end of mystery.

Chapter 1 Classmates Reunion

Chapter 1 Classmates Reunion
"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

While cleaning the completely invisible dust in the room, my mother cursed.

The sound is just enough for Xiao Xiao who is hiding in the bedroom to hear, but not so loud that the neighbors can hear it. Occasionally, it is mixed with the sound of her angrily throwing the broom or rag on the ground or on the table:
"As an adult, I know how to play games in the bedroom every day."

"The room is not cleaned up, it's as messy as a pig's nest, how can I have a son like you, who looks exactly like your foolish father..."

"Doomed to be unable to do anything, rotten in the room!"


Xiao Xiao covered his ears in pain, his body trembling slightly.

He forgot when he started this kind of life, and only felt a splitting headache, as if his brain was being cruelly crushed.

Since four years ago, he has often had this splitting headache, accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness, making him feel that everything around him is twisted and elongated.

The things in front of me seemed to be no longer real, twisting and wriggling like earthworms.

He could hear his heart beating like a drum, and the interval between each beat seemed as long as a few minutes.

In this state where the surrounding environment becomes extremely unreal and distorted from time to time, he can't even concentrate, his thinking is like a broken lens, reflecting interlaced and weird lights.

He tried to accept and control himself, but it was obvious that his family couldn't accept it anymore.


The phone suddenly vibrated slightly, and the sound made Xiao Xiao's symptoms slightly relieved, and he felt like he had returned to reality.

"Don't forget the class reunion, Minghe Hotel, private room on the second floor."

The one who delivered the news was a high school classmate named Jiang Cheng.

In fact, Xiao Xiao has not been in touch with his former classmates for a long time. In the past four years, he rarely even went out, but after seeing this message, he still decided to go out.

Even if the headache similar to panic attack had just occurred, he still wanted to go out, probably because he held it in for too long and wanted to escape temporarily.

"If you don't stay at home well, where are you going to go wild?"

"You go, you go!"

"If you have the ability, die outside and never come back!"


When Xiao Xiao went out with a hoodie casually, her mother's cursing voice increased sharply, as if no matter what Xiao Xiao did, she could always poke her angry point.

"Blah blah blah..."

While she was talking, she was vigorously chopping unknown meat on the chopping board, her eyes fixed on Xiao Xiao, and the knife in her hand seemed to want to chop it on him the next moment.

Xiao Xiao was frightened by this look, felt cold all over, and walked out the door as if fleeing.

Night has fallen, and there are no street lights in the narrow streets and alleys. Xiao Xiao escaped from the sound of his mother chopping meat, but he always felt that something was watching him, as if a huge monster had been staring at him.


The three vicious dogs in the neighbor's yard let out threatening growls when they heard him approaching.

The iron chain around his neck was stretched into a straight line, making a metallic fatigue sound. His dark red eyes were fixed on him, and his saliva dripped down from between his ferocious interlaced teeth.

He walked close to the outer corner of the wall, but suddenly there were a few strange and inflected voices hanging from above his head. Behind a certain window on the second floor, the voice of the old record player was crying like crying.

The invisible tension made him walk faster and faster, but he was suddenly attracted by the ear-piercing sound of the chainsaw. Through the blurry and dirty window, he saw a tall butcher cutting something with the chainsaw in his arms.


The butcher and the cut thing suddenly turned their heads at the same time, and looked at him outside the window.

Xiao Xiao felt extremely frightened, he staggered back, and ran at a faster pace, until he passed through the streets and alleys, and then gasped heavily under the street lights.

Looking up at the busy street, a wave of dizziness poured into his brain.

Brilliant neon lights gushed over the city like magma, and the shrill and honking traffic flowed like swarms of steel monsters roaring and speeding across the city.

The searchlight on the roof looks at the night sky, as if to illuminate the entire night, but only the dark corners of the city and the streets full of sewage cannot be illuminated.

On the covers of the newspapers scattered on the ground, there were large pages reporting that the serial murderer who stole the heart had not been arrested, and that the girl gang who bombed the school not long ago had publicly provoked the security office and so on.

Black characters on a white background form a perfect unity with the temperament of the city.

"Have I been away for too long?"

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath of the cold, damp and salty air, and forced himself to calm down.

Looking up at this city, I feel that it is very strange. I don't know when it started, this city has become another kind of temperament.

He didn't know how this feeling of being with him came from, but thinking of the four years of persistence, he still wrapped his clothes tightly and walked towards the meeting place slowly.



"Xiao Xiao is here?"

"Our party is good today. We not only called the house god Xiao Xiao who hasn't been out for several years, but also met the goddess Yang Jia who hasn't contacted any classmates for four or five years..."

"It's really a big deal to be able to call Xiao Xiao who is going to stay at home until he dies..."

In the box, the smiling faces of classmates began to overlap with the energetic faces in Xiao Xiao's memory, and brought him back to the sunny memories of four years ago.

This calmed his frantically beating heart a little.

In four years, they have all gone to college and started another life.

But I was different. Because of the severe headache, my life seemed to be locked in a cage for four years.

A sense of alienation has emerged, but Xiao Xiao still feels very happy. After all, this seems to be a normal feeling, and it is also a group of normal people.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, someone smiled and interrupted everyone's discussion.

A bright girl who was on the phone outside the door came in. She had a slender figure and clean and delicate facial features, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

The students on the table also changed their smiling faces immediately, and said one after another: "It's okay, Yang Jia, you will stay here when you come back this time?"


She is the center of most attention in this class reunion, and she is also the most beautiful girl recognized by everyone.

Even in Xiao Xiao's memory, she can be clearly seen, the most beautiful girl in high school, with excellent grades, good at sports, and outstanding in all aspects.

In addition, there are some indescribable mysteries.

It is said that she was originally from a big family in a big city in the north. She transferred to another school for some special reasons, and she left after only one semester.

"Will be here for a while."

Yang Jia replied with a smile: "But how long I will stay, I haven't decided yet."

She always seems to have that kind of temperament, she treats people gently, but also has a sense of distance. She obviously doesn't care, but she will always be the center of everyone's attention.

"She seems to be different from others..."

Xiao Xiao didn't know when, but he felt attracted by Yang Jia.

It's not because she is beautiful, but her body always exudes a real feeling that Xiao Xiao can't describe in words.

Only by looking at her, did he seem to be far away from the unreal dizziness, and the nervousness was slowly fading away.

Perhaps, the previous discomfort and panic were just the effects of my headache, and I was just too nervous and became paranoid.

"Heh, Xiao Xiao, what are you looking at?"

But at this moment, Xiao Xiao was suddenly awakened by a cold voice.

When he raised his head, he saw Jiang Cheng looking at him with gloomy eyes, with a cigarette in his hand, the corner of his mouth was grinning unnaturally, but there was a chilling light in his eyes.

Another classmate, holding a table knife in his forehand, stabbed the meat in the plate vertically, but when doing these actions, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Xiao.

Someone on the opposite side pulled the chair vigorously, made a piercing noise, then leaned back on the chair, showing Xiao Xiao a smile that was not a smile.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao felt as if he had suddenly become the target of everyone's hatred.

The heart suddenly started beating uncontrollably and crazily, and the beating became slower and slower. Xiao Xiao felt his nerves tense uncontrollably again, and cold sweat oozed out layer by layer from his forehead.

The feeling of dizziness struck again, and everything around him seemed to be becoming unreal.

He could even feel that these people seemed to jump up explosively at any moment, stabbing the knife in their hands towards him fiercely.

"They all want to kill me..."

When this idea suddenly rushed out of his mind, Xiao Xiao was startled.

He got up in a panic: "I'm going to the bathroom!"

Leaving the private room of the hotel as if escaping, he could still feel that behind him, countless pairs of creepy eyes were staring at him.

"What the hell happened to me?"

A handful of cold water was splashed on his face, and Xiao Xiao closed his eyes in pain.

He didn't know why this happened, the mother at home, the passers-by on the road, and even the classmates he was familiar with, would all inadvertently show a look of wanting to kill him.

So, are you actually sick?

I started to get sick four years ago, with a splitting headache, and the whole world would become distorted and unreal.

I have been exercising in the bedroom for four years, and I feel better, but in fact, my symptoms are getting worse?


"How long have you been awake?"

Just as Xiao Xiao asked himself in pain and confusion, a calm voice sounded.

Xiao Qi was taken aback, turned his head quickly, and saw that Yang Jia appeared behind him at some point.

She leaned against the wall, holding a slender cigarette between her fingers, looking at herself with indifferent eyes.


Xiao Xiao was a little hesitant, wanting to explain that he just said that he wanted to go to the bathroom.

But Yang Jia suddenly interrupted him, and said: "I'm asking you, how long have you been awake, how did you attract so much hatred?"


Xiao Xiao couldn't understand it even more, and looked at Yang Jia with a little confusion.

"Didn't you find out?"

In the mint-flavored smoke, Yang Jia's eyes seemed a little mysterious, and she said softly, "This city is fake..."

"We are surrounded by evil spirits..."

 Haha, see you again on such a special day! !

(End of this chapter)

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