Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 356 Dungeon

Chapter 356 Dungeon

It was 7:50 when we got back to the base, and everyone waited for the three of them to come back before eating. After dinner, Shitou, Maya and Lin Wu took a jeep to the reservoir 40 kilometers away. There is not much time left, and the hydropower station must be occupied before winter arrives.

Pull over, go down the slope, eliminate zombies, reach the hydropower station, occupy the hydropower station, and select the water supply outpost. Return the way you came. Back at the base, Maya held a general meeting to arrange the activities at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

Why not enter the dungeon to see the situation clearly before holding a meeting? Maya believes that the first wave of development is very important when everyone is destitute. While others are still spawning monsters on the first underground floor, you have already reached the tenth floor.

Tonight's meeting did not explain the details of the activities, only the distribution of responsibilities. Unable to carry additional items, Su Shi could only stay at the base camp. Secondary topic of the meeting: Doctors. There are currently eight people in the entire base, and Maya is the only general practitioner.

Maya said: "The business inn has been established. Based on everyone's life skills, I suggest that you wash away the lichenology of the knife and transfer to a surgeon to deal with fractures and bleeding."

Xiaodao agreed: "Okay."

Maya said: "The store has just been established, and there should be no transactions tonight. Guys, it's rare for us to get together again. This may be the last night we spend together in the game. I hope everyone will protect themselves and their companions during the event." Don't rush in or act on impulse. The positions have been clearly assigned. Do you have any questions?"


Maya looked at Lin Meng: "Have you talked to Shana?"

"We talked about it the day before yesterday." Lin Meng said: "Well, I think, what should I say? I may not have enough points. Are there any unwanted guns in the base?"

Maya sighed: "I'm sorry, I forgot about this." Then she remembered that after buying the jeep, Lin Meng couldn't even afford shrimp crackers.

Maya said: "Let's break up the meeting. Lin Meng, you and I go to the warehouse." The shadows reorganized and there were not many guns. The three groups, Shitou, Shana and Xue Dan, did not participate in the separation and each took some things and left. They had no idea of ​​taking advantage, and with the attitude that it was enough, they only took the guns for daily use.

But no matter how difficult it is, a few guns must be given to Lin Meng.

The entire base is busy, bathrooms have been built and a laundry room has been built. For all players, being able to take a hot bath is a joy. In addition, unlocking the dishwasher in the kitchen also unlocks toilets, hydroponics and other facilities. Hydroponics requires not only water, but also electricity, and a power source to adjust the temperature day and night.

As a soilless culture, the yield of hydroponics is certainly not comparable to that of farmland, but it is better than that it can be grown indoors in any season. However, hydroponics has a huge disadvantage, it can only grow vegetables. Staple foods like rice and wheat are difficult to grow. At this time, the cost-effectiveness of pumpkin becomes even more prominent.

Lin Wu watched Shi Shi planting two mounds of pumpkin seeds in a large grid with his own eyes. Thinking of the pumpkin soup in the future, he suddenly felt that the future was dark. But there is no time to comment on this matter today. Taking a bath and washing clothes is the way to go.

The bathroom was a shower room with separate compartments for three men and three women. After a pleasant 15-minute shower, Lin Wu walked out of the bathroom feeling comfortable wearing the sweatshirt kindly given by Lin Meng. He takes the dirty clothes to the laundry room. The laundry room has four machines, one is a dry cleaning machine, one is a shoe washing machine, and one is a large washing machine that integrates washing and drying. There is also a professional ironing equipment that requires manual operation.

There was no need to queue up, Shana asked everyone to throw their dirty clothes in, and she would go to the laundry room to claim them half an hour later. Half an hour later, Xiao Wai arrived at the laundry room and took away Lin Wu's clothes and pants. Run again and take away Lin Wu's shoes.

Several girls also washed their hair and sat in a small square chatting while shaking their hair. It wasn't until about 11 o'clock in the evening that everyone returned to the dormitory to rest.


In the early morning of the 24th, Lin Wu closed the tents, disbanded the light base and joined the shadow base. After breakfast, at :, the base personnel were teleported into the copy during the countdown.

The copy cloned the safe area of ​​the base. Nearly half of the safe area of ​​the Shadow Base is the Lemmon River. This part has also been cloned, which is equivalent to the Shadow Base having a solid back barrier. Outside the safety zone, there was thick fog. The rolling thick fog seemed to hide thousands of troops, and the way was blocked by the safety line.

A portal appeared in the small square. Standing beside the door was a samurai NPC wearing armor and holding a big sword. The front of his armor said: Open at eight o'clock. On the back it says: Tutorial time.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he directly explained the rules of the game without any ink. In addition to the information previously explained by Dawn, the NPC added some details.

"There are 1200 teleportation locations initially. New teleportation locations can be unlocked as you complete tasks or clear dungeons. Under normal circumstances, each base can only form one team, and the captain decides the teleportation location. Each scene has one Secret teleportation point, if you find the secret teleportation point, you can teleport people back to the base through the secret teleportation point."

Shana whispered: "Transport supplies."

Lin Wu said in a lower voice: "If you can enter the portal at eight o'clock, why is there a portal? If it is a tutorial, why is it written on the armor?"

Maya thought it made sense when she heard it. After listening for a while, she found that what the other party said was useless information, so she left Shitou and Su Shi to continue listening. She touched the portal: "Which one should I choose?"

"Whatever." Lin Wu replied.

"I'm not asking you."

Shana said: "Lin Meng can only enter the event on the third day, and the agreement is CCDD, portal number 334." Because it is not clear whether the portals are numbers or letters, or whether they have Chinese character names. Shana and Lin Meng agreed to meet at CCDD at nine o'clock in the morning on the third day. Lin Meng can also find out the location of Shana and the others, but it is still difficult for Lin Meng to join them.

The meaning of the first C: 3. The place starting with the first C, the first Chinese character starting with the pinyin of C. The order of the three remains unchanged.

Let's say it's a number, 3344. Assuming it is an English letter, first find the C column, and then find the third word starting with C. If it is a Chinese character, choose the third Chinese character starting with C pinyin.

If the meeting is still not possible, before twelve o'clock in the morning on the third day, everyone in Shadow will stay at the entrance of the dungeon and wait for Lin Meng to use query methods to find them.

Captain Maya confirmed the teleportation, and with a flash of white light, everyone reached the sky and fell towards the ground. They saw an abandoned city that had not been affected by the virus and was full of vitality.

Shana said: "It's a bit like Rio de Janeiro."

"Is he famous?" Lin Wu asked.

Shana: "It's okay."

As soon as the words fell, the team landed on a flat ground, and all the beautiful scenery disappeared, replaced by fog. The fog and the player are 10 meters apart. As people move forward, the fog dissipates, revealing the original structure.

"Disperse, be on alert."

Everyone formed a circle and spread out in all directions. Xuedan said first: "Stop, it's the rooftop." As he spoke, he walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down. He could only see ten meters away, but he could tell that it was a building that was more than ten meters away. building.

Lin Wu reported: "I heard the low roar of zombies from this direction."

As soon as he finished speaking, two zombies came out of the fog and ran towards Lin Wu. Lin Wu held a steak knife in his hand. Feng Xi took down one zombie and avoided the other zombie. Shana who was nearby took the opportunity to hit the skull-crushing blast with a blow from the blast. There is a card suspended at the place where the zombie died.

Shana touched the card and reported: "Obtained a building material. 1/4 of the building material package."

Xiaodao: "Isn't it true that each person can only bring one building materials package?"

Shana: "So we need to find the hidden portal."

Maya: "First explore the fog along the edge, don't get too close to the edge."

After a while, Lin Wu reported: "We found the stairs going downstairs." He stretched his head and looked down, and the stairs were clearly visible. The ten-meter detection distance is very short outdoors, but it is sufficient indoors.

"Dead light." Lin Wu cursed, and a fierce beast was running upstairs. Under the current situation where everyone only has one initial weapon, Shuguang released the violent force, which is somewhat like Sima Zhao's intention. However, when he met the group of Shadows, a fierce one was really not enough to watch. Lin Wu easily took it down and got a pair of team headsets. There are only two of them in a pair, and the others have to rely on shouting to communicate.

One headset was given to the vanguard Lin Wu, and the other was given to the conductor Maya. Lin Wu explores the path, Xiao Dao then assists, Maya is in the middle, Xue Dan and Shana are behind.

After one sentence of explanation, the team began to go downstairs. After taking just two steps, Xue Dan said, "Stop."

"what happened?"

Xuedan said: "I vaguely heard that there are zombies on the rooftop. Do you want to clear all the fog?"

Lin Wu: "Shana, roar."

Before Shana could gather her anger to object, Maya said: "It makes sense."

So Shana made a dolphin sound. This time not only did one Kuang Meng and three zombies come from the fog on the rooftop, but six zombies also came up from downstairs.

"Who had the bad idea?" Lin Wu took the lead and took down the fastest Kuang Meng.

Shana and Xuedan blocked the stairs with blunt objects, and Xiaodao and Maya quickly dealt with the zombies on the rooftop, and then put in six more zombies. After a lot of fiddling, I finally got this one done. I got a quarter of a medical pack, a food pack, a piece of scrap metal, a piece of wood, and a pair of earphones that exploded violently.

Maya explained: "Try not to fight head-on as much as possible. Even if you fight, you can't be outnumbered. Lin Wu sets out, be careful of mutant zombies." If you are not afraid of mutant zombies, you are afraid of being attacked by mutant zombies. On the first day of the event, at the first place and at the first venue, Shu Guang was able to show off his strength, which shows that Shuguang no longer wants to be a human being this time. However, it can be seen from the abundance of drops that Shuguang wants to do something with people.

Is it true that one million people and four thousand left behind are not enough?

This is an office building. From the external information, the highest floor is 54 floors. From the overall layout, we can know that this is the headquarters building of a business group, which is divided into three major departments, namely the overseas department, the administrative department and the domestic department.

Lin Wu picked up the meeting report in the conference room and had a headache after reading it for a while. A group is split into multiple large companies. The large companies have small companies under them. Some small companies are listed on the market, and the equity of some small companies is in the hands of others.

Lin Wu followed the path and touched more than 20 zombies in seven rooms and corridors: "If you treat zombies as ordinary people, you will find that they fit the profile of the staff here."

"Then what?" Maya asked through the headset.

Lin Wu said: "The desk is very clean, the documents are piled up in an orderly manner, and some rooms have air conditioners and lights on. It seems to be a company where zombies work."

Shana asked: "Is Shuguang implying that all the animals in society are zombies?"

Maya: "Don't be led astray by him. I think this is a simulated scene. It just replaces employees with zombies. There is no other meaning."

The circular corridor on the 54th floor was very wide, and the offices were also very large. Lin Wu walked along the corridor, cleaning up the rooms when he came across them, and asked: "Don't you find it strange? Why are the offices on the left and the right side is a solid wall."

Maya said: "According to my estimation, there is a circular venue of two thousand square meters in the middle."

Shana added: "About two thousand five hundred."

Searching and killing all the way, they were all ordinary zombies, and most of the things they took were materials. In addition to zombies, you can also loot. You can take away drinks, energy bars, etc. from the vending machines. However, this event is a non-hard core five basic package gameplay. The snacks are not to satisfy hunger, but to have fun.

Lin Wu used his personal computer to open a safe and found a diamond necklace and 20 dollars in cash. Lin Wu called Xiao Wai over and put the necklace on it. As for the 20 yuan, he would feel sorry for himself even if he looked at it even more.

In 15 minutes, the team cleared the ring passage on the 54th floor and more than 20 offices. Then comes the key point. Open the two doors and you can enter the square meters area in the center.

"Lockpick." Lin Wu discovered that it was a mechanical lock.

Xiaodao quickly stepped forward, handed the lock pick he got to Lin Wu, stepped back about five meters and squatted down to wait. Lin Wu successfully picked the lock, pushed open a door slowly and looked inside. At first glance, I saw the stage in the depths. The stage was filled with spotlights. Under the spotlights, a bloody beast was walking around on the stage.

The names of the others are: Zombie Man, Zombie Girl, Explosive Zombie, Crazy, and Bloody Crazy. This blood-crazed man had big blood-red letters on his head: BOSS.

Lin Wu leaned against the door: "What do you think? Can Blood Crazy be the BOSS?"

Maya: "Stop talking nonsense, describe."

Lin Wu: "On the ring stage, only the stage is bright, very bright."

Maya: "No light elsewhere?"

Lin Wu looked at it for a while: "No."

Maya said: "The invisible dark place is the ultimate move. I suggest giving up this BOSS."

Lin Wu: "Playing in dungeons without defeating BOSS?"

Maya replied: "Even if we don't arrange night demons, just letting a few bombs sleep on the ground will be enough for us to drink a pot. It's obvious that this is a booby trap."

"Oh? Is there any evidence?"

Maya said: "This door is evidence. The heavy door is arranged to make it difficult for players to escape. You are about 20 meters away from the Blood Crazy. You shout to see if it will chase you."

Lin Wu remained vigilant and roared inside, but Xue Kuangmeng didn't hear it at all. Lin Wu closed the door and complained: "It's not in line with common sense."

Little White Rabbit: Its real name is Can Meng. The eyes cannot see and the ears cannot hear. For this reason, it trained hard and finally became a BOSS.

Original words: The BOSS is a blind and deaf man. He was infected by the virus and eventually mutated into a bloody maniac. It's very easy to kill, just walk behind it and stab it in the back several times to kill it.

Have you ever heard of the blind monk? Ever heard of the mind’s eye? Have you ever heard of Zatoichi?

Lin Wu gave the little white rabbit a thumbs up: "Goodbye."

Lin Wu said to everyone: "It said it was a blind, deaf, and bloody beast."

Maya made a quick decision: "Go downstairs and find a gun or suitable lighting equipment, then come back and deal with him."

After returning to Shadow Base, Xuedan, who had always been taciturn, said, "Please give me five minutes."

After saying that, he started taking action without waiting for Maya's consent. When he entered an office, he first followed the air-conditioning wires to find the hidden wires. There were no copper wires available, so he cut off the power wires leading to other sockets and extended the wires by about 30 meters during live work. Then remove the lamp holder. Use one wire to tap three wires, and use three potato chip tubes and three light bulbs to make three spotlights.

When the power is turned on, the potato chip tube emits a bright light that is brighter than a flashlight. One person holding a potato chip tube will not break the wire as long as the distance between them is no more than ten meters.


"It's nothing, it's nothing." Xuedan seemed to be modest, but he didn't seem to be modest at all. After all, he was a genuine engineer.

(End of this chapter)

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