Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 357 53th Floor

Chapter 357 53th Floor

Xuedan and Maya pushed open the door from left to right. Xiaodao, Shana and Lin Wu each took a flashlight and shined it into the darkness. They saw the Night Demon hiding in the darkness panicking and avoiding the light. The three of them walked forward to the stage, and Shana said: "Xuedan, I leave this BOSS to you."

Maya said: "Go."

Xuedan didn't waste any time. He opened half of the door, took a blunt instrument and went to the stage through the road of light. He carefully walked around to the back of Xue Kuang Meng and hammered him violently at Xue Kuang Meng. Shuguang is not lying. This BOSS is a blind BOSS. After being hit, it will only howl. It is better because of its thick flesh, but it cannot withstand being beaten one-sidedly. After 30 seconds, it turns into three cards and disappears.

The first two cards are exactly the same. They are a revolver with 18 bullets and two pistols with 36 bullets.

The third card: automatic turret. It is a special building card that requires ten building materials and can be installed on a small grid. There are multiple modes to choose from, firing a .50 bullet every ten seconds, a 7.62 bullet every five seconds, or a 4 bullet every four seconds. The headshot rate within 5.56 meters is 50%. Attack objects: All creatures except base members, pets, and mounts. Accidental injuries do not cause harm. The best part is that it doesn't consume bullets.

"Artifact." Shana said.

"Withdraw." Maya reminded.

As everyone evacuated the dark world, they couldn't help but praise Xue Dan, and Xiao Dao was among them. Unfortunately, there was no additional information in her praise. It seemed that she had completely let go.

The silence value of the two revolvers was not high and they were of little use to Lin Wu, so Xue Dan and Shana were left to defend themselves. Several people walked down the east stairs and arrived outside the fire door on the 53rd floor.

Lin Wu leaned against the door, opened it a crack, looked inside, and closed the door gently: "There is a Y-shaped walkway, with no forking roads visible. The walkway is about ten meters long, and there are three fierce crowns. There is a crown on their heads. Sign. Based on my many years of experience in playing games, this is an elite monster. Elite monsters are sometimes more difficult to deal with than bosses because they have unique abilities."

Shana said: "Being fierce is just being fierce. What kind of abilities can it have? Transform into a Super Saiyan?"

"You're so funny." Lin Wu said. Something hit the outside of the fire door. Lin Wu was pushed by the huge force of the shock, and subconsciously used his back to push the slightly opened fire door again.

Everyone on the stairs could see all this clearly. Before they could make any other move, there was a scratching sound outside the door. The sound seemed to have scratched the outer skin of the fire door, and everyone was shocked. Maya: "Knife, come down with me."

The two of them were holding a door each, and Maya opened the door. Kuang Meng by the door saw Lin Wu in the corridor, and roared towards Lin Wu. The other two Kuang Meng heard the noise and turned around to see Lin Wu, and ran together. Maya immediately closed the door, and Xiao Dao and Xiao Dao held the door on one side. The two collisions directly confronted the power attributes of Maya and Xiaodao. Although the two did not give in, they heard the sound of the door being torn apart.

The first Kuang Meng didn't have that luck. Even if it had super strength, it was the same as nothing to Lin Wu. Avoid the wind stabbing, stab the backhand with a backhand dagger, and kill with one blow. Got a small pistol with a full magazine of 21 rounds.

The old trick is repeated, adding a Berserker, a small pistol, and some building materials.

The last one did not escape its bad luck and gave the Shadow Team a light crossbow and ten light crossbow arrows.

Shanna looked at Maya and asked, "Go in?" The rewards were good, but the risks were obviously high.

To say that the 54th floor is okay, as long as you don't provoke the BOSS, it won't be a big problem. But if you don’t kill the BOSS, you won’t gain anything. Maya didn't answer immediately. She always felt that the strength of the copy was ridiculously high.

Just half an hour ago, the novice guidance NPC at the base gate revealed a game detail in a series of nonsense: the sum of numbers ending in 0 is a difficult level dungeon. The sum of numbers ending in 5 is a hell-level copy.

Lin Wu said: "We've come here. If you want to go back, you have to break through the dungeon. Or find the hidden portal. Or take risks and hunt to get weapons and equipment to deal with the dilemma. Or sneak all the way and rely on luck to find the portal."

Maya nodded: "Go forward and redistribute tactical deployment."

Lin Wu continued to advance forward, with Maya holding a crossbow behind him to support him. The other three were about five meters behind. Once something happens, the three people behind immediately retreat to a suitable location and use three pistols to block and cover Linma's retreat.

Lin Wu reached the fork in the road and glanced to the left of the Y: "It's still a Y. The corridor is 7 meters away. There are rooms on the left and right. No zombies were seen."

Maya: "Keep to the left and go around, then enter the room."

Lin Wu continued to move forward, put his hand on the door handle of the office on the left, pressed it and gently pushed the door open, and got in. This is an ordinary office of about 50 square meters, with a desk, an office chair, and a coffee table and sofa. A zombie sat on the boss's chair behind the desk, with his back to Lin Wu. Six ordinary zombies stood around the desk.

Lin Wu quietly got out of the door, closed the door, stepped back three meters to Maya, and softly described: "There is a display cabinet inside, and there is a Tang Dao in the display cabinet."

When Maya heard this, she immediately became energetic. After some planning, Maya pressed the doorknob and pushed the door open. As soon as the door opened a crack, Maya saw a zombie less than one meter away from her, standing in front of her. Maya closed the door and stepped back a few meters: "The position has changed." She originally planned to use a light crossbow to kill the explosive zombies to prevent the explosive zombie explosion from causing the zombies on this floor to explode.

Lin Wu nodded, took a look, and came back: "No change."

Maya was startled, then she went over again and said in Lin Wu's ear: "A zombie is blocking the door."

"Wait for me." Lin Wu went there again, but there was still no change. This time he waved directly. As soon as Maya moved, the zombies started to move. They scattered away from the desk, each walked to a place, shook their bodies slightly, and stared at this place.

Lin Wu waved his hand to Maya not to move, and the zombies started to move. Just after taking two steps, there was a beeping sound from the desk, which was a text message notification on the phone. The zombies immediately gathered around the desk, shaking their heads and looking at the desk. As for the funeral, it's still the same.

Explosive mourning is known as the sleeping king. As mentioned before, it likes to sleep in the grass and on the road. If you accidentally touch or bump into it, it will explode for you on the spot. A sleeping bomber on the road can kill a whole car of people.

Lin Wu went back to explain to Maya, and Maya stretched her ears and waited quietly. After the beeping sound, Lin Wu opened the door, and Maya entered the office. He held up a light crossbow and shot Explosion in the head, and then withdrew. Lin Wu closed the door and Maya loaded the crossbow. There was another beep, and Maya entered again and took down a zombie. Through such a stupid method, Maya killed four zombies with a light crossbow, and two others were stabbed in the back by Lin Wu.

Maya called everyone into the office and closed the door. There was a fire evacuation map.

The 53rd floor is very unique, but also a waste of building space. The Y route mentioned by Lin Wu was misled by subjective vision. In fact, the 53rd floor is divided into twelve small areas. Each area is rhombus-shaped. Each rhombus has a door in the southeast, northwest, and corresponding to an office.

Shana pointed to an office marked with an

Maya said: "Ordinary zombies drop some basic items, while elite ordinary zombies just drop a few more basic items. If you want to get good things, you must either find the BOSS or find the elite mutated zombies."

Shana said: "You mean to search and kill? This is the 53rd floor. According to logical thinking, to break through the dungeon, we should go from the 54th floor to the 1st floor. If we search like this, I guess we won't be able to complete this dungeon in one day. "

Lin Wu: "I wonder if you two deputy commanders are overthinking it? Once you get it, make peace with it. If you have something, take it. If you don't have something, just play games. If you die, you will die. Haven't you guys left the hardcore mode yet? Are you mentally prepared?"

Xiaodao was startled: "I didn't." Lin Wu nodded: "I believe it." First he despised the two people who thought too much, and then despised Xiaodao who didn't think about it at all.

Xuedan said: "This room is closest to the stairwell. This room has a fire evacuation plan. Could it be that this room is a reminder room on this floor? A room that hides information? The three elites in the corridor entered this floor violently. threshold."

Everyone looked at Xue Dan, who said sheepishly: "I have been playing games for three of the four years in college. In dungeons such as dungeons, every time you go down a level or enter a separate scene, there are some prompts. For example, side tasks You need to go to the cellar to kill rats. Some games use spells to detect monsters, BOSS or portals. Some skills can learn the attributes of monsters in this scene, such as fire attributes, water attributes, etc. Fog detection maps are very common in dungeons and rely on players Explore to open the entire map. While opening the map, players will also face various challenges."

Snow Egg: “Some games have notes left by brave men who died in battle to remind players, and some games directly explain the information.”

Shana asked Lin Wu, "Don't you also play games?"

Lin Wu said: "I play at a higher level."

"What high-end?"

"Pixel type, lazy type, management type, very little exposure to dungeons."

Maya: "Search the whole house. Lin Wu, open the electronic safe and display cabinet."

Shana sat on her desk, tapped on the computer, and said in surprise: "There is a surveillance picture."

There are a total of 49 surveillance screens on the computer, all of which are corridor surveillance. Maya looked at it for a while: "No. 3 monitors Elite Kuang Meng, and No. 5 also monitors No. . Only Elite Kuang Meng is seen in the corridor, and there are no other zombies."

Shana said: "They seemed to be patrolling and didn't stay in place for long."

Maya said: "After figuring out all the locations, we will sort out the time. Let's beat the time difference and eat up all the fierceness."

Shana was startled: "This project is huge, and I don't know the monitoring location at all."

Maya said: "But you can deduce the location by the appearance and appearance of Kuang Meng in the picture." Two Kuang Meng disappeared to the east of Monitor No. 1, and then two Ku Meng appeared to the west of Monitor 10. This can be inferred that the surveillance cameras No. 1 and 10 are connected. This is also a characteristic of the diamond-shaped building layout. One monitor can only watch one area.

Shana asked: "Can I turn off the computer and pretend that I don't see the surveillance footage?"

"Don't be infected by Lin Wu, you can do it." Maya patted Shana's shoulder, straightened up and said: "Xiao Dao, Lin Wu, you two are responsible for hunting Kuang Meng. It is predicted that there will be about 30-45 Kuang Meng, two There are only one, or maybe three, scattered in the corridors of this floor. Be careful when moving, you never know whether you will meet them around the corner."

Maya forbids leaving the house until Shanna is done, so everyone can only torment the office. It was obvious that Shana's work was not going well. When there was a noise, she would look over with an angry look, frightening everyone to move lightly, wishing they could suppress their heart to stop it from beating.

Except for the Tang Dao and an all-purpose medical box in the safe, the others are all information files. This information is divided into two parts. One part is the information of the building, which belongs to a certain commercial group. It has a total of 54 floors, of which the 30th floor and below are hotels, and the 31st to 54th floors are the group office buildings. Except for 54 and 53, the main structure of the other floors is similar, divided into four areas, each area is equipped with four elevators and a fire staircase.

The second part is game information. In the hard mode, the proportion of mutated zombies has been greatly increased, the proportion of elite mutated zombies has been slightly increased, and the BOSS battle has been slightly strengthened.

"Is there any pattern?" Everyone asked in their minds and continued to scroll down.

The key to obtaining secret portal information in hard mode lies in the surviving humans. Please be kind to your fellow humans and provide help when necessary.

Many scenes have weapons, ammunition, leopard machines (tiger), and collecting cash can be exchanged for play times. Everyone looked at Lin Wu together. Lin Wu raised his hand to express that he understood, then went out and went back upstairs to get the 20 in cash.

Elite monsters and BOSS may drop teleportation scrolls that can only be used by a single player to return to the base once.

Pay attention to collecting information. Some scenes have strong security systems and require identity authentication to pass.

Please stay away from electronic products. The sudden sound they make may threaten your safety.

The last two important information are that every ten unit scenes are a whole copy. You don't need to go from the 54th floor to the 1st floor. You only need to go from the 54th floor to the 44th floor to find the portal of the level. However, unlike the secret portal, once you leave the level portal, you cannot return.

Only by defeating the boss of the dungeon can the level portal be opened.

If you want everyone to leave alive, in addition to teleportation scrolls and secret portals, you will most likely need to use the level portal. To open the level portal, you must defeat the boss. To defeat the boss, you must collect as much materials, weapons and information as possible. Conclusion: Arm yourself as much as possible.

Lin Wu's idea of ​​going directly to the 44th floor to fight the BOSS through the safe passage was immediately rejected. In addition, this game information does not say that the general boss is on the 44th floor.

On the other side, Shana used her own observations to organize the scrambled videos on a piece of paper. After moving the images, she adjusted the positions of several surveillance images. After checking for five minutes, she finally completed her work.

Shana called over to Maya, who observed the violent movements and confirmed the result: "It's amazing."

"It's also very easy." Shana replied in a relaxed tone.

"Have less contact with Lin Wu." Maya called: "Lin Wu, are you back?"

Just after asking, Lin Wu pushed open the door and walked in: "Back."

Maya asked, "Is there a road map?"

Shana said: "In my mind."

Maya: "Okay, you are in charge of the command. Lin Wu and Xiaodao are ready to go, Xiaodao brings the medical bag. Remember, we don't go into the office, we only deal with the violence in the corridors."

(End of this chapter)

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