Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 299 Shopping

Chapter 299 Shopping
Maya quickly reached the front of the car: "What's going on?"

The water spray pointed ahead, and you could see clearly under the illumination of the headlights. Two big trees fell on the railroad tracks on the side of the road.

Lin Wu said on the side: "Did Shuguang feel that our posture when logging just now was wrong? Two trees were specially arranged to teach us the correct logging movements."

"No! It's the baby who's crying." Maya greeted: "Take the sharp knife and prepare to get out of the car and chop down the tree. Splash, come closer."

The train traveled another 120 meters and stopped in front of a tree. The four people got off the train and took sharp knives and daggers to clean up the tree.The most powerful among them is Lin Wu, whose attack frequency is comparable to that of a woodpecker.But the work efficiency is not as good as directly biting.We are all civilized people, and we are too embarrassed to give our weapons to Lin Wu and let Lin Wu do physical work while we sit idle, so we can only endure this idiot pecking wood.

After 10 minutes, the work was over, everyone returned to the car, and the train started slowly.Back at the dormitory, after just two bites and no chatting, the car slowly stopped again, and there was an obstacle in front of me.

Hongyi collapsed: "Whoever wants this child can take it away."

Maya got off the train, played a nine-square grid game, opened the obstacles, and the train continued to move forward.This time everyone ate without talking because the train would stop at any time.But I didn't expect that the child didn't act according to common sense. When he cried, he wouldn't cry.

After dinner, Qinglang invited everyone to the front of the car to look at the bright moon, and each talked about the Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations in their respective regions.Just as he was about to start talking, the child cried again.The dilapidated houses beside the railroad tracks collapsed.

This time the child cried very sadly. Not only did he have to clean up the garbage obstacles on the railway tracks, but he also had to deal with the zombies that kept appearing.There are not many zombies, and there is not much garbage. What is needed is a harassing effect.In addition, as the driver, Shui Hua was forced to stare ahead with wide eyes, ready to stop at any time, without daring to stop for a moment.

As the train conductor, Maya must arrange rest time for everyone, otherwise there will be no manpower to send tomorrow.At eight o'clock in the evening, after the child cried again, Maya took over the driver's work of Shui Hua, letting Shui Hua rest and come back to take over at four o'clock in the morning.Qing Lang and Lin Wu both went to rest, leaving Hong Yi and her to deal with the kid.Qinglang is the deputy train conductor. When Maya is away, Qinglang is responsible for all affairs.

According to Maya's estimation, the trouble caused by the current system is not big, and two people can handle it enough.After all, it is just a newborn child. No matter how much it can be messed with, its destructive power is still very limited.

This night, there were constant troubles and endless frustrations.Coal is also wasted in large quantities due to inefficient use.Fortunately, the whole night was filled with little fights, giving everyone a certain amount of rest.However, because of the back and forth, everyone’s sleep quality was very poor.When the morning sun shines on the train, the system prompts: Mom's task is completed.

Hongyi got new information: "Next stop, Town No. 3, a human town. The distance is 100 kilometers."

Maya ordered: "Hongyi, you are responsible for purchasing supplies. I have already told you the order. Qinglang, you are responsible for picking up trash and taking everything that can be used. Shuihua, you will stay near the train as usual. Lin Wu, do whatever you like, Make money if you can, and plunder if you can. The only requirement is that you don't get nothing."

Lin Wu said: "Then give me some money, maybe I can use it."

"Give him five knives." Maya said, "Red Yi and I will rest for a while, you guys should be more careful."


Town No. 3 and Town No. 1 are both human towns, cross-shaped towns, and even have similar sizes and architectural styles.But the townspeople have a completely different style. Town No. 1 is a quiet, secluded, slow-paced town that sells more items than life. Town No. 3 is a wild and lively town, and most of the items sold are adventure-related.

In addition, the biggest difference is that almost all adult men are wearing a revolver, and they are all straddling their waists.Wearing cowboy hats, they were in small groups, either buying and selling livestock, or fighting in the streets.What's interesting is that although they fight, they don't use their guns.

Indescribable shops also appeared in the town. Girls wore low-cut clothes and stood on the second floor of the street, holding fans in their hands.The cowboys whistled at them, and they smiled and moaned in response.

As soon as Lin Wu walked out of the train station, he encountered a land auction.The mayor set up a booth in the open air and was auctioning a piece of land with a hammer in his hand. The businessmen below were shouting out the price with banknotes in their hands.It is said that this is a land containing large amounts of gold.

Lin Wu held up the banknote: "Five dollars."

The scene was quiet for a moment, and everyone looked at Lin Wu together. Lin Wu had already collected the money and looked at the uncle beside him, so everyone looked at the uncle together.The uncle panicked and explained: "It's not me, it's really not me."

The mayor banged the hammer to attract everyone's attention: "1500, is there anything higher?"


The auction continued, and Lin Wu fell into torment.A businessman next to him had half of the banknotes in his pocket exposed.See what you have done in this activity?First, kill the beggar NPC, which is not a big problem.Immediately after begging myself, there are some problems.Then he robbed the police station and killed innocent passengers. Do I still want to be a pickpocket now?
Forget it, Lin Wu left the crowd, opened a door and walked into a building.With the sound of the bell at the door, everyone looked at Lin Wu.This is a bar where all the drinkers are cowboys.Two thugs stopped Lin Wu and said, "You are not allowed to bring guns into the bar." After saying that, he looked to the left and saw that the wall on the left was covered with weapons.There are only three styles, revolver, rifle and shotgun.

Lin Wu took off his belt with the revolver on it and hung it on the wall. The thug nodded with satisfaction, and everyone also looked away.

There are two money-making games in the bar, darts and cards. You can also go to the bar to ask for information. These are of course system prompts.Lin Wu recalled Western cowboy movies. It seemed that no one asked about the price before drinking. In order not to be cheated, Lin Wu sat on a bar chair and said to the bartender: "Give me a glass of water."

The bartender yelled, "He wants a glass of water."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Lin Wu asked curiously: "How many drinks should I drink?"

The bartender didn't answer. He turned around and poured a glass of water in front of Lin Wu. Lin Wu broke the five knives into five 5-knife notes in his backpack and put one note on the bar: "Any news?"

The bar took away the banknotes and said to Lin Wu while wiping the cup: "If you are lucky enough or bad enough, you will meet a train waiting for rescue."

Lin Wu asked: "Are you a player?"

The bartender didn't answer. Lin Wu put a note, and the bartender took the note and said, "Yes, some people don't have enough coal to stop. If your train happens to be on the same line as the dungeon, and the distance is close enough, you may meet them. "

Lin Wu placed another note: "Is there any other news?"

The bartender touched his ears and thought for a while: "The biggest news in the town today. A farmer named Ike accidentally found a large amount of gold nuggets, but he refused to sell the news to others. It is said that the cowboys in Heifeng Village have been following Fuck him, because he has escaped from the town because of the reminder from well-meaning people.”

"Any other news?"

The bartender took the money and glanced at the cowgirl throwing the darts: "It is said that she has precious cards in her hand. I have no other news."

Lin Wu walked to the cowgirl with the last knife in hand: "Sister, would you like to take a gamble?"

The cowgirl flew out the darts and glanced at Lin Wu: "100 knives."

"1 knives."

"Don't waste my time, kid."

At this time, the sound of water splashing came from the walkie-talkie: "Maya, there are players here. They said that their train hit a stone on the track, and because it was only 200 meters away from the town, they received a system self-rescue mission. All four of them escaped back We have come to this small town and hope to use the light of our train.”

Maya asked, "What do they mean?"

Shuihua communicated with the other party for a while and said: "They know where repair tools are sold and can afford them. Their world has been surrounded by darkness, and they have survived because of the light of our train. They hope to take us on board When the train arrives at their train station, they then borrow our train light to repair the train.”

Maya: "I'll take care of it. Qinglang, Hongyi, you do whatever you want."

Qinglang and Hongyi immediately replied: "Understood." Maya meant to let herself go as reinforcements.The scariest thing in the game is not the BOSS, but the players.

With Maya handling the incident, Lin Wu was of course relieved.Now it seems that there is indeed a possibility of interaction between players by chance.

Unfortunately, this cowgirl's mission requires $100 to get started.Lin Wu stood on the table, holding up a knife of banknotes and shouting: "Is there anything I can play with?"

No one paid attention to Lin Wu. Lin Wu came down angrily and walked to the side to drink water. He had to put the water cup away no matter what.Lin Wu was about to leave when a fight broke out in the bar for unknown reasons.Lin Wu was still looking for the protagonist of the fight, and a cowboy punched Lin Wu in the face.It’s baffling!
Lin Wu stood up and prepared to take revenge, but saw that the cowboy who beat him was fighting with someone else.A chair flew from the side, and Lin Wu hurriedly dodged. The chair hit the cowboy behind him on the head. The cowboy fainted on the spot, and a 5-dollar bill appeared above his head.Lin Wu reached out to touch it and got five knives.

What the hell kind of mission is this?Just as he was thinking, Lin Wu was kicked away by the cowgirl. Lin Wu was shocked to find that he only had 3 swords left.So he picked up a bottle of wine and knocked out a male cowboy, earning 5 knives.

He had never eaten pork but had seen pigs walking before. Lin Wu was a college student after all and had seen fights many times, but he had never seen such a chaotic situation.No one is interested in knowing what the fight originated from, no one is interested in knowing who hit them.One principle: Whoever gets closer will be beaten.To put it bluntly, he was drunk and drunk, while Lin Wu was drunk and drunk.

The two thugs were not involved in the fight. They stood firmly at the wall of guns.The bartender was not in a hurry. He was holding a double-barreled shotgun in one hand and wiping the bar with the other, as if he had no intention of stopping the fight immediately.

Maya's voice came: "It's Rizhao!"

Lin Wujing: "Didn't this unlucky kid leave the hardcore mode?"

Maya replied: "I don't know."

Lin Wu asked: "Are there two others?"

Maya: "Fire Dance and Yellow Hair."

Lin Wu: "Kill them." Why not kill them and keep them for the New Year?
Maya: "And Huang Mao's wife Qianqian."

Lin Wu was stunned for a long time, not thinking about it for a moment, so he was knocked away by a fist.Lin Wu fought with one hand and took a walkie-talkie with the other hand and asked, "Is this Huo Wu Huang Mao the Huo Wu Huang Mao we know?" He used the walkie-talkie and knocked out a cowboy.Wow, this stuff is good.

Maya: "Yes!"

Lin Wu said: "You can figure it out?" There are many questions, why hasn't Rizhao left the hardcore mode?Could it be that he really wanted to taint him by leaving his wife behind, or was he a shady person?Why does Huang Mao have a new wife?Why does this person named Qianqian have such a nice name?

If you have no future, why do you think so much?As a man, fighting is the way to go.

Three minutes later, the fighting time ended with the sound of a gunshot in the bartender's hand.Lin Wu, who had a bruised nose, swollen face, and back pain, earned $3.As a person with high attributes, he should have gained more, but when he made a sneak attack, others also made a sneak attack. The small bar was crowded with dozens of big men and three women, and everyone would be punched at any time.

The bartender kicked everyone who had his pistol out of the bar and said: "The fight at Blanca Bar will start in three minutes."

I won’t go, this kind of money has a life to be earned, but not a life to spend.Although there will be no injury, let alone death, the physical pain is real.

Then Lin Wu met Huo Wu. The two looked at each other for a long time. Lin Wu said, "Hi!"



"Congratulations on what?"

"Congratulations on your new love becoming your old love."

"Why does your mouth smell so rotten? How did I fall in love with you in the first place? And why are you becoming more and more arrogant?"

"It's a long story." Lin Wu sighed, as if he had thought of something: "That's right! There is a money-making mission at Blanca Bar. It starts in less than 3 minutes. Go quickly."

Huo Wu nodded: "Let's talk again when we have the chance."


Putrid smell?Nonsense?After thinking about it for a few seconds, it seems that what I said is not entirely wrong.Lin Wu took the walkie-talkie and asked: "Maya, didn't their train stop in front of us?"

Maya said: "You complain and ask."

After Lin Wu complained, he told the answer: "Our train can pass through their train. I said anti-physics, it said..."

Everyone waited for a few seconds, but when nothing happened, Hongyi couldn't help but ask: "What did it say?"

"I knew what it was going to say, so I said goodbye to it." Lin Wu said proudly: "The moment it was about to answer, I said goodbye first. I could vaguely feel its loss and embarrassment."

Maya said: "It won't. Lin Wu, if you don't find the task, help dig through the trash can." There must be nothing to do if you are so free.

"Okay." As he said, Lin Wu opened the lid of the trash can next to him, and a scent of fragrance hit his nostrils. Inside was a bouquet of roses.There is also a card embedded in the flowers: Dear, I will wait for you in Town No. 4. You can take Line 2 to get there.Be sure to remember that this is Line 2, don't go to Line 1. I heard that a plague broke out in the town on Line 1.

That’s awesome!Route information is hidden in the trash.It's even more awesome to be able to find route information by yourself.

Shuihua: "All 5 passengers got off the bus and each paid 10 dollars. There were 6 new passengers."

Hongyi said: "I bought some ammunition, rice, pork, beef, a set of kitchen utensils, and condiments."

Maya said: "It doesn't have to be too delicious, as long as it's edible."

Lin Wu: "Please ignore what that person said just now. Maya, Line 2 will go to Town No. 4, and Line 1 will go to Zombie Town."

Two minutes later, the man in red reported: "The things are very cheap. I bought a stove and a few bundles of firewood. I spent an extra two dollars and asked the shopkeeper to hire someone to deliver it to the train."

Qinglang asked: "A one-meter-high stove? Did you buy it at a good shrimp store?"

Hongyi: "Yes, how do you know?"

Qinglang went crazy: "I happened to be picking up garbage next to the store, and the store owner hired me to deliver the goods, and the reward was only $1."

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say.

After a long time, Maya said: "Hongyi, I will send you money. Spend as much as you can. Food and coal are the top priorities."

"I'm negotiating the price. It's so cheap. 1000 kilograms of coal only costs $50, and it's delivered to your door."

"Is there enough money?"

"There are five dollars left. I'll buy some more flour and vegetables."

After arriving in Town No. 3, everyone realized that the use of money is much greater than they thought. It is true that money is only used when it is used.

(End of this chapter)

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