Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 298 3 out of 1

Chapter 298 Choose one from three
Lin Wu picked up the lockpick and observed the street for a while. This was a challenge for him.Of course Lin Wu can use a lock pick to open a lock. He can also open a lock within 10 seconds, but he does not have the ability to accurately grasp the time.The best way is to drag Juliet to feed the zombies, which can buy you a little more time, but the death of Juliet will cause the possibility of transferring the key to other tasks.

Lin Wu pressed the walkie-talkie. After a while, Maya went to a safe place and answered: "Yes."

Lin Wu briefly explained the situation, and Maya said, "I'm here, and I got a card: the prisoner carriage." The prisoner carriage, as its name suggests, is a special carriage for transporting prisoners.First, the prisoners must be sent to the prisoner carriage at the police station in the human town. Each time the prisoner is transported to a station, you will receive a reward of 5 knives.If a prisoner escapes, he must pay a $20 fine.If the prisoner dies, he must pay a fine of $10.

If you feel you are unable to complete the task during transportation, you can send the prisoner to the police station in the next human town.


Two minutes later, Maya appeared near the light rail train.Lin Wu pressed the intercom. Maya looked left and right and saw Lin Wu waving to her.Maya got on the light rail, and Lin Wu lowered his voice and used a walkie-talkie to communicate with Maya.

Maya avoided the tide of zombies and arrived near the carriage. She took out a glass bottle from her backpack and threw it out. The sound of breaking glass attracted the zombies at the door away.Lin Wu took the opportunity to open the door and leave, and Maya went upstairs.

Seeing Maya smashing the bottle, Lin Wu felt that Romeo's death was a bit unfair, because there were many glass bottles on the first floor of the convenience store.

Lin Wu was lurking near the weapons store, and turned to look at Maya. Maya waved her hand, and Lin Wu walked up to the zombies without looking at them.Pick the door lock, enter the weapon shop, turn back and close the door.

ah!Winning the lottery, the huge shop was empty.That's right, if a zombie virus breaks out, the townspeople must arm themselves.But you can’t have nothing at all, right?
Lin Wu looked at the empty cupboards and remembered the mechanism of the nightmare safe house, so he tried to push it.The cabinets actually turned over.Inside is a safe.

Safe description: The key is in the drawer.The password is four numbers, which is the birthday of the person I love most.Assuming the birthday is January 1872, 1, the password is 12, 18, 72, 01.The order of entering the password is first turn left, then turn right, then turn left, then turn right.Please note that there is only one chance to unlock the door.

I go!Still have to solve puzzles.

Damn Dawn, give me back my computer.

The key is very simple, it is actually in the drawer of the only table.This table is obviously the desk of the owner of the weapons store, with many personal items placed on it.

Judging from the photos on the table and the information obtained from the drawer, the boss is the male head of a family of four, and there are also female owners, a girl and a boy.The boss wrote the birthdays of three other people besides himself on the notepad.

So who is his favorite person?

Lin Wu picked up the walkie-talkie: "It should be the hostess." A husband loves his wife, and the brat is just a side product.

Maya said: "I think it's the younger daughter."

Shui Hua: "Then I have to say he is the youngest son."

Qinglang asked: "Lin Wu, what else is recorded on the notepad?"

Lin Wu looked at the notepad: "George borrowed 15 knives. Alexander borrowed a revolver on credit, worth 25 knives. It's just an ordinary notepad, and it also records the overtime hours of the clerk."

Qinglang said: "If you look again, I think it's the boss's birthday."

Lin Wu asked: "Do you think the person your boss loves most is you?"

Qinglang said with certainty: "If you love someone, you will definitely not forget his or her birthday. Unless the boss is ill, the person who needs to record the birthday in a notepad will not be his favorite person. Since you can only choose one of the four , then the boss can only love himself."

Lin Wu rummaged for a while and found a store title deed.The name and birthday of the owner of the store where he bought it are clearly listed.

After Qinglang was sure of her opinion, no one else said a word.According to Lin Wu's urine characteristics, under normal circumstances he would ask: Are you sure?Not today. Although he muttered in his heart, he did not express his doubts and turned the password according to the operation requirements.Turn the key and press the handle, and the safe is opened.

Wow!This kid has a future.

Qinglang asked: "Is it open?"


Everyone asked together: "What's there?"

"Train armor card." Lin Wu said: "After installation, it can resist damage to the train body from the outside world. Each additional carriage will increase the coal consumption by 5%. Note: Newly added carriages can choose whether to add armor at any time. Armor is installed on unarmored carriages. The armor cannot be removed except by modification at a train conversion plant."

"Ah..." No one knew whether it was good or bad.For example, in the mission in Black Wind Village, if the train is equipped with armor, it will be difficult for the cowboy robbers to cause damage to the carriage.Things are good, but increasing coal consumption is a terrible thing.

Maya: "Take it first and go to the food store."

Water Splash informed: "Maya, the blood mist is very fast."

Maya said calmly: "There are still 10 minutes left. I will send Lin Wu into the food store and then retreat with the NPCs."

Lin Wu asked: "Where is the coal-burning store?"

Maya said: "Don't consider burning coal." Coal burning is good, but how much can you transport?


To Lin Wu and Maya's surprise, there were also puzzles in the food store.There are many types of food, from fruits and vegetables to meat, eggs and poultry, but all the food is placed in high-strength glass display windows.All locks are not ordinary mechanical locks, but password locks composed of three digits.

Looking at the seven cabinets of food, Lin Wu sighed feebly and began to search for clues in the store.After walking around, Lin Wu burst into tears: "I can't find it."

Maya: "Don't worry, what did you see?" She understood Lin Wu.Lin Wu seemed to be doing math problems now. He had no confidence at all and chose to give up after browsing through the questions.

"What can you see? A food cabinet, a table and chairs, a ladder, an oil painting, a carpet..."


"Well, three oil paintings. Three?" Lin Wu began to look at the oil paintings: "Portraits of three people."

"What are the characteristics?"

Lin Wu thought for a while and replied: "They are all very old."

Maya: "Characteristics of oil painting."

"Eyeballs, I know, eyeballs." Lin Wu moved the herringbone ladder, climbed up to see the oil painting hanging on the wall, and then said excitedly: "There is a number in the eyeball, 762."

Maya: "You are the best." For children, even if they make a little progress, they should be encouraged and praised.

Lin Wu first went to the beef, sheep and pork cabinet without opening it.I went to the seafood cabinet again, but it still wasn't opened.Then he went to the bakery cabinet, the snack cabinet... Finally, Lin Wu stood in front of the fruit cabinet.

Lin Wu sighed and opened the fruit cabinet, sweeping all the apples, pears, and peaches inside into his backpack: "I'll keep looking."

Maya looked at the time: "You still have 3 minutes to search."

Lin Wu asked: "Did Juliet give the key?"

"Give it." Maya said: "The mechanism has been turned on and you can leave at any time. But we didn't find any route information. It is said that Romeo knows."

"Haha, what a coincidence." Lin Wu ended the call and continued to look for clues.But even if he used Xiao Wai, he still couldn't find any numbers.

When the time came, Maya said: "Withdraw."

"Okay." Lin Wu walked to the door and was about to open it and rush out, but he saw someone wrote a number on the door with a colored pen: 834.

I go!Lin Wu quickly returned to the beef and mutton cabinet, but left without opening it. He didn't want it anymore.

While Lin Wu and Maya were busy, Shui Hua picked up some wood near the railway tracks, including many whole boards.Qinglang rummaged through the trash cans and found a dozen bottles and cans.Hong Yi found some pieces of iron from somewhere and moved in a few big rocks, and just made a simple bonfire.

The campfire can not only keep warm, but also cook food. Although it currently only has fruits and bread, it may be used in the future.The only question is, where to put the bonfire?There is only one answer to this question, and that is the most spacious medical carriage.The medical carriage has only three beds and a large space.

However, Maya stopped the construction of the bonfire because the materials were too rough and simple, and a considerable part of the train was made of wood. Once it caught fire, it would be a real train.Hongyi came up with his own idea, which was to use stones to form the bottom and surround it with a circle of stones.Lin Wu saw Hongyi's desire. After the low temperature and cold just now, not only her, but everyone also had a desire for fire in their hearts.So Lin Wu smoothed things over, thinking that Hong Yi's proposal was good, but fire prevention should be strengthened.Maya agrees to build a bonfire with increased fire protection.

For this reason, except for the driver Shui Hua, everyone else took turns to be on duty at the front of the train, looking for materials that could be used to build a bonfire outside the train.

Hongyi called for the first stop, and with the help of everyone, she got a lot of dirt.On the second stop, she collected the rocks.The third time she stopped, she cut down the trees on the roadside.


While collecting materials, the guide in red did not forget his own job.It has been more than an hour since the train left Town No. 2. The control panel still has no information about the selected route, and the guide Hongyi has not received any information.Until five o'clock in the afternoon, an hour and a half after leaving Town No. 1, Hongyi first obtained three line information.

"The first line is a worker, the second line I am the dance king, and the third line is a mother."

"Huh?" No one understood.

Hongyi said helplessly: "That's the message I received."

Shuihua used the intercom to notify the person sitting on the bed in the dormitory: "Maya, Maya, please answer when you receive it."

Maya: "Got it, please tell me."

Splash: "Routes 1, 2, and 3, the selection time is limited to 3 minutes."

Maya: "Roger, just a moment."

Water Flower: "Understood."

Maya looked at Lin Wu: What do you think?
Lin Wu said: "It's impossible to work part-time. But I can't dance and I don't have a mother."

Qinglang pinched her chin and thought: "Is there any connection between these three?"

Lin Wu said: "My mother is a migrant worker and goes dancing after get off work."

Maya looked at Hong Yi, who expressed her opinion: "Mom should be the gentlest and most harmless."

Qinglang: "I like dancing. Dancing should be a sport."

Maya said: "I think there is a certain connection between the three."

Everyone thinks there is a connection, but what is the connection?

Time passed while thinking, Shui Hua said: "20 seconds!"

Seeing that everyone couldn't explain the reason, Maya picked up the intercom: "Line 3, Mom!"

"Line 3, mom, got it."

Lin Wu was always respectful and insensitive when faced with problems that needed to be pondered over.He sat on the bed and looked up to the sky, looking through the window at the setting sun slowly setting towards the mountains to the west. If he had some realization, he said excitedly: "I understand."

"what do you know?"

Lin Wu said: "Time."


Lin Wu explained: "What are the working hours for workers?"

Hong Yi replied: "Nine to five."

Lin Wu asked again: "Where is the Dance King?"

Hongyi: "stay up all night."

Lin Wu asked again: "Where is mom?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you and shook our heads together: "I don't know." They are all people who have never been mothers.

Lin Wu has a say in this point: "My college classmate has an unmarried mother who raises her child alone. It's fine during the day, and the child will sleep for a few hours. At night, the child is very energetic and wants to eat, drink and poop. She said she can't She put the child on the bed because he would cry and had to stand up and walk around the room. So in the end, she was able to sleep standing up with the child in her arms."

Lin Wu pointed to the setting sun: "It's getting dark soon. If we are migrant workers, we can have a quiet night tonight."

Qinglang also understood: "If we choose the King of Dance, we won't be able to rest from the early morning."

Hongyi asked: "The worst is mom?"

Lin Wu said: "If it is what I think, the worst person is really my mother. Tonight will be a tossing night."

Qinglang reminded: "There is no lighting in the car." Except for the headlights, there is no lighting equipment in the whole car.If you want to turn on the power in the car, you must have an electrician career.

"Prepare sharp blades. We have to hurry up and chop down trees. We can only use firelight for lighting." Maya quickly walked to the front of the car. The system cooperated very well. There were large areas of birch trees on both sides of the railway track.There are many shrubs and weeds in the woods, as well as many miscellaneous trees.Maya said: "Splash, stop the car, let's chop some wood to make a torch."

The train stopped slowly, and Splash stayed behind to monitor the blood mist and dark circle.Except for Lin Wu, everyone else got out of the car with a sharp knife.There was no way, there were only three sharp blades, but Lin Wu was not a lazy person. Facing the birch tree as thick as his waist, he still took out the dagger.

After a few casual pokes, I saw a man walking into the bushes more than ten meters away from the corner of my eye. The bushes were covered with reeds, so he couldn't be seen.

Wild mountains and ridges, killing people and selling goods, I like it!Lin Wu quietly reached the bushes and walked around to the front. The man happened to walk towards Lin Wu's direction. The two looked at each other. Lin Wu was shocked. He turned out to be a zombie.

After taking down the wind thorn, Lin Wu pulled out the walkie-talkie: "There are zombies, be careful, there are zombies."

Maya: "Lin Wu is in charge of guarding."


Lin Wu heard the sound of breaking through the air. He was very familiar with the sound, so he stood on guard.A six-winged wing penetrated the leaves and flew towards Lin Wu on the ground. Lin Wu easily dodged it. The six-winged wing used his face to brake and slid for several meters before falling into coma.Lin Wu sent it on its way with a slash of his sword.Lin Wu picked up the walkie-talkie: "Six wings found."

Maya: "Everyone handles the wood and evacuates immediately."

There were zombies, but not many. After that, Hongyi killed one zombie, and no new zombies appeared until the train started.

A small bonfire was lit in the medical carriage, but was quickly extinguished because the smoke was too choking.The cheapest torch can't be made without a campfire.Fortunately, the sky is the limit, and tonight is the night of the full moon, which may be the first night of benefits that Dawn has given players.Control panel notification: The brightness value tonight is 30.

Although it's not very bright, it's bright enough.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, everyone had dinner. There were only two kinds of food: bread and fruit.

The dinner was in a good atmosphere, during which Qinglang said to everyone: "I have four stomachs."


Qinglang said: "After I'm full of staple food, I can also eat desserts. After I'm full of desserts, I can also eat fruits. After I'm full of fruits, I can also drink a cup of milk tea."

Lin Wu: "It's okay, Shui Hua can drive a train and can make a lot of money."

"Haha." Everyone fell out amid laughter.It was Splash who used the emergency brake, also known as the emergency brake.The wheels of the train made a screeching sound as they rubbed against the rails, and people who were having dinner staggered around.

(End of this chapter)

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