end of mystery.

Chapter 29 Dark Red Tentacles

Chapter 29 Dark Red Tentacles
What is the Swamp of Despair?
Why did this thing suddenly appear on the street?
Xiao Xiao couldn't figure out this question for a while, no matter how powerful his thinking ability was, he couldn't come up with an answer out of thin air, but he quickly figured it out, and he had to follow the past to see.

Although it was only the first time seeing the person named Xiao Si in front of him, Xiao Xiao saw his ID card and could confirm his identity.

Furthermore, the cost of strengthening those three vicious dogs after the bite in the alley has dropped from one hundred points to thirty points, which also made him eager to try...

Although I still don't understand the underlying logic of enhancement and what it looks like after enhancement, but if I can enhance it once for free, wouldn't it be a loss?
In the end, Xiao Si seemed to say "We got rich"?
It must not be missed!
He nodded immediately and said, "I'll go and bring a helper."

In Xiao Si's eyes, Xiao Xiao looked different: "No wonder Sister Hard and Lao Yang said that this newcomer has good potential, and it's hard to get just this calmness."

"When I was still a newcomer, Sister Hard was not so hard. The first time I saw a distortion monster, I was scared to pee?"



In the alley, Nuonuo didn't feel what happened in the coffee shop across the street, but the sudden heart palpitations made her suddenly react.

He hugged Haha's soft and warm neck, feeling a sense of being redeemed in his heart.

It wasn't until this burst of heart palpitations hit that she suddenly woke up, and stared blankly at Haha who was hugging her in her arms.

Indeed, I longed for countless times that when I was being bullied, I could bring out these three dogs and scare those people out of their shit.

But I am not a child anymore, and I also understand that it is impossible for me to lead them out to scare people.

But since this is the case, how did they appear just now?
When thinking about this question, she suddenly realized that none of the three dogs, including the one she was holding, was looking at her.

There were even bloodstains on their mouths, and they looked ferocious and terrifying, but their personalities appeared to be extremely docile. They even wagged their tails, and in the same posture, they looked expectantly in one direction in midair.

Just when doubts arose in her heart, she saw a figure jumping down from a platform on the second floor next to her.

There was at least three or four meters away, but this man landed steadily, seemingly unaffected at all. He was wearing rough and heavy blue work clothes, but he had a handsome and pale face.

Smiled to himself, and whistled.


The big black dog and the big yellow dog wagged their tails wildly and ran to his side with a whoosh, shaking their heads in excitement.

Except for the one he was holding in his arms, although he was chubby, he was a warm man. He seemed to be aware that she was still a little frightened, and he didn't have the nerve to break free.


Nuonuo looked at Xiao Xiao who fell in front of him unexpectedly, and couldn't believe it: "Brother Xiao?"

She wasn't surprised to see Xiao Xiao here, because she did see him on the street just now, but she didn't want to be seen by him in such an embarrassing state, so she didn't dare to say hello.

But now, seeing Xiao Xiao appearing in front of him, and seeing the three dogs' affection for him.

Suddenly, a certain question was opened in her mind.

It's him!

He helped himself?
There are still many questions, such as how he could bring his three dogs to this alley to save himself.

For example, when I first met him, he obviously didn't have a dog with him.

But naturally in her heart, she had an intuition that made her very sure that it was the neighbor's brother who helped her just now.

"It's dangerous here, go home quickly and go in that direction."

And when she was full of surprises and couldn't help shedding tears, Xiao Xiao had already spoken in a low voice, and pointed her in the opposite direction from where the sense of crisis came from.


Nuonuo had a lot to say, but before she could say it, Xiao Xiao remembered something, opened his wallet, and took out a 20 yuan note.

"Take a taxi and go, and take a taxi after running two streets."


Looking at Xiao Xiao's blurry face in his tear-covered eyes, what Nuo Nuo wanted to say was suddenly blocked, and he just nodded subconsciously.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xiao Xiao nodded to her, then turned and walked out of the alley, two hounds happily followed him.

The black and white Erha was also a little anxious, with an abandoned look on his face.

But Xiao Xiao also saw that the girl was still full of fear, so he didn't plan to take away the Erha she was holding, so as to give her a sense of security.

On the other hand, Nuonuo actually reacted quickly.

She stood up, subconsciously patted the dirt on her body, and before running towards the entrance of the alley, she suddenly remembered something, and said to Erha:

"Go with him!"


Erha was a little surprised, and Xiao Xiao was also a little surprised.

This real dog owner probably didn't know the fact that she bought them. Why would she think of letting this Erha follow her?

Could it be that the will of the city is affecting it again?
Or, the little girl's sharpness?
He didn't have time to say more. Looking at the little girl in the white skirt, she ran out of the alley while wiping the ashes from her face. The three vicious dogs beside her had also entered a fighting state, and squatted at their feet, staring at each other.

"Sister Hard said at the beginning that you bought three dogs. I was still a little hard to understand, but now that I look at it, I understand..."

And not far behind, Xiao Si's voice sounded.

He watched Xiao Xiao come out of the alley, tall and straight, with a pale face, followed by three tall, vicious hounds.

The shadows cast on their faces gave off a strange aura.

I just feel: "Handsome..."

In the past, Xiao Si always thought that those who were more famous in the circle bought the goddess who had been chasing after seven or eight years before she was awakened, bought the person she hated for a long time, and then tortured them continuously. It would be more normal to buy a small rich man and recognize him as his own son on the spot, but now, I suddenly found that buying a few vicious dogs as helpers at the novice stage like Xiao Xiao is the most calm and rational choice...

Is this the gap?

When I first woke up, I thought about buying the cafeteria aunt in the courtyard, so that I can get a few more pieces of meat every time I eat...



Two people and three dogs walked out of the alley, and saw that the surroundings were already in chaos.

From time to time, people screamed and fled from the direction of the coffee shop, and cars bumped into each other without thinking.

It can be vaguely seen that in the direction of the coffee shop, there are several figures roaring, their limbs and bodies twisted into strange directions, and they are grabbing the people passing by uncontrollably.

In the coffee shop, one could clearly see a kind of dark red tentacles of flesh and blood extending out like vines.


In Xiao Xiao's head, there seemed to be faint auditory hallucinations, as if the ears were filled with water, which was distorted.

The dark red tentacles, just looking at them with their own eyes, seem to be able to affect their brain waves, making their memories flicker like disordered TV signals.

"What exactly is this?"

He subconsciously raised his volume and asked Xiao Si a question.

"A deformed creature with serial number 29: the vine of despair."

Xiao Si looked at the dark red substances, his eyes were faintly bright, and said: "It is a kind of deformed creature produced by mental breakdown caused by repeated torture of some too painful memories."

"This vine can affect the spiritual world of those around it, awakening their bad memories and causing a mental breakdown."

"People with mental breakdowns will continue to produce vines of despair, affecting more people, and intertwined with each other, they can form a C-level disaster: the swamp of despair."

"What we are encountering now should be just the vine of despair. After all, the time is too short to spread. However, the painful substance accumulated in the body of this deformed creature at the core is too strong. It is hard for me to imagine how long her previous pain has been brewing. , and why it erupted suddenly, in short, it has the characteristics of spreading outward in an instant, so it is said to be a swamp of despair, which is actually almost the same..."


Xiao Xiao was thoughtful: "So, it's just a D-level incident?"

"The essence is D-level, but there are other factors affecting it."

Xiao Si glanced at the calm Xiao Xiao beside him, and thought to himself: "It's so cool, it's only been a few days, and you don't even pay attention to D-level incidents?"

"That's right, people don't pay attention to C-level incidents..."


Shaking his head, he quickly explained: "For example, the painful substance of this deformed creature is too strong, obviously exceeding the standard."

"Besides, this is a downtown area, how many people are being threatened?"

"We solved it, it's a point, we saved those who were under threat, another point, we cleared the potential threat, and there will be some points."

"All kinds of things, maybe more than the smaller C-level threats..."


"In other words, it is already at the same level as the Nest of Suffocation?"

Xiao Xiao was surprised and a little excited, forced himself to calm down, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

"First seal off this block, only people are allowed to go out, no one is allowed to enter."

Xiao Si said: "This thing is expanding rapidly. Although the bigger it expands, the more painful substances we can harvest, but we are already on the scene after all."

"If it is allowed to spread, the city's will will lower its evaluation of us, and we won't earn many points, but the maliciousness will increase significantly."


"Lockdown block?"

Xiao Xiao looked at the already chaotic street: "How to do it?"

"Of course I let the guards take care of it..."

"We can still mobilize the power of the Security Office?"


Xiao Xiao was really surprised. Is the strength of a foreigner so powerful in this world?
While thinking about it, Xiao Si stretched out his hand suddenly, snatched the mobile phone from a person who was running away in a hurry, and glared at the other person. His mobile phone dialed the number of the Security Office: "Hello? Uncle Police? This is the location of the Happy Coffee Shop on Shiguang Street in the Xiacheng District. Please send someone over immediately to block the block. There are bombs here..."

"What? You asked me how I knew there was a bomb?"

"I installed it myself, can I still not know?"

"There are more than a dozen installed, and it will detonate in 10 minutes. You can figure it out..."


Under Xiao Xiao's dumbfounded eyes, Xiao Si hung up the phone and said, "Let's go, now we have 10 minutes to solve this problem."

PS "I Invented at Hogwarts" author Vera Tiantian codewords.

When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super electromagnetic gun from Harry Potter.

"Rig, this is much better than a wand!"

(End of this chapter)

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