end of mystery.

Chapter 28 The Swamp of Despair

Chapter 28 The Swamp of Despair

Xiao Xiao was taken aback, and turned around quickly, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

At this time, I was standing on a small platform that protruded from a room on the second floor. The door behind was locked, and the space on the platform was very small, so there was no place to hide.

However, I really heard that voice, it was definitely not a hallucination.

Seeing the strangeness like a ghost made him a little nervous, his thoughts ran quickly, and his eyes quickly swept across the platform again.

Every tiny trace fell into his eyes, quickly filtered and analyzed, and at the end, his pupils shrank slightly, and his gaze fell into the hole in the upper left corner of the small platform in disbelief.

It seemed to be a hole that had once been used to pass some kind of pipe, with a diameter of at most twenty centimeters. It was dark, and it led to nowhere.

But now in the hole, there is a person who got out of it.

His face was pale, and he slowly squeezed out, holding a dark red card in his mouth, which was exactly the same as the one on Xiao Xiao's body, which seemed to indicate that he had the same identity as himself.

Xiao Xiao was actually taken aback, but because he was too nervous, his expression couldn't keep up. Instead, he looked extremely calm, only a little curious:
"who are you?"


"My name is Xiao Si, an investigator from the Heimen City Alien Organization, and Yang Jia is ordering me to come over to investigate something."

The person in the cave held the card in his mouth, but his voice was very clear. While talking, he stretched out his thin, bone-like palm to Xiao Xiao.

"Little Four?"

He thought about the name, and vaguely remembered that he had heard Ruan Ruan mention it.

The foreigners on Heimen's side have also formed an organization to help each other, and according to Ruan Ruan, it is still very strong.

I haven't joined this organization yet, and the only people who know about it are Yang Jia and Ruan Ruan, and this Xiaosi is also the one I heard her talk about in the previous chat with Ruan Ruan.

I just didn't expect to meet here.

He was still somewhat vigilant in his heart, but he hesitated a little, and held his outstretched hand, shaking it up and down: "Hello."

"you're good too……"

The man replied weakly, still holding Xiao Xiao's hand, and said awkwardly: "But I actually want you to give me a hand..."


With a blank expression on his face, Xiao Xiao dragged his hand and pulled him from the hole.

It wasn't until this time that he saw the appearance of this person clearly. He looked very young, his face was pale, his eyes were habitually narrowed, and he seemed afraid to look at others.

His figure was emaciated, as if he had no bones, but it was still hard to imagine how he got out of such a small hole.

Curious, Wei Wei asked, "You know me?"

"I heard that you..."

Xiaosi also seemed a little surprised by Xiao Xiao's calm and composed demeanor. After taking a look at him, he withdrew his gaze and said in a low voice, "Miss Hard said that you are a newcomer with super potential."

"Handsome, but also perverted."

"As a rookie, I can solve C-level incidents without injury, but I also like to feed the dog with dead people's palms..."



Xiao Xiao was startled for a moment, then suddenly understood who he was talking about.

Compared with Ruanruan, Sister Hard is more suitable for her, but... Isn't it a bit too much for her to say that about herself outside?
"It's all a misunderstanding, she should be joking..."

Shaking his head in embarrassment, he walked towards the alley where the war was about to end, and changed the subject: "However, the painful substance you mentioned just now is..."

"Have you not understood this part yet?"

Xiao Si glanced at Xiao Xiao unexpectedly, and said, "The painful substance in that girl's body has reached a critical point, and it will soon be deformed."

"If we wait until her distortion appears, and then clean her up, we can immediately gain a lot of points."



Xiao Xiao's expression changed slightly, thinking of the Rat Man and the Suffocating Doll.

This little girl next door almost turned into that twisted and deformed creature just now?

It doesn't seem strange, just now I felt such strong despair and pain from her...

There were a lot of thoughts in his mind, but Xiao Xiao only completed them in an instant, but his expression didn't change much. He just nodded and said lightly, "She is my neighbor."


Xiaosi nodded silently, and said, "No wonder you saved her. Now that her pain has been vented, she won't be deformed anymore."

As he spoke, he glanced into the alley: "The three dogs were bought after you woke up?"

Xiao Xiao was a little embarrassed, turned his head to look into the alley, and said, "It's cute, isn't it?"


Xiao Si looked at the horrible scene of flesh and blood flying all over the alley, and sighed in a low voice: "It's not the same if you feed it with human flesh..."


Xiao Xiao felt inexplicable for a moment.

I really don't have one, the dead man's hand was quickly thrown into the fire last time.

It's just that he looked at Xiaosi's eyes that looked at him with scrutiny and fear, and suddenly realized that no matter what he said, he probably wouldn't believe it...



At the same time, the alley was already filled with blood.

The girls who were arrogant and arrogant just a few minutes ago were all bloody and bloody from being bitten, crying and screaming bitterly.

Some of them shrank into the trash can, shivering, and some crawled out of the alley, but everyone's spiritual world was deeply imprinted with fear.

And Nuonuo, hugging the big black dog's neck at this time, was crying bitterly.

But for some reason, her crying made people feel a certain kind of happiness.

On the contrary, there are three vicious dogs, looking at them with their heads tilted, thinking that the master is right next to them, this girl is so close to us, the master will not be jealous, right?
"The matter is not small, let's leave first..."

On the platform on the second floor, Xiao Si shook his head, nodded to Xiao Xiao, and still sighed softly: "Although I have lost a lot of points, but seeing this girl cry so pitifully, it seems that it is not a loss..."

Xiao Xiao also nodded, and was going to go back first. After all, it was just a temporary encounter, and he didn't feel that he had lost any points.

It's about the pain substance and the decrease in the reinforcement points of the three vicious dogs, so I'm eager to find out.

But at this moment, he suddenly got goosebumps.

He suddenly raised his head and looked in one direction, feeling a sense of crisis surging like a tide.

Even Xiao Si was taken aback suddenly, with an incomprehensible expression on his pale face: "Our luck is so good?"



In the cafe on the side of the street, the clerk looked at the slightly trembling body of the woman wearing sunglasses, and seemed a little guilty on his face, lowered his voice and said:
"Come on, Zhang Xiao, it's over, isn't it?"

It can be seen that she is indeed a little guilty, and said with a smile: "We had a little conflict back then, but we were all young at that time, weren't we?"

"Haha, look at the clothes you're wearing now, you look really good..."

"Leave a contact information later. When we have a chance to go out for dinner together in the future, I'll treat you to coffee today. It's my apology for my previous ignorance, okay?"


"Dao... sorry..."

The woman with sunglasses on her face finally spoke, but her voice trembled slightly, as if she was straining herself.

The coffee cup in her hand suddenly fell to the ground, smashed into pieces, and splashed the clerk's shoes, scaring her to retreat hastily, while the voice of the woman wearing sunglasses was uncontrollably shrill, even hysterical:

"How could you..."

"How could you just appear in front of me like this, making me remember everything at once..."

"You even want me to forgive you, forgive you..."

"Just because you want to buy me a cup of coffee, let me forget everything before? Do you want me to forgive you?"



The female shop assistant hurriedly stamped her feet, then squatted down to wipe off the coffee on the new shoes. The woman's voice was loud, attracting the attention of everyone in the shop.

Especially her exaggerated accusations made me feel ashamed.

His temper rose all of a sudden, and he cursed: "What are you doing, you, I'll come here to talk to you, why are you yelling at me, you think you're doing well now, don't you?"

"I really think I'm a character, shit girl..."



When her title of "shit girl" sounded, the woman wearing sunglasses suddenly screamed in pain. She hugged her head and crouched on the ground.

The scream of pain was so strong that even the glass windows in the café buzzed.

A coffee cup trembled twice, and a crack suddenly appeared.

"Why why..."

She covered her head and yelled loudly, as if her consciousness had been confused, her body was trembling, and she completely lost her elegant and delicate appearance, just like a curled up little beast full of fear.

"I've forgotten, I've forgotten..."

"Why do you remind me of it again? I forgot it after taking so many medicines. Why do you remind me of it..."


"As for you?"

The clerk also felt the fear, and couldn't help but backed away, wanting to leave, still muttering: "I was just joking with you back then..."

"We were only young then..."


But her voice was quickly drowned in the woman's screams.

This cry seemed to be full of pain, and it exceeded the limit of ordinary people's voice. The woman curled up and squatted on the ground. This scream seemed to shatter something invisible, and her body was also shattered invisibly. There was a crack, some kind of bright red tentacles drilled out of her body, like crystal-like slender vines, spreading instantly, sticking to the floor and walls, growing rapidly...



"what is that?"

Only one building away from the coffee shop, Xiao Xiao felt the strong sense of crisis, and also saw the crazy growing red tentacles.

"The Swamp of Despair..."

A little blush appeared on Xiao Si's pale face, and he said excitedly: "Just now I said that I lost a sum of points, but I didn't expect to encounter a big order..."

"Let's go, we are developed..."

 Hey, I said yesterday that there are a lot more tickets, this method is easy to use, continue to remind everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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