end of mystery.

Chapter 4 Strange World

Chapter 4 Strange World

This is so fucking true...

If you are already in a world full of monsters, and you have nowhere to escape, and you are powerless to resist, then what else can you do besides feel at ease?
Although there are still countless questions in his heart, Xiao Xiao still slowly gave up the urge to continue asking questions.

It may be annoying to ask again.

Since she promised, she would continue to explain for herself afterwards.

If, if this world has really become a world full of monsters, then what's the use of pestering her all the time?
Being placed at the entrance of the alley by Yang Jia, Xiao Xiao looked at the empty street and felt a little bit of peace of mind. He didn't turn around until he saw the taillights of the car disappear, and then walked towards the house slowly.

He intentionally avoided the butcher shop that always heard the sound of a chainsaw cutting meat, and walked quickly past the house where a hoarse old record player was always sounding. Vicious dog's neighbor's yard.Along the way, it was so quiet that I could only hear the beating of my own heart. In the corners and corners submerged in darkness, there always seemed to be some sneaky eyes staring at me quietly and laughing lowly.

When I finally opened the door, the torment in my heart reached the strongest, and I was a little afraid to see my mother.

This place is full of evil spirits...

Xiao Xiao recalled Yang Jia's words, and Jiang Cheng's appearance as a twisted monster. After a long, long time, he finally calmed down and opened the door.

What caught the eye was unexpectedly warm lighting.

"I'm home?"

Mom was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she saw him coming in, she turned down the volume a little and said, "I told you a long time ago that I should go out more."

Thinking of how she looked like she was going to chop the kitchen knife on him when he went out not long ago, Xiao Xiao felt lingering fear, but he only vaguely agreed, and was about to go back to the bedroom.

"Stinky boy, don't even say a word to me."

The mother on the sofa beat her waist and muttered: "I don't care about you anymore. I made dumplings and put them in the refrigerator. If you are hungry, take them out and microwave them."

"Playing games so late every day, and not taking care of my body, who do I count on when I'm old?"



Xiao Xiao's hand that pushed the door into the bedroom stopped for a moment, and replied dully: "Got it."

When he entered the door, he seemed to be able to feel the concerned eyes, and when he thought of the shudder not long ago, he suddenly had a feeling that it was difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake.

After my parents divorced four years ago, I have been living with my mother. Later, the sudden panic attack tormented me, so that I didn't even take the college entrance examination.

For almost four years, I have been just staying in the room, and I haven't even had a job.

My mother is also getting older, but she has always taken care of herself. Although she occasionally feels disgusted, she still loves and accompany her more.

However, if it is said that mother has also become a monster, are these memories also false?

All of this is performed?
The moment the bedroom door was closed, Xiao Xiao's body couldn't help shaking, he raised his hands fiercely, and rubbed his face.

That night, Xiao Xiao didn't dare to take off his clothes, and lay on the bed with all his clothes on, waiting until dawn.

After sitting on the bed for a while, he finally got up. After going through such a stressful event yesterday, he lay on the bed and fell asleep without taking off his shoes, always on guard against something.

It's just that nothing obviously happened that night, and what is normal feels abnormal.

And when he tiptoed into the living room, he saw that the house was empty, and "mother" seemed to have left, and in the living room, which was already decorated in an old fashioned way, there was breakfast that was supposed to be reserved for him on the dining table.

It was a plate of fried dumplings and a carton of milk.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help remembering that her mother was a very frugal person. In her eyes, the only and irreplaceable delicacy in the world was dumplings.

But she has been too tired from work recently, and she hasn't made dumplings for a long time.

She didn't eat supper last night, so she should be very distressed, but she was afraid that she would be too lazy to heat up when she got up, so she simply cooked it for herself and left it before going to work...

However, this person who left dumplings for himself is really the same person as the person who wished to chop himself into dumpling stuffing yesterday?

Xiao Xiao looked at the plate of dumplings, finally didn't try it, washed his face with cold water, and walked out the door hungry.

Passing through the small courtyard full of green plants, I came to the alley. This is a very dilapidated block, but compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, the space here is more spacious, surrounded by some small buildings on the second and third floors. A building, or a small one-story house with a yard, is obviously located in the core of a bustling city, but compared with the surrounding row upon row of tall buildings, this place seems to be a corner forgotten by the city.

Different from the panic under the blurred night yesterday, this time, Xiao Xiao really saw the world that had not been seen for four years, more clearly, but a little confused.

He saw three big dogs in the neighbor's house, one was naively chasing butterflies in the yard, the other was desperately digging holes on the ground, and the last one was lazily lying on the ground and letting the soil bury it. own head.

There are no vicious dogs that are so vicious that they eat people, these three dogs are so naive that they wag their tails desperately when they see a cat.

He saw the neighbor's house on the second floor where the strange sound of the old record player was coming from yesterday, the white curtains were fluttering in the wind, and he vaguely saw a slender figure dancing to the soothing music behind the window.

In the butcher shop on the street, the boss wearing a leather apron is smoking a cigarette, and everyone he sees is smiling and very polite.

The sun is warm and everything is quiet.

Looking at the old people chatting in this old street and the little girls bouncing around, Xiao Xiao felt as if he had come to another world, completely different from the gloomy and cold yesterday.

His heart couldn't help but relax a lot, but he still didn't dare to relax. With pockets in his hands, he walked through the streets and alleys to the street.

Looking up at the world, he felt a little strange.

Those commercial buildings rose from the ground at unknown times, the light rails crossing the city halfway, the huge factory buildings on the edge of the city, and the pale and dim sun.

There is a shadow in my own memory, but it seems to be a little different.

However, what caught my eyes was just a huge city with no boundaries, not the eerie haunted area I saw yesterday.

There are only all kinds of people and all kinds of lives in front of us.

Busy or leisurely white-collar elites are walking down the street with coffee in hand, little girls catching the subway are running wildly all the way with their ponytails tossing, hot and cool girls are blowing kisses to the city on tall billboards.

Everything is functioning normally, and it is different from my own memory, but it is taken for granted.

Is it because of the strangeness that I have not gone out for four years, or is it because the world has been replaced that there are so many things that I feel strange?
Xiao Xiao couldn't distinguish carefully for a while.

He just looked at this huge and deep world, unable to question his reality.

How could all these people, living people, be monsters?

Perhaps, everything is really just my own illusion, and everything I experienced yesterday was just my own illusion and imagination?
Xiao Xiao hurriedly lowered his head, glanced at the Band-Aid on his hand, and suddenly tore off the Band-Aid with force, revealing the deep wound.

The re-opened wound reminded him that this was not a fake, so yesterday's experience was also true. He "killed" Jiang Cheng himself, and Yang Jia put a Band-Aid on himself...


Thinking of the four years before me, the countless plausible babblings, the torment with headaches that go deep into the bone marrow, and the mutual invasion of dreams and reality.

He was suddenly a little scared again, what if the memory of yesterday was also false?
What if I didn't really "kill" any monster, but just punched the mirror and injured my hand?
Just like mother, is her love for herself also disguised by monsters?
The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he suddenly quickened his pace and rushed home.

But just when he pushed open the courtyard door, he suddenly heard a cold voice:

"Where did you go crazy for another day?"


Xiao Xiao looked up, and saw his mother standing in the yard with a gloomy expression, forcefully dumping the plate of untouched dumplings into the trash can.

She was still wearing the overalls of a shopping guide in a large supermarket. It seemed that she had just returned home and hadn't had time to change, but when she saw Xiao Xiao, she couldn't hide her dissatisfaction: "I don't eat, and I don't go home."

"You are such an old man, what exactly do you want to do?"

"You are going to get married in the future. If you want to have children and marry a wife, you will all depend on me. Do you want me to serve you all your life?"

"Go to your dad, you guys are all the same stuff, you go and let him take care of you, anyway, he has plenty of money!"


Xiao Xiao stopped at the gate of the courtyard and looked at his mother steadily.

He saw his mother walking back and forth in the yard irritably, constantly beating the things in her hands, and when the depression reached its peak, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Xiao Xiao with hatred.

Under the skin, there was the movement of an eyeball gurgling across.


At this moment, Xiao Xiao suddenly felt cold all over, and staggered back a step.

But for some reason, there was an unexpected sense of relaxation in my heart, and the confusion in my brain slowly dissipated.

She is indeed a monster, the same monster as Jiang Cheng.

I don't need to be confused or run away anymore. The world is indeed full of monsters as Yang Jia described.


He looked at his mother whose face was getting more and more fierce, as if her skin was about to be torn apart by some kind of wriggling monster, and suddenly felt a little hesitation...

What should I do myself?

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(End of this chapter)

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