end of mystery.

Chapter 30 Drug Tester No. 0

Chapter 30 Drug Tester Zero

"That's okay too?"

Xiao Xiao looked at the skillful operation of this listless primary schoolmate, and his eyes were a little faint.

"As a human being, the principles must be flexible..."

Xiaosi explained while walking forward: "This thing is not something that the guards can handle. If they rush to the police and run to the front, they will only become nutrients in the swamp of despair, but, again We can’t stop them from calling the police, and at least we have to seal off the place and create a blank area to cut off the flow of people, lest we make mistakes in dealing with the problem and be spread out by this swamp of despair.”

"So, a simple phone call not only allows them to come over to help block the flow of people, but also creates space for us to do things."

"How good?"


Xiao Xiao thought about it carefully, and felt that what he said made sense.

I feel that I have learned a lot from the old players invisibly.

While talking, the two of them didn't stop in their footsteps. They had passed through the panicked crowd and approached the coffee shop.

The cold and strange sense of crisis hit his face, and the woman's painful cries and cold laughter could be vaguely heard.

At this time, Xiao Xiao could already hear his heavy heartbeat, his thinking seemed to be out of touch with reality, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing down, as if he was reading a book. Reading out the content of the book, the speed of reading is usually the same as the sound of reading, but now, with a glance, I have read all the content, and the sound of reading is just the beginning.

"Not yet..."

Xiao Xiao can only control himself, so that he will not enter the state of thinking explosion too early.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Xiao Si was already showing some excitement, his pale face flushed, he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao, but suddenly felt a little depressed.

So calm, this man...

I have been in a foreign land for so long, and I still feel nervous every time something happens, but this newcomer has already faced such a big chaos and is indifferent.

Is this the gap?
"What should we do?"

Just as Xiao Si was thinking wildly in frustration and excitement, Xiao Xiao had already turned his head and asked.

"Huh? He actually asked me, just tell me what to do..."

"...Oh, I'm the veteran."

Xiaosi reacted for a while, thinking of the newcomer's respect for him, he couldn't help but feel a little grateful, and hurriedly said: "It's better to divide the troops into two groups."

"You go and get rid of the painful core of that thing inside, I'll stop the spread of this swamp of despair, and investigate what Yang Jia told me before.

He glanced around and said quickly: "I need to make sure those people will appear here."

Xiao Xiao felt slightly curious: "Who is it?"

Xiao Si didn't want to explain too much on this question, and said in a low voice: "Some crazy guys often appear around distortion events."

"But you don't need to understand it yet. In short, how about solving the problem separately and dividing the points equally?"

When Xiao Xiao heard the words, he stopped talking and said, "Okay."

One of the two dared to invite, and the other dared to agree.

For Xiao Xiao, firstly, he felt that it was a rare opportunity to directly see the birth of deformed creatures, and take the opportunity to observe the changes of the three dogs.

In addition, a veteran like Xiao Si said that there is no problem, so of course he dared to fight.

As for Xiaosi's task assignment, he didn't think there was a problem either.

The main reason is that I really don't know how to stop the spread of the vine of despair, and I don't know who he is investigating. It's impossible for the two of them to change jobs.

And Xiao Si felt that this legendary newcomer could solve the suffocation nest without injury earlier, so this little thing in front of him counts as something?

After all, in terms of danger, the Nest of Suffocation is generally considered to be much stronger than the Swamp of Despair.

The two immediately split up and acted. Xiao Si was thin and weak and walked slowly, but after deciding to act, he rushed out with a whoosh, got into a shadow on the side of the road, and disappeared.

As for Xiao Xiao, after taking a deep breath, his eyes became calm, and he walked towards the coffee shop with three vicious dogs looking around.


As the soles of his feet stepped into a position about ten meters around the coffee shop, he instantly felt his brain bouncing wildly like a signal disorder.

It seemed that there was some invisible substance, not on the physical level, but on the spiritual level. The moment he approached, it immediately frantically ejected and penetrated his mind.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao only felt that his brain seemed out of control, and countless painful images flashed by quickly.

He didn't know why, but suddenly recalled scenes of embarrassment and torture.

There is a picture of myself breaking the glass of the school building when I was in elementary school, and being punished by the teacher to stand and curse in front of the whole class.

There was a picture of my father and mother quarreling in high school, and my father slammed the door and left, leaving my mother crying and smashing things at home.

There is a scene where when the parents are divorcing, the mother points the kitchen knife at herself like crazy, saying that she wants to make the father regret it.

Also, after I started to have a headache, my parents were reluctant to take me to the hospital, and the image of impatience and indifference when they suspected that I was pretending to be sick.

The cold instruments, the flickering incandescent lights, the bright eyes of the doctor, and the unknown pills...

All the uncertainty and weirdness in Xiao Xiao's life emerged at this moment, and he will never forget the most painful and powerless moment.

"Dad, Mom, I really have a headache, I'm not pretending..."



"Good... so powerful..."

Under the eaves far away, Xiao Si's thin body was huddled upside down and hung upside down on the wall. He still couldn't help but look back, and then he was stunned.

He saw Xiao Xiao facing the endless dark red tentacles in the coffee shop, with a calm face and walking forward indifferently.

It was almost impossible to understand: "He actually faced the most painful experience, does this person have no feelings?"

Muttering, he also quickly started his actions.

Sweeping around with keen eyes, he found a patch of red blood vessel-like tentacles quietly spreading along the wall, which looked like a brightly colored creeper, spreading close to the wall.

Now it has spread to more than 30 meters away from the coffee shop as the center, with countless slender blood threads extending out, like spider webs attached to one panicked passerby after another.

Xiaosi quickly rushed to the end of the tentacles, turned over and jumped down, with a figure like a twisted toad, gently lying on the ground.

Looking at the twisted and spreading material in front of him, and the crowd fleeing in panic, Xiaosi became serious, lifted his shirt, and untied his belt...

His belt was white and crystal clear, but the mouth of the belt was in the shape of a small human head. He smelled something at this moment, and he was turning his nose and opening his eyes.


An old voice came from the mouth of the head: "It tastes so delicious..."

"The quality of the items this time is very high..."


"Get down to business first..."

Xiao Si casually pulled the belt in his hand, and with a slight shake, the belt instantly stretched as straight as a sharp knife, with some dark red patterns faintly appearing on it.

With a random pick, the dark red tentacles squirming and extending in front of him were cut off by the sharp blade.

Regardless of the group of people who fell to the ground in front of him, Xiaosi had sharp eyes, held a sharp knife, and quickly swept towards the chaotic area around him, saying in a deep voice, "See if those people are around."

"If you don't obey me, I will send you to Sister Hard to make a leather whip, and beat her master every day..."


"It's really bullying..."

The head on the belt muttered: "The meaning of my existence is not to bring joy to others..."

And also in his emotion, a strange figure has appeared on this street that just fell at night. He is short and thin, but extremely flexible. He walks through the block quickly, with the coffee shop as the center of his footsteps. A circle with a diameter of 50 meters was drawn, sometimes appearing under the eaves, sometimes jumping out from the bottom of the car, and sometimes on the vertical wall, leaning forward and running quickly.

Holding a sharp blade like a sword in his hand, he waved his hand to chop off, and the dark red tentacles that spread rapidly outward were easily cut off by him.

At the same time, he scanned the entire room, pondering slightly: "I didn't find any trace of them, so this incident was really a coincidence?"



At the same time when Xiao Xiao entered the coffee shop and Xiaosi was investigating whether there were any suspicious traces around, a group of people in white protective clothing appeared in the alley outside the intersection of the two streets.

Holding all kinds of sophisticated instruments, they entered this alley with countless bloodstains, dropped mobile phones, slippers, and small vests.

With the LOGO of "Black Forest Biological Laboratory" on his body, he moved professionally and quickly, quickly covering the entire alley.

Those dropped mobile phones and items were all put into sealed bags and kept with stickers.

"The No. 4 investigation team has entered the phenomenon, and is now testing the remaining traces."

"Confirmation of the results: No. 019 test drug body alienation failed, No. 0193 new drug experimental data acquisition failed."


In a tall building not far away, a group of doctors in white coats looked at the data transmitted from the computer screen, including the measurement of the on-site radiation index and the previous surveillance video of this alley. They frowned and tapped their knuckles unconsciously: "The No. 019 drug tester in the No. [-] farm was originally the case that we were most sure of being successful, but I didn't expect that the data was not successfully obtained."

Another staff member said: "Alienated members who escaped from the organization appeared on the scene, which affected our experiment."

"The group of guys who can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy has always been tricky. This is a factor we should consider before we start testing drugs."

The woman in a straight black uniform looked indifferent, her gaze fell on the screen, on which was Xiao Xiao's face, who was squatting on the narrow second-floor platform, quietly looking at the alley.

"But can someone explain it to me?"

The woman in the black uniform was indifferent and dissatisfied: "Why did tester zero, who had been abandoned long ago, appear at the scene?"

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(End of this chapter)

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