end of mystery.

Chapter 5 The work of catching mice

Chapter 5 The work of catching mice

The mother got closer and closer, the resentment in her eyes was like substance, and all the surrounding scenery became faintly distorted and distorted, like a nightmare.

So, not everything is turning out to be normal...

He remembered what Yang Jia told him before, just because he killed Jiang Cheng before, so the world gave him tolerance for less than a day, and then he returned to the state full of malice?
So, what should I do now?
The heart didn't know when it started, and it was beating more and more heavily, and blood was squeezed into the brain one by one.

"Is this Xiao Xiao's home?"

But just when this kind of panic and uneasiness was brewing, which almost caused Xiao Xiao's panic to flare up again, suddenly a voice sounded behind him.

Xiao Xiao looked back in surprise, and saw Yang Jia in a white shirt and jeans. She was wearing a white baseball cap, and she was carrying a box of bird's nest. She looked towards the yard with a smile.

The mood suddenly relaxed, as if seeing the savior.


Before Xiao Xiao could say something with lingering fear in his heart, the "mother" who had just walked out of the yard had an obviously astonished expression.

The resentment and resentment on her face quickly dissipated in a very short period of time, as if she had changed her face.

At first, he was a little confused, and then he said to Xiao Xiao with some surprise: "This child is..."

Before Xiao Xiao could answer, he saw Yang Jia brushing past him, and greeted him with a smile, "Hello, Auntie, my name is Yang Jia, and I'm Xiao Xiao's high school classmate."

"Oh, hello, hello..."

The mother was obviously in a hurry, and hurriedly called Yang Jia in: "Come and sit down, son, look, Xiao Xiao didn't tell me, this house is in chaos..."

"Auntie, you're welcome, I'll just drink water..."


Xiao Xiao was almost a little dazed, watching Yang Jia and his mother walk into the house, like a real old classmate who came to visit the house.

At this time, the mother also did not behave like a demon at all. She warmly greeted Yang Jia to sit down, then went back to the room and changed her work clothes, and seemed to comb her hair. After a few words, she was still enthusiastic Inviting Yang Jia to stay for dinner, Xiao Xiao looked at her pushing himself into the room to talk with Yang Jia, while happily going out to buy food, and felt that the contrast was so strong that it was unreal.

"Mother Xiao, are you going to buy vegetables now?"

"Yes, this kid's classmate is here. I'll make something delicious for him."

"Oh, that's for Xiao Xiao? The girl is so beautiful..."

"Yes, Xiao Xiao's high school classmate, this kid, I don't even know how to say hello when a female classmate comes to my house. I'm not even prepared."


Far away from the yard, there was the sound of his mother greeting his neighbors. Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Xiao felt a little absurd.

"What is she doing?"


"As a parent, how can you not care about your child's finding a partner?"

The smile on Yang Jia's face was a bit mysterious. She sat quietly on the sofa and said softly, "Especially, you don't seem to have many friends?"

Xiao Xiao felt absurd: "But..."

"As I said, they are usually the same as normal people. Before malicious attacks, they will always play their roles faithfully."

Yang Jia looked at Xiao Xiao with a smile, and said, "Getting along with them is also the first lesson you have to learn. We must not only learn to find the truth among each other, but also learn to adapt to the falsehood of this world."

"Otherwise, you will have a very painful life."

"There used to be one of us who chose to self-destruct because he couldn't bear such falsehood. I don't want you to follow his old path."


Xiao Xiao fell silent, he still couldn't understand this, but he wrote down this sentence first.

"in addition……"

Yang Jia suddenly seemed to be a little curious, and her eyes lightly fell on Xiao Xiao: "I actually want to know, if I hadn't appeared in time just now, what would you have done?"

"How to do it?"

Xiao Xiao thought of the scene facing "Mother" alone at the gate of the courtyard just now, and quietly looked into Yang Jia's eyes.

After a long time, he whispered: "Of course I turned around and ran away..."


Yang Jia raised her eyebrows and said, "But she is about to turn into a monster that will devour you..."

"But she looks like a mother after all..."

Xiao Xiao didn't know what Yang Jia was doing with these questions, but he rubbed his face tiredly and said, "What else can I do besides run away?"

Yang Jia didn't answer, but her expression seemed to be much more relaxed.



Xiao Xiao originally thought that when he saw Yang Jia again, he could quickly ask all the doubts in his heart.

But unexpectedly, when she came here this time, she actually stayed at home for a meal like visiting an old classmate.Mom also cooked a table of hearty food, including braised pork and dried fish, and mysteriously took out a bottle of red wine that was said to be high-end from her cabinet, and Yang Jia was also polite and gentle Talking with her patiently, patiently coping with her mother's insinuations about her eighteen generations of grandparents...

He acted like an outsider.

However, Xiao Xiao hadn't eaten all day, and he was indeed hungry. Seeing that Yang Jia could eat without worry, he started to eat without hesitation.

In other words, in fact, I have been eating for so many years, and if there is a problem, there will be a problem. I haven't eaten this day, but it is actually the sequelae of yesterday's shock.

After eating, Yang Jia chatted with her mother for a while, and then politely said that she wanted to go back and let Xiao Xiao see her off.


Mom pointed to the outside, as if she wanted to say that not only are you going, but it's best not to come back at night: "Send Xiao Yang home, it's not safe at night."

Yang Jia could only say in embarrassment, "Just call me Jiajia."



Under the cold street light, Xiao Xiao instinctively put the hood on his head again, and the two of them stretched their shadows to a very long distance with Yang Jia.

He said with a deliberate smile: "Look, your mother really loves you very much. Moreover, your family's conditions are quite good. The houses in this area are very expensive."

"When are you still discussing housing prices with me?"

Xiao Xiao was a little helpless, and after a long while, he said in a low voice: "I went out to watch for a day today, and wanted to verify whether this world is real..."

"After all, I haven't gone out for a long time..."


Yang Jia laughed when she heard the words, and looked at Xiao Xiao with good-looking eyes: "Still wondering if there is something wrong with me?"

Xiao Xiao was silent.

Yes, compared to the world being crazy, it is more reasonable to be crazy...

"Believe in yourself, lad."

Seeing him frowning in thought, Yang Jia couldn't help laughing, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "It's a reasonable and common reaction to subconsciously doubt yourself."

"But when I take you to meet 'him,' you won't think so."


Xiao Xiao suddenly raised his head: "Who is it?"

But Yang Jia just raised her index finger and hissed against her lips, indicating that he didn't need to ask any more questions, and turned to look at a certain place.

It was only then that Xiao Xiao realized that he had been walking with Yang Jia for a long time, but he didn't see her car parked at the intersection, but was walking towards a subway station instead.

In the subway station, there are no more subway stops, but there are still many homeless people huddled in the corner.

There is a pungent urine smell and a rancid smell from nowhere.

Xiao Xiao came here during the day, and sighed that even in the world after death, there are still so many people who need to squeeze the subway to work, which is really a terrifying thing.

But now I followed Yang Jia here again, and found that the lights here were dazzling and pale, and flickered from time to time due to unstable voltage.Whenever a subway passes by quickly, the shadow reflected in the window always makes people feel that their body is being twisted or stretched.

The crowd around was groggy, and everyone had a zombie-like sense of dazedness and sluggishness.

Xiao Xiao subconsciously followed Yang Jia closely, and saw that she glanced at all kinds of people inside, as if admiring some scenery.

All the way they came to a homeless man who was sleeping with his head covered, and stopped.

Looking at the man exuding a pungent smell, she smiled and said, "Hello."

After a while, the homeless man slowly took off the quilt covering his head, which could not distinguish the color, and only showed a pair of eyes, staring blankly at Yang Jia's stunning face.

"who are you?"

He asked in a low voice, high-pitched, like a child.

"A person who takes money to do things."

Yang Jia replied with a smile: "Someone gave me money before and asked me to do a job of catching mice."

The person under the quilt was silent for a while, and suddenly he sat up suddenly, the dirty quilt slipped off his body, and he stared blankly at Yang Jia: "Who is the mouse?"

Xiao Xiao subconsciously took a step back, full of vigilance.

But it was only then that he saw clearly that the person under the quilt was not a monster, but a homeless man who could be seen everywhere, with a thin body, only a slightly bulging belly, slender limbs, and gray skin that had been lacking nutrition for many years Brown, with several wine bottles lying around, as if because of Yang Jia's unexpected visit, he trembled nervously, and subconsciously shrank towards the corner of the wall.

The smile on Yang Jia's face became stronger, as if she carefully looked at the homeless man in front of her, and then nodded slightly.

She opened her satchel, took out a firearm with a very cold temperament, stuffed it into Xiao Xiao's hand, and said, "Kill him."

"kill him?"

Feeling the icy touch of the gun in his palm, Xiao Xiao was really taken aback.

Yang Jia nodded slightly, as if it was just an insignificant matter.

Xiao Xiao turned his head to look at the homeless man who seemed to have heard their conversation and shrank his body towards the corner in fear.

With an expression of disbelief on his face, he suddenly raised the gun, pointed it at the homeless man's chest, and pulled the trigger one after another.

"呯" "呯" "呯" "呯" "呯"

Yang Jia: "?"

 The new book asks for everything, including girlfriends! !

(End of this chapter)

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