Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 379 Office Building

Chapter 379 Office Building

What Lin Wu was thinking about was the content of Maya's conversation with Shana when she and Shana returned home after thousands of miles away. One of them mentioned that she had to do some useless work. As a genius, Shana is in charge of logistics affairs. During these two boring winter months, she discovered that there was not enough firewood until today.

There is a good chance that the whole thing is a conspiracy, and the two deputy commanders have already discussed how to let everyone pass the time. Although the shadows have remained harmonious this month, some signs have emerged. For example, when playing billiards with Su Shi, Lin Wu's clothes scratched the billiard ball without noticing it. Su Shi was dissatisfied with this, but he was still very restrained. Lin Wu also let him nag a few words, which made him feel a little unhappy. This would not have been possible in the past.

Shana was sitting alone on the bank watching the glacier. Xiao Dao came up to show concern. Shana responded bluntly: Don't pay attention to me, thank you. Makes the knife very embarrassed. This situation was not possible before.

In addition, Xuedan spends more time alone in a daze, and Shitou loses interest in bragging. The only one who seems to be unaffected is Maya.

After the meeting ended and work started, Lin Meng set off, Lin Wu let go of the small group, Shana looked at Lin Wu's computer and directed Lin Meng to place the signs through the headset.

Midway, Lin Wu asked Shana if the firewood incident was a conspiracy.

This question stopped Shana and said, "I didn't think of this until you told me. There is no such thing as a conspiracy. I have thought about taking stock of firewood, but I have been too lazy to do it. I would rather sit or lie down. It's me 's fault."

"It's not your fault. After all, no one else can calculate the consumption." Lin Wu said: "It's not bad to kill zombies. It can give everyone something to do."

Shana said thoughtfully, "Without you, I wouldn't have been able to persist for so long."

As a flower raised in a greenhouse, Shana doesn't like difficulties. She pursues quality of life, but not too high. For example, a talented person can work 12 hours a day and become a senior executive within a few years. But he only works 7 hours a day, and he prefers to spend his time doing things he likes. If the company requires a choice between the two, people like Shana will most likely choose to leave. She will not lose herself for money.

For Shana, 'I' is very important and the meaning of this world. If there is no 'I' in this world, the world has no meaning to me.


The extreme day brings boredom, and the extreme night brings not only boredom, but also danger.

At four o'clock in the morning, an uninvited night devil quietly visited the base. Unlike ordinary zombies, Night Stalkers are very mobile and very intelligent. After dealing with Night Demon several times, Lin Wu believed that Night Demon was an assassin sent by Dawn.

Everyone turned on the base alarm, causing everyone to wake up from their sleep. At this time, no one knows that it is a Night Stalker, otherwise they can just turn off the alarm, because the Night Stalker cannot enter a brightly lit room.

Maya got up first. She could have done it alone, but she did not have the rational thinking and did not leave others to rest. If she had to handle it by herself, everyone felt that her lying down behavior was not very good. In the end, everyone except the shameless Lin Wu left the warm bed and bonfire room.

Soon the red dot left the safe zone, and Maya came back and said: "Night Devil." Go back to rest.

Everyone returned to their seats, Shana said: "Is this a warning? Or a prompt from the system."

Maya replied: "It's been so dark for a month, they should be exhausted. Danger is everywhere, just be careful. Pay special attention not to leave the safe area alone. For example, go skating, fishing, etc. Don't leave your hand with a pistol when you go out, and keep friends with you. As long as we take care of each other, there shouldn't be much of a problem." The bases are very close, so as long as they don't die on the spot, they'll be fine.

Polar Night should be a hell difficulty for a base without power supply. Imagine that everyone is in the campfire room, there is not enough firewood, or when food needs to be prepared. From the electronic map of the base, we found that there are multiple red dots in the safe area of ​​the base. What should we do at this time? Not to mention the dangers when going out, there are dangers at home. Even if you know that the night demon has invaded your residence, you still lack the means to deal with it.

Even more extreme, there may be a large number of night demons waiting in the darkness outside the campfire for food to leave the campfire.

Because the polar night swallowed up the dawn, would-be chef Lin Wu almost overslept. By the time he wandered downstairs, Lin Meng had basically prepared breakfast. Simple is beautiful, breakfast porridge, scrambled eggs and a boiled egg per person. This three-piece set is hassle-free and highly forgiving. The key point is to add more salt to the scrambled eggs.

"Although they are all scrambled eggs, your scrambled eggs are different and delicious." Lin Wu gave them a free like. If you don't work, you should say something nice.

Lin Meng smiled happily and asked, "What do you want to eat for lunch?"

"Egg soup, egg custard." Lin Wu said, "How much rice is left?"

Lin Meng replied: "It's all in the pot." Hydroponics can only grow vegetables.

Lin Wu said: "Steam some more sweet potatoes. No seasoning is needed. I'll just boil the potatoes for dinner and eat the eggs for a day. It's a good change."

Lin Meng reminded: "There are still some fish."

Lin Wu said: "The production of fish is too complicated, leave it to Shana and Xiaodao to study."

At this point, another alarm sounded at the base. Lin Wu said, "I'll take care of it." Whistle, Xiaowai ran downstairs from the greenhouse.

Lin Gou walked out of the small square and walked to the side. Red Dot was at the stone pile. It was dark here. Facing Lin Wu's approach step by step, Red Dot waited quietly. Little did he know that Xiao Wai had already taken its escape route. Lin Wu quickly caught the Night Demon with his flashlight, and the Night Demon tried his best to hide using stones.

Seeing Lin Wu pressing closer, Night Demon prepared to retreat, but as soon as he left the stone pile, he was illuminated by a strong light. It turned out to be Xiao Wai with a flashlight tied to his head. This time it had nowhere to escape. No matter how it hid, Xiao Wai's brain light was always tracking it, and his reaction was much faster than it.

In the end, the Night Stalker died, a very normal ending. The fact that it can live so long is thanks to Lin Wu's boredom. Lin complained: "Night Stalkers are not included in the total zombie count."

Little White Rabbit: "Yes."

Lin Wu: "The extreme daylight lasts for a month. How did the Night Demon come about?"

Little White Rabbit: "Zombies that stay in the darkness for a long time have a certain chance of mutating into night demons." During the extreme daylight period, some zombies live in the darkness, and some of them mutate.

Lin Wu was thoughtful, waved a little white rabbit goodbye, pressed the headset and said, "I just made a complaint."

Shitou: "When will you stop complaining?"

Lin Wu: "Do you believe that I can go over and lift your quilt now?"

Shitou: "Haha, when did you retaliate? What are you complaining about?"

Lin Wu said: "I complained about the Night Demon, and Shuguang told me that the Night Demon is the mutation of zombies that have stayed in the darkness for a long time. This means that during the month-long polar night, many ordinary zombies will mutate. Night Stalker.”

Maya said: "I'm more worried about the Night Demon's activity. Let's have breakfast first and work as usual. Just be more careful."

Lin Wu: "Has breakfast been served?"

Lin Meng: "Yes."

Lin Wu: "Why didn't you wait for my help?"

Lin Meng didn't answer, Shitou answered for her: "I haven't seen you move a few times in the past two months." Lin Wu: "As a boss, don't you know? A good leader doesn't need to do it himself? Don't you still Will you go down to the grassroots level to drive screws?”


"Hey sister, how about breakfast?"

"It's okay, the eggs are a bit salty."

Lin Wu: "So the porridge is very thin." The reason why the porridge is very thin is because there is only half a kilogram of rice left.

Maya: "Come over for a meeting."

Maya arranged the work, which was basically explained yesterday. After breakfast, Lin Meng, Xiaodao, Shitou and Maya drove 80 meters to their destination. Shitou stopped the car accurately. Lin Meng got out of the car and opened the trunk of the jeep. The trunk of this car does not open up and down, but opens like a door.

Maya and Xiaodao placed the four flashlights in a bundle, allowing two sets of lights to shine into the office building lobby. In the middle of the office building is a reception desk, with aisles on the left and right. In the front hall, which is an area of ​​less than 20 square meters, there are more than 20 zombies crowded inside.

Xiaodao knelt down on one knee, drew his bow and shot an arrow. Maya left most of the space for Xiaodao, and used her hunting crossbow to kill zombies.

Lin Wu's voice came from the headset: "Pay attention, there are two red dots approaching you, 20 meters away."

There are no street lights during the day, and the headlights shine on the street opposite the office building, leaving the car in darkness on both sides. Shi Shi reached out and turned on the interior lights. Although the light was weak, it was enough to prevent Night Stalker from directly attacking the car.

You have to keep the rockets in case you need them, but Xiaoda also has a bombing function. The small dozen with 5 kilograms of stones on it took off again. Since the zombies had no heat source and no light, Lin Wu could only make a blind throw by looking at the red dot. Lock on a random spot, and after throwing the stone, the red dot will not move.

Shitou sneered: "Just save some electricity."

Lin Wu recalled Xiao Da: "The pattern has opened, do you think I want to smash them to death?"

Shitou: "What if?"

Lin Wu said: "Brother just wants to throw stones in front of stones."

"Fuck!" Shitou: "If it were Blue Star, labor and management would fire you in a minute."

Lin Mengdao: "Expelled from the crown?"

Shitou said: "Girl, do you think the bosses all like sales leaders? Generally speaking, yes, but if a sales leader's sales business exceeds a certain proportion and no one in the company can shake his position, the existence of this sales leader will have an impact on him." The entire company is disadvantageous. A salesperson like Lin Wu must either be promoted to a leadership position or challenge a more difficult copy. Anyway, he must hand over the resources he has to others. Even if there is a loss, he will not hesitate."

Maya: "Please maintain open channel radio silence for the duration of the mission."

Shi Shi looked through the rearview mirror of the car and expressed his dissatisfaction as a boss with his eyes.

The NPCs started to go to work. They drove by the roadside, and under the light of the car lights, the Night Stalkers dodged. They passed the jeep and looked at it curiously like normal people, but without stopping, they bypassed two abandoned trucks piled with snow and entered the highway bridge.

Maya reported: "It's basically cleaned up."

Shi Shi started to reverse the car, and backed the car to the front. With a little accelerator, the rear wheels went up three steps, dragging the whole car to the front entrance position. However, this roar caused quite a stir, and more than a dozen zombies swarmed out of the passages on both sides of the reception desk. Maya immediately said: "Go back to the original position."

Maya and Xiaodao killed the four chasing zombies, and the remaining ten zombies stayed in the hall and outside the main entrance. After another round of operations, the jeep backed up to the front entrance, and the rear compartment connected with the hall. Maya, Xiao Dao and Lin Meng each got out of the car with silent pistols.

The first thing Lin Meng saw when he entered the hall was a wooden bench: "It can burn for at least half a day. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." After saying this, he remembered to keep silent.

"It's okay." Xiao Dao comforted.

Maya turned to look at Xiaodao, and Xiaodao realized that she shouldn't answer, so she nodded to show that she knew she was wrong. Maya pointed to the chairs inside the reception desk and the scattered papers, and then pointed to the elevator room and stairway corridor on the side. Xiaodao and Lin Meng responded to Maya with question marks.

Maya whispered as low as possible: "Take the things and light them on fire to prevent the night demon from sneaking in." After saying that, two zombies suddenly appeared from the left aisle, and Maya immediately shot them. Fortunately, the sound of the car's accelerator had taken away a group of zombies. At this time, no other zombies came to check the situation because of the sound of zombies falling to the ground.

The elevator and stairway that Maya mentioned are only 8 square meters in size. There are two elevators on the left and right sides, and there are stairs at the end. The sound of the accelerator had already pulled away the zombies here. The knife was carrying the computer chair. Lin Meng arrived at the stairs with a pile of papers. No zombies were found on the stairs, so they lit the papers on fire.

The chair began to burn. The smell was not pleasant because of the material, but the light it brought was due to the reflection of the wall tiles, giving the entire front room a certain amount of light.

Maya, who stayed in the front hall on guard, said: "All non-wooden flammable items can be lit to ensure a certain amount of light as much as possible."

Due to mission reasons, Lin Meng often went on duty with Maya, but Lin Wu was always there. When Lin Wu was around, Lin Meng felt that Maya's order was very clear. But without Lin Wu around, Lin Meng didn't understand. For example, what Maya said is to ensure that there is light in the lobby, or to ensure that there is light in the elevator area?

Lin Meng turned to Lin Wu's private channel, glanced at Maya, and asked quietly: "What do you mean?"

Lin Wu said in the headset: "Light a fire while advancing, and put combustibles in the area on the ground. In this way, work step by step to clean up the zombies on the first floor. Pay attention to safety and don't ignite the fire. The fire source is far away from the wood." The product should be farther away. Consider ignition under such circumstances."

Due to environmental reasons, Maya did not explain it so clearly, and many details need to be judged by yourself.

Maya said: "The knife swept through the left channel, and Lin Meng lit the fire." She went to the right channel herself, using flashlights and hunting crossbows to eliminate as many visible zombies as possible.

Lin Meng used a dagger to cut off the curtains to start a fire, and placed a wicker chair on one side on the fire, illuminating part of the left passage. Maya turned back to the left passage, holding a pistol in her left hand and a machete in her right hand: "The knife will support you, and Lin Meng will be on guard." After that, he entered the passage alone.

After a while, Maya called Xiao Dao over. There is a company on the left side of the passage. The glass door of the company no longer exists. What is visible is an open office, where a large number of zombies gather. The two of them, Ma Dao, leaned against the wall and used their bows and crossbows to kill the zombies. If it weren't for the extra resources and risk aside, killing zombies like this wouldn't even be able to recoup the cost of the arrows.

There were two companies in the left passage, and it took Lin Meng, Xiaodao and Maya two hours to clear the left passage.

Bad news: The crossbows are all gone.

There are too many zombies, and the only way to seduce them is to use long-range shooting to reduce the zombie density to a certain level.

The good news is that given the current refresh mechanism, Shadow has established a reliable safe zone in the office building.

(End of this chapter)

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