end of mystery.

Chapter 2 The First Commandment of the Stranger

Chapter 2 The First Commandment of the Stranger

"Fake? Evil ghost?"

Yang Jia's mysterious and lazy voice made Xiao Xiao regain consciousness, feeling like he had fallen into a frozen lake.

But Yang Jia in front of her, that mysterious and aloof girl, just looked into his eyes and said softly: "Do you feel that everyone around you has an inexplicable and strong hatred for you?"

"Do you feel that all of them want to kill you and eat you?"


Xiao Xiao suddenly looked at her in horror, and felt unreasonable gratitude in his heart.

Because this woman actually accurately described what he felt just now.

But immediately afterwards, Yang Jia sighed softly again, and said, "I can tell you, it's all true."

"Just now in the room, the hatred they showed towards you is true, but if you leave the room later, they will kill you, this is also true."


At this moment, Xiao Xiao only felt his scalp tingling slightly, and the world behind him seemed to collapse silently.

After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Why?"

"the reason is simple."

A wisp of mint-flavored smoke floated in front of Yang Jia's face, and said softly:
"All the people and things around us are only superficially the same as you remember, and they have long been replaced by false monsters without knowing it."

"You're out of place with the world, like a nail stuck in a clock."

"This world hates you, hates you, and wants to kill you completely..."


Xiao Xiao couldn't describe how he felt when he heard these words, he just stared blankly at Yang Jia, her calm and beautiful face gave him a kind of strong madness.


He didn't know how many questions he wanted to ask, but Yang Jia got up quickly, put her palm on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "Don't talk, they are here."

Xiao Xiao's heart was still filled with a lot of confusion, and he was inexplicably surprised.

In the corridor, I saw that Jiang Cheng had already walked over with a smile. Just now, he looked at him with that sinister look, but now he seemed to be a different person, and said with a smile on his face:

"I said why you two have been away for so long and haven't gone back. It turns out that you are whispering here."

"Can you let me hear, what are you talking about?"


Xiao Xiao's heart was full of vigilance at this time, but Yang Jia replied with a very relaxed smile: "Just talking about something interesting."

Jiang Cheng glanced at Yang Jia, then looked at Xiao Xiao, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, he just smiled and waved his hands, saying, "Okay, okay, everyone is in a hurry."

But as he spoke, he suddenly turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, and said, "Yang Jia, go back first, I have something to tell Xiao Xiao."

Looking at the moment when he just turned his head, there seemed to be a shadow of prey flashing in his eyes.

This made Xiao Xiao vigilant for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Yang Jia. Of course, he didn't want Yang Jia to leave, but unexpectedly, she just nodded obediently, turned around and was about to leave.

But the moment she turned around, she suddenly approached Xiao Xiao's ear, and said quickly, "The first commandment for foreigners: don't make yourself look weak."

"If you don't want to be killed by him, you have to kill him."


"kill him?"

Xiao Xiao was frightened by these words, and looked at Yang Jia in horror.

But Yang Jia had already turned and left, with a normal expression on her face.

Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, saw the expression on Yang Jia's face as he brushed Xiao Xiao's whisper in his ear, which seemed to make him feel extremely dissatisfied.

Watching Yang Jia leave, the smile on his face has suddenly subsided.

When he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, he was already full of coldness and anger, so he suddenly grabbed Xiao Xiao and dragged him into the bathroom.

Holding Xiao Xiao's arm in his hand, he pushed Xiao Xiao against the wall of the bathroom with a sudden force, and the glass shattered with a crash, and the fragments splashed all over the ground.

There was also a distorted and vicious coldness in his voice: "You deserve it too?"


Xiao Xiao was caught by surprise and pressed against the wall by him, instinctively flustered, and subconsciously asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"We all know that this party was called because I met Yang Jia."

"You all know that I like Yang Jia."

"We all know that Yang Jia is mine, so you deserve to snatch it from me? You deserve to look at her? You deserve to go outside and whisper to her?"


Jiang Cheng roared with a gloomy expression. Anger made the earthworm-like blood vessels on his forehead swell up and twisted. At this moment, Xiao Xiao felt a strong threat from him. The undisguised anger, It gave him a sense of panic that he couldn't control himself. He could feel Jiang Cheng's anger erupting as if it hadn't been contained, and the blood threads spreading like spider webs quickly covered the entire eyeball.

He was so angry, his hatred and resentment erupted like a substance, so much so that his mouth split open suddenly when he used too much force.

The corners of the mouth on both sides were forcibly torn apart by the twisted muscle force, and then the chest was suddenly torn apart. The surface of the body was like a broken eggshell, and twisted tentacles bloomed from the inside of the body.

On the top are round suckers and inverted tooth spurs, wriggling and shaking off a trace of mucus.

"You unprogressive trash, you deserve to die in your bedroom..."

In the ambiguous and bitter voice, Jiang Cheng's sticky arm full of barbs, or tentacles, stabbed fiercely towards Xiao Xiao's heart.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao suddenly widened his eyes.

He watched the disgusting and terrifying tentacle dig into his heart, and his tension reached the extreme in an instant. He felt like all the blood in his body was being squeezed into his brain by invisible forces.

The panic that had accumulated for a long time also broke out instantly at this moment, and it was more menacing than any panic he had ever experienced.

"Is this real, or a hallucination?"

"He... turned into a monster?"


Accompanied by severe headache and dizziness, he felt that everything around him slowed down.

There is only Jiang Cheng's angry and torn face in front of him, the tentacles wriggling out of his body, and that arm that contains inhuman strength.

how so……

How did you encounter such absurd and nightmare-like things?

He couldn't figure out why, but he felt that the beating sound of the heart was very clear, but the interval between each beat was infinitely lengthening.

He'd felt it from time to time, ever since he'd endured the panic attacks that had haunted him for four years and worked to get used to the twitchy feeling.

The more tense you are, the slower everything around you becomes, almost to a standstill.

In the same second, he can think about more things and feel more information, as if the world is stagnant, only his own thinking is running explosively.

In the past, this feeling brought only pain and suffering, but now it seems to have played some unexpected role.

The mind is overloaded like an explosion.

It took him less than a second to understand things that others took a long time to understand.



"Jiang Cheng in front of him has turned into a monster, and he is full of hatred for me. He wants to...kill me."

"Should I run away?"

"No, I can't escape, this monster is too close to me."

"So, if I want to protect myself, there is only one way..."

Xiao Xiao thought of the words Yang Jia whispered just now: "If you want to live, you have to kill him."

Killing people is naturally bad. Xiao Xiao has never killed a chicken since he was a child, let alone a person, but the thing in front of him is a monster, and it is hurting him, so what other choice does he have?

So he quickly advanced to the important point: how to kill?

And when such a question flashed in his mind, Xiao Xiao, whose mind was exploding, tried his best to capture all the details around him. In this slow motion that almost stopped time, he saw Jiang Cheng's cracked skin With the hideous flesh and tentacles, he saw the unknown flesh and blood tissue in his body, as well as the center of the split body, the dark red heart that was slowly bulging and compressing the blood.

With the corner of his eyes, he saw the shiny fragments on the ground, which were the fragments of the mirror that Jiang Cheng smashed when he pushed himself onto the mirror.

A plan slowly emerged in my mind.




Jiang Cheng, who was furious, lashed towards Xiao Xiao's chest with his arm turned into a tentacle.

This speed was already astonishing, but he didn't expect that at the same time as his tentacles slammed forward, Xiao Xiao's body, which was pressed against the wall, suddenly swung to the side suddenly, and then squatted down.

The tentacle struck the tiled wall of the bathroom in an instant, and the tiles were splashed with debris from the whipping.

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised. He couldn't imagine that Xiao Xiao, who was weak and helpless, could escape this blow, but immediately roared, and more tentacles writhed and grabbed Xiao Xiao.

But Xiao Xiao, who dodged the first blow, moved unexpectedly fast... no, not fast, but precise.

I just thought about it many times and observed it for a long time, and my actions are efficient, decisive, and precise.

When he squatted down to avoid the blow, he reached out and grabbed the ground, holding a long lens that was as sharp as a knife.

He even picked one that was long enough and sharp enough.

Before the tentacles on Jiang Cheng's body lashed towards him again, he clenched the lens tightly, stood up, and stabbed down towards his chest.


Xiao Xiao's wrist pierced through the sticky tentacles and into Jiang Cheng's open chest, and the sharp lens directly pierced into Jiang Cheng's beating heart.

The heart was like leather, and it seemed to be tougher than expected, but Xiao Xiao exhausted all his strength and pierced directly into his heart to a depth of ten centimeters.

Jiang Cheng's waving tentacles suddenly became soft.

He staggered back, his face split into two eyes that were out of balance up and down, with an unexpected and frightened light.

Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, gripped the blood-stained mirror shards tightly, staring at him firmly.

He took a deep breath, then squatted down again, and slashed hard at the heart.

Two knives.

 Four chapters today, please recommend for favorites


(End of this chapter)

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