Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 378 Winter February

Chapter 378 Winter February

The average water depth of the Lemmon River is 1.5 meters. Stone and the others chose two pools with a depth of more than three meters to drill eight holes. The fishing groups are all ready. Without an electric drill, drilling holes is still relatively difficult. Su Shi and Xue Dan designed something similar to a wine corkscrew, which they drilled downwards by hand.

Iron Woman Maya sat casually and watched Shana dancing on the ice. The little follower Xiao Dao behind her was her student. After standing on the shore and watching for a while, Lin Wu wanted to understand two things. Some things can be achieved without hard work. Don't waste time on areas that you are not good at.

It's okay to skate with a knife, but there's no artistic talent at all. In the same movement, Shana is walking on the snow without a trace, and she is crushing the top of Mount Tai.

But just like it, happiness is the most important thing.

Shitou used the public channel of the headset: "Shadow's first ice fishing event is about to begin. Please gather all personnel on the ice."

Lin Wu responded in the headset: "Lin Meng said..."

"I'm here." Lin Meng replied energetically.

Ah! I have to find a reason to give her a thumbs up later.

Everyone first chooses a fishing hole.

Shitou said: "The reward is to consume two barrels of fuel in the safe house, and the punishment is not to waste wood within four hours and not to enter the safe house. In addition, the second to last person is responsible for carrying the firewood to be used tonight to the bonfire room. Countdown First place to handle the catch.”

Su Shi asked: "Count it by piece? Or by weight?"

"Weight." Shitou said, "I brought the electronic scale." He took out the electronic scale from his backpack.

Shitou said: "If anyone is afraid and dare not participate in this event, please raise your hand now."

Xuedan said: "It's so boring now, who would be afraid of activities?"

Shitou said: "Okay, please look for bait on your own. It is now nine o'clock in the morning, and the deadline is 12 noon. Wait until I finish." Shitou stopped Lin Meng.

Shitou said: "Shuanglin team is cooking today at noon. Considering that they have been suffering all morning, lunch is cancelled. We will have a grilled fish dinner tonight. If anyone is hungry, you can eat canned food first."

Shitou: "Everyone is in position, ready, the activity begins."

Lin Meng ran the fastest, skating while running, and it was obvious that she was very interested. The negative example was Lin Wu. He walked slowly towards the base, but it wasn't that he was lazy, he was looking for bait. It seems that there is only snow and ice, and intuitive fish will not eat these things. Then Lin Wu began to recall information about the fish in the river.

Shanna once said that there are many rainbow trout in the Lemmon River and can be eaten raw. But at that time, no one was very interested in eating raw fish. Lin Wu had some experience in fishing, and occasionally read books on this subject in the library. He knew that rainbow trout are ferocious eaters, and it would be better to use sequins instead of traditional baits such as earthworms. Sequins can attract the attention of fish, but the scent of earthworms is difficult to convey to the brain information of fish in running water. Or you can only use the liveliest bugs to attract the fish's attention through its struggle.

In about ten minutes, everyone entered the fishing position. Lin Wu and Xue Dan used sequins polished in the production room. Shitou and others use worms. They help the chickens in the pasture to dig worms every day. They are already very experienced. Lin Meng used flour, mixed with a little water, and pinched the flour on the fishhook. Only Maya was empty-handed and imitated Jiang Taigong.

Maya was not in a hurry and just watched everyone making hooks. After a while, Shitou hit a small whitebait first, and he immediately regretted it: "I should have compared the number of fish."

Maya stepped forward: "Stone, lend me this fish."

"Take it."

Maya took the fish, took out her dagger, hit the fish on the head with the dagger handle to kill it, then cut off a small piece of fish meat and hung it on the fishhook together with part of the fish's internal organs. The whole set of movements is smooth and smooth, and you can tell at a glance that he is a master of fishing.

Lin Wu asked: "Do you often go fishing?"

Maya: "I once trained new recruits in a reservoir and played several times."

The second one to catch the fish was Lin Meng. She dragged the fish onto the ice and she laughed so happily that she couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. This is not a small fish, but a medium fish weighing half a kilogram.

Lin Wu asked: "How did you think of using flour?"

Lin Mengdao: "I often fish in Science and Technology City."

Lin Wu: "Do you like fishing?"

Lin Meng shook his head: "I just don't like being hungry."

The person who said this felt pity for him, but Lin Wu said: "If you can eat less shrimp crackers, you won't be unable to afford food."

Lin Meng smiled and took out the shrimp biscuits, ate one in front of Lin Wu and licked his fingers.

Lin Wu read it with cold eyes and said: "First, you just caught the fish without washing your hands. Second, there was a fish scale on your hand, but it is gone now."

Lin Meng immediately coughed and retched for a long time, but there were no fish scales. Bad people do all kinds of evil, and they are completely unable to prevent themselves.

Shana suddenly asked: "Have you ever eaten fried fish scales?"

Everyone said one after another: "Don't listen, don't listen." The worst thing is not to eat any dark food, but to know in advance what dark food to eat.

"Here we come." Lin Wu tightened his hands and began to drag the fish.

The snow eggs also caught fish, and each of them harvested a rainbow trout.

As soon as the fish came out of the water, Shana had already picked up the dagger, and also took out the sauce packet and a small bowl from her backpack, looking at it expectantly. Stone calls the shots: "Snack time."

"No." After Lin Wu and Xue Dan weakly resisted, the fish was brought to Shana.

Shana's knife skills were terrible, but the meat of wild rainbow trout was indeed delicious. In the blink of an eye, two rainbow trout were eaten clean. Shanna’s friendly reminder: “Only wild rainbow trout with good water quality can be eaten raw.”

Next, Maya caught fish in succession, and they were all big ones, each weighing more than half a kilogram. Maya was fishing in the hole next to Lin Wu, and saw that Lin Wu was a little frizzy, and said: "The water flow is not fast, the light is dark, and it is difficult for the sequins to reflect the bright light. You have to put it in more and close it quickly, don't let the sequins sink to the bottom, and keep them close to the ice surface , and turn quickly.”

Lin Wu asked: "If it's too fast, will the fish not be able to keep up?"

"No, the fish that can be caught with sequins usually have a dead hook." Maya said: "But I still suggest you change the bait, the light under the ice is too poor." Maya cut a piece of small whitebait and gave it to Lin Wu, Lin Wu put on the bait with the smell of blood, and as expected, he quickly caught a fish. So everyone except Lin Meng started to change the bait. Lin Meng's position was in still water, and her flour kept spreading, creating a nesting effect, and the fish slowly gathered at her position. Maya showed off her power in the early stage, but Lin Meng caught up in the middle stage.

In the end, Lin Meng won the championship with eight kilograms of fish, Maya took second place with six kilograms, Lin Wu took third place with three kilograms, and the others all had fish catches between 1.5 kilograms and 3 kilograms. Xue Dan ranked last, followed by Su Shi. The two drillers admitted failure. Xue Dan was responsible for handling all the fish catch, and Su Shi was responsible for carrying firewood. Others are free to roam freely in a warm safe house.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the grilled fish meeting was held in the small square. At this time, everyone felt the sun for the first time. The sun was approaching the west, but had no intention of setting. Looking into the distance, gray clouds began to gather in the sky, indicating that the second wave of cold wave was coming.

"There are still eight months." Shitou encouraged: "There are still eight months before we can leave this ghost place."

Lin Wu said: "Winter is so boring."

"Boredom is the challenge given by Dawn." Maya said: "I believe that the thousand people who survived are very capable. The test this winter is not about hardware, but about software."

Shana added: "From a psychological point of view, in such an environment, everyone will slowly lose patience and become irritable and irritable. I will too. If I lose my temper for no reason, please forgive me. "

Lin Wu said: "I think it's okay."

Lin Meng nodded.

Shitou said: "You often play dungeons and go out for hours. This situation is just like going to work. You are asked to stay at home every day. Are you crazy?"

The unbearable day begins, and a cold wave follows. The purpose is to trap players and reduce their activity areas. In this way, long-term contact in a small space will gradually produce some additional emotions in people, such as not liking anyone, such as not wanting to move, such as feeling boring, etc.

Just like college students going home to celebrate the New Year, both parties feel the warmth of family. But once the third day of the Lunar New Year is over, something feels wrong, and if I don't leave until the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, I will be annoying. Missing you really means missing you, and annoying you really means annoying you. At this time, a little extra factor is needed to adjust the atmosphere, such as children's children. You can raise chickens for several months without getting tired of them, let alone a kid.

Shadow doesn't have the modifier Imp, but it can survive. The biggest credit goes to the chickens on the ranch, especially the process of incubating eggs, which brings a lot of joy to everyone. Watching a group of furry things being born, some find it cute, while others look forward to the number of roosters increasing so that the food can be improved.

Ruthless people like Maya actually went to class and studied medicine seriously.

In addition, Lin Meng's defense mission has also become everyone's leisure fun. Since the defense task was less difficult, Lin Wu and Maya took the lead and left their happiness to others. Once the two rockets are fired, there is basically not much pressure or danger.

Mahjong has become the most important entertainment tool for everyone to get through difficult times. Previously, it was said that mahjong lacked bets, but people came up with the method. The bet in Shadow Mahjong is cooking. The winner has the chips signed by the loser. When necessary, he can return the loser's chips to the loser and let the loser cook a meal on his behalf.

During the second month of winter, the shadows remain harmonious and stable.

At dinner time on the last day of the second month of winter, Shana told everyone the bad news: "Because of the continuous severe cold in the extreme days and the many grilled fish and barbecue parties we held, there are only ten days' worth of firewood left in stock. One way is Get out of town and cut down trees.”

Shitou said: "The road is blocked by heavy snow, and the range of movement of the car is limited. Even with the help of daily snow plows, the car can only reach outside the town. There are still more than ten kilometers away from the woods of the breeding farm."

Shana said: "Another way is to start the search again and dismantle everything that can be dismantled. Tables and other items can be turned into firewood. The items that cannot be moved can be dismantled into pieces of wood and other basic materials."

Maya said: "I have observed that the number of zombies per square meter in the building is about 1.0, which is very easy to cause linkage. What I am more worried about is that during the extreme daylight, the night demons will become unscrupulous. I oppose this proposal, it is too dangerous. Can You can’t get through the winter in energy-saving ways.”

Shana said: "The only way to save energy is to only heat the room during resting hours at night. Except for you, Lin Wu, and Lin Meng, others may get frostbite if they leave the bedding. In addition, the lowest temperature in the past two months was minus 55 degrees. The minimum temperature of 71.2 degrees is obviously prepared for this month. I said the firewood is still 10 days away, which is already an overestimation."

Lin Wu said: "Incendiary bombs." One firebomb will burn a room. Don't clear out the zombies too quickly.

Maya: "Incendiary bombs not only burn zombies, but also burn indoor furniture and items."

"Lin Meng and I went to chop firewood." Lin Wu said: "Lin Meng can ride Sandstorm, and her face is recorded into the system, so she can leave Lemon Town safely. I assisted with Xiaoda and borrowed Phantom's all-terrain ability , we should be able to escape from the town smoothly."

Maya said: "I suggest asking Su Shi to build some crossbows, and we can occupy the building through remote cleaning."

Shana reminded: "In the extreme night, visibility is very poor."

Maya said: "At least safety is guaranteed."

Seeing that the two deputy commanders were holding their own opinions, Shitou said, "Maya's method is safer. We can still take care of it if anything happens. Let's leave it at that."

Shana nodded: "Okay."

Maya took out the blueprint from her backpack: "We have cleaned up the upper left road. The food street, small supermarket, and shopping mall have been fully utilized by us. Our target is the Qiaotou intersection, which is a 5-story office building next to the small supermarket. . There are only two doors in the office building. One is the front door at the corner, under the eyes of the surveillance. The other is the back door on the side. The difficulty lies in the blind spot."

Shana and Maya cooperated seamlessly, picked up a pen and drew on the paper: "The only ones that can be used are cars and Lin Meng." They signaled Lin Meng to put down his hands.

Shana said: "The car drove to this location first. Lin Meng got out of the car, opened the trunk, and the crossbowman shot the zombies in the front door. The fault tolerance rate of the position is very low. If the car is too close to the front door, zombies will be attracted. The car It cannot be too far away, otherwise the shooting accuracy will be greatly reduced, and secondly, the crossbowman can be photographed by monitoring from this angle. Also pay attention to the second 50-degree camera 360 meters away. Therefore, the car must be tilted, that's it."

When it comes to driving, Shitou does his best. He looked at the picture and said, "It's a bit too abstract."

Maya said: "Lin Meng went out for a while and took off for a while. Through image comparison, Shana determined the location of the car. This is only the first step. Only after completing the first step can we enter the office building. We don't know what's inside the company. terrain.”

Maya said: "We need to build a bridgehead at the main entrance of the office building here, which means we need two shifts. One is to shoot as many zombies as possible, and the other is to move furniture that is inconvenient to dismantle on site. The driver and car must be outside the main entrance at all times. On standby, if a wave of corpses is triggered, the members will immediately get into the car and flee."

Maya said: "The only lighting equipment is a flashlight." Although it is not a nuclear-powered flashlight, the base has charging equipment, and using it in turns can guarantee a certain light source.

Maya said: "The task of cleaning the main entrance is between me, Xiaodao and Lin Meng, while Shitou drives."

Shitou: "No problem."

Maya said: "Lin Wu, save the rockets, maybe you need them to stop the drones."

Lin Wu: "Understood."

Su Shi added: "I can move all the rubbish back. I already have itchy hands."

Maya nodded: "Pay special attention. Although the daytime is the same as the night in the polar night, there are no street lights during the day. Be careful when driving Shitou and don't stray into the blood fog area."

(End of this chapter)

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