responsible for asking for information, including transaction information. See if anyone buys the items we have, and then record our Prices of necessities. Such as carriage cards, job cards, food, firearms, bullets, etc.”

Maya: "When the whistle blows once, it reminds you to pay attention to the time. When the whistle blows twice, you must hurry up and get back within 300 meters of the train as soon as possible. When the whistle blows three times, no matter what the situation is, return to the train immediately."

Lin Wu raised his hand: "What if I just paid and the whistle went off before I got the item?"

Maya answered affirmatively: "You must return. This is a rule, a rule that must be implemented unconditionally. I know there is no big problem in wasting a few seconds, but this is a rule that must be implemented immediately and unconditionally." Lin Wu's question was for Maya's answer. Tell everyone about the importance of following the rules.A few seconds of delay may make you think there is no problem, but it may put everyone in the car in danger.

Maya said: "Qinglang, you prepare a set of bedding and some food to the front of the car, and help Shui Hua decorate it. He has to stay at the front of the car most of the time."

Qinglang nodded and said, "I took stock of the food. It's barely enough for the five of us to eat two meals. It's enough food for the whole day today."

Maya: "Looks like food and water must take precedence over weapons."

Lin Wu looked out the window: "We are passing by the lake."

Maya lowered her head and looked out, and said angrily: "We don't have water storage supplies." Otherwise, we could temporarily park the car and solve the water problem.

Thinking about it this way, there are so many supplies needed, and the small dormitory compartment is almost full.So the more important thing is to add more carriages?

There are five beds in the dormitory carriage, arranged horizontally.Damn Shuguang has limited the area of ​​the bed. If the number of people is large, the bed will be small. If the number of people is small, the bed will be large. It can accommodate up to eight beds.The bed occupies two-thirds of the area, and the aisle only accounts for one-third. Two people walking in opposite directions need to turn sideways to pass without contact.

On the other hand, the cabin is relatively spacious, with only 20 seats in a huge train.

"Maya!" Splash shouted.


The water splash refers to the control panel. The control panel displays that a coal transfer station has been found two kilometers ahead. Do you want to stop?Splash reminder: "The process of accelerating in the parking state and parking while driving is relatively long. The greater the difference between the speed and 50, the more coal will be consumed."

Maya said: "The event has just started. It won't be too difficult. Stop the car."

"it is good."

Maya turned around and greeted as she walked: "Attention everyone, there is a coal transfer station ahead. We have to stop temporarily to search for coal. Lin Wu, as usual, you search for all available supplies."

The transfer station was right next to the railway track. The train slowed down slowly. Maya stood next to Water Blossom and stared at the transfer station. Two zombies suddenly appeared after passing through the reeds.Maya immediately said: "Let's go, speed up."

Splash executed the order, and Maya glanced at the train, which had dropped to 5 kilometers per hour, and shouted: "Alert, prepare to fight." Damn Dawn.

The train was 30 meters away from the station. A large number of zombies poured out of the transfer station. Maya: "Go at full speed."

The zombies attracted by the noise of the train began to run towards the train. The speed of the train increased very slowly. A zombie jumped on the locomotive and was kicked by Maya.A zombie jumped from a position higher than the train and hit the train car with its body. When it was bounced away, it also smashed a glass of the dormitory car.

With only two guns and no melee weapons, players lack protection.Fortunately, the acceleration was timely and the remaining zombies were unable to board the car.But in this case, they still used their bodies to hit the train.After getting out of the crisis, Maya took inventory and found that 15% of the dormitory cars were damaged and 20% of the passenger cars were damaged. There were no supplies on the train and they could not be repaired.In addition, a window was damaged, but it seems to have no impact on the train so far.

Maya considered dismantling the passenger compartment to exchange for supplies. She was not sure how much travel fare the passengers could give and how much they could buy with the travel fare.She no longer believed in the dawn, and she dug a big hole right after the novice orientation.If the zombies were not discovered in time but after the train came to a complete stop, everyone would have to answer for this.Thinking of this consequence, Maya couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Does Sugon plan to kill all hardcore players?

The whistle sounded, and Water Blossom shouted: "We're entering the tunnel." Communication was all about shouting, and her throat hurt.

The train enters a dark tunnel. Are there any pits in it?There is nothing we can do if there are pits. There is only one road in Huashan. You can’t carry a train over the mountains, right?
Careful Qinglang discovered the problem: "Look."

The tunnel is not supposed to have any light, but there are glowing patterns on the tunnel walls.The patterns are all kinds of weird, including eyes with double eyelids, irregular quadrilaterals that are close to triangles, and patterns composed of two parallel lines and wavy lines.

Hongyi said hurriedly: "Who has a pen and paper?" He turned around and ran into the carriage.

Maya silently recorded the pattern in her mind.

Lin Wu, on the other hand, was much more relaxed. He pressed his little crooked head against the glass and let him memorize the shapes for him, while he sat aside and swung his legs.Anyway, I couldn't remember it, so I wouldn't remember it, but I didn't rule out that Xiao Wai could remember it. Since I couldn't have complicated communication with Xiao Wai, I expressed my meaning with actions.

The tunnel is about 1.5 kilometers long. After the train left the tunnel, everyone closed their eyes silently and recalled it in their minds to deepen the impression.Seeing this, Lin Wu learned the lesson and quietly covered Xiao Wai's eyes with his hands to help Xiao Wai remember.

After the continuous tossing, everyone was mentally and physically exhausted, so they rested in a daze.I don’t know how long it took, but the train slowly slowed down and arrived at Town No. 1.


It will automatically park when passing through a small town, and of course you can choose not to stop.

You can't see the blood mist circle in the town, you can only see the dark circle. This means that the human town will not be invaded by the blood mist, so the player will have more time.In Mayan calculations, it's about an hour.However, because the invasion at the originating station accelerated, Maya only observed it with the naked eye for half a minute, so she did not have much confidence in the calculation result.

Everyone went out except for Water Flower, who was responsible for asking for information and looking for supplies at the station.The most important thing is of course coal and food. If these two things are sufficient, the train can run non-stop.

There are many NPCs in the town, and their clothes are also quite weird. Girls mainly wear high-waisted skirts, while men wear suits and top hats. Some of them even have a cane in their hand.The town is not big and is shaped like a cross, with the station at the southernmost end.

After the four of them dispersed, Hongyi first found the mission. She saw a food store. Although she had no money in her pocket, she bravely stepped forward to communicate with the store owner and expressed that she wanted to buy on credit.Of course the shop owner disagreed.But the shop owner proposed to make a game.The content of the game is very simple. The shopkeeper takes out five cake boxes, two of which contain cakes. There is only one chance.If Hong Yi can correctly guess the box with cakes, the shopkeeper will give Hong Yi five cakes.

If Hongyi guesses wrong, Hongyi must stay in the food store to work for 10 minutes.

The innocent Hongyi had never been beaten by Dawn, so she agreed immediately. The shop owner brought a long wooden board from the backstage with five cake boxes on it.The shopkeeper motioned to the red man to choose.

At this time, Hongyi discovered that there were patterns on each cake box, and the patterns were somewhat similar to the glowing patterns in the tunnel.In theory, a cake box that fits the tunnel pattern should contain cake.The problem is that the differences between the five patterns are very small, and it is difficult to distinguish the red ones for a while.In fact, she couldn't tell the difference at the same time.

Lin Wu saw Hong Yi enter the food store and didn't come out for a while. He couldn't find any clues and went over to check the situation. He saw Hong Yi in a daze. After questioning, he learned that Hong Yi, an idiot, was betting against an NPC.Lin Wu walked over and pointed at the second cake box.Hongyi reached out and opened the cake box, and there was indeed a cake inside.

Hong Yi was very happy and hugged Lin Wu. The shopkeeper kept his promise and brought five large cakes.However, there is a slight problem. Although the backpack can hold a lot of things, items that exceed its volume cannot be put into the backpack.The cake is larger than the backpack opening and cannot be transported in a backpack.There was no other way. Hongyi could only carry the five cakes carefully, but he left very happily. He had to transport the cakes to the train first.This little bit of victory made her feel very accomplished and extremely satisfied.

Lin Wu, who was pretending to be 13, was also very happy. He touched Xiao Wai, warned him not to reveal secrets, and continued shopping with him.

At this time, Shui Hua, who was left behind, received a passenger. After the passenger got on the bus and sat down, two green words appeared on his forehead: Passenger.Shuihua tried to communicate with the other party, and the other party also chatted. After asking, she learned that the other party would get off at the next human station.

On the other side, Maya received a mission similar to that of Red Clothes and answered the question: "Why is this place called Town No. 1? A: Because the first mayor of the town was the most beautiful mayor in the world. B: This is the name in history. . C: lazy. D: helpful for readers’ memory.”

When Maya heard this, she was first afraid of the last two answers.Looking at the last two options, Maya felt regretful. She should have known this town first before taking on this task.If the task fails, I have to work in the store for 10 minutes. If I hesitate now, I will waste more time.Turning around, he saw Lin Wu strolling around with Xiao Wai, so he called out, "Lin Wu, come here."

Lin Wu entered the store and upon hearing the question, he immediately answered: "A."

Maya asked, "Why?"

Lin Wu said: "No reason."

Maya immediately said to the shopkeeper: "B."

Shopkeeper: "Congratulations on getting the answer right."

Lin Wu was angry: "What do you mean?"

Maya said: "Because you chose A without even thinking about it. We know that Dawn is bad, which means we should choose B."

Lin Wu thought for a while and gave Maya a thumbs up: "It makes sense."

Maya said: "Don't be idle, think of ways to make some money. The products are very complete, but they basically all cost money."

"Okay, make money." Lin Wu left with Xiao Wai.

Maya put the map of the town with the coal burning address given by her boss into her backpack. After browsing the products and asking for prices, she went out and turned left and saw Lin Wu.

Lin Wu was seen sitting on the ground, holding a broken bowl in both hands: "Give me some money, give me some money." The poor little Wai stood on his hind legs and kept bowing to passers-by.

Maya walked over aggressively and was about to beat up Lin Wu, but she saw a man in a top hat taking a knife of banknotes and putting them into a broken bowl.Then a girl directly gave him two knives and touched Xiao Wai.

How can I teach him a lesson?However, Maya was confused. Logically speaking, Lin Wu did not have such a talent and could immediately think of becoming a beggar.His first thought should be robbery.Secondly, without enough temptation, Lin Wu would not be a beggar.

Forget it, pretend you didn’t see it.When Maya was about to walk away, a man walked out of the alley next door. Maya knew she had a mission as soon as she saw him.This man had a revolver on his waist, a vest, and a police badge. He was the local police chief.

The police chief shouted: "Whoever can provide clues to the murder or solve the case will be rewarded 20 knives."

At this time, Lin Wu put away the bowl and came over and asked, "Chief, what kind of punishment will the murderer receive? You know, I have a kind heart."

The police sergeant didn't seem to think about how to punish him. He thought for a while and replied: "Detention for 10 minutes."

Lin Wu got closer: "Twenty dollars is too little. For 20 dollars, I can not only provide clues, but also decipher the murderer's motive, and I can also help you catch the murderer."

The police chief asked in surprise: "Do you know who the murderer is?"

Lin Wu nodded: "I saw him kill the deceased with my own eyes."

The police chief said: "Okay, if you can identify the murderer, I will give you 50 knives. If you can help me catch the murderer, I will give you 100 knives."

"Money." Lin Wu stretched out his hand.

The Sheriff said: "As the only Sheriff in this town, I will not lie to anyone. Where is the murderer?"

Lin Wu stretched out another hand: "I am the murderer."

"You?" the police chief asked in surprise.

Lin Wu maintained his hands while waiting for the handcuffs, and confessed: "I saw him sitting on the ground making money, so I felt jealous, so I killed him."

The police sergeant looked at Lin Wu for a while, put handcuffs on Lin Wu, and gave Lin Wu 100 knives: "Follow me."

Lin Wu followed the police chief and left. He turned around and saw Maya and asked, "Why are you wasting your time here watching the excitement?"

Maya hurriedly said: "Passing by, passing by."

Lin Wu and Xiao Wai were taken to the police station and put into a jail. Inside the jail was an alcoholic, lying unconscious on a stone bench and smelling of alcohol.

"Xiao Wai, let's get some wind." Xiao Wai landed on his hind legs and rested his fore limbs on the iron door, looking out slyly.

There is progress, and I can actually understand the meaning of releasing the wind.

Lin Wu, who had no respect for the NPC, began to search the drunkard. He got a filled flask and a ticket. The destination was written on the ticket: Town No. 2.There were several pieces of information that concerned Lin Wu. The first piece of information was that Town No. 2 passed Line 3.The second piece of information is that in addition to the $5 ticket price, there is also an additional $3 mark for the greenhouse box.This seems to mean that Line 3 is very cold.

He kept touching, and this time he got a big harvest. Lin Wu got a card: a car door card.After using it on a train, the locomotive will generate two doors.In this way, the entire train belongs to indoor space and is fully enclosed.

Sitting down and waiting, playing with Xiao Wai, Lin Wu gradually felt that something was wrong.Looking at the system time, I saw that I had been detained for 10 minutes, and no one came to release me.Could it be that the $100 he took was money to buy his life?

(End of this chapter)

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