end of mystery.

Chapter 6 Abnormal Creature

Chapter 6 Abnormal Creature
Yang Jia was also a little surprised by the sudden and violent gunshots.

Suddenly handing a gun to a person who just woke up and asking him to shoot an innocent homeless man, no one can do it, right?
And what she was going to teach Xiao Xiao was to tell him that living in a foreign land, many things should not be treated with normal reasoning, and he had to learn to distinguish the other party's disguise, and even more so, to be ruthless.

When facing these deformed creatures, any hesitation and fear may harm him.

Therefore, after handing over the gun, if Xiao Xiao behaved babbled and asked questions, he might be a little annoyed, but he also took the opportunity to teach him.

After all, that's what my teacher taught me back then.

Ke Xiao Xiao...

...he totally didn't.

He took the gun, without even asking the reason for shooting, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and it didn't stop for a moment, as if he was going to empty the bullet in the gun.



"Are you dead?"

At the same time when Yang Jia fell into suspicion, Xiao Xiao was also calmly staring at the homeless man whose body was covered with blood mist, and his nerves were tense.

When he took the gun just now, facing Yang Jia's order, he was actually entangled.

I even wonder if this beautiful girl is crazy, and she will kill someone if she disagrees with her...

However, just as he was struggling, he suddenly felt the heavy beating of his heart, and the sudden strong sense of crisis made him instantly fall into a state of mind explosion.

Countless consciousness and information exploded in his brain like a volcanic eruption, running on overload.

"Why did you kill this tramp?"

"Yang Jia is joking with herself? ... There is almost no such possibility, she will not be so boring."

"Then, is this tramp a tramp?"


During the nearly stopped time, Xiao Xiao looked at the homeless man, and had enough time to carefully observe his appearance, movements, bedding and wine bottles around him.

His eyes were slightly sunken, bloodshot red.

It also seems normal for someone who is drinking heavily and not sleeping well.

It's just that this homeless man's eyes are redder than others, and because of the light, his eyes are in shadows, and he can only see two dark red pupils faintly shining in the darkness.

It was a characteristic that would be overlooked unexpectedly, but upon closer inspection, it made one's hair stand on end.

With this discovery, Xiao Xiao immediately noticed the posture of the homeless man. He looked very frightened, his body was tightly pressed against the wall, and his hands and feet were shaking.

But if you look carefully, you will find that his legs are actually slightly arched, half-supporting his body, his palms are resting on his legs, and his five fingers are raised vigorously, ready to tear something up at any time.

This person is slowly adjusting his posture, ready to explode and hurt people at any time.

He is dangerous!

But even after discovering this, Xiao Xiao didn't think he could shoot this person right away.

What made him make up his mind was a piece of dark matter that he had dropped under the tramp's quilt.

Normally, it is difficult to detect what it is, but when Xiao Xiao observed it carefully, he saw the size, shape, and imperceptible color and texture of the thing...

...it was a human thumb, half-gnawed!
So, this is not a homeless man, this is a man-eating monster hiding under the broken quilt in the corner of the subway.

Moreover, this monster is in an attacking posture, and it may rush to his face at any time.

! !
Yang Jia didn't joke with herself, she really brought herself to find a monster, and ordered herself to kill it.

Why are you still hesitating?
Thinking formed in an instant, so Xiao Xiao immediately pulled the trigger, just wanting to kill the monster completely before it turned into a disgusting look and fell on his face.



The violent impact of the bullet made the tramp's body tremble.

However, because Xiao Xiao was not familiar with the recoil of firearms, the skew was a bit exaggerated. From a distance of two or three meters, he actually missed several shots, and punched a few holes in the wall beside the homeless man.

And the homeless man suddenly let out a strange cry.

His body was punched with several gun holes, the surface was suddenly torn, and a slender, blood-red monster emerged from the inside, screaming and rushing towards Xiao Xiao's face.

"What the hell?"

Facing this bright red monster, Xiao Xiao only felt his scalp go numb for a while, and a strong sense of nausea rose in his heart, making him want to vomit.

His brain seemed to have turned into a paste at this moment, but he was in a state of high tension, and with his ability to think explosively, he could clearly see what was rushing in front of him.

It was a humanoid mouse that had peeled off its skin.

It has tangles of muscular tissue, bulging bright red eyes like bulbs, and even a bright red slender tail made of joints swinging behind it.

Black mucus oozes between the staggered sharp teeth, and a rancid smell hits the face.



"Don't turn your back on it..."

Yang Jia, who was standing on the side, reminded in time. To be precise, she had already spoken before the mouse inside tore through the human skin.

In the slender white palm, a black dagger was held upside down.

But she still had no intention of making a move, and seemed to want to see how Xiao Xiao would respond to this sudden change.

This old classmate, now a newcomer, has shown too many things that surprised him.

Then, when facing the Ratman who is fighting a trapped beast at close range, can he still remain calm and make accurate judgments as before?


Also when Yang Jia's reminder sounded, Xiao Xiao's eyes widened, and he looked at the monster that rushed in front of him.

He saw the opponent's deformed joints and bright red skin, and even the mucus that was thrown off when he pounced on him, and he instantly made a judgment on it.

This thing is terrifying, its body is so strong that even bullets can't deprive it of its ability to move without hitting its vitals.

The speed and strength are far beyond my own understanding.

At the same time, for some reason, the moment I saw it, I felt a sense of fear, nausea, and cowardice.

A certain instinct in the body seemed to be driving him to stand still and not move.

It seems that when most people encounter something terrifying, their immediate reaction is not to run away, but their legs become weak and they lose self-control.

However, Xiao Xiao overcame this instinctive awareness in a very short period of time.

And, in the next moment, he made his own response.

He clenched the gun with a small amount of bullets in his hand, pursed the corners of his mouth, and quickly took a step back to distance himself from the monster.

Then, he took a step across and hid behind Yang Jia.




Yang Jia, who was calmly observing Xiao Xiao's reaction and was ready to rescue him at any time, suddenly became stunned.

This kid uses himself as a shield?
In a state of astonishment, the Ratman had already pounced on his side, biting fiercely with his sharp fangs, and he could even smell the rancid smell from his nose.

Somewhat helpless, Yang Jia gently raised her hand.

The air was distorted by some invisible force, unexpectedly forming an invisible ripple similar to a door frame, looming, floating on the left side of her body, right in front of the Rat Man's pounce.

The next moment, the mouseman, who was as fast as lightning, passed through the phantom of the door frame.

Its movements were still the same as before, but its speed seemed to be half a beat slower, as if some kind of kinetic energy was deprived of it the moment it passed through the door frame, but it didn't know it.

Yang Jia held the black dagger upside down, thrust it out with her backhand, nailed it into its head with a "pop", and knocked it to the ground.

During the whole process, she didn't even turn her head.

He just squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Xiao who was hiding behind him, and there was a sense of scrutiny in his eyes.

Facing Yang Jia's questioning gaze, Xiao Xiao paused slightly, before he could say anything, he just leaned forward, aimed at the struggling monster, and pulled the trigger.


The monster isn't dead yet, let's take another shot first.

After doing this, he stepped back again, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear: "What is this thing? It's so scary?"

"The Rat Man."

Yang Jia looked at Xiao Xiao quietly for a few seconds, and then slowly said:

"A deformed monster bred on the edge of a forgotten city. It is good at parasitic on the human body, and continues to live on the other side's shell and identity."

"This is one of the most common monsters in our city. The level of danger is not very high, but it is very tricky."

"Once it is discovered, it must be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, in just a few days, it may multiply ten times, or even twenty times, causing large-scale disasters."

"Possess a mental attack method that makes people instantly shocked by the power of nausea and fear!"

"After normal people encounter them, they will often turn around and run away due to the sudden nausea and horror shock, and the rat man will take the opportunity from behind..."

"You understand, it's the hole... that goes into the human body."

"Then hollow out the other party's internal organs and flesh and blood, parasitize in his body, control its outer shell, and access its memory. Since then, the surface has not changed, but its essence has become one of the mice."


Xiao Xiao listened, with a shocked expression on his face.

After Yang Jia finished speaking, she paused for a while before continuing: "I have already explained it, so now, should you explain it..."

"...Why are you hiding behind me?"

 I was accompanied by someone yesterday, so come here and give me a golden alliance, isn't it too much?

(End of this chapter)

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